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Cbe (gngltsb bookman's Librarp
Edited by Alfred Pollard
volume I
•George John, Second Earl Spencer.
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Mttargh : T. ud A. Constavlk, (Ute) Printer* to Her Majesty
Y principal object in compiling
this work on English Book
15] |KN<^ft | Collectors has been to bring
»®K/® | together in a compact and con-
<r^^r^S3t venient form the information
respecting them which is to be found scattered
£ in the works of many writers, both old and
r new. While giving short histories of the lives
of the collectors, and some description of their
? libraries, I have also endeavoured to show what
" manner of men the owners of these collections
were. In doing this I have sought, where
u practicable, to let the accounts be told as much
as possible in the words of their biographers, as
their narratives are often not only full of interest,
but are also couched in delightfully quaint lan-
guage. As it would not be possible in a volume
of this size to furnish satisfactory notices of all
the Englishmen who have formed large libraries,
I have selected some of those who appear to
possess special claims to notice, either on the
ground of their interesting personality, or the
exceptional importance of their collections.
I have not given any account of the collectors
who lived prior to the reign of Henry vn.,
for until that time libraries consisted almost
entirely of manuscripts ; and I have also excluded
men who, like Sir Thomas Bodley, collected
books for the express purpose of forming, or
adding to, public libraries.
My friend, Mr. Walter Stanley Graves, has in
an appendix to this volume compiled a list of the
principal sales of libraries in this country from
an early period to the present time, which will
be found to supply useful information about
many of those collectors who are not otherwise
mentioned in the book.
Mr. Locker-Lampson in the introduction to
the catalogue of his library very pertinently
remarks : ' It is a good thing to read books, and
it need not be a bad thing to write them ; but it
is a pious thing to preserve those that have been
some time written.' To collectors scholars owe
a deep debt of gratitude, for innumerable are the
precious manuscripts and rare printed books
which they have rescued from destruction, and
not a few of them have enriched by their gifts
and bequests the public libraries of their country.
Every lover of books must feel how greatly
indebted he is to Archbishops Cranmer and
Parker, the Earl of Arundel, Lord Lumley,
Sir Robert Cotton, and other early collectors,
for saving so many of the priceless manuscripts
from the libraries of the suppressed monasteries
and religious houses which, at the Reformation,
intolerance, ignorance, and greed consigned to
the hands of the tailor, the goldbeater, and the
grocer. A large number of the treasures once
to be found in these collections have been
irrecoverably lost, but many a volume, now the
pride of some great library, bears witness to the
pious and successful exertions of these eminent
A love of book-collecting has always prevailed
in this country, and since the end of the seven-
teenth century it has become very widely diffused.
In the early days of the eighteenth century the
Duke of Devonshire, the Earls of Oxford and
Sunderland, and several other collectors, employed
themselves during the winter months in rambling
through various quarters of the town in search of
additions to their libraries, and with some of
these collectors the acquisition of books became
a positive passion. In 1813 Dr. Dibdin thought
Arundel, Henry Fitzalan, Earl of,
Ashburnham, Bertram, Earl of, .
Askew, Dr. Anthony, .
Bagford, John, ......
Banks, Sir Joseph, Bart, .
Beauclerk, Hon. Topham,
Beckford, William,
Bernard, Dr. Francis, .
Bindley, James, .....
Brand, Rev. John, ....
Bridges, John, . . . . .
Buckingham, Richard Grenville, Duke of,
• 342
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, .
• 38
Burney, Charles, .....
Burton, Robert, .....
Corser, Rev. Thomas, ....
Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, Bart, .
Cracherode, Rev. C. M., ....
Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, .
Crawford, Alexander William, Earl of, .
• 399
Daniel, George, .....
• 358
Dee, Dr. John, .....
Dent, John,
Devonshire, William, Duke of,
D'Ewcs, Sir Symonds, Bart ,
Digby, Sir Kcnclm,
Douce, Francis,
Edwards, James,
Fairfax, Brian,
Farmer, Rev. Richard, D.D.,
Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester,
Folkes, Martin,
Gibson-Craig, James Thomson,
Gough, Richard, .
Grenville, Right Hon. Thomas,
Guilford, Frederick North, Earl of,
Hamilton, Alexander, Duke of,
Hargrave, Francis,
Hearne, Thomas, .
Heath, Benjamin, .
Heath, Rev. Benjamin, D.D.,
Heber, Richard,
Hibbert, George, .
Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, Bart,
Huth, Henry,
Inglis, John Bellingham, .
Laing, David,
Lansdowne, William Petty Fitzmaurice, Marquis
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of,
Le Neve, Peter, ....
Locker-Lampson, Frederick,
Llbl Ut L,UJLL£,C
Lumley, John, Lord, . . . . .52
Luttrell, Narcissus,
• 139
Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill,
Duke c
Mead, Dr. Richard,
Miller, William Henry,
• 355
Moore, John, Bishop of Ely,
Morris, William, .
Murray, John,
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of,
Oldys, William, .
Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of,
Oxford, Robert and Edward Harley, Earls of,
Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Pearson, Major Thomas, .
Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl of,
Pepys, Samuel,
Perkins, Frederick,
Perkins, Henry,
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart.,
Ratcliffe, John,
Rawlinson, Dr. Richard, .
Rawlinson, Thomas,
Reed, Isaac,
Roxburghe, John Ker, Duke of,
Royal Collectors, .
Selden, John,
Sheldon, Ralph,
Sloane, Sir Hans, Bart, .
Smith, Joseph, ....
Smith, Richard,
Smith, Sir Thomas, ....
Spencer, George John, Earl,
• 308
Steevcns, George, .....
Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester,
Sunderland, Charles Spencer, Earl of, .
. 165
Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, Bart.,
Thomason, George, ....
Thorold, Sir John, Bart., ....
Tite, Sir William, C.B., ....
Totnes, George Carew, Earl of, .
Towneley, John, ....
Turner, Robert Samuel, ....
Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, .
West, James, .....
Willett, Ralph
Williams, John, Archbishop of York,
Wodhull, Michael, .
Wotton, Thomas, ......
Earl Spencer, ..... Frontispiece
Henry, Prince of Wales, .... 6
Archbishop Parker, . . . . .21
Device of Earl of Arundel, .... 30
Book-stamp of Sir Thomas Smith, . . . 35
Book-stamp of Lord Burghley, ... 42
Arms of Thomas Wotton, .... 44
Dr. Dee, ....... 46
Book-stamp of Earl of Leicester, ... 50
Lord Lumley, . . . . . • 53
Book-stamp of Earl of Totnes, ... 59
Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, Bart, ... 62
Archbishop Usher, ..... 76
Archbishop Williams, . . . . .81
Arms of Earl of Norfolk, .... 92
Book-stamp of Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Bart., . . 104
Book-stamp of Sir Kenelm Digby, . . . 106
Book-stamp of Ralph Sheldon, . . . 109
Book-plate of Samuel Pepys, . . . .114
Book-stamp of Samuel Pepys, . . . .118
Book-stamp of Samuel Pepys, . . . .120
Book-plate in Bishop Moore's Books, given by
George 1. to the University of Cambridge, . 127
John Bagford,
Sir Hans Sloanc, Bart., .
Book-plate of Robert Harley, .
Book-stamp of Robert Harley, .
I >r. Mead,
Earl of Sunderland,
Thomas Hearne, . ,
Book-plate of Joseph Smith.
Dr. Richard Rawlinson,
Strawberry Hill, .
Rev. C. M. Cracherode, .
Book-stamp of Rev. C. M. Cracherode,
Book-plate of John Towneley, .
Book-plate of James Bindley,
Rev. Dr. Heath, .
Duke of Roxburghe,
Book-stamp of Michael Wodhull,
Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, .
William Beckford,
Duke of Devonshire,
Small Book-stamp of the Earl of Balcarres,
Large Book-stamp of the Earl of Balcarres,
Frederick Locker-Lampson,
Book-plate of Frederick Locker-Lampson,
LTHOUGH various books are
incidentally mentioned in the
Wardrobe Accounts, of the first,
second, and third Edwards, there
is no good reason to believe that
any English king, save perhaps
Henry vi., or any royal prince, with the exception
of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and possibly
of John, Duke of Bedford, possessed a collec-
tion large enough to be styled a library until
the reign of Edward iv. In the Wardrobe
Accounts of that Sovereign, preserved among
the Harleian mss. in the library of the British
Museum, mention is made of the conveyance,
in the year 1480, of the King's books from
London to Eltham Palace. It is stated that
some were put into ' the kings carr,' and others
into ' divers cofyns of fyrre.' Several entries
also refer to the ' coverying and garnysshing of
the books of oure saide Souverain Lorde the
Kynge' by Piers Bauduyn, stationer. Among
the books mentioned are the works of Josephus,
Livy, and Froissart, 'a booke of the holy Trinitt\
' a Dooke called le Gouvernement of Kinges and
Princes ,' 'a booke called la Forteresse de Foy\
and 4a booke called the bible historiai: The
price paid for 'binding, gilding, and dressing'
the copy of the Bible Historiale and the works
of Livy was twenty shillings each, and for
several others sixteen shillings each. Other
entries show that the bindings were of ' Creni) ->y
velvet figured,' with ' Laces and Tassels of Silk,'
with ' Blue Silk and Gold Botons,' and with
4 Claspes with Roses and the Kings Armes uppon
them.' ' LXX Bolions coper and gilt,' and
• CCC nayles gilt ' were also used.
The first English king who formed a library of
any size was Henry vn., and many entries are
found in his Privy Purse Expenses relating to
the purchase and binding of his books. The
great ornament of his collection was the superb
series of volumes on vellum bought of Antoine
Vdrard, the Paris publisher, which now forms
one of the choicer treasures of the British
Museum. Henry's principal library was kept
in his palace at Richmond, where, with the ex-
ception of some volumes which seem to have
been taken to Beddington by Henry vin., it
appears to have remained for more than a century
after his death, for Justus Zinzerling, a native of
Thuringia, and Doctor of Laws at Basle, states in
his boolc of travels, entitled Itinerarium Gallia,
etc., Lyons, 1616, that 'the most curious thing
to be seen at Richmond Palace is Henry vn.'s
library.' It was probably removed to Whitehall,
for the only book in the library mentioned by
Zinzerling, a Genealogia Rerum Anglicz ab
Adamo, appears in a catalogue of Charles 11. 's
mss. at Whitehall, compiled in 1666.
Henry vm. inherited the love of his father for
books, and added considerably to his collection.
Besides the library at Richmond, Henry had a
fine one at Westminster, a catalogue of which,
compiled in 1542 or 1543, is still preserved in
the Record Office. He had also libraries at
Greenwich, Windsor, Newhall in Essex, and
Beddington in Surrey. Some of his books were
also kept at St. James's, for in the inventory of
his furniture at that palace, entries occur of a
Description of the hollie lande ; l a. boke covered
with vellat, embroidered with the Kings arms,
declaring the same, in a case of black leather,
with his graces arms'; and other volumes. Of
these libraries the largest and most important
appears to have been that at Westminster. It
was fairly rich in the Greek and Latin classics,
and in the writings of French and Italian authors.
The English historians were well represented,
but the principal feature of the collection was the
works of the Fathers, which were very numerous.
The library also contained no less than sixty
primers, many of them being bound in ' vellat/
or in ■ lcthcr gorgiously gilted.' In the succeed-
ing rdgn this library was purged 'of all masse-
bookes, leeendes, ana other superstitiouse booke s
by an Order in Council, which also directed that
1 the garnyture of the bookes being either golde
or silver' should be delivered to Sir Anthony
Aucher, the Master of the Jewel House.
The library at Greenwich contained three
hundred and forty-one printed and manuscript
volumes, besides a number of manuscripts, kept
in various parts of the palace. An inventory,
taken after the King's death, mentions among
other books ' a greate booke called an Herballe/
' twoo great Bibles in Latten,' and 'a booke,
wrytten on parchment, of the processe betweene
King Henry th' eight and the Ladye Katheryne
Dowager.' The Windsor and Newhall libraries
were smaller ; the first comprising one hundred
and nine, and the second sixty volumes. At
Beddington were some remarkably choice books,
including many beautiful editions printed for
Antoine Ve'rard, probably some of those pur-
chased by Henry vn. Among these was 'a
greate booke of parchment, written and lymned
with gold of gravers worke, de confessione
A mantis!
Edward vi. and Mary during their short reigns
added comparatively few books to the royal
collection, nor are there many to be now found
in it which were acquired by Elizabeth. It is
difficult to say what became of this Queen's
books, of which she appears to have possessed a
considerable number; for Paul Hentzner tells
us in his Itinerary that her library at Whitehall,
when he visited it in 1598, was well stored with
books in various languages, ' all bound in velvet
of different colours, although chiefly red, with
clasps of gold and silver; some having pearls
and precious stones set in their bindings.' Pro-
bably the richness of the bindings had much
to do with the disappearance of the books.
James 1. is undoubtedly entitled to a place in
the list of royal book-collectors, and the numerous
fine volumes, many of them splendidly bound,
with which he augmented the royal library, testify
to his love of books. When but twelve years of
age he possessed a collection of something like
six hundred volumes, about four hundred of
which are specified in a manuscript list, princi-
pally in the handwriting of Peter Young, who
shared with George Buchanan the charge of
James's education. This list is preserved in the
British Museum, and was edited in 1893 by Mr.
G. F. Warner, Assistant-Keeper of Manuscripts,
for the Scottish History Society. After the
death of the learned Isaac Casaubon, the King,
at the instigation of Patrick Young, his librarian,
purchased his entire library of his widow for the
sum of two hundred and fifty pounds.
If James 1. is entitled to be regarded as a
collector, his eldest son Henry has even a better
claim to the title. This young prince, who com-
bined a great fondness for manly sports with a
sincere love for literature, purchased from the
executors of his tutor, Lord Lumley, the greater
portion of the large and valuable collection which
that nobleman had partly formed himself, and
partly inherited from his father-in-law, Henry
Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, the possessor of a fine
library at Nonsuch, comprising a number of
manuscripts and many printed volumes which
had belonged to Archbishop Cranmer. Henrys
first care after the acquisition of the books was to
have them catalogued, and in his Privy Purse
Expenses for the year 1609 we find the following
entry : ' To Mr. Holcock, for writing a Catalogue
of the Library which his Highness hade of my
Lord Lumley, £8, 13s. od.' He also unfor-
tunately had the volumes rebound and stamped
with his arms and badges, a step which must have
destroyed many interesting bindings. Henry only
lived three years to enjoy his purchase, but during
that time he made many additions to it. Edward
Wright, the mathematician, who died in 161 5,
was his librarian, and received a salary of thirty
pounds a year. As Henry died intestate his
library became the property of his father, and
passed into the royal collection which was given
to the British Museum by George 11.
Prince Rupert also appears to have inherited
Henry, Prince of Wales.
to some extent the love of books possessed by his
grandfather James 1. and his uncle Prince Henry,
for he formed a well-selected library of about
twelve hundred volumes, of which a catalogue is
preserved among the Sloane manuscripts in the
British Museum.1
King Charles 1., although he bought some
books, and had a number of valuable volumes
given to him by his mother, can hardly be classed
with the royal book-collectors. He had a greater
inclination to paintings and music than to books,
and it is said that he so excelled in the fine arts,
that he might, if it were necessary, ' have got a
livelihood by them.' One very precious addition
to the royal library was, however, made during
his reign : the famous Codex Alexandrinus, which
Cyril Lucar, Patriarch of Constantinople, in 1624
placed in the hands of Sir Thomas Roe, the
English ambassador to the Porte, as a gift to
King James, but which did not reach England till
four years later, when that sovereign was no longer
alive. The royal library, which had narrowly
escaped dispersion in the Civil War, was largely
increased during the reign of Charles 11., and
at his death the works in it amounted to more
than ten thousand. A love of books can scarcely
be attributed to Charles, and although he
certainly caused some important additions to be
made to the collection — notably a number of
1 Sloane mss. 555.
valuable manuscripts which had belonged succes-
sively to John and Charles Theyer — the greater
part of the increase may be ascribed to the opera-
tion of the Copyright Act, which was passed in
the fourteenth year of this reign, and enabled the
royal library to claim a copy of every work
printed in the ' English dominions. From the
death of Charles until the library was given to
the nation by George n. in 1757 little interest was
taken in it by the kings and queens who reigned
in the interval.
Although George in. was a man of somewhat
imperfect education, he keenly regretted the loss
of the royal collection, and no sooner was he
seated on the throne than he began to amass the
magnificent library which has now joined its
predecessor in the British Museum. In this
labour of love he was assisted by the sympathy
and help of his Queen, who, Dr. Croly tells us,
was in the habit of paying visits, with a lady-in-
waiting, to Holywell Street and Ludgate Hill,
where second-hand books were offered for sale.
The King commenced the formation of his col-
lection in 1762 by buying for about ten thousand
pounds the choice library of Mr. Joseph Smith,
who for many years was the British consul at
Venice, and ' for seven or eight years the shops
and warehouses of English booksellers were also
sedulously examined, and large purchases were
made from them. In this labour Dr. Johnson
often assisted, actively as well as by advice.' 1 It
is said the King expended during his long reign,
on an average, about two thousand pounds a year
in the purchase of books. In 1768 he despatched
his illegitimate half-brother, Mr. Barnard, after-
wards Sir Frederic Augusta Barnard, whom he
had appointed his librarian, on a bibliographical
tour on the Continent, during which so many
valuable acquisitions were obtained for the library,
that it at once took its place amongst the most
important collections in the country, and after
the death of the King, when the books it con-
tained were counted by order of a select committee
of the House of Commons, they were found to
number 'about 65,250 exclusive of a very
numerous assortment of pamphlets, principally
contained in 868 cases, and requiring about 140
more cases to contain the whole.' These tracts,
which number about nineteen thousand, have
since been separately bound. The manu-
scripts belonging to the library amount to about
four hundred and forty volumes, and there is
also a magnificent collection of maps and topo-
graphical prints and drawings. The library is
very rich in bibliographical rarities as well as in
general literature. The Gutenberg Bible, the
Bamberg Bible, the first and second Mentz
Psalters (the first, a superb volume, is kept at
Windsor Castle), and no less than thirty-nine
1 Edwards, Lives of the Founders of the British Museum , p. 469.
Caxtons are among the most conspicuous of the
many treasures of this splendid collection. The
Caxtons were principally purchased at the sales
of the libraries of James West in 1773, John
Ratcliffe, the Bermondsey ship-chandler, who had
acquired the remarkable number of forty-eight,
in 1776, and of Richard Farmer in 1798.
Edwards, in his Lives of the Founders of the
British Museum, informs us that ' Ratcliffe's
forty-eight Caxtons produced at his sale two
hundred and thirty-six pounds, and that the
king bought twenty of them at an aggregate
cost of about eighty-five pounds. Amongst them
were Boethius de Consolatione Philosophies, the
first editions of Reynard the Foxe and the
Golden Legende, the Curial, and the Speculum
Vitce Christi. The Boethius is a fine copy, and
was obtained for four pounds six shillings.'
George iii.'s library was first kept in the old
Palace of Kew, which was pulled down in 1802,
and afterwards in a handsome and extensive suite
of rooms at Buckingham House ; the site which
at one time had been proposed for the British
Museum. Scholars and students were at all
times liberally permitted by the King to consult
the books, and he also showed his kindly con-
sideration for them by instructing his librarian
' not to bid either against a literary man who
wants books for study, or against a known col-
lector of small means.' A handsome catalogue
of the library was compiled by Sir F. A. Barnard,
who had charge of the collection from its com-
mencement to the time when it was acquired by
the nation. He died on the 27th of January
1830, aged eighty-seven.
The library in which George in. took so keen
an interest was regarded by his successor as a
costly burden, and there is little doubt he in-
tended to dispose of it to the Emperor of Russia,
who was very anxious to obtain it. The design
of the King having become known to Lord
Farnborough and Richard Heber, the collector,
they communicated intelligence of it to Lord
Liverpool and Lord Sidmouth, who were for-
tunately able to prevent the proposed sale of the
books by offering the King an equivalent for
them, the amount of which has not transpired,
out of a fund known as the Droits of the
Admiralty. On the completion of the bargain,
George iv. addressed to Lord Liverpool a letter,
dated January 15th, 1823, in which occur the
following words : ' The King, my late revered
and excellent father, having formed during a long
series of years a most valuable and extensive
library, consisting of about 120,000 volumes, I
have resolved to present this collection to the
British Nation.' This letter, printed in letters of
gold, is preserved in the British Museum. In
addition to the first edition of the Mentz Psalter ;
the Aldine Virgil of 1505, the Second Shake-
speare folio which once belonged to Charles i.,
four Caxtons forming part of the collection,
viz., The Doctrinal of Sapience, on parchment,
The Fables of </Esop, The Fayts of Arms, and
the Rectieil dcs Histoires de Troye, with a few-
other volumes, were retained at Windsor.
Of the sons of George in., the Duke of Sussex
alone appears to have inherited his fathers love
of collecting books, and he formed a magnificent
library in his apartments at Kensington Palace.
The collection consisted of more than fifty thou-
sand volumes, twelve thousand of which were
theological. It included a very considerable
number of early Hebrew and other rare manu-
scripts, and about one thousand editions of the
Bible. An elaborate catalogue of a portion of it,
entitled Bibliotheca Sussexiana, was compiled by
Dr. T. J. Pettigrew, the Duke's librarian, in two
volumes, the first of which was printed in 1827,
and the second in 1839.
After the Duke's death his books were sold
by auction by Evans of Pall Mall. They were
disposed of in six sales, the first of which took
place in July 1844, and the last in August 1845 J
and they occupied altogether sixty-one days.
The number of lots was fourteen thousand one
hundred and seven, and the total amount realised
nineteen thousand one hundred and forty-eight
The Duke of York possessed a good library,
which was sold by Sotheby in May 1827, but it
consisted almost entirely of modern books, and
the Duke could hardly be considered a collector.
On his succession to the throne William iv.,
as he remarked, found himself the only sovereign
in Europe not possessed of a library, and speedily
took steps to acquire one. He did more than
this, for in July 1833 he caused a special codicil
to his will to be drawn up which sets forth that
'Whereas His Majesty hath made considerable
additions to the Royal Libraries in His Majesty's
several Palaces, and may hereafter make further
additions thereto, Now His Majesty doth give
and bequeath all such additions, whether the
same have been or may be made by and at the
cost of His Majesty's Privy Purse or otherwise
unto and for the benefit of His Majesty's succes-
sors, in order that the said Royal Libraries may
be transmitted entire.'
When on November 30th, 1834, the King
signed this document, he made it yet more
emphatic by the autograph note : ' Approved and
confirmed by me the King, and I further declare
that all the books, drawings, and plans collected
in all the palaces shall for ever continue Heir-
looms to the Crown and on no pretence whatever
be alienated from the Crown.'
Thus explicitly protected from the fate which
befell its two predecessors, this third Royal
Library throve and prospered under Queen
Victoria till it fills a handsome room at
Windsor Castle. The few books reserved by
George iv. give it importance as an antiquarian
collection; but its development has been rather
on historical and topographical than on anti-
quarian lines, though it possesses sufficient fine
bindings to have supplied materials for a hand-
some volume of facsimiles by Mr. Griggs, edited
with introduction and descriptions by Mr. R.
R. Holmes, M.V.O., the King's Librarian at
ROCHESTER, i459?-i535
John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, was born at
Beverley in Yorkshire, and was the eldest son of
Robert Fisher, a mercer of that town. The date
of his birth is uncertain, some of his biographers
placing it as early as 1459, and others as late as
1469. He was educated in the school attached
to the collegiate church of his native place, and
afterwards at Michael House, Cambridge (now
incorporated into Trinity College), of which
he became a Fellow in 1491, and Master in
1497. 1° I5°I ne was elected Vice-Chancel lor,
and in 1504 Chancellor of the University. The
respect in which Margaret, Countess of Rich-
mond, the mother of Henry vil, held him, in-
duced her to appoint him her chaplain and
confessor, and it was principally through his
exertions that the Countess's designs for found-
ing St. John's College, Cambridge, were carried
out, Fisher himself subsequently founding
several fellowships, scholarships, and lectureships
in connection with the college. He was appointed
the first ' Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity '
in the University of Cambridge in 1503, and in
1504 was consecrated Bishop of Rochester. The
firmness with which he opposed the royal supre-
macy, and the divorce of Henry vin., brought on
him the displeasure of the King, and in 1534,
having given too ready a credence to the • revela-
tions ' of Elizabeth Barton, ' the nun of Kent,' he
was attainted of misprision of treason, and soon
afterwards, on his refusal to acknowledge the
King's supremacy and the validity of his marriage
with Anne Boleyn, was committed with Sir
Thomas More to the Tower. During his im-
prisonment Pope Paul in. created him a cardinal,
an act which greatly increased the irritation of
the King against him, and on the 22nd of June
1535 Fisher was beheaded on Tower Hill.
Bishop Fisher, who was the author of a con-
siderable number of controversial tracts, was a
man of great learning, and is said to have
possessed the finest library in the country. In
an account of his life and death first published
in 1665, which was professedly written by Thomas
Baity, a royalist divine, but is said to have
been really the work of Dr. Richard Hall of
Christ's College, Cambridge, who died in 1604,
a relation is given of the seizure of his goods and
books after his attainder. ' In the meantime lest
any conveyance might be made of his goods
remaining at Rochester, or elsewhere in Kent,
the King sent one Sir Richard Moryson, of his
Privy Chamber, and one Gostwick, together with
divers other Commissioners, down into that
Countrey, to make seisure of all his moveable
goods that they could finde there, who being come
unto Rochester, according to their Commission,
entred his house ; and the first thing they did
was, they turned out all his Servants ; then they
fell to rifling his goods, whereof the chief part
of them were taken for the Kings use, the rest
they took for themselves ; then they came into
his Library, which they found so replenished, and
with such kind of Books, as it was thought the
like was not to be found againe in the possession
of any one private man in Christendom ; with
which they trussed up and filled 32 great vats,
or pipes, besides those that were imbezel'd
away, spoyl'd and scatter'd ; and whereas many
yeares before he had made a deed of gift of all
these books, and other his household stuffe to
the Colledge of Sl John in Cambridge, . . . two
frauds were committed in this trespasse ; the
Col ledge were bereaved of their gift, and the
Bishop of his purpose.' An account of his library
and its confiscation is also to be found in a
manuscript treatise concerning his life and death,
preserved among the Harleian mss. in the British
Museum. ' He had ye notablest Library of Books
in all England, two long galleries full, the Books
were sorted in stalls & a Register of y6 names
of every Book at ye end of every stall. All these
his Books, & all his Hangings, plate, & vessels
for Hawl, Chamber, Buttry, & Kitchin, he gave
long before his death to Sl Joh: College, by a
Deed of gift, & put them in possession thereof;
& then by indenture did borrow all ye sd : books
& stuff, to have ye use of yra during his life, but
at his apprehension, the Lord Crumwell caused
all to be confiscated, which he gave to Moryson,
Plankney of Chester, and other that were about
him, & so ye College was defrauded of all this gift/
Erasmus represents Fisher as a man of the
greatest integrity, of deep learning, incredible
sweetness of temper, and grandeur of soul ; and
Sir Thomas More declared that there was ' in this
realm no one man, in wisdom, learning, and long
approved vertue together, mete to be matched
and compared with him.'
An excellent portrait of Fisher is preserved
among the Holbein drawings at Windsor Castle,
and others are to be found in several of the
Colleges of the University of Cambridge.
CANTERBURY, 1489-1556
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury,
the events of whose life are so well known
that it is not necessary to give an account of
them here, possessed a very fine library, both of
manuscripts and printed books. Many of the
volumes it contained are still in existence,
and fortunately they can be identified without
difficulty, as almost all of them bear the Arch-
bishop's name written, it is believed, by one
of his secretaries. As might be expected, the
books are principally of a theological nature,
although copies of the Greek and Latin Classics,
and of works treating of historical, scientific,
legal, medical, and miscellaneous subjects are
fairly numerous. Strype tells us • that the
library was the storehouse of ecclesiastical writers
of all ages : and which was open for the use of
learned men. Here old Latimer spent many an
hour ; and found some books so remarkable, that
once he thought fit to mention one in a sermon
before the King.' Strype adds that Cranmer
both annotated the books in his library, and also
made extracts from them, and the notes which
are found in many of those which have been
preserved to our time confirm his statement.
The fate of the library after the fall of its
owner can only be conjectured.
Soon after the accession of Mary to the throne
Cranmer was put on his trial for high treason,
and sentence of death was passed upon him ; and
although at that time his life was spared, he was
included in the Act of Attainder passed in Parlia-
ment against the Earl of Northumberland,
deprived of his archbishopric, and committed to
the Tower. He had to produce an inventory of
his goods ; and a list of all the property found in
the Archbishop's palaces is still preserved in the
Record Office, but, with the exception that it is
stated that a ' bible with other bookes of service '
were ' conveyed and stolen awaie ' from the chapel,
no mention is made of the books. They pro-
bably shared the fate of the goods of Robert
Holgate, Archbishop of York, who was deprived
of his see in 1554, and imprisoned in the Tower,
and while confined there had his houses at Batter-
sea and Cawood rifled of all their valuables.
It is evident that many of Cranmer's books
were acquired by Lord Lumley, then a young
nobleman in high favour at Court; and others
by Lord Lumley's father-in-law, Henry Fitzalan,
Earl of Arundel, the Lord Steward, who at that
time was forming a library at Nonsuch, which he
had recently purchased of the Queen ; as a number
of the volumes which were in their libraries have
the Archbishop's name inscribed in them.
By far the larger portion of Cranmer's books
which have survived to the present time are pre-
served in the British Museum, whither they came
in 1757 as part of the old Royal Library, Henry
Prince of Wales having purchased the Lumley and
Arundel collections in 1609. But some are also
possessed by the Cambridge University Library,
the Bodleian Library, and the Archiepiscopal
Library at Lambeth, while others are to be found
on the shelves of various cathedral and collegiate
libraries, and a few are in private hands. Those
belonging to the two University Libraries were
probably gifts of Lord Lumley, who presented
eighty-four volumes to the Cambridge University
Library in 1598, and forty to the Bodleian in the
following year.
Cranmer was the author of several theological
books, and he also wrote the prologue to the
second edition of the 'Great Bible,' printed in
1540. His works were collected and arranged by
H. Jenkyns, and published in four volumes at
Oxford in 1833. There is a portrait of the Arch-
bishop, at the age of fifty-seven, by G. Fliccius
in the National Portrait Gallery, and others are
at Cambridge and Lambeth. Cranmer was born
at Aslacton Manor, in Nottinghamshire, on the
2 1 st of July 1489, and burned at the stake at
Oxford on the 21st of March 1556.
hbishor Parker.
CANTERBURY, 1 504-1 575
Matthew Parker, the second Protestant Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, was born at Norwich on
the 6th of August 1504. He was the son of
William Parker, a calenderer of stuffs, who,
Strype says, ' lived in very good reputation and
plenty, and was a gentleman, bearing for his coat
of arms on a field gules, three keys erected. To
which shield, in honour of the Archbishop, a
chevron was added afterwards, charged with
three resplendent estoilles.' Parker was first
privately educated, and afterwards proceeded to
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, of which
college he was elected a Fellow in 1527. In the
same year he took holy orders, and in 1535 was
appointed Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn, who
shortly afterwards conferred on him the Deanery
of the College of St. John the Baptist at Stoke,
near Clare in Suffolk. In 1538 he was created a
Doctor of Divinity, and made one of the King's
chaplains ; and in 1544 he was elected Master
of Corpus Christi College. He was chosen to
the office of Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Cambridge in 1545, and again in 1549. In 1552
he was appointed to the Deanery of Lincoln,
of which he was deprived in 1554. During the
reign of Mary, Parker lived quietly pursuing his
studies, as he himself tells us, 4 Postea privatus
vixi, ita coram Deo laetus in conscientia mea ;
adeoque nee pudefactus, nee dejectus, ut dulcis-
simum otium literarium, ad quod Dei bona
providentia me revocavit, multo majores et
solidiores voluptates mihi pepererit, quam nego-
tiosum illud et periculosum vivendi genus unquam
placuit.' On the accession of Elizabeth he was
summoned from his retirement and made Arch-
bishop of Canterbury. His consecration took
place on the 17th of December 1559. He died
on the 17th of May 1575, and was buried in his
private chapel at Lambeth, in a tomb which he
had himself prepared. His remains, however,
were disinterred in 1648 by Colonel Scot, the
regicide, and buried under a dunghill, but after
the Restoration they were replaced in the chapel.
Parker married in 1547 Margaret, daughter
of Robert Harlestone of Matsal, in the county
of Norfolk, by whom he had four sons, of whom
two died in infancy, and a daughter. John, the
eldest son, was knighted in 1603, and died
in 1618.
Archbishop Parker was not only a great
churchman, a distinguished scholar, and a warm
promoter of learning, but he was also an ardent
collector of books, and formed a very fine and
valuable library, composed to a great extent of
rare and choice manuscripts which had once
belonged to the suppressed monasteries and
religious houses. He also appears to have pur-
chased Bale's fine collection of manuscripts.
Some of his books he presented to the
Cambridge University Library during his life-
time, and in his will he made bequests of other
volumes from his collection to that library. He
also gave books to the libraries of the colleges of
Caius and Trinity Hall, but the great bulk of his
manuscripts and printed books he left to his own
college of Corpus Christi.1 An original list of
these volumes is preserved in the college, with a
note by John Parker, the Archbishop's son, stat-
ing that the missing volumes 'weare not found
by me in my father's Librarie, but either lent or
embezeled, whereby I could not deliver them to
the college.' Some singular conditions were
attached to this bequest by the Archbishop.
' Every year on the 6th of August, the collection
is to be visited by the masters or locum tenentes
of Trinity Hall and Caius, with two scholars on
Archbishop Parker's foundation, and if, on ex-
amination of the library, twenty-five books are
missing, or cannot be found within six months,
the whole collection devolves to Caius. In that
case the masters or locum tenentes of Trinity
Hall and Benet, with two scholars on the same
1 An interesting account of the sources of the manuscripts, by Montague
Rhodes James, Litt.D., Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, was published
in 1899 by the Cambridge Antiquarian Society.
foundation, are the visitors : and if Caius College
be guilty of the like neglect, the books to be
delivered up to Trinity Hall : then the masters
or locum tenentes of Caius and Benet, with two
such scholars, become the inspectors; and in
case of default on part of Trinity Hall, the whole
collection reverts back to its former order. On
the examination day, the visitors dine in the
College Hall, and receive three shillings and
four pence, and the scholars one shilling each.'1
It is also probable that he was a benefactor to
the library at Lambeth, for some of the manu-
scripts preserved there contain notes in his hand-
writing. The books which he did not specially
bequeath he left to his son John, afterwards
Sir John Parker.
In addition to the books which Parker gave
to Corpus Christi College he founded several
scholarships in connection with it, and bestowed
upon it large sums of money and presents of
plate. He also gave various pieces of plate to
Gonville and Caius College and Trinity Hall.
Parker's love for books, and the pains he took
to rescue the precious volumes which, after the
dissolution of the abbeys and religious houses,
were being destroyed or sold for common pur-
poses, is so well told by Strype that his account
is worth giving at length : ' His learning, though
it were universal, yet it ran chiefly upon antiquity.
1 Hartshorne, Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge^ p. 9.
Insomuch that he was one of the greatest anti-
quarians of the age. And the world is for ever
beholden to him for two things; viz., for retrieving
many ancient authors, Saxon and British, as well
as Norman, and for restoring and enlightening a
great deal of the ancient history of this noble
island. He lived in, or soon after, those times,
wherein opportunities were given for searches
after these antiquities. For when the abbeys
and religious houses were dissolved, and the
books that were contained in the libraries there-
unto belonging underwent the same fate, being
miserably embezzled, and sold away to trades-
men for little or nothing, for their ordinary shop
uses ; then did our Parker, and some few more
lovers of ancient learning, procure, both by their
money and their friends, what books soever they
could : and having got them into their possession,
esteemed many of them as their greatest treasures,
which other ignorant spoilers esteemed but as
trash, and to be burnt, or sold at easy rates, or
converted to any ordinary uses.
' He was therefore a mighty collector of books,
to preserve, as much as could be, the ancient
monuments of the learned men of our nation
from perishing. And for that purpose he did
employ divers men proper for such an end, to
search all England over, and Wales, (and perhaps
Scotland and Ireland too), for books of all sorts,
some modern as well as ancient ; and to buy
them up for his use; giving them commission
and authority under his own hand for doing the
same. One of these, named Batman,1 in the
space of no more than four years, procured for
our Archbishop to the number of 6700 books.
It seems to be almost incredible, then, what
infinite volumes all the rest of his agents in
many more years must have retrieved for him.
1 It was in those times that many of our
choicest mss. were conveyed out of the land
beyond sea. Of this our Archbishop complained
often ; taking it heavily, as he wrote in one of his
letters to Secretary Cecyl, "that the nation was
deprived of such choice monuments, so much as
he saw they were in those days, partly by being
spent in shops, and used as waste paper, or con-
veyed over beyond sea, by some who considered
more their own private gain than the honour of
their country." This was the reason he took so
much pleasure in the said Secretary's library ;
"that such mss. might be preserved within the
realm, and not sent over by covetous stationers,
or spoiled in the apothecaries' shops." . . . For
the retrieving of these ancient treatises and mss.
as much as might be, the Archbishop had such
abroad, as he appointed to lay out for them
wheresoever they were to be met with, as was
shewn before.
1 Dr. Stephen Batman, one of the Archbishop's domestic chaplains,
editor of De Proprietatibus Rerum, by Bartholomeus Anglicanus.
1 But he procured not a few himself from such
in his own time as were studious in antiquity:
as, namely, several Saxon books from Robert
Talbot,1 a great collector of such ancient writings
in King Henry the Eighth's time, and an ac-
quaintance of Leland, Bale, etc. Some of which
writings the said Talbot had from Dr. Owen,2 the
said King Henry's physician ; and some our
archbishop likewise had from him ; as appears in
one of the Cotton volumes : 3 which is made up of
a collection of various charters, etc., written out
by Joh. Joscelyn.4 Where at some of these mss.
collected, the said Joscelyn adds these notes,
The copy of this Dr. Talbot had of Dr. Owen.
The Archbishop of Canterbury had this charter
from Dr. Owen, etc. There be other collections
of this nature now remaining in Benet College,
sometime belonging to this Talbot, which we
may presume the Archbishop, partly by his own
interest, and partly by the interest of Bale, Caius,
and others, obtained ; particularly his annotations
upon that part of Antoninus's Itinerarimn which
1 Robert Talbot, Rector of Haversham, Berkshire, and Treasurer of
Norwich Cathedral, was the son of John Talbot of Thorpe Malsover, Nor-
thamptonshire. He was born about 1 505, and was educated at Winchester
and New College, Oxford. Camden calls him 'a learned antiquary,' and
Lambarde describes him as ' a diligent trauayler in the Englishe hystorye.'
He died in 1558, and was buried in Norwich Cathedral. His choicest
manuscripts were left by him to New College.
* Dr. Owen, physician to King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and
Queen Mary. He died in 1558, and was buried in St. Stephen's, Walbrook.
3 Vitellius D. 7.
4 An antiquary who resided in the Archbishop's house, and who wrote
the lives in De Anliquitatc Britannica Ecclesice.
belongs to Britain. And another De Chart is
quibusdam regum Britanuorum. These are
mentioned by Anthony a Wood.
1 And he kept such in his family as could
imitate any of the old characters admirably well.
One of these was Lyly, an excellent writer, and
that could counterfeit any antique writing. Him
the Archbishop customarily used to make old
books complete, that wanted some pages ; that
the character might seem to be the same through-
out. So that he acquired at length an admirable
collection of ancient mss. and very many too : as
we may conjecture from his diligence for so many
years as he lived, in buying and procuring such
monuments. The remainders of his highly valu-
able collections are now preserved in several
libraries of the Universities of Oxford and
Cambridge, but chiefly in that of Benet College,
Archbishop Parker was one of the founders
of the Society of Antiquaries in 1572. He took
a special interest in the early English Chronicles,
and endeavoured to revive the study of the Saxon
language. Among other works he caused to
be printed Flores Historiarum, attributed to
Matthew of Westminster, Matthew Paris's
Historia Major, and the Latin text of Asser's
Alfredi Regis Res Gestce in Saxon characters,
cut by John Day, the printer. He also, says
Strype, ' laboured to forward the composing and
publishing of a Saxon Dictionary.' His great
work, De Antiquitate Britannicce Ecclesice et
Privilegiis Ecclesice Cantuariensis, cum Archi-
episcopis eiusdem 70, which, if not written by
him, was produced under his immediate super-
vision, was printed by John Day in Lambeth
Palace in 1572. A very limited number of copies
of this work, the first book privately printed in
England, were struck off; not more than twenty-
five are known to exist, and no two are found
quite alike. The preparation of the Bishops'
Bible, which was completed in 1568, was per-
formed under his auspices. A presentation copy
to Queen Elizabeth from the Archbishop of the
Flores Historiarum, very handsomely bound,
with the royal arms on the covers ; and a copy
of the work De Antiquitate Britannicce Ecclesice,
etc., in a fine embroidered binding, which is also
believed to have been presented to the Queen
by the Archbishop, are preserved in the British
Museum. These books were probably bound in
Lambeth Palace, for in a letter to Lord Burghley,
dated the 9th of May 1573, the Archbishop
writes, with reference to the last-named work,
1 1 have within my house on wagis, drawers and
cutters, paynters, lymners, wryters, and boke-
bynders ' ; and he adds that he has sent Lord
Burghley a copy of it ' bound by my man.'
A list of Parker's writings, and his editions
of authors will be found in Coopers' Athena
Cantabrigienses. There are portraits of him in
Lambeth Palace, the Guildhall at Norwich,
Corpus Christi College, and in the Master's
Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge. There is
also a rare portrait of him, engraved in 1573,
by Remigius Hogenberg, who appears to have
been in the service of the Archbishop.
ARUNDEL, i5i3?-i58o
Henry Fitzalan, twelfth Earl of Arundel, was
born about the year 151 3. He was the only son
of William Fitzalan, eleventh Earl of Arundel,
K.G., by his second wife,
Anne, daughter of Henry
Percy, fourth Earl of Nor-
When fourteen years of
age his father was anxious
The Earl of Arundel's tO place him in the hoUSe-
DBV,CK* hold of Cardinal Wolsey,
but he preferred to offer his service to his god-
father, King Henry vin., 'who did noblely
receave him, and well esteemed of him for the
same.' l In 1534 he was summoned to Parliament
1 MS. Life of the Earl of Arundel, evidently written by one of his
most intimate servants, probably a chaplain. — Royal MSS., 17 A ix., British
in his father's barony as Lord Maltravers,1 and
in 1536, although only twenty-three years of age,
he was appointed Governor of Calais, a post he
held until the death of his father in January 1544.
On the 24th of April in the same year he was
made a K.G., and in the following July he re-
ceived the appointment of ' Marshal of the Field '
in the army which invaded France. He greatly
distinguished himself at the siege of Boulogne,
and on his return home he was made Lord
Chamberlain, which office he held until the
fourth year of King Edward vi.'s reign, when,
on a false and ridiculous charge of abusing the
privileges of his post to enrich himself and his
friends, he was deprived of it, and fined twelve
thousand pounds, eight thousand pounds of
which was afterwards remitted.2
On the death of Edward, Arundel took a
prominent part in the proceedings which placed
Mary on the throne, and as a reward for his
exertions he was made Lord Steward of the
Household, and was also given a seat on the
Council Board. Queen Elizabeth, on her acces-
sion to the crown, continued him in all the
appointments which he had held in the preceding
1 Complete Peerage of England, etc. Edited by G. E. C
2 ' Th' erle of Arrundel committed to his house for certaine crimes of
suspicion against him, as pluking downe of boltes and lokkes at West-
minster, giving of my stuff away, etc., and put to a fine of 12,000 pound to
be paide a 1000 pound yerely, of which he was after released.'— Journal of
King Edward VI., Cotton MSS., C x., British Museum.
reign, and on several occasions visited him at
Nonsuch, his residence at Cheam in Surrey.
These marks of kindness led him, it is said, to
aspire to a union with his royal mistress ; but
being disappointed in gaining her hand, and
'being miscontented with sundry things,' in 1564
he resigned his post of Lord Steward ' with
sundry Speeches of Offence,' l which so displeased
Elizabeth that she ordered him to confine himself
to his house. He afterwards partially regained
the favour of the Queen, but having endeavoured
to promote the marriage of his widowed son-
in-law, the Duke of Norfolk, with Mary Queen
of Scots, he was once more placed under arrest,
and although after a time he obtained his release,
it was followed by further imprisonment, and he
did not finally regain his liberty until some
months after the execution of Norfolk on the
2nd of June 1572.
Arundel passed the remainder of his life in
retirement, affectionately tended until her death
in 1577 by 'his nursse and deare beloved childe'
Lady Lumley. He died on the 24th of February
1580 at Arundel House in the Strand, and was
buried in the Collegiate Chapel at Arundel, where
a monument, with an inscription by his son-in-
law, Lord Lumley, was erected to his memory.
Arundel was twice married. By his first
wife, Katherine, second daughter of Thomas
1 Strype, Annals (London, 1709), i. 413.
Grey, Marquis of Dorset, he had one son, Henry,
Lord Maltravers, who died in 1556, and two
daughters : Jane, who married Lord Lumley, and
Mary, who became the wife of Thomas Howard,
Duke of Norfolk, beheaded in 1572. His second
wife, Mary, who died in 1557, was a daughter of
Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, Cornwall, and
widow of Robert Ratcliffe, first Earl of Sussex.
By her he had no issue.
With the assistance of Humphrey Llwyd, the
physician and antiquary, who married Barbara,
sister of Lord Lumley, Lord Arundel formed at
his residence of Nonsuch a fine collection of
books, many of which had once been the property
of Archbishop Cranmer. An account of this
mansion is given in the manuscript Life of Lord
Arundel, to which we have already alluded,
and it also contains a reference to his library.
'This Earle moreover continewed allwayes of a
greate and noble mynde. Amonge the number
of whose doings, that past in his tyme, this one
is not the least, to showe his magnificence, that
perceivinge a sumptuous house called Nonsuche
to have bene begon, but not finished, by his first
maister Kinge Henry the eighte, and thearfore in
Quene Maryes tyme, thoughte mete rather to have
bene pulled downe and solde by peacemeale then
to be perfited at her charges, he, for the love and
honour he bare to his olde maister, desired to
buye the same house, by greace, of the Quene,
for \vch he gave faire lands unto her Highnes ;
and having the same, did not leave till he had
fullye finished it in buildings, reparations,
paviments and gardens, in as ample and perfit
sorte as by the first intente and meaninge of the
saide Kinge his old maister, the same should
have bene performed, and so it is nowe evident
to be beholden of all strangers, and others, for
the honour of this Realme as a pearle thereof.
The same he haith lefte to his posterity, garnished
and replenished with riche furnitures ; amonge
the w°h his Lybrarye is righte worthye of re-
Lord Arundel left Nonsuch, with its library
and furniture, together with the greater part of
his estates, to his son-in-law, Lord Lumley.
There are portraits of the Earl of Arundel
by Holbein and Sir Anthony More. That by
Holbein, which is in the collection of the Mar-
quis of Bath, is engraved in Lodge's Portraits
of Illustrious Personages.
Sir Thomas Smith, who was Secretary of State
to King Edward vi., and afterwards to Queen
Elizabeth, was born at Saffron Walden, Essex,
on the 23rd of December 15 13. He was the son
of John Smith of Saffron Walden and Agnes
Charnock, a member of an old Lancashire family.
When eleven years old he was sent to Queens'
College, Cambridge, as he himself informs us
in his Autobiographical Notes, now preserved
in the British Museum,1 which he wrote for the
purpose of having his na-
tivity cast: '1525. Sub fine
11 ani circa festti Micfcis
Cantabrigiam su missus ad
bonas If as.' Here he so
greatly distinguished him-
self that King Henry vm.
chose him and John Cheke,
afterwards tutor to Prince
Edward, to be his scholars,
and allotted them salaries
for the encouragement of
their studies. Cheke makes
mention of this honour in an
epistle to the King prefixed to his edition of Two
Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, published at
London in 1543: 'Cooptasti me et Thomam
Smithum socium atque aequalem meum, in
scholasticos tuos.' Smith specially applied him-
self to the study of the Greek classics, and also
to the reformation of the faulty pronunciation of
the Greek language which then prevailed ; and in a
short time, so Strype, in his Life of Sir T. Smith,
1 Sloane mss. 325, f. 2.
Sir Thomas Smith's
tells us, his more correct way 'prevailed all the
University over.' I le also endeavoured to intro-
duce a new English alphabet of twenty-nine
letters, and to amend the spelling of the time,
'some of the syllables,' he considered, 'being
stuffed with needless letters.' As early as 1531
he had become a Fellow of his college, and
in 1534 he was chosen University Orator. In
1540 Smith paid a visit to the Continent, and
proceeded to Padua, where he took the degree
of D.C.L. On his return to England in 1542 he
was made LL.D. at Cambridge, and at the
beginning of 1544 was appointed Regius Pro-
fessor of Civil Law at the University. In the
succeeding year he served as Vice-Chancellor,
and also became Chancellor to Goodrich, Bishop
of Ely, by whom in 1546 he was collated to the
rectory of Leverington, Cambridgeshire, and also
ordained priest, a fact unknown to Strype. About
the same time he received a prebend from the
Dean of Lincoln, and soon after he became
Provost of Eton and Dean of Carlisle. Towards
the end of February 1547, Smith was sum-
moned to court, and ' mutata clericali veste, mo-
doque, ac vivendi forma,'1 he was made Clerk
of the Privy Council, and Master of the Court
of Requests of the Duke of Somerset, then Lord
Protector. On the 14th of April 1548 he was
sworn one of the King's Secretaries, and knighted
1 Autobiographical Notes by Sir T. Smith.
in the beginning of the following year. Shortly
after his appointment Smith was sent as am-
bassador to the Emperor Charles v., and in
1 55 1 he took part in the embassy to France to
arrange a match for the King with the French
sovereign's eldest daughter. On the accession of
Mary he lost all his offices and preferments, but
he managed to pass through this dangerous reign
in safety ; and Strype says of him, ' that when
many were most cruelly burnt for the profession
of the religion which he held, he escaped, and
was saved even in the midst of the fire, which he
probably might have an eye to in changing the
crest of his coat-of-arms, which now was a sala-
mander living in the midst of a flame ; whereas
before it was an eagle holding a writing-pen
flaming in his dexter claw.' When Elizabeth
came to the throne, Smith returned to court, and
was engaged in several embassies to France. In
1572 the Queen conferred on him the Chancellor-
ship of the Order of the Garter ; and shortly
afterwards, on Lord Burghley's preferment to the
office of Lord Treasurer, vacant by the death of
the Marquis of Winchester, made him Secretary
of State, a post which, four-and-twenty years
before, he held under Edward vi. Smith died at
his residence called Mounthaut, or Hill-hall, in
Essex on the 12th of August 1577, and was
buried in the parish church of Theydon Mount,
where a monument was erected to his memory.
He was twice married, but had no children by
cither of his wives.
Sir Thomas Smith possessed a fine library of
about a thousand volumes. He bequeathed all
his Latin and Greek books, as well as his great
globe, of his own making, to Queens' College,
Cambridge, or, if that college did not care to
have them, to Peterhouse. Some of his Italian
and French books he gave to the Queen's Library,
and many volumes were also left to friends.
Strype gives a list of the contents of the library
at Hill-hall in 1566.
Smith was the author of several works, the
principal one being De Republica Anglorum ; the
Maner of Gouvernement or Policie of the Realm
of England, London, 1583, 4to. Between 1583
and 1640 this work passed through ten editions,
and several Latin and other translations of it
have been published.
A portrait of him by Holbein is at Theydon
Mount, and another is preserved at Queens'
College, Cambridge.
1 520- 1 598
William Cecil, Lord Burghley, a relation of
whose life would be the history of England
during the reign of Elizabeth, was born in
1520 and died in 1598. This great statesman,
who at the age of sixteen delivered a lecture on
the logic of the Schools, and at nineteen one on
the Greek language, found time amid the cares
and anxieties attendant on his high position to
form a library, which Strype tells us was a very
choice one. The same authority also mentions
that he gave many books to the University of
Cambridge, 'both Latin and Greek, concerning
the canon and civil law and physic' In 1687
a considerable portion of his printed books and
manuscripts was sold by auction. The title-page
of the sale catalogue reads ' Bibliotheca Illustriss:
sive Catalogus Variorum Librorum in quavis
Lingua et Facultate Insignium ornatissimae
Bibliothecae Viri Cujusdam Praenobilis ac Hono-
ratissimi olim defuncti, Libris rarissimis tarn
Typis excusis quam Manuscriptis refertissimae :
Quorum Auctio habebitur Londini, ad Insigne
Ursi in Vico dicto Ave- Mary- Lane prope
Templum D. Pauli, Novemb. 21, 1687. Per
T. Bentley and B. Walford, Bibliopolas. Lond.' ;
and in the Preface we read : — ' If the catalogue,
here presented, were only of Common Books,
and such as were easie to be had, it would not
have been very necessary to have Prefac'd any
thing to the Reader: But since it appears in
the World with two Circumstances, which no
Auction in England (perhaps) ever had before;
nor is it probable that the like should frequently
happen again, it would seem an Oversight, if we
should neglect to advertise the Reader of them.
The first is, That it comprises the main part of
the Library of that Famous Secretary William
Cecil, Lord Burleigh : which consider'd, must put
it out of doubt, that these Books are excellent in
their several kinds and well-chosen. The second
is, That it contains a greater number of Ran
Manuscripts than ever yet were offer'd together
in this way, many of which are rendred the
more valuable by being remark'd upon by the
hand of the said great Man. This Auction will
begin on Monday the 21st day of November
next 1687, at the sign of the Bear in Ave-Mary-
Lane, near the West-end of St. Paul's Church,
continuing day by day the first five days of
every Week, till all the Books are sold, from
the Hours of Nine in the Morning till Twelve,
and from Two till Six in the Evening.' There
were three thousand eight hundred and forty-
four lots of printed books, and four hundred
and thirteen manuscripts in two hundred and
forty-three lots in the sale. A copy of the
catalogue, marked with the prices, is preserved
in the British Museum. The printed books in
the sale do not appear to have been exceptionally
choice or rare, but there were some valuable
manuscripts. A few of the most notable, to-
gether with the prices they fetched, are given
in the following list : —
Biblia Sacra Antiquissima, folio magno,
vellum — six pounds, twelve shillings ; Poly-
chronicon vetus MS. per Radulphum Hygden,
nunquam Latine impressum, vellum — eleven
pounds ; Wicklifs Book of Postils or Sermons
in Old English — seven pounds, two shillings
and six pence; Other Discourses by him — ten
pounds, two shillings and six pence ; JVilhelmus
Malmesburiensis degestis Regum Anglice, vellum
— seven pounds, three shillings ; LHistoire du
Roy Arthur, avec des Figures dories, folio
grand on vellum — three pounds, two shillings ;
Le Chronique de Jean Froissart des guerres de
France et DAngleterre, folio grand, avec des
belles Figures, vellum — three pounds, nine
shillings ; Norden • Speculum Britannice — four
pounds, seven shillings. It is not known to
whom these books belonged at the period of
the sale, but it appears probable they were the
property of James Cecil, fourth Earl of Salisbury
(a descendant of Lord Burghley's younger son),
who succeeded to the title in 1683, and died in
1694. He was mixed up in the troubles of the
time, and was, says Macaulay, ' foolish to a
proverb,' and the ' prey of gamesters.' John Cecil,
Earl of Exeter, from 1678 to 1700, who was
descended from Lord Burghley's elder son, was
himself a book collector, and therefore not likely
to part with the library of his illustrious ancestor.
The bindings of Lord Burghley's books are
generally stamped with his arms, which are
sometimes encircled by the order of the Garter,
but a little volume preserved in the library of
the British Museum simply bears his name and
that of his second wife, his affectionate com-
panion for forty-three years. Lord Burghley
left an immense mass of papers, which are now
preserved at Hatfield House, the Record Office,
the British Museum, etc. Those in the British
Museum, which consist of one hundred and
twenty-one folio volumes of state papers and the
miscellaneous correspondence of Lord Burghley,
together with his private note-book and journals,
passed from Sir Michael Hickes, one of the
statesman's secretaries, to a descendant, Sir
William Hickes, by whom they were sold to
Chiswell, the bookseller, and by him to Strype,
the historian. On Strype's death they came
into the hands of James West, and from his
executors they were acquired by William Petty,
first Marquis of Lansdowne, whose manuscripts
were purchased by the Trustees of the British
Museum in 1807.1
THOMAS WOTTON, 1521-1587
Thomas Wotton was born in 1521 at Bocton
or Boughton Place, in the parish of Boughton
Malherbe, in the county of Kent, and succeeded
his father, Sir Edward Wotton, in that estate in
1550. He was appointed sheriff of the county
of Kent in the last year of Queen Mary, and in
July 1573 he entertained Elizabeth and her court
at his residence, Bocton Place, when she offered
him knighthood, which he declined. Wotton
was twice married. By his first wife, Elizabeth,
daughter of Sir John Rudstone, he had three
1 Edwards, Lives of the Founders of tJu British Museum (London, 1870),
p. 426.
sons : Edward, knighted by Elizabeth, and afteF-
wards raised to the peerage as Baron Wotton by
James i. ; and James and John, who were also
made knights by Elizabeth. His second wife-
was Eleanora, daughter of Sir William Finch of
Eastwell in Kent, and widow of Robert Morton,
Esq., of the same county, by whom he had a son,
Henry, the poet and statesman, who was knighted
by James i. He died in London on the nth
of January 1587, and was buried in the parish
church of Boughton Malherbe, where a monu-
ment was erected to his memory.
Wotton was celebrated for his hospitality,
and was much beloved and respected by all who
knew him. He was also a patron
of learning, and possessed a fine and
extensive collection of books, remark-
able for their handsome bindings.
They are generally ornamented in a
style similar to that used on the
volumes bound for Grolier, whose
motto he adopted. Although the
Thomas Wotton ^^
majority of the bindings executed for
him bear the legend thomae wottoni et ami-
corvm as the only mark of their ownership, they
are sometimes impressed with his arms.
Izaak Walton, in his Life of Sir Henry
Wotton, states that Thomas Wotton 'was a
gentleman excellently educated, and studious in
all the liberal arts, in the knowledge whereof he
DR. DEE 45
attained unto great perfection ; who though he
had — besides those abilities, a very noble and
plentiful estate, and the ancient interest of his
predecessors — many invitations from Queen
Elizabeth to change his country recreations and
retirement for a court life : — offering him a
knighthood, and that to be but as an earnest
of some more honourable and more profitable
employment under her; yet he humbly refused
both, being a man of great modesty, of a most
plain and single heart, of an ancient freedom,
and integrity of mind.'
DR. DEE, 1527-1608
Dr. John Dee, ' that perfect astronomer, curious
astrologer and serious geometrician,' as he is
styled by Lilly, was born in London on the
13th of July 1527. He was the son of Rowland
Dee, who, according to Wood, was a wealthy
vintner, but who is described by Strype as
Gentleman Sewer to Henry vm. In his Com-
pendious Rehearsal Dee informs us that he
possessed a very fine collection of books, ' printed
and anciently written, bound and unbound, in all
near 4000, the fourth part of which were written
books. The value of all which books, by the
estimation of men skilful in the arts, whereof the
books did and do intreat, and that in divers lan-
guages, was well worth 2000 lib.' ; and he adds
that he ' spent 40 years in divers places beyond
the seas, and in England in getting these books
together.' He specially mentions * that four
written books, one in Greek, two in French,
Dr. Dee. From the Ashmolcan portrait as engraved by Schencker.
and one in High Dutch cost 533 lib.' His
library also contained a 'great case or frame of
boxes, wherein some hundreds of very rare evi-
dences of divers Irelandish territories, provinces
and lands were laid up ; and divers evidences
DR. DEE 47
ancient of some Welsh princes and noblemen,
their great gifts of lands to the foundations or
enrichings of Sundry Houses of Religious men.
Some also were there the like of the Normans
donations and gifts about and some years after
the Conquest.' Dee, in a letter from Antwerp to
Sir William Cecil, afterwards Lord Burghley,
dated February 16, 1563, also states that he had
purchased a curious book (probably a manu-
script), Steganographia, by Joannes Trithemius,
which was so rare that ' 1000 crowns had been
offered in vain ' for a copy. Dee placed his
library in his house at Mortlake, Surrey, and so
great was its repute, that on the 10th of March
1575, Queen Elizabeth, attended by many of her
courtiers, paid him a visit for the purpose of
examining it ; but learning that his wife had
been buried that day, she would not enter the
house, but requested him to show her his famous
magic glass, and describe its properties, which
he accordingly did ! to her Majesty's great con-
tentment and delight.' In 1583, during his
absence on the Continent, the populace, who
execrated him as ' a caller of divels,' broke into
his house and destroyed a great part of his
furniture, collections, and library. On his return
to his home in 1589, he succeeded in regain-
ing about three-fourths of his books ; but these
were gradually dispersed in consequence of the
pecuniary difficulties he was in during the latter
years of his life. Lilly states that ' he died very
poor, enforced many times to sell some book or
other to buy his dinner with.' An autograph
catalogue of both his printed and manuscript
books, dated September 6, 1583, is preserved
among the Harleian manuscripts in the British
Museum.1 His private diary, and a catalogue
of his manuscripts, were edited in 1842 for the
Camden Society by Mr. J. O. Halliwell, F.R.S.,
from the original manuscripts in the Ashmolean
Museum and Trinity College, Cambridge. An-
other portion of his diary, preserved in the
Bodleian Library, was edited by Mr. J. E. Baily,
F.S.A., and printed (twenty copies only) at
London in 1880. In 1556 Dee presented to
Queen Mary 'A Supplication for the recovery
and preservation of ancient Writers and Monu-
ments.' In this interesting document he laments
the spoil and destruction of so many and so
notable libraries through the subverting of
religious houses, and suggests that a commission
should be appointed with power to demand that
all possessors of manuscripts throughout the
realm should send their books to be copied for
the Queen's library, so that it might ' in a very
few years most plentifully be furnished, and that
without one penny charge to the Queen, or doing
injury to any creature.' He himself undertook
to procure copies of the famous manuscripts at
1 Hart. MSS. 1879.
the Vatican, St. Mark's, Venice, Bologna, Florence,
Vienna, etc.
Dee wrote a large number of works, but com-
paratively few of them have been printed. No
fewer than seventy-nine are enumerated in
Coopers' A thence Cantabrigienses. A catalogue
of his writings, printed and unprinted, is given
in his Compendious Rehearsal. Many of his
manuscripts came into the possession of Elias
Ashmole, the eminent antiquary.
Aubrey says of Dee that 'he was a great
peace-maker ; if any of the neighbours fell out,
he would never let them alone till he had made
them friends. He was tall and slender. He
wore a gown like an artist's gown, with hanging
sleeves, and a slit. He had a very fair, clear,
sanguine complexion, a long beard as white as
milk. A very handsome man.'
He died in December 1608, and was buried
in the chancel of Mortlake Church.
LEICESTER, i532?-is88
Robert Dudley, Baron Denbigh, and Earl of
Leicester, the favourite of Elizabeth, was born
on the 24th of June in 1532 or 1533. He was
the fifth son of John Dudley, Duke of Northum-
berland, who was executed in August 1553 for
maintaining the claims of Lady Jane Grey, his
daughter-in-law, to the crown. He was himself
condemned to death for the part he took in the
attempt of his father to place Lady Jane upon the
throne ; but on the intercession of the Lords
of the Council was
pardoned by Queen
Mary, who received
him into favour, and
appointed him master
of the English ord-
nance at the siege of
St. Quentin,where his
brother Henry was
killed. On the ac-
cession of Elizabeth,
Dudley soon became
a great favourite of
the Queen, who ad-
vanced him to the
highest honours, and,
there is little doubt, at
onetime contemplated
a marriage with him. Leicester was a generous
supporter of learning, and his letters show that
he was himself possessed of considerable literary
ability. Geoffrey Whitney, in his dedication of
his Choice of Emblems to the Earl, mentions
1 his zeale and honourable care of those that love
good letters,' and states that 'divers, who are
Book-Stamp of Lord Leicester.
nowe famous men, had bin through povertie longe
since discouraged from their studies if they had
not founde your honour so prone to bee their
patron.' Little is known respecting Leicester's
library, which must have been a large and fine
one, for many handsomely bound volumes which
once belonged to it are found both in public and
private collections. This dispersion of his books
may probably be accounted for by the sale of his
goods after his death, as mentioned by Camden
in his Annals of the Reign of Elizabeth : ' But
whereas he was in the Queen's debt, his goods
were sold at a public Outcry: for the Queen,
though in other things she were favourable
enough, yet seldom or never did she remit the
debts owing to her Treasury.' In the Notices of
London Libraries, by John Bagford and William
Oldys, it is stated : ' At Lambeth Palace over the
Cloyster is a well-furnished library. The oldest
of the books were Dudley's, Earl of Leicester.'
Not more, however, than nine or ten which
belonged to the Earl are to be found there now.
Almost all his books have his well-known crest,
the bear and ragged staff, stamped upon the
covers, but a few of them bear his arms instead.
Leicester was suddenly seized with illness on
his way to Kenilworth, and died at his house at
Cornbury, in Oxfordshire, on the 4th of Sep-
tember 1588. The suddenness of his death gave
rise to a suspicion that it was caused by poison ;
and Ben Jonson tells a story that he had given
his wife 4 a bottle of liquor which he willed her
to use in any faintness, which she, not knowing
it was poison, gave him, and so he died.' He
was buried at Warwick.
JOHN, LORD LUMLEY, i534?-i6o9
John, Lord Lumley, was born in or about the
year 1534. He was the only son of George
Lumley of Twing, in the county of Yorkshire,
who was executed in 1537 at Tyburn, for high
treason. On the death of his grandfather, Lord
Lumley, in 1544, John succeeded to the family
estates, and in 1547 he was permitted to take
the title of Baron Lumley. He matriculated in
May 1549, as a fellow-commoner of Queens'
College, Cambridge, and was also educated in
the court of King Edward vi., whose funeral he
attended. On the 29th of September 1553 he was
created a Knight of the Bath, and, two days later,
was present, together with his wife, at the coro-
nation of Queen Mary ; l Lady Lumley riding in
the third chariot with five other baronesses.
On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, he, with
other lords, was appointed to attend her Majesty
on her journey from Hatfield to London. In
1559 his father-in-law, the Earl of Arundel, at
1 Cooper, Athena Caniabrigiettses, vol. ii. p. 517.
that time Chancellor of the University of Cam-
bridge, nominated him High Steward of the
University. Lord Lumley was sent to the
Tower in 1569 on suspicion of being implicated
in intrigues to bring about the marriage of
Lord Lumley, From the Cheam portrait as engraved for Sandford.
his brother-in-law the Duke of Norfolk with
Mary, Queen of Scots, and to re-establish the
Roman Catholic religion. In the next year he
was released, but in October 1571 he was again
imprisoned, and he did not obtain his liberty
until April 1573, ten months after the execution
of the Duke of Norfolk. At a later period he
appears to have quite regained the favour of the
Queen, for we read that she accepted as a New
Year's gift from him in 1584 'a cup of cristall
graven and garnished with golde,' and that at the
New Year 1587 he presented to her 'a booke,
wherein are divers Psalmes in Lattin written, the
boards greate, inclosed all over on the outeside
with golde enamuld cut-worke, with divers colours
and one litle claspe.'1 In 1580 Lord Lumley
lost his father-in-law, who by a deed, dated
March 14th, 1566, had conveyed a great part of
his estates to Lord Lumley and Jane his eldest
daughter, Lord Lumley's wife ; and after her
decease, Lord Arundel confirmed the same to
Lord Lumley by his will, which he made a few
months before his death. Among the estates
bequeathed were the palace and park of Nonsuch,
which in 1590 Lord Lumley conveyed to the
Queen in exchange for lands of the yearly value
of five hundred and thirty-four pounds. Lord
Lumley died on the nth of April 1609 at his
residence on Tower Hill, in the parish of St.
Olave, Hart Street, and was buried in Cheam
church, in the county of Surrey, where a monu-
ment was erected to his memory in the Lumley
aisle, which he had built. By his first wife,
Jane, who died in 1577, Lord Lumley had three
1 Cooper.
children, who all died in infancy. He had no
issue by his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of
John, Lord Darcy of Chiche, who survived him
nine years.
Lord Lumley, Bishop Hacket says, 'did
pursue Recondite Learning as much as any of
his Honourable Rank in those Times, and was
the owner of a most precious Library, the search
and collection of Mr. Humfry Llyd.' J This fine
library, which to a great extent was formed by
the books bequeathed to him by his father-in-law
in 1580, contained many volumes which had
evidently been once the property of Archbishop
Cranmer, as they bear his name, which is some-
times accompanied by the signature of Lumley,
and in other instances by the signatures of both
Arundel and Lumley. Lord Lumley also col-
lected a number of portraits.
Lord Lumley made liberal donations of books
to the University Library of Cambridge and the
Bodleian Library during his lifetime, and also
' bestowed many excellent Pieces printed and
manuscript upon Mr. Williams 2 for alliance sake.'
After his death in 1609 the remainder of his
library, ' which was probably more valuable than
any other collection then existing in England,
with the exception of that of Sir Robert Cotton,' 3
1 Humphrey Llwyd, physician and antiquary, Lord Lumley's brother-
s Afterwards Archbishop of York, a relative of Lord Lumley.
3 Edwards, Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, p. 162.
was purchased by Henry, Prince of Wales. At the
Prince's decease in 1612 the books went to augment
the old royal library of England, which was given
to the nation in 1 757 by King George 11. A curious
and interesting inventory of the ' moveables '
found at Lumley Castle after the death of its
owner is given in Surtees's History of Durham,
vol. ii. pp. 158-163. The goods comprised
pictures, sculptures, ' peeces of hangines of arras
with golde of the Storie of Troye, Quene Hester,
Cipio and Haniball,' etc., hangings of 'gilte
leather,' ' Beddes ' of gold, silver, and silk,
splendid chairs, and velvet and Turkey carpets,
and were valued at fourteen hundred and four
pounds, seventeen shillings and eightpence, but
no mention is made of any books. Most of these
treasures were sold by auction at the beginning
of the nineteenth century. Among the Royal mss.
preserved in the British Museum is a transla-
tion of Erasmus's Institutio Principis Christiani,
signed 'Your lordshippes obedient sone, J.
Lumley, 1550/ As Lord Lumley's own father
was put to death in 1537, this was evidently
addressed to his father-in-law, who has written
his name Arundel on the first page. Lord
Lumley was a member of the old Society of
Antiquaries, and in conjunction with Dr. Cald-
well ■ he founded a surgery lecture in the Royal
1 Richard Caldwell, M.D., elected President of the Royal College of
Physicians in 1 570.
College of Physicians, endowing it with forty
pounds per annum.
The Lumley family was one of considerable
importance and antiquity, and an amusing ac-
count is given by Pennant 1 and Hutchinson 2 of
a visit paid by King James 1. to Lumley Castle
on the 13th of April 1603. In the absence of
Lord Lumley the King was received by Dr. James,
Dean of Durham, ■ who expatiated on the pedigree
of their noble host, without missing a single
ancestor, direct or collateral, from Liulph to Lord
Lumley, till the King, wearied with the eternal
blazon, interrupted him, "Oh mon, gang na
further ; let me digest the knowledge I ha gained,
for on my saul I did na ken Adam's name was
Lord Lumley' s first wife was a very learned
lady, and several volumes containing the exercises
both of herself and her sister, the Duchess of
Norfolk, are preserved among the Royal mss. in
the British Museum, having been handed down
with the Lumley books. A quarto volume,3 upon
the first leaf of which is written ' The doinge of
my Lady Lumley, dowghter to my L. Therle of
Arundell,' contains Latin translations of several
of the Orations of Isocrates, and 'The Tragedie
of Euripides called Iphigeneia, translated out of
1 Pennant, Tour in Scotland, etc.
2 Hutchinson, History of County of Durham.
3 Royal MSS., 15 A ix.
Greake into Englisshe.' Among the royal manu-
scripts is also to be found a beautiful little
volume of fourteen vellum leaves,1 containing
copies of moral apophthegms, in Latin, which Sir
Nicholas Bacon had inscribed on the walls of his
house at Gorhambury. On the first page, above
the arms of Lady Lumley, which are splendidly
emblazoned, is written in gold capitals, ' Syr •
Nicholas • Bacon • Knyghte • to • his • very • good •
ladye • the • ladye • Lumley • sendeth • this,' and
on the second page this title, ■ Sentences printed
in the Lorde Kepar's Gallery at Gorhambury :
selected by him out of divers authors, and sent
to the good ladye Lumley at her desire.' The
sentences, which are thirty-seven in number, are
inscribed in gold capital letters upon grounds of
various colours.
There are three portraits of Lord Lumley at
Lumley Castle, and one at Arundel Castle.
A fine engraving of another portrait, which was
formerly in the Lumley aisle at Cheam, is in
Stebbing's edition of Sandford's Genealogical
History. There are also engravings of Lord
Lumley by Fittler and Thane. Lumley Castle
also contains a portrait of Lady Lumley, inscribed
' Jane Fitzalan, daughter to Henry Earle of
Arundele, first wife to John Lord Lumley.'2
1 Royal MSS., 17 A xxiii.
2 Cooper.
1 555- 1 629
George Carew, Baron Carew of Clopton and
Earl of Totnes, was born in 1555. He was the
son of George Carew, Dean of Windsor, by his
Book-Stamp of Earl of Totnes.
wife Anne, daughter of Sir Nicholas Harvey. In
1564 he was sent to the University of Oxford,
which he left in 1573, and in the following year
went to Ireland and entered the service of ln^
cousin Sir Peter Carew, who was then engaged
in prosecuting his claims to his Irish property.
Carew held various posts in that country, and
remained there, save for visits to England and
the Low Countries, until 1592, when he entered
upon his duties as Lieutenant-General of the
Ordnance, to which office he had been appointed
in 1 59 1. He took part in the expeditions of
Essex to Cadiz in 1596, and to the Azores in
1597, and in 1599 returned to Ireland as Lord
President of Munster, a post he held until 1603.
In 1605 he was made Vice-Chamberlain to Queen
Anne, and in the same year was created Baron
Carew. Three years later he was made Master
of the Ordnance, and in 161 1 he again went to
Ireland as ' Sole Commissioner for the refor-
mation of the army and improvement of his
majesties revenew.' On the 5th of February
1626, Carew, who had been knighted in 1585,
was created Earl of Totnes, and later in the
year received the appointment of ' Treasurer and
receaver-general to queene Henriette Marie.'
He died at London on the 27th of March
1629, and was buried in the Church of Stratford-
on-Avon, where a monument was erected to his
memory by his widow, a daughter of William
Clopton, of Clopton House, near Stratford-on-
Avon. He left no children by her.
Carew, who was much attached to antiquarian
pursuits, maintained a large correspondence with
Camden, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Robert Cotton,
and Sir Thomas Bodley, and many of his letters
have been printed by the Camden Society. He
bequeathed his books and manuscripts, of which
he had acquired a considerable number, to Sir
Thomas Stafford, who was said to be his illegiti-
mate son. They afterwards became the property
of Archbishop Laud, who placed forty-two of the
volumes of manuscripts, which principally relate
to Irish history in the time of Queen Elizabeth,
in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, and
four in the Bodleian Library. Others are pre-
served in the Department of mss., British Museum,
the State Paper Office, and at Hatfield.
Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, who is styled
by Sir Symonds D'Ewes ' England's Prime
Antiquary,' was born in 1571. He was the
eldest son of Thomas Cotton, of Connington,
Huntingdonshire, by his first wife, Elizabeth,
daughter of Francis Shirley of Staunton-Harold,
Leicestershire. He received his early education
at Westminster School, and in 1581 matriculated
at Jesus College, Cambridge, where four years
later he took the degree of B.A. At a very early
age he became a member of the Elizabethan
ni> ~-
Sir Robert Cotton. From an engraving by R. White.
Society of Antiquaries, which met for many years
at his residence in Westminster, near Palace
Yard. It was in this house that he formed that
magnificent collection of manuscripts and other
antiquities which now ranks as one of the
principal treasures of the British Museum. The
dissolution of the monasteries in the reigns of
Henry vm. and Edward vi. afforded special
facilities to Cotton in forming the collection which
comprises such valuable manuscripts as the
famous Durham Book (a copy of the Gospels in
Latin, written and illuminated in honour of St.
Cuthbert by Eadfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne,
between the years 698 and 720, with an inter-
linear translation in Northumbrian Saxon), and
the copy of the Gospels said to have been used
to administer the oath at the coronation of King
Athelstan. Other treasures are the original Bull
of Pope Leo x. conferring on King Henry vm.
the title of Defender of the Faith ; and a contem-
porary and official copy of Magna Charta, granted
by King John, and dated at Runnymede, 15th
June, in the seventeenth year of his reign, which
was given to Cotton by Sir Edward Dering.
Both these precious documents were unfortun-
ately damaged by the fire at Ashburnham House,
but have since been very skilfully repaired.
More than two hundred volumes of the library
consisted of letters of sovereigns and statesmen ;
but Cotton did not acquire these valuable docu-
ments without creating a strong feeling that such
a large and important collection of official papers
should rather be preserved in the Record Office
than left in the possession of a private individual,
and his library was twice sequestrated by the
Government. On the first occasion his books
were given back to him ; but on the second,
although he repeatedly petitioned the King for
their restoration, he died before his applications
were answered. His death took place at his
house in Westminster on the 6th of May 1631,
and he was buried in Connington Church, where
a monument was erected to his memory. Cotton
was knighted on the accession of James 1., and
was also one of the baronets created by that
sovereign in 161 1. Sir Robert Cotton gave
directions in his will that his library should not
be sold, and bequeathed it to his son, Sir Thomas
Cotton, who on the decease of his father made
great efforts to obtain its restoration, which were
ultimately successful. He died in 1662, leaving
the collection to his son, Sir John Cotton, who,
having declined an offer for it of sixty thousand
pounds from Louis xiv. in 1700, expressed his
intention of practically giving it to the nation ;
and in the same year an Act was passed, enacting
that on the death of Sir John (he died in 1702),
Cotton House, together with the collection, should
be vested in trustees, but at the same time con-
tinue in his family and name, and not be sold or
otherwise disposed of. It was further ordered
that the library should be kept and preserved
for public use and advantage, and that a room
should be provided for it, with 'a convenient
way, passage, and resort to the same, at the
will and discretion of the heirs of the family.'
Obstacles, however, occurred in carrying out
these directions, principally on account of the
difficulty of access to the library, and the unsuit-
ableness of the room in which it was deposited,
it being described as 'a narrow little room, damp,
and improper for preserving the books and
papers.' An agreement was therefore made, by
virtue of an Act of Parliament (5 Anne,
cap. 30), with Sir John Cotton, grandson of
the Sir John Cotton who died in 1702, for the
purchase of the inheritance of the house where
the library was deposited for the sum of four
thousand five hundred pounds ; and it was
further provided that the library should continue
to be settled in trustees, and a convenient room
built in part of the grounds for its accommo-
dation. This, however, was not done, and the
dilapidated condition of Cotton House soon
necessitated the removal of the collection, which
was taken to Essex House, Essex Street, Strand,
where it remained until 1730, when it was con-
veyed to Ashburnham House in Little Dean's
Yard, Westminster, which was purchased by the
Crown to receive it, together with the royal mss.
Here, on the 23rd of October 1731, the disastrous
fire broke out in which one hundred and fourteen
manuscripts were burnt, lost, or entirely spoiled,
and ninety-eight damaged, but many of these
have been cleverly restored. Those which were
saved were placed in a new building designed
for the dormitory of Westminster School, where
they remained until they were transferred to the
British Museum in 1757, having been included
in the Act under which the Museum was founded
»n 1753.
The Cottonian Collection originally consisted
of 958 volumes. A catalogue of it was compiled
by Dr. Thomas Smith in 1696, and a more ample
one by Mr. Joseph Planta, Principal Librarian of
the British Museum, in 1802.
'Omnis ab illo
Et Camdene tua, et Seldeni gloria crevit.' ■
CANTERBURY, 1573-1645
William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury,
whose eventful history is well known, was born
at Reading on the 7th of October 1573. He was
the son of a clothier of that town, and was
first educated in the free grammar school of his
native place, and afterwards proceeded to St.
John's College, Oxford, where he successively
obtained a scholarship and a fellowship, and in
1 Preface to Weaver's Funeral Monuments.
161 1 became President of the College. In
161 6 James 1. conferred on him the Deanery of
Gloucester, on the 22nd of January 1621 he was
installed as a prebendary of Westminster, and
on the 29th of June in the same year he obtained
the See of St. David's. On the accession of
Charles 1. to the throne Laud's influence became
very great, and in 1626 he was made Bishop of
Bath and Wells, and two years later Bishop of
London. In 1630 he was elected Chancellor of
the University of Oxford, and in 1633 ne was
appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. Shortly
after the meeting of the Long Parliament in
1640 Laud was impeached of treason by the
House of Commons, and committed to the
Tower. After an imprisonment of three years he
was brought to trial before the Lords, but as they
showed an inclination to acquit him, the Commons
passed an ordinance of attainder, declaring him
guilty of treason, to which they compelled the
Peers to assent, and on the 10th of January
1645 ne was brought to the scaffold on Tower
Hill. His body was interred in the chancel of
All Hallows, Barking, where it remained until
1663, when it was removed to the Chapel of St.
John's College, Oxford.
Archbishop Laud was an ardent collector of
books, especially of manuscripts, but Wood in his
A thence Oxonienses says he was 'such a liberal
benefactor towards the advancement of learning
that he left himself little or nothing for his
own use.' The Bodleian Library is indebted to
him for a large portion of its choicest treasures,
especially of Oriental literature. Between the
years 1635 and 1640 he enriched the Library with
repeated gifts of valuable manuscripts. In 1635
he presented four hundred and sixty-two volumes
and five rolls. Among these were forty-six Latin
manuscripts, 4e Collegio Herbipolensi [Wiirz-
burg] in Germania sumpti, a.d. 1631, cum Sue-
corum Regis exercitus per universam fere
Germaniam grassarentur.' This gift was followed,
in 1636, by another of one hundred and
eighty-one manuscripts. In the next year
five hundred and fifty-five additional manu-
scripts were given by him to the Library,
and in 1640 eighty-one more. This splendid
donation of nearly thirteen hundred manuscripts
comprised works in Oriental and many other
languages ; a large number of them being of
exceptional value and interest. Among them was
a manuscript of the Acts of the Apostles in
Greek and Latin, of the end of the seventh
century, which is believed to have been once in
the possession of the Venerable Bede. Other
notable manuscripts were an Irish vellum manu-
script containing the Psalter of Cashel, Cormac's
Glossary, Poems attributed to St. Columb-Kill and
St. Patrick, etc., and a copy of the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle \ which ends at the year 1154, and
appears to have been written in, and to have
formerly been the property of, the Abbey of
Peterborough. In addition to the manuscripts,
the Archbishop presented the Library with
a collection of coins, and other antiquities
and curiosities.1 Archbishop Laud was also
a great benefactor to his own college, St.
John's. Sir Kenelm Digby in a letter to Dr.
Gerard Langbaine, dated Gothurst, November
7th, 1654, writes: 'As I was one day waiting
on the late King, my master, I told him of
a collection of choice Arabic Manuscripts I
was sending after my Latin ones to the Uni-
versity. My Lord of Canterbury [Laud] that
was present, wished that they might go along
with a parcel that he was sending to St. John's
College : whereupon I sent them to his Grace, as
Chancellor of the University, beseeching him to
present them in my name to the same place
where he sent his. They were in two trunks
(made exactly fit for them) that had the first
letters of my christian and sirname decyphered
upon them with nails ; and on the first page of
every book was my ordinary motto and name
written at length in my own hand. The troubles
of the times soon followed my sending these
trunks of books to Lambeth-house, and I was
banished out of the land, and returned not until
1 Macray, Annals of the Bodleian Library, pp. 61-65.
my lord was dead ; so that I never more heard
of them.*1
Some curious entries in the Journals of the
House of Commons show that the books which
the Archbishop retained for his own use fell into
the hands of Hugh Peters, the regicide.
1 A0. 1643-4, March 8. Ordered, That a Study
of books to the value of one hundred pounds out
of such books as are sequestered, be forthwith
bestowed upon Mr. Peters.'
' A°. 1644, 25 April. Whereas this House was
formerly pleased to bestow upon Mr. Peters,
Books to the Value of an Hundred Pounds, it is
this day ordered, that Mr. Recorder, Mr. Whit-
lock and Mr. Hill, or any Two of them, do cause
to be delivered unto Mr. Peters Books of the
Value of an Hundred Pounds, out of the particular
and private study of the Archbishop of Canter-
bury, and out of the Books belonging to the
said Archbishop, in his own particular.'
1 A°. 1644, 27 Junij. Whereas formerly Books
to the Value of an Hundred Pounds were be-
stowed upon Mr. Peters, out of the Archbishop
of Canterbury's particular private Study : And
whereas the said Study is appraised at a matter
of Forty Pounds more than the said Hundred
Pounds ; It is this day ordered, That Mr. Peters
shall have the whole Study of Books freely be-
stowed upon him.'
1 Walker, Letters by Eminent Persons. London, 1 813.
These books, however, appear to have been
recovered after the Restoration, for we find an
entry in the Journals of the date of May 16,
1660, ordering ' That it be referred to the Com-
mittee to whom the Business of Secretary Thurloe
is referred, to take Order, that all the Books and
Papers, heretofore belonging to the Library of the
late Archbishop of Canterbury, and now, or lately,
in the Hands of Mr. Hugh Peters, be forthwith
In addition to his other benefactions to the
University of Oxford, Archbishop Laud founded
in that university a Professorship of Arabic, and
endowed it with lands in the parish of Bray, in
the county of Berks.
The works written by Laud are but few in
number. They are Officium Quotidianum, or a
Manual of Private Devotions ; A Summary of
Devotions ; his Diary ; and A History of his
Troubles and Try at ; together with some smaller
pieces, sermons, and speeches. A Relation of
the Conference between him and Fisher the
fesuit, by Laud's chaplain John Baily, was
printed in 1624. A collected edition of his
works, edited by Henry Wharton, was printed
in 1 695- 1 700, and a second one in the Library
of Anglo-Catholic Theology, in six volumes in
Portraits of him are to be found in St. John's
College, Oxford, and at Lambeth Palace. A
copy of the last portrait, by Henry Stone, is in
the National Portrait Gallery.
ROBERT BURTON, 1576-1640
Robert Burton, the author of The Anatomy of
Melancholy, who is numbered by Dibdin 'among
the most marked bibliomaniacs of the age,' was
the second son of Ralph Burton of Lindley in
the county of Leicester, and was born on the
8th of February 1576. He received the early
part of his education at the grammar schools of
Nuneaton and Sutton Coldfield. In 1593 he
was admitted a commoner at Brasenose College,
Oxford, and in 1599 was elected a student of
Christ Church. He took the degree of B.D. in
1614. The last-named college presented him
with the vicarage of St. Thomas, in the west
suburb of Oxford, in 16 16, and some years later
George, Lord Berkeley, gave him the rectory of
Segrave in Leicestershire. The first edition of
his famous work, The Anatomy of Melancholy \
appeared in 1621. Burton, about whose life little
is known, died in his chamber at Christ's Church
on the 25th of January 1639-40, ' at, or very near
that time,' Anthony a Wood writes, 'which he
had some years before foretold from the calcula-
tion of his own nativity. Which being exact,
several of the students did not forbear to whisper
among themselves, that rather than there should
be a mistake in the calculation, he sent up his
soul to heaven thro' a slip about his neck.' Wood
adds that he was buried in the north aisle of
Christ Church Cathedral, and over his grave ' was
erected a comely monument on the upper pillar of
the said isle with his bust painted to the life : on
the right hand of which, is the calculation of his
nativity, and under the bust this inscription made
by himself; all put up by the care of William
Burton, his brother.
1 Paucis notus, paucioribus ignotus, hie jacet
Democritus junior, cui vitam dedit & mortem
Melancholia. Obiit viii. Id. Jan. A.C. mdcxxxix.'
Burton's monument and bust have been en-
graved for Nichols's History and Antiquities of
Leicestershire, and his portrait hangs in the hall
of Brasenose College.
Wood gives the following character of Bur-
ton : — ' He was an exact mathematician, a curious
calculator of nativities, a general-read scholar, a
thorough-paced philologist, and one that under-
stood the surveying of lands well. As he was by
many accounted a severe student, a devourer of
authors, a melancholy and humourous person,
so by others who knew him well, a person of
great honesty, plain dealing and charity. I have
heard some of the ancients of Christchurch often
say that his company was very merry, facete and
juvenile; and no man in his time did surpass
him for his ready and dexterous interlarding his
common discourses among them with verses from
the poets, or sentences from classical authoi
which, being then all the fashion in the uni-
versity, made his company more acceptable.'
Burton left behind him a large and curious
collection of books, the nature of which he well
describes in his Address to the Reader of his
Anatomy of Melancholy : ' I hear new news every
day, and those ordinary rumours of war, plagues,
fires, inundations, thefts, murders, massacres,
meteors, comets, spectrums, prodigies, apparitions,
of towns taken, cities besieged in France, Ger-
many, Turkey, Persia, Poland, etc., daily musters
and preparations, and such like, which these
tempestuous times afford, battles fought, so many
men slain, monomachies, shipwrecks, piracies, and
sea-fights ; peace, leagues, stratagems, and fresh
alarms. . . . New books every day, pamphlets,
currantoes, stories, whole catalogues of volumes
of all sorts. . . . Now come tidings of weddings,
maskings, mummeries, entertainments, jubilies,
embassies, tilts and tournaments, trophies, tri-
umphs, revels, sports, plays : then again, as in a
new shifted scene, treasons, cheating tricks, rob-
beries, enormous villanies in all kinds, funerals,
burials, deaths of princes, new discoveries, ex-
peditions, now comical, then tragical matters.'
He appears to have purchased indiscriminately
almost everything that was published.
In his will, dated August 15th, 1639, ne gives
directions for the disposal of his books : —
1 Now for my goods I thus dispose them.
First I give an Cth pounds to Christ Church in
Oxford where I have so long lived to buy five
pounds Lands per Ann. to be Yearly bestowed on
Books for the Library. Item I give an hundreth
pound to the University Library of Oxford to be
bestowed to purchase five pound Land per Ann.
to be paid out Yearly on Books. ... If I have
any Books the University Library hath not, let
them take them. If I have any Books our own
Library hath not, let them take them.' After
bequeathing books to various friends, he directs,
1 If any books be left let my Executors dispose
of them with all such books as are written with
my own hands and half my Melancholy Copy for
Crips hath the other half. To Mr. Jones Chaplin
and Chanter my Surveying Books and Instru-
In addition to The Anatomy of Melancholy,
Burton wrote a Latin comedy, entitled Philoso-
phaster, which was acted at Christ Church on
Shrove Monday, February the 16th, 1618, and
which was first printed in 1862 for the Roxburghe
Club at the expense of the late Rev.W. E. Buckley,
of Middleton Chaney, the possessor of one of two
manuscripts of it which have been preserved.
ARMAGH, 1581-1656
JAMBS Usher or Ussher, Archbishop of
Armagh, was born in Dublin on the 4th of
January 1581. He was the second, but elder
surviving son of Arland Usher, one of the six-
clerks of the Irish Court of Chancery. His
mother was a daughter of James Stanyhurst,
Recorder of the City of Dublin, who was thrice
elected Speaker of the Irish House of Commons.
Usher is said to have been taught to read by
two aunts who had been blind from their infancy.
At the age of eight he was sent to a school in
Dublin conducted by Mr. James Fullerton and
Mr. James Hamilton, two secret political agents
of King James of Scotland, who were after-
wards made Sir James Fullerton and Viscount
Clandeboye. In 1594 he proceeded to Trinity
College, Dublin, being the second scholar ad-
mitted in the newly opened University, of which
he was made a Fellow in 1599. On the 20th of
December 1601 he was ordained by his uncle,
the Archbishop of Armagh, having first made
over his paternal inheritance to his younger
brother and his sisters, reserving only a small
portion for his support during his studies. On
the 24th of the same month the Spaniards were
defeated at the battle of Kinsale by the English
Archbishop Usher.
and Irish, and the officers of the English army
determined to commemorate their success by
founding a library in the College at Dublin.
They collected among themselves about eighteen
hundred pounds for this purpose,1 and Usher,
in conjunction with Dr. Luke Challoner, was
requested to select the books. For this object,
in 1602, he paid a visit to England, where he
made the acquaintance of Sir Thomas Bodley,
Sir Robert Cotton, Camden, and other dis-
tinguished persons. In 1606 he again made a
journey to England, this time to buy books for
his own library, as well as for that of his college,2
and for some time he repeated his visits every
three or four years. In 1607 he was made Pro-
fessor of Divinity in Trinity College, which office
he held for thirteen years. He was consecrated
Bishop of Meath and Clonmacnoise in 1621, and
four years later he was raised to the Archbishopric
of Armagh and the Primacy of the Irish Church.
Usher came to England on a visit in 1640, but
he never returned to his native country, for in
the next year his residence at Armagh was
attacked and plundered by the rebels, and he
lost everything he possessed except his library,
and some furniture in his house at Drogheda.
1 Life of Usher, by Dr. C R. Elrington, prefixed to Usher's works,
vol. i. p. 23. Dublin, 1847.
2 A list of these books, with the prices annexed to several, is still extant
in Usher's handwriting, and preserved among the MSS. of Trinity College,
Dublin. Ibid., p. 25.
In consequence of the unsettled state of the
country it was thought useless for him to return
to his see, and the king therefore bestowed on
him the bishopric of Carlisle, to be held *>/ coni-
mendam. For some time he resided in Oxford,
but that city being threatened with a siege by
the Parliamentary forces, in 1645 ne proceeded
to Cardiff, of which town Sir Timothy Tyrrell,
who had married his only child, was governor.
Some months later, when Tyrrell was obliged to
give up his command, Usher accepted an invita-
tion from Mary, widow of Sir Edward Stradling,
to take up his abode at her residence, St. Donat s
Castle, Glamorganshire. On his way thither, in
company with his daughter, he unluckily fell into
the hands of a party of Welsh insurgents, who
plundered him of all his books and papers, but
these were afterwards to a great extent recovered
by the exertions of the clergy and gentry of the
country. In 1646 Usher came to London, and
found a home in the house of his friend the
Dowager Countess of Peterborough, which was
situated in St. Martin's Lane, 'just over against
Charing Cross.' From the roof of the building
he witnessed the preliminaries of the execution
of Charles 1., but he nearly fainted when 'the
villains in vizards began to put up the king's
hair,' and had to be removed. Usher was ap-
pointed Preacher to the Society of Lincoln's Inn
in 1647, and f°r nearly eight years preached
regularly during term-time in the chapel. He
had a suite of furnished apartments provided
for him in the Inn, 'with divers rooms for his
library.' He retired in 1656 to Lady Peter-
borough's house at Reigate in Surrey, and died
there on the 21st of March in that year. On
the 21st of the following month he was buried
in Westminster Abbey; a public funeral being
given him by order of Cromwell, who is said,
however, to have left the relations of the deceased
prelate to pay the greater part of the expense.
Usher formed a large and valuable library of
nearly ten thousand volumes, which cost him
many thousand pounds. Dr. Richard Parr, his
biographer, states that 'after he became arch-
bishop he laid out a great deal of money in
books, laying aside every year a considerable
sum for that end, and especially for the procuring
of manuscripts, as well as from foreign parts, as
near at hand.' His library contained a number
of rare Oriental manuscripts, which he obtained
through the instrumentality of Mr. Thomas
Davis, a merchant at Aleppo. Among them were
a copy of the Samaritan Pentateuch, a Syrian
Pentateuch, and a Commentary on a great part
of the Old and New Testaments. From the
Samaritan Pentateuch Usher furnished some
extracts for his friend Selden's Marmora Arun-
deliana, and he deposited the manuscript itself
in the Cottonian Library. Dr. Walton also found
Usher's collection of much use in preparing his
Polyglot Bible. Several of the manuscripts
which had belonged to Usher were given to the
Bodleian Library by James Tyrrell, the historian,
who was the Archbishop's grandson. It was
Usher's intention to have left his library to
Trinity College, but having lost all his other
property he thought it right to bequeath it to
his daughter, Lady Tyrrell, who had a large
family. After his death it was offered for sale,
and the King of Denmark and Cardinal Mazarin
were both anxious to acquire it ; but Cromwell,
considering it disgraceful to his administration
to allow such a splendid collection of books to
be sent out of the kingdom, prohibited the dis-
posal of it without his consent, and it was
purchased for the sum of two thousand two
hundred pounds, the money being principally
contributed by the officers and soldiers of the
army in Ireland. It is said that the amount
paid for it was much less than what had been
previously offered. The books were sent to
Dublin and placed in the Castle, with a view that
they should form the library of a new College
or Hall then projected. They remained in the
Castle until the Restoration, when Charles il,
in accordance with Usher's first intention, gave
them to Trinity College, where they are still
preserved. Usher, who is said by Selden to
have been 'ad miraculum doctus,' was the author
Archbishop Williams.
of many works, some of the more important
being Immanuel, or the Mystery of the Incar-
nation of the Son of God (Dublin, 1638), 4to ;
Britannicarum Ecclesiarmn Antiquitates et
Primordia (Dublin, 1639), 4*° 5 Annates Veteris
et Novi Testamenti (London, 1650-54), folio1 ; De
Grceca Septuaginta Interpretum Versione Syn-
tagma (London, 1654), 4to ; and Chronologia
Sacra (London, 1660), 4to. A complete edition
of the Archbishop's works, in seventeen octavo
volumes, partly edited by Dr. C. R. Elrington,
and partly by Dr. J. H. Todd, with an index
volume by Dr. W. Reeves, was published in
Dublin in 1847-64.
YORK, 1582-1650
John Williams, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal
and Archbishop of York, was the son of Edmund
Williams of Aber-Conway, Caernarvonshire, at
which place he was born on the 25th of March
1582. He was first educated at the public school
at Ruthin, and later at St. John's College, Cam-
bridge, where he was sent when sixteen years of
age. While at the university he appears to have
1 The chronology given in this work is still the standard adopted in
editions of the English Bible.
indulged in a somewhat reckless expenditure, and
Bishop Hacket, who wrote his biography, informs
us that ' from a youth and so upward he had not
a fist to hold money, for he did not lay out, but
scatter, spending all that he had, and somewhat
for which he could be trusted.' He was, however,
by no means neglectful of his studies, for we are
told by Lloyd in his State IVorthies, ' that un-
wearied was his industry, unexpressible his
capacity : He never saw the book of worth he
read not ; he never forgot what he read ; he never
lost the use of what he remembred : Everything
he heard or saw was his own ; and what was his
own he knew how to use to the utmost.' From
the time of Williams's ordination in 1609, his
career until the accession of Charles 1. was a
remarkably rapid and successful one. After
holding one or two livings, he was appointed
Chaplain to the King and Sub-Dean of Salisbury,
and in 1620 Dean of Westminster. On the fall of
Bacon, in July 1621, in whose ruin he had taken
a large share, he was sworn in as Lord Keeper.
Lloyd observes with reference to the manner in
which he fulfilled the duties of this post, that
1 the lawyers despised him at first, but the judges
admired him at last.' Williams was also made
Bishop of Lincoln, and allowed to retain the
deanery of Westminster and the rectory of Wal-
grave ; in fact the number of preferments he held
was so large that Dr. Heylyn remarks that ' he
was a perfect diocese within himself, as being
bishop, dean, prebend, residentiary, and parson,
all at once.' Williams held the post of Lord
Keeper until 1626, when he was deprived of his
office, and various charges, including one of
betraying the King's secrets, were brought
against him by Archbishop Laud, his great
enemy. He was found guilty of subornation
of perjury in defending himself from these
charges, suspended from all his dignities and
appointments, condemned to suffer imprisonment
during the pleasure of the King, and fined ten
thousand pounds. Lloyd says 'he suffered for
conniving at Puritans, out of hatred to Bishop
Laud ; and for favouring Papists, out of love to
them.' At the meeting of the Long Parliament
Williams was released, and having been again
received into favour at court, he was translated
in 1 64 1 to the Archbishopric of York. During
the Civil War he retired to his estate at Aber-
Conway, and for some time held Conway Castle
for the King. He died of a quinsy on the 25th
of March 1650, and was interred in Llandegay
church, where a monument was erected to his
memory by his nephew and heir Sir Griffyth
Archbishop Williams was a generous patron of
learning, and Lloyd states that ' his pensions to
Scholars were more numerous than all the
Bishops and Noble-mens besides ' ; and that he
imposed ' Rent-charges on all the Benefices in his
Gift as Lord Keeper, or Bishop of Lincoln, to
maintain hopeful youth. He formed a library in
his palace at Buckden in Huntingdonshire, which
was dispersed or destroyed during his imprison-
ment,1 but upon his release he collected another,
which he bequeathed to St. John's College,
Cambridge, having previously given upwards of
two thousand pounds to the college for the pur-
pose of building a new library ; and in Bagford
and Oldys's London Libraries we find an account
of the books which he gave to the library of
Westminster Abbey. ' In the great cloister of
the abbey/ they write, ' is a well-furnished library,
considering the time when it was erected by
Dr. Williams, Dean of Westminster and Bishop
of Lincoln ; who was a great promoter of learning.
He purchased the books of the heirs of one Baker
of Highgate, and founded it for public use every
1 'After this, hearing his Majesty would not abate anything of his fine,
he desired that it might be taken up by iooo/. yearly as his estate would
bear it, till the whole should be paid. But that was not granted : Kilvert
[the solicitor for the prosecution] was ordered to go to Bugden and Lincoln,
and there to seize upon all he could and bring it into the Exchequer.
Kilvert, glad of the office, made sure of all that could be found, goods of all
sorts, plate, books, etc. to the value of 10,000/., of which he never gave
account but of 800/. The timber he felled, killed the deer in the park, sold
an organ which cost 120/. for 10/., pictures which cost 400/. for 4/., made
away with what books he pleased, and continued revelling for three summers
in Bugden-house. For four cellars of wine, cyder, ale, and beer, with wood,
hay, corn, and the like, stored up for a year or two, he gives no account at
all ; and thus a large personal estate was squandered away, and not the
least part of the King's fine paid all this while, whereas if it had been
managed to the best advantage, it would have been sufficient to have
discharged the whole.' — Biographia Ihitannica, vol. vi. p. 4288 (note).
day in Term, from nine to twelve in the forenoon,
and from two till four in the afternoon. The
mss. are kept in the inner part, but by an accident
many of them were burnt.' Mr. James Yeowell,
the editor of the work, adds in a note that ' Dean
Williams converted a waste room, situate in the
east side of the cloisters, into a library, which
he enriched with the valuable works from the
collection of Sir Richard Baker, author of The
Chronicles of the Kings of England, which cost
him 500/. A catalogue of this library is in Harl.
ms. 694. There is also a ms. catalogue, compiled
in 1798 by Dr. Dakin, the precentor, arranged
A portrait of Archbishop Williams is hung in
the library of St. John's College, Cambridge.
JOHN SELDEN, 1584-1654
John Selden, the distinguished legal antiquary,
historian, and Oriental scholar, who was styled
by his friend Ben Jonson ' a monarch in letters,'
and ' vir omni eruditionis genere instructissimus '
by Archbishop Laud, was born on the 16th of
December 1584 at Salvington, near Worthing, in
Sussex. His father was John Selden, a farmer,
known as the ■ Minstrel ' on account of his pro-
ficiency in music. Aubrey describes him as 'a
yeomanly man of about forty pounds a year, who
played well on the violin, in which he took much
delight.' Selden was first educated at the free
grammar school at Chichester, and afterwards
proceeded with an exhibition to Hart Hall, since
merged in Magdalen Hall, Oxford. On leaving
the university he was admitted a member of
Clifford's Inn ; but in 1604 removed to the Inner
Temple. Wood, in his A thence Oxonienses, says
of him that ' after he had continued there a sedu-
lous student for some time, he did, by the help
of a strong body and a vast memory, not only
run through the whole body of the law, but
became a prodigy in most parts of learning,
especially in those which were not common or
little frequented or regarded by the generality of
students of his time. So that in a few years his
name was wonderfully advanced not only at home
but in foreign countries, and he was usually styled
the great dictator of learning of the English
nation. . . . He was a great philologist, anti-
quary, herald, linguist, statesman, and what not.'
Selden devoted his time rather to chamber prac-
tice and to legal researches and the study of
history and antiquities than to the more active
part of his profession. It is said he wrote his
first work, Analecton Anglo -Brttann icon, as
early as 1607, when only twenty-two years of
age, but it was not published until eight years
later. The Duello, England's Epinomis, and
Jani Anglorum Fades Altera appeared in 16 10,
Titles of Honour in 16 14, De Diis Syris Syntag-
mata Duo in 161 7, and The History of Tithes
in 16 1 8, wherein he allows the legal, but denies
the divine, right of the clergy to the receiving of
tithes. The more important of his later works
are Marmora Arundeliana, published in 1628,
De Successionibus in 1631, Mare Clausum in
1635, DeJureNaturali et Gentium juxt a Discip-
linam Ebrczorum Libri VII in 1640, and Fleta,
seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, an ancient
manuscript which he edited and annotated, in
1647. Among his other literary labours are the
notes appended to Drayton's Polyolbion. A
volume of his Table Talk was published after
his death in 1689, and his complete works in
1726, in three volumes folio. In 1621 Selden
was committed to prison for having advised the
House of Commons to assert its right to offer
advice to the Crown, but was released after an
imprisonment of five weeks. He first entered the
House of Commons in 1623 as Member for
Lancaster, and for some years took a very pro-
minent part in its proceedings. During the later
disputes between Charles and the Parliament he
acted with great moderation, and it is said that
at one time the King thought of intrusting him
with the Great Seal. Selden subscribed the
Covenant in 1643, and was made Keeper of the
Rolls and Records in the Tower. In 1645 he
was appointed a Commissioner of the Admiralty,
and in the same year he was elected Master of
Trinity Hall, Cambridge, an office he declined to
accept. Parliament voted him five thousand
pounds in 1647 as compensation for his suffer-
ings during the monarchy ; but Wood states that
' some there are that say that he refused and
could not out of conscience take it, and add that
his mind was as great as his learning, full of
generosity and harbouring nothing that seemed
base.' Although he remained in Parliament
after the execution of the King, he almost entirely
withdrew from public affairs, and, it is said, re-
fused to write a reply to the Eikon Basil ike
when requested to do so by Cromwell. Selden
died on November 30, 1654, at Friary House,
Whitefriars, the residence of Elizabeth, Countess
Dowager of Kent, to whom it was reputed
he had been married. He was interred in the
Temple Church, where a monument was erected
to his memory.
Selden collected a very fine library, 'rich in
classics and science, theology and history, law
and Hebrew literature,' of which about eight
thousand volumes were eventually added to the
Bodleian Library. Selden had bequeathed his
books to the Bodleian ; but it is said he was so
offended with the University for refusing the
loan of a manuscript except upon a bond for one
thousand pounds, that he revoked the bequest,
and left them to the free disposal of his executors.
They offered the collection to the Society of the
Inner Temple, but as no building was provided
for its reception, they carried out the original
intention of Selden, and gave it in 1659 to the
Bodleian, stipulating at the same time that all
the books should be chained, and ^25, 10s. was
expended for that purpose. There is no doubt,
however, that a considerable number of the
manuscripts came into the possession of that
library soon after Selden's death, and the entire
affair is involved in some obscurity. The Rev.
W. D. Macray, who, in his Annals of the
Bodleian Library, goes very fully into the
matter, gives another reason for Selden's dis-
pleasure. 'In July 1649/ ne writes, 'the new
intruded officers and fellows of Magdalene
College found in the Muniment-room in the
cloister-tower of the College a large sum of
money in the old coinage called Spur-royals, or
Ryals, amounting to ^£1400, the equivalent of
which had been left by the Founder as a reserve-
fund for law expenses, for re-erecting or repairing
buildings destroyed by fire, etc., or for other
extraordinary charges. This gold had been laid
up and counted in Queen Elizabeth's time, and
had remained untouched since then ; consequently,
although some of the old members of the College
were aware of its existence, to the new-comers
it seemed a welcome and unexpected discovery.
especially as the College was at the time heavily
in debt. They immediately proceeded to divide
it among all the members on the foundation pro-
portionately, not excluding the choristers (who
were at that time undergraduates), the Puritan
President, Wilkinson, being alone opposed to
such an illegal proceeding, and being with diffi-
culty prevailed upon to accept ^ioo as his share,
which, however, upon his death-bed he charged
his executors to repay. The Spur-royals were
exchanged at the rate of 18s. 6d. to 20s. each,
and each fellow had thirty-three of them. But
when the fact of this embezzlement of corporate
funds became known, the College was called to
account by Parliament, and, although they at-
tempted to defend themselves, they individually
deemed it wise to refund the greater, or a con-
siderable, part of what had been abstracted.
Fuller, whose Church History was published in
the year following Selden's death, after telling
this scandalous story, proceeds thus (Book ix.
p. 234): — "Sure I am, a great antiquarie lately
deceased (rich as well in his state as learning) at
the hearing thereof quitted all his intention of
benefaction to Oxford or any place else." . . .
And Wood (Hist, and Antiq., by Gutch, ii. 942)
says that he had been told that this misappro-
priation was one reason of Selden's distaste at
Besides the books sent to the Bodleian
Library, those relating to law were given to
Lincoln's Inn, and some medical works were
bequeathed by Selden to the College of Physi-
cians. ' Eight chests full of registers of abbeys,
and other manuscripts relating to the history of
England,' were unfortunately destroyed in a fire
at the Temple ; and many volumes also were lost
during the interval between Selden's death and
their arrival at Oxford.
1 586- 1 646
One of the most zealous and successful collectors
of the early part of the seventeenth century was
Thomas Howard, only son of Philip, Earl of
Arundel, and grandson of Thomas, Duke of
Norfolk, who was beheaded in 1572. He was
born on the 7th of July 1586. In 1595 his father
died in the Tower, and by his attainder his son
was deprived of his titles and lands. On the
accession of James 1. the former were restored to
him, but the King retained the property. Lord
Arundel was created Earl of Norfolk in 1644,
and died at Padua on the 4th of October 1646.
After his death his collections were partially
dispersed ; and in 1666 his printed books were
presented, at the instigation of John Evelyn, to
the Royal Society by Henry Howard, afterwards
sixth Duke of Norfolk, a grandson of the Earl,
while the manuscripts were divided between that
Society and the College of Arms. In 1831 the
principal portion of the manuscripts in possession
of the Royal Society were transferred to the
British Museum, and
the remainder, con-
sisting of Oriental
manuscripts, in 1835.
They were valued at
three thousand five
hundred and fifty-
nine pounds, and
were paid for partly
in money, and partly
with duplicates of
printed books in the
Museum collection.
A large portion of
the Earl's library con-
sisted of the books
of Bilibaldus Pirck-
heimer of Nurem-
berg, which he ac-
quired during a diplomatic mission into Germany
in 1636. Some of the manuscripts, Oldys states,
once formed part of the library of Matthias Cor-
vinus, King of Hungary. The Earl of Norfolk's
collections also comprised a very large number
of antique marbles, paintings, vases, and gems.
Arms of Thomas Howard,
Earl ok Norfolk.
RICHARD SMITH, 1590-1675
Richard Smith or Smyth, who was born in
1590 at Lillingston Dayrell, Buckinghamshire,
was the son of the Rev. Richard Smith of Abing-
don, Berkshire. He was sent to the University
of Oxford, but did not matriculate, and after a
short stay there was removed by his parents, and
articled to a solicitor of the city of London. In
1644 ne became Secondary of the Poultry
Compter, which was worth about seven hundred
pounds a year. This office he held until the
death of his eldest son John in 1655, when he
sold it, and ' betook himself,' says Anthony a
Wood, 'wholly to a private life, two-thirds of
which he at least spent in his library.' He died
on the 26th of March 1675, and was buried in
the Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, where a
monument was erected to his memory.
Smith was an indefatigable collector, and
amassed a library of very fine and rare books,
many of which had belonged to an earlier col-
lector, Humphrey Dyson. These books came to
Smith by marriage.1 Wood informs us that ' he
1 Hearne in his Diary (Oct. 4, 1714) states : 'That Mr. Rich. Smith's
rare and curious collection of books was began first by Mr. Humphrey
Dyson, a public notary, living in the Poultry. They came to Mr. Smith by
marriage. This is the same Humphrey Dyson that assisted Howes in his
continuation of Stowe's Survey of London, ed. folio ;' and in his preface to
Peter Langtoft's Chronicle (vol. i. p. xiii.) Hearne describes Dyson as 4a
was constantly known every day to walk his
rounds among the booksellers' shops (especially
in Little Britain) in London, and by his great
skill and experience he made choice of such books
that were not obvious to every man's eye.' ' He
lived in times,' Wood adds, 'which ministred
peculiar opportunities of meeting with books that
were not every day brought into public light : and
few eminent libraries were bought where he had
not the liberty to pick and choose. . . . He was
also a great collector of mss., whether ancient or
modern that were not extant, and delighted much
to be poring on them.' Wood also states that
after Smith's death, ' there was a design to buy
his choice library for a public use, by a collec-
tion of moneys to be raised among generous
persons, but the work being public, and therefore
but little forwarded, it came into the hands of
Richard Chiswell, a bookseller living in S.
Paul's Ch.-yard, London : who printing a cata-
logue of, with others added to, them, which came
out after Mr. Smith's death, they were exposed
to sale by way of auction, to the great reluctancy
of public-spirited men, in May and June 1682.'
The sale, which commenced on the 15th of May,
and was continued day by day the first five days
of every week until all the books were sold, took
person of a very strange, prying, and inquisitive genius in the matter of
books, as may appear from many Libraries ; there being Books (chiefly in
old English) almost in every Library, that have belongM to him. with his
name upon them.' Some of his books are preserved in the British Museum.
place at ' the Auction House known by the name
of the Swan in Great Bartholomew's Close.' It
realised one thousand four hundred and fourteen
pounds, twelve shillings and eleven pence.1 A
copy of the catalogue, with the prices in
manuscript, is preserved in the British Museum.
The sums obtained for the Caxtons, of which
there were about a dozen, will be interesting
to bibliographers. A copy of Godfrey of
Bulloyn, which it is stated had belonged to
King Edward iv., fetched the highest price —
eighteen shillings ; and the Game of the Chesse,
the History of Jason, and the Eneydos of Virgil
sold respectively for thirteen shillings, five
shillings and a penny, and three shillings ; while
no more than two shillings could be got for the
Book of Good Manners. A fine copy of the
Coverdale Bible realised only twenty shillings
and sixpence, and Captain John Smith's History
of Virginia went for seven shillings and two-
pence. The manuscripts also, even for those
days, sold at exceedingly low prices.
A very interesting account of the library will
be found in an article on English Book-Sales,
1681-86, by Mr. A. W. Pollard, in vol. ii. of
Bibliographica. Mr. Smith wrote some learned
1 In an entry in his Diary (Sep. 4, 1715) Hearne says : — 'Mr. Richard
Smith's Catalogue that is printed contains a very noble and very extra-
ordinary collection of books. It was begun first in the time of King
Hen. viii., and comeing to Mr. Smith, he was so very diligent and exact in
continueing and improving, that hardly anything curious escaped him.'
works which he left in manuscript. A Letter to
Dr. Henry Hammond, concerning t/ie Sense of
that Article in the Creed, He descended into
Hell, written by Smith in 1659, was printed in
1684; and his Obituary, being a catalogue of all
such persons as he knew in their life ; extending
from a.d. 1627 to a.d. 1674, was edited for the
Camden Society by Sir H. Ellis, K.H., in 1849.
The manuscript of the Obituary, together with
the manuscripts of two or three other works by
Smith are preserved among the Sloane Manu-
scripts in the British Museum. A portrait of
him was engraved by William Sherwin.
George Thomason, who formed the wonderful
collection of Civil War tracts, which was given
to the British Museum by King George in.,
was born at the end of the sixteenth or begin-
ning of the seventeenth century. Nothing appears
to be known of his parents. He took up his
freedom as a member of the Stationers' Company
on the 5th of June 1626.1 His first publica-
tion was a new edition of Martyn's History of
the Kings of England, which he produced in
conjunction with James Boler and Robert Young
in 1628, and he continued to publish books until
1 Arbcr, Transcript of the Register, voL. iii. p. 686.
1660. He carried on business at the Rose and
Crown, St. Paul's Churchyard, and we learn
from the Obituary of Richard Smith that he
died on April 10, 1666, and was 'buried out
of Stationers' Hall (a poore man).' The Rev.
George Thomason, who was Canon of Lincoln
from 1683 to 17 1 2, is stated to have been his
eldest son.
The number of separate printed tracts in the
collection which Thomason formed with such
unwearied perseverance for twenty years is stated
in an Account of it,1 printed about 1680, to consist
of ' near Thirty Thousand several sorts,' together
with ' near one hundred several ms. pieces that
were never printed, all, or most of them on
the King's behalf, which no man durst then
venture to publish without endangering his
Ruine,' and it is said that these were contained
in 'above Two Thousand bound Volumes.' Mr.
Falconer Madan, however, in his admirable
paper on the Thomason Tracts in Bibliogra-
phical informs us that after going carefully
through the collection, and looking at every
title-page, he has come to the conclusion that
the present number of separate pieces is twenty-
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-one in
print, and seventy-three in manuscript, comprised
1 Copies are preserved in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library,
and it is reprinted in Beloe's Anecdotes vol. ii. p. 248.
* Vol. iii. p. 304.
in about one thousand nine hundred and eighty-
three volumes.
All the tracts are arranged in chronological
order, and from July 1642 to the end of the col-
lection Thomason has placed the date of issue
on every piece when it is not printed on it, and
has also endeavoured to supply the place of
printing when not given. These notes are some-
times supplemented by others commenting on
the opinions of the autnors of the tracts. There
is a manuscript catalogue in twelve folio volumes,
compiled by Marmaduke Foster, and annotated
and corrected by Thomason himself.
The collection is not confined to tracts relating
to the Civil War and the Commonwealth; it also
contains many works on other subjects. Among
these is a fine copy of the first edition of Walton's
Compieat Angler, which at the present time
would realise nearly, if not quite, as large a sum
as the amount (three hundred pounds) given by
King George in. for the entire series.
The collection, which was commenced by
Thomason in 1640, and continued until 1661,
was made by him under great difficulties. He
was a staunch Royalist, and the books appear
to have been in constant danger of falling into
the hands of the Parliamentary army. We read
in the Account to which we have already referred
that ' to prevent the Discovery of them, when
the Army was Northwards, he pack'd them up
in several Trunks, and by one or two in a week
sent them to a trusty Friend in Surry, who safely
preserv'd them ; and when the Army was West-
ward, and fearing their Return that way, they
were sent to London again ; but the Collector
durst not keep them, but sent them into Essex,
and so according as they lay near Danger, still,
by timely removing them, at a great charge,
secur'd them, but continu'd perfecting the Work.
'And for a further Security to them, there
was a Bargain pretended to be made with the
University of Oxford and a Receipt of a
Thousand Pounds given and acknowledg'd to
be in part for them, that if the Usurper had
found them out, the University should claim
them, who had greater Power to struggle for
them than a private Man.
1 All these Shifts have been made, and Diffi-
culties encounter'd to keep the Collection from
being embezel'd and destroy'd ; which with the
great Charges of collecting and binding them,
cost the Undertaker so much that he refused
Four Thousand Pounds for them in his Life
time, supposing that Sum not sufficient to re-
imburse him.'
And in another account, at one time prefixed
to the catalogue of the collection, it is stated that
1 not thinking them safe anywhere in England,
he at last took a resolution to send them into
Holland for their more safe preservation. But
considering with himself what a treasure it was,
upon second thoughts, he durst not venture them
at sea, but resolved to place them in his ware-
houses in form of tables round about the rooms
covered over with canvas, continuing still with-
out any intermission his going on ; nay, even
then, when by the Usurper's power and com-
mand he was taken out of his bed, and clapt up
close prisoner at Whitehall for seven weeks' space
and above,1 he still hoping and looking for
that day, which, thanks be to God, is now come,
and there is put a period to that unparallelled
labour, charge and pains he had been at.
1 Oxford's Library Keeper2 (that then was) was
in hand with them, about them a long time, and
did hope the Publick Library might compass
them ; but that could not be then effected, it
rising to so great a sum as had been expended
on them for so long a time together.'
After Thomason's death a trust was appointed
under his will to take charge of the tracts, and
one of the trustees, Dr. Thomas Barlow, Bodley's
librarian from 1652 to 1660, afterwards Bishop
of Lincoln, had them for a long time in his
custody, as appears from a letter addressed by
him to the Rev. George Thomason, the son of
1 Thomason was implicated in Christopher Love's plot against the Com-
monwealth. There are several entries in the Calendar of State rapers which
refer to his imprisonment. Mr. A. W. Pollard, the editor of Bibliographica,
has given a list of them in a note (vol. iii. p. 298) to Mr. Madan's paper on
the Thomason Collection in that publication.
* Probably Dr. Thomas Barlow, librarian of the Bodleian Library.
the collector, dated Oxon, February 6, 1676.
He mentions in the letter that he had endeavoured
to secure them for the Bodleian Library, and
that although he had hitherto failed, he still did
not despair of finding a way to do so. He was
not, however, successful in his efforts, and King
Charles 11. appears to have directed Samuel
Mearn, the royal stationer and bookbinder, to
buy them on his account; it is not known for
what sum. It is to be presumed, however, that
the King did not find the money for them, for
on May 15, 1684, the Privy Council considered
and granted a petition from Anne Mearn, widow
of Samuel Mearn, that she might dispose of
the tracts by sale. She does not seem to have
succeeded in doing this, and they appear to have
been returned to the Thomason family, for in
the year 1745 we find them in possession of Mr.
Henry Sisson, a druggist in Ludgate Street,
London, who, Richard Gough, the antiquary,
was informed, was a descendant of the collector.-
After some negotiations with the Duke of
Chandos for their purchase, they were brought
by Thomas Hollis2 to the notice of King
George in., who, through the Earl of Bute,
bought them of Miss Sisson in 1761 for the
sum of three hundred pounds, and in the fol-
1 Gough, Anecdotes of British Typography, second edition, p. 699, note.
* Memoirs of Hollis, vol. i. pp. 121, 192 ; vol. ii. p. 717.
lowing year they were presented by him to the
British Museum.
On one of the volumes of the collection are
some mud stains, which have an interesting
history. The volume was borrowed from
Thomason by King Charles i., who was anxious
to read one of the tracts in it, and while journey-
ing to the Isle of Wight let it fall in the dirt.
Thomason made a memorandum of the circum-
stance on a fly-leaf of the book, adding the
1 volume hath the marke of honor upon it, which
noe other volume in my collection hath.'
In 1647 Thomason published a trade cata-
logue in quarto, consisting of fifty-eight closely
printed pages, entitled Catalogus Librorum dt-
versis Italicc locis emptorum Anno Dom. 1647,
a Georgio Thomasono Bibliopola Londinensi
apud quern in Ccemiterio D. Pauli ad insigne
Roscc Coronatce prostant venales. Londini,
Typis Johannis Legatt, 1647, anc^ m J^4^ a
selection of works in oriental languages from
this catalogue was purchased by order of the
House of Commons,1 who directed that the sum
of five hundred pounds out of the receipts at
Goldsmiths' Hall should be paid for the books,
in order that they might be bestowed upon the
Public Library at Cambridge.
Mr. A. W. Pollard, in a note to Mr. Madan's
article in Bibliographica, states that Thomason
1 Journals of the House of Commons, 24th March 1648.
had great difficulty in getting the money for
these books: 'On March 28th, 1648/ he tells
us, ' the five hundred pounds was ordered to be
paid from the arrears of the two months' assess-
ments for the Scots army before Newark ; on Sep.
25th it was charged on the composition of Col-
onel Humphrey Matthews ; and on Nov. 16th,
Thomason, being still unpaid, was consoled by
interest at the rate of eight per cent.
SIR SYMONDS D'EWES, Bart., 1602-1650
Sir Symonds d'Ewes, one of the most eminent
of the antiquaries and collectors of the first half
of the seventeenth century, was born in 1602.
He was the son of Paul D'Ewes of Milden,
Suffolk, and Cecilia, daughter and heiress of
Richard Simonds of Coxden, Chardstock, Dor-
setshire. In 16 1 8 he was sent to St. John's
College, Cambridge, but left in 1620, and entered
at the Middle Temple, being called to the Bar
in 1623. He soon, however, gave up his legal
practice, and devoted himself to the study of
history and antiquities. D'Ewes was made a
knight in 1626, and created a baronet in 1641.
He was twice married, and died in 1650. The
baronetcy became extinct in 1731.
D'Ewes possessed a very fine collection of
manuscripts, which were sold by his grandson
to Sir Robert Harley, afterwards Earl of Oxford,
notwithstanding the injunction of D'Ewes, in
his will, that his
library should not
be sold or dispersed.
Oldys states that
Harley recom-
mended Queen
Anne to purchase
the manuscripts for
a public library,
as the richest col-
lection in England
next to Sir Robert
Cotton's, but that
the Queen said,
1 It was no virtue
for her, a woman,
to prefer as she did
arts to arms ; but
while the blood
and honour of the
nation was at stake
in her wars, she
could not, till she
had secured her
living subjects an
honourable peace,
bestow their money on dead letters.' 'Where-
upon,' adds Oldys, 'the Earl stretched his own
Book-stamh ok Sir Symonds d'Kvves, Bart.
purse, and gave six thousand pounds for the
library.' The manuscripts, together with a list
of them, which is believed to have been made by
D'Ewes himself, now form part of the Harleian
Collection in the British Museum. The manu-
script of an Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, compiled
by D'Ewes in conjunction with Francis Junius,
and several of his diaries are also preserved
there. His great work was the Journals of all
the Parliaments during the reign of Queen
Elizabeth, which was not published until 1682.
The celebrated scholar and collector, Sir Kenelm
Digby, was born at Gayhurst, near Newport
Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, in 1603. He was
the son of Sir Everard Digby, who was executed
in 1606 for the part he took in the Gunpowder
Plot. Sir Kenelm, who was the author of
several remarkable works, is described by Lord
Clarendon as a man of 'very extraordinary
person and presence, with a wonderful graceful
behaviour and a flowing courtesy and civility.'
He was knighted in 1623. Digby possessed a
very fine library, which he formed during his
residence in Paris, and he had many of the
volumes bound there by Le Gascon and other
eminent binders. An earlier library which he
collected is said to have been burnt by the Round-
heads during the Civil War.1 When he died in
1665, h*s library, which was still in France,
was claimed as
the property of
the French king,
by virtue of the
droit tiaubaine,
and it is said to
have been pur-
chased for ten
thousand crowns
by the Earl of
Bristol, who died
in 1676, and
whose books,con-
jointly with those
of another col-
lector, were sold
in London in
April 1680. A
priced catalogue
of the sale is
preserved in the
British Museum ; and it is stated in it that the
books principally belonged ' to the library of the
Right Honourable George, late Earl of Bristol,
a great part of which were the Curiosities col-
One of Sir Kknelm Digby's Book-stamps.
1 See Article on English Book- Sales, 1676- 1 680, by Mr. A. W. Pollard,
in Bibliographica, vol. i. p. 373.
lected by the learned Sir Kenelme Digby.' It
is evident, however, that a considerable number
of the volumes which belonged to Digby re-
mained in France, as several are to be found in
the Bibliotheque Nationale and other libraries.
In a communication to the Library Association
of the United Kingdom, M. Leopold Delisle,
Director of the Bibliotheque Nationale, gives a
list of manuscripts and printed books in that
library, which were formerly the property of the
collector. One volume, with a very beautiful
binding by Le Gascon, is preserved in the
Bibliotheque Mazarine. Sir Kenelm presented
to the Bodleian Library a valuable collection of
manuscripts and printed books which Thomas
Allen, his former tutor, had bequeathed to him
in 1630. He also gave a considerable number of
volumes to the library of Harvard College, Cam-
bridge, Mass., and the following notice of the gift
occurs in the works of Richard Baxter : —
' I proposed/ he writes, ' to have given almost all my library
to Cambridge in New England ; but Mr. Thomas Knowles,
who knew their library, told me that Sir Kenelm Digby had
already given them the Fathers, Councils and Schoolmen, and
that it was Histories and Commentators which they wanted.
Whereupon I sent them some of my Commentators and some
Histories, among which were Freherus, Renherus, and Pistorius's
Unfortunately, this first Harvard library was
destroyed by fire in 1764. At that time it con-
tained about six thousand volumes.
RALPH SHELDON, 1623-1684
Ralph Sheldon, who was born on the 1st of
August 1623, at Beoley in Worcestershire, was
the eldest son of William Sheldon of Beoley and
Elizabeth, daughter of William, second Lord
Petre. He was privately educated, and at the
age of nineteen he paid a visit to France and
Italy, and resided at Rome for some time, return-
ing home about 1647, after an absence of four
years from his native country. Sheldon appears
to have been greatly respected, and Nash, in his
Collections for the History of Worcestershire,
says ' he was a person of such rare worth and
excellent qualities as deserve particular notice.
He was a great patron of learning and learned
men, and well skilled in the history and anti-
quities of his country, sparing no money to set up
a standing library at Weston. He was a great
friend to Anthony Wood, and left him a legacy
of ^40. He purchased the valuable mss. of the
ingenious Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald,
and Keeper of the records in the Tower, temp.
Charles 1., which at his death he bequeathed to
the Heralds' College, where they are still pre-
served ; and allowed John Vincent his son a
yearly pension for many years. He travelled
often to Rome, and spent some time there to
furnish himself with choice books, coins and
medals. In short, he was of such remarkable
integrity, charity and hospitality, as gained him
the universal esteem of all the gentlemen of the
county ; insomuch that he usually went by the
name of the Great Sheldon. . . . And for the
Book-stamp of Ralph Sheldon.
sufferings which himself and father had under-
gone in the civil wars, he was nominated by
Charles 11. one of the gentlemen of Warwickshire,
who were to have received the honour of the
Order of the Royal Oak, had it been instituted ;
his estate being then valued at ^2000 per annum,
the largest of any in the county, except that of
the Middlemores of Rdgbaston, which was esti-
mated of the same annual value.' The library
formed by Sheldon at his manor-house of Weston
in the parish of Long Compton, Warwickshire,
was a fine one. Among the printed books was a
very curious and probably unique copy of the
first folio of Shakespeare (now the property of
the Baroness Burdett-Coutts), where the conclud-
ing passages of Romeo and 'Juliet ', and the opening
passages of Troilus and Cressida, are printed
twice over at different parts of the volume. This
irregularity was discovered by Mr. Sidney Lee,
who read a paper on the subject before the
Bibliographical Society on March 21, 1898. The
library at Weston was dispersed in 1781.
In commemoration of Sheldon's gifts to
Heralds' College, Mr. Ralph Bigland, who was
created Blue Mantle in 1757, and died as Garter
in 1784, caused a handsome canvas to be painted,
on which are emblazoned Sheldon's arms,
impaled with those of his wife, accompanied by
the following biographical notice: — 'To the
Memory of Ralph Sheldon of Beoley in the
County of Worcester, Esquire, a great Benefactor
to this Office. Who died at his Manor-House of
Weston in the Parish of Long-Compton, in the
County of Warwick, on Midsuffler Day, 1684,
aged 61 years wanting 6 weeks: the Day after-
wards his Heart and Bowels were buried in
Long-Compton Chancel, in a Vault by those of
his Father, Mother, Grandfather, etc., and on the
ioth of July following, his Body in a Vault by
his Ancestors under our Lady's Chapel, Joyning
on the North Side to St. Leonard's Church of
Beoley : He married Henrietta-Maria, Daughter
of Thomas Savage, Viscount Rock-Savage by
Elizabeth his wife, Daughter of Thomas, Lord
Darcy, of Chich in Essex, Viscount Colchester
and Earl Rivers, but by her had no issue.'
This canvas is still preserved in Heralds'
Sheldon compiled A Catalogue of the Nobility
of England since the Norman Conquest, accord-
ing to theire severall Creations by every particular
King, with the arms handsomely emblazoned.
This manuscript came into the possession of Sir
Thomas Phillipps, and formed one of the lots at
the sale of his collection in June 1893.
Dr. Francis Bernard was born in 1627. He
was a Fellow of the College of Physicians, Assis-
tant-Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital,
and Physician -in-Ordinary to King James 11.
He died on the 9th of February 1698, and was
buried in the parish church of St. Botolph,
London, where his wife erected a monument to
his memory.
Dr. Bernard formed a very extensive library,
which consisted, ' more especially of that sort of
Books which are out of the Common Course,
which a Man may make the Business of his Life
to collect, and at last not be able to accomplish.' ]
It was very rich in works relating to medicine,
and it also contained a considerable number of
early English books, among which were about
a dozen Caxtons. The collection was sold by
auction shortly after Bernard's death. The title-
page of the sale catalogue reads : — ' A Catalogue
of the Library of the late learned Dr. Francis
Bernard, Fellow of the College of Physicians,
and Physician to S. Bartholomew's Hospital.
Being a large Collection of the best Theological,
Historical, Philological, Medicinal and Mathe-
matical Authors, in the Greek, Latin, Italian,
Spanish, French, German, Dutch and English
Tongues, in all Volumes, which will be sold by
Auction at the Doctor's late Dwelling House in
Little Britain ; the Sale to begin on Tuesday,
Octob. 4, 1698/ A copy of the catalogue, with
the prices in manuscript, is in the British Museum.
The sale consisted of nearly fifteen thousand lots
and thirty-nine bundles of tracts, which realised
nineteen hundred and twenty pounds; the expenses
of the sale amounting to three hundred and
1 Address to the reader, prefixed to sale catalogue.
twenty pounds. The Caxtons sold for a little
over two guineas. The Dictes or Sayings of the
Philosophers and the Knight of the Tower each
fetched five shillings and fourpence, the History
of fason three shillings and sixpence, the
Histories of King Arthtir two shillings and ten-
pence, the Chastising of Gods Children one
shilling and tenpence, and the second edition of
the Game of the Chesse one shilling and sixpence.
Dibdin says that Dr. Bernard was 'a stoic
in bibliography. Neither beautiful binding, nor
amplitude of margin, ever delighted his eye or
rejoiced his heart : for he was a stiff, hard, and
straightforward reader — and learned, in Literary
History, beyond all his contemporaries ' ; and in
the preface to the sale catalogue we read that he
was 'a person who collected books for use, and
not for ostentation or ornament, and he seemed
no more solicitous about their dress than his own!
A memorandum book containing notes of his
visits to patients, etc., is in the Sloane collection
of manuscripts in the British Museum.
SAMUEL PEPYS, 1633-1703
Samuel Pepys, Secretary to the Admiralty in
the reigns of King Charles 11. and King James 11.,
was born either at London or Brampton in
Huntingdonshire on the 23rd of February 1633.
Book-plate of Samuel Pkpys.
His father, John Pepys, was a citizen of London,
where he followed the trade of a tailor, but in
1 66 1 retired to Brampton, at which place he had
inherited a property of eighty pounds a year from
his eldest brother Robert Pepys. He died there
in 1680. Samuel Pepys received his early educa-
tion at Huntingdon, and afterwards at St. Paul's
School, London, where he continued until 1650,
in which year he was admitted at Trinity Hall,
Cambridge. On the 5th of March 1651 he
migrated as a sizar to Magdalene College, Cam-
bridge, where he is entered in the books of the
College as ' Samuel Peapys,' and where, two years
later, he was elected to a scholarship founded by
John Smith. He graduated B.A. in 1653 and
M.A. in 1660. In 1659 he accompanied his
relative, Sir Edward Montagu, afterwards Earl
of Sandwich, on his expedition to the Sound, and
on his return became a clerk in the office of Sir
G. Downing, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer.
In 1660 he was appointed Clerk of the Acts of
the Navy, which post he held until 1673, when
he was made Secretary for the Affairs of the
Navy, and in 1684 he became Secretary of the
Admiralty, an office he retained until the acces-
sion of William and Mary, when he lost his
public appointments, and retired into private life.
Pepys was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
in 1665, and m J684 became President. He died
at Clapham on the 26th of May 1703, and was
buried in the church of St. Olave, Hart Street,
Pepys collected a very interesting library,
which is now preserved in a fireproof room in
Magdalene College, Cambridge. It consists of
about three thousand volumes arranged in eleven
mahogany cases in the precise order in which
Pepys left them. The cases are the identical
ones mentioned in his Diary, August 24, 1666 : —
4 Up and dispatched several businesses at home
in the morning, and then comes Sympson to set
up my other new presses for my books, and so
he and I fell in to the furnishing of my new
closett, and taking out the things out of my old,
and I kept him with me all day, and he dined
with me, and so all the afternoon till it was quite
dark hanging things, that is my maps and pic-
tures and draughts, and setting up my books,
and as much as we could do, to my most extra-
ordinary satisfaction ; so I think it will be as
noble a closet as any man hath, and light enough
— though indeed it would be better to have a
little more light.'
This room, Mr. Wheatley tells us in his
excellent account of the library in vol. i. of
Bibliographica, 'was at the Navy Office in
Crutched Friars, and the illustration in the
ordinary editions of the Diary shows the posi-
tion of the cases when they were transferred to
the house in York Buildings (now Buckingham
Street, Strand).' 'The presses,' he adds, 'are
handsomely carved, and have handles fixed at
each end ; the doors are formed of little panes of
glass, and in the lower divisions the glass win-
dows are made to lift up. The books are all
arranged in double rows ; but by the ingenious
plan of placing small books in front of large ones,
the letterings of all can be seen. Neatness was
a mania with Pepys, and the volumes were
evened on all the shelves ; in one instance some
short volumes have been raised to the required
height by help of wooden stilts, gilt in front.'
The library consists principally of ordinary
books, but it also comprises some valuable manu-
scripts, and many volumes from the presses of
the early English printers. It contains as many
as nine Caxtons, eight Pynsons, and nineteen
Wynkyn de Wordes, several of the last being
unique. The books printed by Caxton are the
Game of the Chesse, Polychronicon, Chronicles of
England, Description of Britain, Mir r our of the
World, Book of the Order of Chivalry, the first
and second editions of the Canterbury Tales, and
the Chastising of Gods Children. Among the
most interesting collections is one of eighteen
hundred ballads in five folio volumes ; and an-
other of four duodecimo volumes of garlands and
other popular publications, printed for the most
part in black letter. The volumes are lettered :
Vol. 1 Penny Merriments, Vol. 2 Penny IVitti-
asms, Vol. 3 Penny Compliments, and Vol. 4
Penny Godlinesses. In the first volume of the
ballads Pepys has written : — * My collection of
ballads, begun by Mr. Selden, improv'd by the
Book-stamp of Samuel Pepys.
addition of many pieces elder thereto in time ;
and the whole continued to the year 1700/ The
library also possesses collections of old novels,
pieces of wit, chivalry, etc., plays, books on short-
hand, tracts on the Popish Plot, liturgical con-
troversies, sea tracts, news-pamphlets, etc.
The most interesting manuscripts are the
famous Diary in six volumes, the papers col-
lected by Pepys for his proposed Navalia, and
a collection of Scottish poetry, formed by Sir
Richard Maitland of Lethington, Lord Privy
Seal and Judge in the Court of Session, who
died in 1586. The drawings and prints in the
library are numerous and valuable. Among
them are portraits of Pepys's friends, and prints
and drawings illustrating the city of London ;
one of the rarest of these is the large plan of
London attributed to Agas, of which only one
other copy is known. The library also contains
some volumes of music with the title, Songs and
other Compositions ', Light, Grave and Sacred,
for a single voice adjusted to the particular
compass of mine ; with a thorough base on y
ghitarr by Cesare Morelli. Several songs com-
posed by Pepys are in this collection, one of
which, entitled Beauty Retire, was a great suc-
cess, and the composer was very proud of it.
All the books in the library are in excellent con-
dition, and, with the exception of a few in
morocco or vellum, are bound in calf. Almost
all of them bear Pepys's arms on the lower
cover; while on the upper is found a shield
with the inscription, Sam. Pepys Car. et Iac.
Angl. Regib. a Secretis Admirali^e. This
shield is surmounted with his helmet and crest,
and is surrounded by mantling, in which are
introduced two anchors, indicating his office.
He also used three bookplates — one with his
arms, quartering Talbot of Cottenham ; a second
Book-stamp of Samuel Pepts.
with his portrait by Robert White, with his
motto, Mens cujusque is est Qnisque, from the
Somnium Scipionis of Cicero ; and a third bear-
ing his initials, with two anchors crossed, together
with his motto.
Pepys left his library, together with his other
property, to his nephew, John Jackson ; but in a
paper of directions respecting it, preserved among
the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum,
he expresses a desire that at his nephew's death
it should be placed in either Trinity or Magdalene
College, Cambridge, preferably ' in the latter, for
the sake of my own and my nephew's education
therein.' In addition to Pepys' collection at
Magdalene College, the Bodleian Library con-
tains a series of his miscellaneous papers in
twenty-five volumes, together with numerous
other volumes which belonged to him, including
many curious dockyard account-books of the
times of King Henry vm. and Queen Elizabeth.1
These were bequeathed to the library by Dr.
Richard Rawlinson, the nonjuring bishop. Mr.
John Eliot Hodgkin, F.S.A., of Childwall, Wey-
bridge, Surrey, also possesses some papers which
once belonged to Pepys.
Pepys published Memoirs relating to the
State of the Royal Navy of England for ten
years determined December 1688, in 1690; and
a work entitled The Portugal History: or a
Relation of the Troubles that happened in the
Court of Portugal in the years 1667 and 1668
. . . by S. P., Esq., printed at London in 1677,
1 Mac ray, Annals of the Bodleian Library.
is also attributed to him. His well-known Diary,
the manuscript of which fills six small volumes of
closely written shorthand, was first deciphered by
the Rev. John Smith, Rector of Baldock, Hert-
fordshire, and was published, with a selection
from his private correspondence, by Lord Bray-
brooke, in two volumes in 1825. It has since
been several times reprinted. The last edition,
edited by Mr. H. B. Wheatley, F.S.A., published
in eight volumes octavo in 1893-96, contains the
whole of the Diary, with the exception of passages
which cannot possibly be printed.
OF WORCESTER, 1635-1699
Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester,
was the seventh son of Samuel Stillingfleet of
the family of Stillingfleet of Stillingfleet, York-
shire. He was born at Cranborne in Dorsetshire
on the 17th of April 1635, and received his early
education in the grammar schools of Cranborne
and Ringwood. In his fifteenth year he was
admitted into St. John's College, Cambridge,
where he obtained a Fellowship in 1653. For
several years after leaving college he was engaged
as a private tutor, first in the family of Sir Roger
Burgoyne of Wroxall in Warwickshire, and
afterwards in that of the Hon. Francis Pierre-
point of Nottingham, during which period he
was ordained by Ralph Brownrig, the deprived
Bishop of Exeter. In 1657 ne was presented by
Sir R. Burgoyne to the rectory of Sutton, Bed-
fordshire, and in 1665 the Earl of Southampton
gave him the rectory of St. Andrew's, Holborn.
He was also appointed Preacher at the Rolls
Chapel, and shortly afterwards Reader of the
Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Charles 11.
In 1667 he was collated to a Canonry in St. Paul's,
London; in 1669 he became a Canon 'in the
twelfth prebend' in Canterbury Cathedral; in 1677
Archdeacon of London; in 1678 Dean of St. Paul's;
and on the 13th of October 1689 he was con-
secrated Bishop of Worcester. He died at his
residence in Park Street, Westminster, on the
27th of March 1699, and was buried in Worcester
Cathedral, where a monument was erected to his
memory by his son, with a Latin epitaph by
Richard Bentley, who had been one of his
Bishop Stillingfleet collected 'at a vast expence
of time, pains and money' a very choice and
valuable library, which contained a considerable
number of manuscripts, and upwards of nine
thousand five hundred printed volumes, besides
many pamphlets. It is stated that there were
over two thousand folios in it, and that it cost the
Bishop six thousand pounds. Evelyn in a letter
to Pepys, dated August 12th, 1689, writes: 'The
Bishop of Ely 1 has a well stor'd library ; but the
very best is what Dr. Stillingfleete, Deane of St
Paule's, has at Twicknam, ten miles out of towne.'
After Stillingfleet's death his library was offered
for sale. Entries in Evelyn's diary2 show that
great efforts were made to persuade William in.
to buy it, but they evidently failed, as the historical
manuscripts were purchased by Robert Ilarley
(afterwards Earl of Oxford), while the remainder
of the collection was acquired by Narcissus Marsh,
Archbishop of Armagh, who bought the books
for a public library in Dublin which he had
founded. He is said to have paid two thousand
five hundred pounds for them. Stillingfleet, who
on account of his handsome person was nick-
named ' the beauty of holiness,' was the author
of Origines Britannicce, or Antiquities of the
British Churches, and many controversial works.
His collected works were printed in 17 10 in six
volumes folio, and a volume of his miscellaneous
works was published in 1735 by his son, the Rev.
James Stillingfleet, Canon of Worcester.
1 John Moore, Bishop of Ely, whose library was purchased by King
George I., and presented by him to the University of Cambridge.
* ' April 29, 1699. — I dined with the Archbishop, but my business was to
get him to persuade the King to purchase the late Bishop of Worcester's
library, and build a place for his own library at St. James's, in the Parke,
the present one being too small.'
1 May 3, 1699. — At a meeting of the Royal Society I was nominated
to be of the Committee to wait on the Lord Chancellor to move the King
to purchase Bp. of Worcester's library.'
1646-17 14
John Moore, Bishop successively of Norwich
and Ely, who was born at Sutton-juxta-
Broughton, Leicestershire, in 1646, was the
eldest son of Thomas Moore, an ironmonger
at Market Harborough. He was educated at
the Free School, Market Harborough, and at
Clare College, Cambridge, where he obtained a
fellowship in 1667. Having taken holy orders,
he was collated in 1676 to the rectory of Blaby
in Leicestershire ; and in 1679, through the in-
fluence of Heneage Finch, Earl of Nottingham,
who, in 1670, had appointed him his chaplain,
he was installed canon in Ely Cathedral. In
1687 he was presented by the dean and chapter
of St. Paul's to the rectory of St. Austin,
London, and in 1689 he obtained the rectory
of St. Andrew's, Holborn, which he held with
his canonry at Ely until 1691, when he was
consecrated Bishop of Norwich. He remained
in that see until 1707, in which year he was
translated to the more valuable bishopric of Ely.
Moore died on the 31st of July 17 14, from the
effects of a cold which he caught while presiding
at the trial of Dr. Bentley, Master of Trinity
College, Cambridge, who was charged with en-
croaching on the privileges of the fellows of that
institution. He was buried in Ely Cathedral,
where a monument was erected to his memory.
Bishop Moore, who is called by Dibdin * the
father of black-letter collectors in this country,'
was a great and generous patron of learning,
and formed a magnificent library, which at the
time of his death contained nearly twenty-nine
thousand printed books and seventeen hundred
and ninety manuscripts. John Bagford was the
principal assistant in its collection, and in return
for his services the Bishop procured him a place
in the Charterhouse. The library, which was
kept in the episcopal residence in Ely Place,
Holborn, where it occupied ' eight chambers/ is
mentioned in Notices of London Libraries, by
John Bagford and William Oldys, where it is
stated that ' Dr. John Moore, the late Bishop of
Ely, had also a prodigious collection of books,
written as well as printed on vellum, some very
ancient, others finely illuminated. He had a
Capgraves Chronicle, books of the first printing
at Mentz, and other places abroad, as also at
Oxford, St. Alban's, Westminster, etc' John
Evelyn, Bishop Burnet, and Ralph Thoresby
also write in terms of high praise of the excellence
and great extent of the collection. Richard
Gough, the antiquary, states that 'the Bishop
formed his library by plundering those of the
clergy in his diocese. Some he paid with sermons
or more modern books; others only with quid
illiterati cum libris ' ; but there appears to be
little, if any, truth in this accusation. Moore,
who was anxious that his library should not be
dispersed after his death, offered it, in 17 14, to
Book-plate placed in books from Bishop Moore's Library givbn by
George i. to the University of Cambridge.
Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, for the sum of
eight thousand pounds ; but the negotiation failed
in consequence, it is said, of the Bishop ' insisting
on being paid the money in his lifetime, though
Lord Oxford was not to have the books till the
Bishop's death.' After Moore's decease the
collection was sold for six thousand guineas to
George i., who gave it, on the suggestion of
Lord Townsend, to the University of Cambridge.
A special book-plate, designed and engraved by
John Pine, was placed in the volumes. At the
same time that the king sent these books to the
University he despatched a troop of horse to
Oxford, which occasioned the two well-known
epigrams attributed to Dr. Tripp and Sir William
Browne —
•Contrary methods justly George applies
To govern his two universities,
To Oxford sent a troop of horse ; — for why ?
That learned body wanted Loyalty.
To Cambridge he sent books, as well discerning,
How much that loyal body wanted learning.'
The reply by Sir W. Browne runs —
1 Contrary methods justly George applies
To govern his two universities,
And so to Oxford sent a troop of horse,
For Tories hold no argument but force ;
To Cambridge Ely's learned books are sent,
For Whigs admit no force but argument'
This is not the only version of these epigrams,
but the Rev. Cecil Moore in his Memoir of the
Bishop considers it to be the correct one.
Moore's diaries, letters, and private accounts
are also preserved in the Cambridge University
Library. A volume containing his printed
sermons was published in 17 15, and a second
issue in two volumes in 1724. Both series were
edited by the Rev. Samuel Clarke, D.D.
JOHN BAGFORD, i6so?-i7i6
John Bagford was born about 1650. The exact
date of his birth is unknown, and he does not
appear to have been acquainted with it himself,
for a short time before his death he informed
Mr. James Sotheby that he was either sixty-five
or sixty-six years of age, he could not tell which.
According to the belief of Thomas Hearne, the
antiquary, he was born in Fetter Lane, London,
and he was no doubt for some time a shoemaker,
for in a very curious and entertaining little
treatise on the Art of Shoemaking and Historical
Account of Clout king of ye foot, which is believed
to have been written by him, and is now preserved
among the Harleian manuscripts in the British
Museum, the writer states that he was brought up
to the 'craft of shoemaking.' This trade, how-
ever, he soon abandoned for a more congenial
occupation, and he became a collector of books on
commission for booksellers and amateurs. In
pursuance of this work he made several journeys
to the Continent, and acquired a great knowledge
of books, prints, and literary curiosities. He was
specially employed by Robert Harley, Earl of
Oxford, Sir Hans Sloane, and John Moore,
Bishop of Ely, who appear to have greatly
appreciated his judgment, diligence, and honesty ;
and the last-named collector procured him, as
some recompense for his services, admission into
the Charterhouse. Nothing is known of Bag-
ford's parents, and little of his domestic life, but
he appears to have been married, for on the back
of a leaf in one of the volumes of his collections
we find the following memorandum in Bagford's
writing : ' John, son of John and Elizabeth Bag-
ford, was baptized 31st October 1675, in the
parish of St. Anne, Blackfriars.' This son seems
to have become a sailor in the Royal Navy, for in
another volume in the same collections there is a
power of attorney, dated April 6, 17 13, signed by
John Bagford, Junior, empowering his ' honoured
father, John Bagford, Senior, of the parish of
St. Sepulchre, in the county of Middlesex, book-
seller,' to claim and receive from the Paymaster
of Her Majesty's Navy his wages as a seaman in
case of his death. Bagford, who took great
interest in all descriptions of antiquities, was one
of the little group of distinguished men who
reconstituted in 1707 the Society of Antiquaries.
He died, Dr. Birch informs us, at Islington on
the 15th of May 17 16, and was buried in the
graveyard belonging to the Charterhouse.
During his researches for his employers
Bagford amassed two great collections : one con-
sisting of ballads, now known as the ' Bagford
Ballads ' ; the other being a vast collection of
leaves from manuscripts, title-pages and frag-
ments of books, specimens of paper, book-plates,
John Bagford.
engravings, bindings, catalogues, advertisements,
and various interesting and curious pieces. With
the aid of these materials Bagford intended to
write a history of printing, and in 1707 he
published his Proposals for an Historical
Account of that most universally celebrated as
well as useful Art of Typography. The work,
which was also to contain a history of book-
binding, paper-making, etc., was, however, never
published, and it has been often stated that
Bagford was quite incompetent to carry out such
an undertaking. This may possibly have been
the case, for although he was certainly a man of
much ability, and possessed an extensive know-
ledge of books, he had received but little educa-
tion. Several of his contemporaries, however,
held a different opinion, and among them Hearne,
who repeatedly expresses in his works his ad-
miration of both Bagford's genius and his
The method of compiling a history of printing
from a collection of title-pages appears to be both
a clumsy and a costly one, but it seems probable
from entries in the diary of Oldys, and from
Gough's memoir of Ames, that that bibliographer
wrote his Typographical Antiquities with the
aid of similar materials.
Bagford has been subjected to very severe
censure for mutilating books for the purpose
of forming his collection of title-pages. Mr.
Blades, in his work The Enemies of Books,
accuses him of being ' a wicked old biblioclast
who went about the country, from library
to library, tearing away title-pages from rare
books of all sizes ' ; and Dr. Dibdin in Biblio-
mania states that he ' was the most hungry and
rapacious of all book and print collectors.' The
testimony of Hearne (who knew Bagford well, and
who was also amply qualified to judge both of his
merits and demerits), however, is very different.
He writes : ' It was very laudable in my Friend,
Mr. John Bagford (who I think was born in
Fetter Lane, London), to employ so much of
his time, as he did, in collecting Remains of
Antiquity. Indeed he was a man of very sur-
prising genius, and had his education (for he was
first a shoemaker, and afterwards for some time
a bookseller) been equal to his natural genius, he
would have proved a much greater man than he
was. And yet, without this education, he was,
certainly, the greatest man in the world in his
way. . . . Tis very remarkable, that, in col-
lecting, his care did not extend itself to Books
and to the fragments of Books, only, but even to
the very Covers, and to the Bosses and Clasps ;
and all this, that he might, with the greater ease,
compile the History of Printing, which he had
undertaken, but did not finish. In this noble
Work he intended a Discourse about Binding,
. . . and another about the Art of making
paper, in both of which his observations were
very accurate.'
A great number of the title-pages and frag-
ments collected by Bagford are evidently taken
from books which could be purchased in his day
for a few shillings, many of them probably for a
few pence; while it is possible that some may
have been salvage from the Great Fire of 1666,
when we know immense quantities of books were
burnt or damaged. The collections, it is true,
contain fragments of the Gutenberg Bible, various
Caxtons, and other rare books, but there is no
reason to think that these were abstracted from
complete copies ; it is much more likely that they
were odd leaves which Bagford had picked up,
while the leather stains on some of the most
valuable show that they once formed part of the
padding of old bindings. Many of the books
were probably acquired by Bagford when he took
part in the book-hunting expeditions of the Duke
of Devonshire, the Earls of Oxford, Sunderland,
and other collectors, who amused themselves
every Saturday during the winter in rambling
through various quarters of the town in search
of additions to their libraries. After Bagford's
death Hearne was very anxious to obtain his
collections, as he wished to publish 'a book
from them, for the service of the public, and
the honour of Mr. Bagford,' but much to his
chagrin he was forestalled by Wanley, Lord
Oxford's librarian, who acquired them for his
employer's library, and they formed part of the
Harleian Manuscripts, etc., purchased in 1753 for
the British Museum. Wanley, however, does not
appear to have secured the whole of Bagford's
papers, as the Sloane collection contains four
volumes of manuscripts and printed matter which
belonged to him, and the Bodleian Library
possesses some Indulgences which he acquired
and gave to Hearne.
The Bagford collections in the British Museum
consist of one hundred and twenty-nine * volumes,
including three of ballads. The manuscript pieces
are contained in thirty-six folios ; the printed
pieces in sixty-three folios, twenty-one quartos,
and nine octavos. Among the more important
manuscripts are Bagford's Commonplace Book ;
his Book of Accounts ; his Account of Public
and Private Libraries ; Collections in reference to
Printing ; Names of old English Printers, with
lists of the works which passed through their
hands ; an Account of Paper ; Patents granted
to Printers in England ; Observations on the
History of Printing ; Lives of famous Engravers,
etc. The collection also contains a large number
of fragments of early Bibles, Service Books,
Decretals, Lives of Saints, etc. These are
almost entirely of vellum, and some of them are
as early as the eighth century.
Among the printed fragments is a leaf from
the Gutenberg Bible,2 portions of the Recuyell
of the Histories of Troy, the Polychronicon, the
Book of Fame, and many other books from the
presses of Caxton, Machlinia, Rood and Hunte,
1 It is somewhat doubtful whether a few of these belonged to Bagford.
2 Probably given to Bagford by Michael Maittaire, the collector, who
possessed a very imperfect copy of the Gutenberg Bible, which sold for fifty
shillings at the sale of his library.
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, and other early
printers, both English and foreign.
The maps in the collection are especially
important and interesting, including a very rare-
one sometimes found in Hakluyt's Navigations
and Discoveries of tJic English Nation, printed
in the years 1599 and 1600, and worth at least
two hundred pounds ; * and the even more
valuable celestial and terrestrial planispheres by
John Blagrave of Reading, which are believed
to be unique. There are also some rare docu-
ments relating to the Post Office; a number
of early book-plates ; some fine specimens of
English, French, and German stamped bind-
ings of the sixteenth century ; several volumes
of Chinese, marbled, and other papers ; early
almanacks ; a quantity of engravings of towns,
costumes, trades, furniture, etc. ; curious adver-
tisements of tobacco, tea, quack medicines,
etc. ; specimens of fine writing ; and many other
miscellaneous papers of much interest.
Bagford was the author of a letter on the
antiquities of London, prefixed to the first
volume of Hearne's edition of Leland's Col-
lectanea ; and also of an Account of London
Libraries, first printed in 1708 in The
Monthly Miscellany, or Memoirs for the
1 This is believed to be the map alluded to by Shakespeare* in Act. iii.
Sc. 2 of Twelfth Night, where he makes Maria say of Malvolio : ' He does
smile his face into more lines than there are in the new map, with the
augmentation of the Indies.'
Curious. This little brochure was continued
by Oldys, and the complete work published
by Mr. James Yeowell in 1862. The Essay on
the Invention of Printing, by Mr. fohn Bagford,
in vol. xxv. of the Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society, was, Dibdin says, drawn
up by Wanley. The collection of ballads has
been edited by the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth for the
Ballad Society.
OF PEMBROKE, 1656-1733
Thomas Herbert, eighth Earl of Pembroke,
who was born in 1656, was the third son of
Philip, the fifth Earl. By the deaths of his elder
brothers, the sixth and seventh Earls, he suc-
ceeded to the title in 1683, and from that time to
his death in 1733 he held many of the highest
appointments in the State. He was one of the
representatives of England at the treaty of Rys-
wick, and he carried the Sword of Justice at the
coronations of William and Mary, Anne, George 1.
and George 11. He was also President of the
Royal Society in 1689-90.
Many of the Earls of Pembroke were men of
culture and patrons of learning. In 1629 William,
the third Earl, gave to the University of Oxford,
of which he was Chancellor, a very valuable series
of Greek manuscripts collected by Giacomo
Barocci, a gentleman of Venice; and in 1649 n*s
brother Philip, the fourth Earl, gave to the same
University, of which he was also Chancellor, a
splendidly bound copy of the Paris Polyglot
Bible, printed in 1645 m nme volumes. These
two brothers are 'the incomparable pair of
brethren ' to whom the first folio of Shakespeare
is dedicated. There had been for several genera-
tions a library at Wilton House, Salisbury, which
Dibdin considered to be one of the oldest of
private collections existing ; but Thomas, the
eighth Earl, added to it so large a number of
rare books that it 'entitled him to dispute the
palm even with the Lords Sunderland and
Oxford.' Maittaire, 'mhissfu/ia/es Typograpliici,
calls the library a ' Bibliotheca exquisitissima,'
and styles its owner ' Humanitatis politioris
cultor et patronus.' Dibdin also states that Lord
Pembroke spared no expense for books, and that
he was 'a collector of everything the most
precious and rare in the book-way.' The library
was still further augmented by his successor
Dr. Dampier, Bishop of Ely, compiled a list
in 1776 of the earlier printed works in the library,
which Dibdin has reproduced in his Decameron.
The books are one hundred and ninety-nine in
number, of which one hundred and eighty-eight
are of the fifteenth century. The list contains
eight Caxtons, eighteen volumes printed by
Jenson, and ten by the Spiras. Among the
most notable of the incunabula are the Rationale
Divinorum Officiorum of Durandus, on vellum,
printed by Fust and SchoefTer at Mentz in 1459 ;
the Catholicon of Balbus, printed at Mentz in
1460; Cicero de Oratore, printed by Sweynheym
and Pannartz at the Monastery of Subiaco in
1465; Cicero's Epistolce ad Familiar es, printed
by Joannes de Spira at Venice in 1469 ; and the
Bokys of Hawkyng and Huntyng, printed at
St. Albans in i486. The Caxtons are The
Recuyell of the Histories of Troy ; the first and
second editions of The Game of the Chesse ; the
first edition of The Dictes or Sayings of the
Philosophers, Tully of Old Age, Chronicles of
England, the Polychronicon, and the Liber
Narcissus Luttrell, who was born in 1657,
was the son of Francis Luttrell of London, a
descendant of the Luttrells of Dunster Castle,
in the county of Somerset. He received his
early education under Mr. Aldrich at Sheen in
Surrey, and in 1674 was admitted a fellow-
commoner of St. John's College, Cambridge. In
the succeeding year he was created M. A. by royal
mandate.1 While at the University he presented
a silver tankard to his college, which was lost,
together with a quantity of other plate, on the
9th of October 1693, for the recovery of which a
reward of ten pounds was offered.2 Luttrell, who,
Dibdin says, was 'ever ardent in his love of past
learning, and not less voracious in his biblio-
maniacal appetites,' formed an extensive library
at Shaftesbury House, Little Chelsea, where he
resided for many years in seclusion. Hearne
speaks of it 'as a very extraordinary collection,'
and adds that ' in it are many manuscripts, which.
however, he had not the spirit to communicate to
the world, and 'twas a mortification to him to see
the world gratified without his assistance.' A
special feature of the library was the large and
interesting collection of fugitive pieces issued
during the reigns of Charles 11., James 11., William
in., and Anne, which Luttrell purchased day by
day as they appeared. Sir Walter Scott found
this collection, which in his time was chiefly
in the possession of the collectors Mr. Heber
and Mr. Bindley, very useful when editing the
Works of Dryden, published in eighteen volumes
at London in 1808. In the preface he remarks
that ' the industrious collector seems to have
bought every poetical tract, of whatever merit,
which was hawked through the streets in his
1 Notts and Queries. Second Series. VoL xii., page 78.
' See Londtm C,,t:ette, October 16-19, '693.
time, marking carefully the price and date of
purchase. His collection contains the earliest
editions of many of our most excellent poems,
bound up, according to the order of time, with the
lowest trash of Grub Street.' On Luttrell's death,
which took place at his residence in Chelsea on
the 27th of June 1732, the collection became the
property of Francis Luttrell (presumed to be his
son), who died in 1740. It afterwards passed
into the possession of Mr. Serjeant Wynne, and
from him descended to Edward Wynne, his eldest
son, the author of Etmomtis, or Dialogues con-
cerning the Law and Constitution of England ;
and a Miscellany containing several law tracts,
published at London in 1 765. He died a bachelor
in 1784, and the library, which had been con-
siderably enlarged by its later possessors, was
inherited by his brother, the Rev. Luttrell
Wynne, of All Souls' College, Oxford, by whose
direction it was sold by auction by Leigh and
Sotheby in 1786. The sale, which consisted of
two thousand seven hundred and fifty-six lots,
commenced on March 6th, and lasted twelve days.
It is stated in the catalogue that 'great part of the
library was formed by an Eminent and Curious
Collector in the last Century, and comprehends a
fine Suite of Historical, Classical, Mathematical,
Natural History, Poetical and Miscellaneous
Books, in all Arts and Sciences ... by the
most Eminent Printers, Rob. Steph., Morell,
Aldus, Elzevir, Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde,
&c. &c. Also a very curious Collection of old
I English Romances, and old Poetry; with a great
number of scarce Pamphlets during the Great
Rebellion and the Protectorate.' Various portion I
of the Luttrell collections were bought by Messrs.
Heber and Bindley. The greater part of those
purchased by Mr. Bindley were eventually
acquired by the British Museum at the Duke of
Buckingham's sale in 1849, while those which
belonged to Mr. Heber are now to be found on
the shelves of the Britwell library. Dibdin
informs us that 'a great number of poetical
tracts was disposed of, previous to the sale, to
Dr. Farmer, who gave not more than forty guineas
for them.' Two Caxton s in the sale — the Mir r our
of the World and Caton — fetched respectively
five guineas and four guineas, and a collection
of plays, in twenty-one volumes, by Gascoigne,
Dekker, etc., sold for thirty-eight pounds, seven-
teen shillings.
Luttrell compiled a chronicle of contemporary
events, which was frequently quoted by Lord
Macaulay in his History of England. This
remained in manuscript for many years in the
library of All Souls' College, Oxford, but in 1857
it was printed in six volumes by the Delegates of
the University Press under the title of A Brief
Historical Relation of State Affairs from
September 1678 to April 17 14. He also left
Sir Hans Sloaxe, Bart.
a personal diary in English, but whimsically
written in Greek characters, consisting principally
of entries recording the hours of his rising and
going to bed, the manner in which he spent his
time, what friends called to see him, the sermons
he heard, where and how he dined, and the
occasions, which were not infrequent, when he
took too much wine. This manuscript is pre-
served in the British Museum (Add. ms. 10447).
SIR HANS SLOANE, Bart., 1660-1753
Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., was born on the 16th
of April 1660 at Killileagh, County Down, Ire-
land. His father, Alexander Sloane, was a
Scotchman, who had settled in Ireland on his
appointment to the post of receiver-general
of the estates of Lord Claneboy, afterwards
Earl of Clanricarde.1 Hans Sloane gave early
indications of unusual ability, and as soon as
his health, which was delicate, would permit,
he came to London, and devoted himself to the
study of medicine, and the kindred sciences of
chemistry and botany. In 1683 he went to
Paris, which at that time possessed greater
facilities for medical education than could be
found in London. Having taken the degree
of Doctor of Medicine in the University of
1 Edwards, Lives of Founders of the British Museum, p. 274.
Orange in July 1683, he made a tour in France,
and towards the close of the year 1684 he re-
turned to England and settled in London. In
1685 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society,
and in 1687 he was admitted a Fellow of the
College of Physicians. His love for scientific
research led him to accept the offer of the post
of physician to the Duke of Albemarle, who had
been recently appointed Governor-General of the
West India Colonies. He was also appointed
physician to the West Indian fleet. He set sail
for Jamaica on the 12th of September 1687, and
reached Port Royal on the 19th of December;
but in consequence of the death of the Duke,
which took place towards the end of the following
year, Sloane returned to England in May 1689,
bringing with him large collections in all branches
of natural history, which he had obtained in
Madeira, as well as in Jamaica and other West
Indian islands. In 1693 Sloane was appointed
to the Secretaryship of the Royal Society, and
in 1727 he had the honour of succeeding Sir
Isaac Newton as President. His professional
career was a very successful one. In 17 12 he
was made Physician-Extraordinary to Queen
Anne, whom he attended during her last illness ;
and in 17 16 he was created a baronet by King
George 1., who also bestowed on him the post
of Physician-General to the Forces. On the
accession of King George 11. in 1727 he was
appointed First Physician to the King. He was
elected President of the College of Physicians
in 1 719, and held the office till 1735. In 1741
he removed his museum and library from his
residence in Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury,
to the fine old manor-house of Chelsea, which
he had purchased from the family of Cheyne.
Here he spent his time in the society of his
friends, and in enriching and arranging the
treasures he had collected. He died after a short
illness on the nth of January 1753, in the
ninety-third year of his age, and was buried in
Chelsea church, where a monument was erected
to his memory by his daughters. Sir Hans
Sloane married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress
of Alderman Langley, and widow of Fulk Rose
of Jamaica, by whom he had four children, two
of whom died young. Sarah, the elder of the
two daughters who survived their father, married
George Stanley of Poultons, Hampshire ; the
younger, Elizabeth, married Colonel Charles
Cadogan, afterwards second Baron Cadogan.
A table drawn up by Sloane's trustees im-
mediately after his death shows that, in addition
to his splendid natural history museum, his
collections comprised between forty and fifty
thousand printed books, three thousand five
hundred and sixteen manuscripts,1 and six
1 There are 4100 volumes of Sloane MSS. in the British Museum. A
catalogue of them, compiled by the Rev. S. Ayscough, was printed in 1782.
hundred and fifty-seven pictures and drawings.
The coins and medals amounted to thirty-two
thousand, and other antiquities to two thousand
six hundred and thirty-five. Sir Hans Sloane
expressed a desire in his will that his collection
in all its branches might be kept and preserved
together after his decease, and that an application
should be made by his trustees to Parliament
for its purchase for twenty thousand pounds, a
sum which did not represent more than a fourth
of its real value. This application was favour-
ably received, and in June 1753 an Act was
passed, ' For the purchase of the Museum, or
Collection of Sir Hans Sloane, and of the
Harleian Collection of Manuscripts ; and for
providing one general repository for the better
reception and more convenient use of the said
Collections; and of the Cottonian Library, and
of the additions thereto.' The Act further
enacted that a board, consisting of forty-two
trustees, be appointed for putting the same into
execution ; and at a general meeting of this body,
held at the Cockpit, at Whitehall, on the 3rd
of April 1754, it was resolved to accept of a
proposal which had been made to them, of
the ' Capital Mansion House, called Montague
House, and the freehold ground thereto be-
longing, for the general repository of the British
Museum, on the terms of ten thousand pounds.' ■
1 Sims, Handbook to the Library of the British Museum, p. 2.
Although the Act had been passed, considerable
difficulty was experienced in finding the purchase-
money. When the matter was brought before
George n. he dismissed it with the remark, ' I
don't think there are twenty thousand pounds
in the Treasury ' ; and eventually it was pro-
posed that the needful sum should be raised by
a public lottery, which should consist of 'a
hundred thousand shares, at three pounds a
share ; that two hundred thousand pounds should
be allotted as prizes, and that the remaining
hundred thousand — less the expenses of the
lottery itself — should be applied to the threefold
purposes of the Act, namely, the purchase of the
Sloane and Harleian Collections ; the providing
of a Repository ; and the creation of an annual
income for future maintenance.'1 Sir Hans
Sloane's principal work was the Natural History
of Jamaica, 2 vols., London, 1707-25, which
occupied him for no less than thirty-eight years.
PETER LE NEVE, 1661-1729
Peter Le Neve was the son of Francis Neve
(the Le had been dropped for several generations,
when Peter resumed the ancient form of his
name), a citizen and draper of London. He was
born in London in 1661, and was educated at
Merchant Taylors' School. From an early age
1 Edwards, Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, p. 308.
he displayed a great love of antiquarian pursuits,
and in 1707, when the Society of Antiquaries was
reconstituted, he was chosen the first President,
which office he held until 1724. He was also a
Fellow of the Royal Society. On the 17th of
January 1690, Le Neve was appointed Rouge-
Croix Pursuivant; on April the 5th 1704, Rich-
mond Herald ; and on the 25th of the succeeding
month Norroy King-at-Arms. He died on the
24th of September 1729, and was buried in the
chancel of Great Witchingham Church, Norfolk.
Oldys states that Le Neve had ' a vast treasure
of Historical Antiquities, consisting of about
2000 printed books and above 1200 mss., inter-
spersed with many notes of his own.' Oldys also
mentions that ' it is said that he had some pique
with the Heralds' Orifice a little before his death,
so cut them off with a single book, otherwise he
had left them the whole of his library.'1
' Honest Tom Martin of Palgrave,' the anti-
quary, who was Le Neve's executor, and who
married his widow, appears to have succeeded to
the bulk of Le Neve's collections. They were
sold by auction in 1731. The title-page of the
sale catalogue reads: — 'A Catalogue of the
valuable library collected by that truly Laborious
Antiquary, Peter Le Neve, Esq. ; Norroy King
of Arms (lately deceas'd), containing most of the
Books relating to the History and Antiquities
Memoir of Oldys, etc. London, 1862, p. 76.
of Great Britain and Ireland, and many other
nations. With more than a thousand Manu-
scripts of Abstracts of Records, etc., Heraldry,
and other Sciences, several of which are very
antient, and written on Vellum. Also, a great
number of Pedigrees of Noble Families, etc.
With many other Curiosities. Which will be
Sold by Auction the 22nd Day of February
1 730- 1 at the Bedford Coffee-house, in the Great
Piazza, Covent Garden. Beginning every Even-
ing at Five a-Clock. By John Wilcox, Bookseller
in Little Britain.'
The sale appears to have lasted about a fort-
night, and was followed by a small supplementary
one on March the 19th, of ' Some Curiosities
and Manuscripts omitted in the previous Cata-
logue.' A copy of the sale catalogue, with the
prices and the names of some of the purchasers in
manuscript, is to be found in the British Museum.
Although Le Neve was an ardent collector
and compiled a considerable number of works on
heraldry and topography, many of which are
preserved in the British Museum, the Bodleian
Library, Heralds' College, and the Record Office,
he does not appear to have printed anything.
His list of Pedigrees of Knights made by King
Charles //., King James II, King William III.
and Queen Mary, King William alone, and
Queen Anne, was edited by Dr. G. W. Marshall
for the Harleian Society in 1873.
OXFORD, 1661-1724
OXFORD, 1689-1741
Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, who was born
in Bow Street, Coven t Garden, on the 5th of
December 1661, was the eldest son of Sir Edward
Harley, K.B., who was Governor of Dunkirk
after the Restoration. Entering Parliament in
1689, in 1 70 1 he was elected Speaker of the
House of Commons; in 1710 he was appointed
Chancellor of the Exchequer, and in 171 1 he was
created Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, and
made Lord High Treasurer, from which post he
was dismissed in 17 14. In 1 713 he received the
Order of the Garter. He was impeached by the
House of Commons in 1715 ; acquitted without
being brought to a trial in 17 17, and died at his
house in Albemarle Street, London, on the 21st
of May 1724.
Harley was the greatest collector of his time,
and formed a splendid library, which, at the time
of his death, besides the printed books, contained
more than six thousand volumes of manuscripts,
and an immense number of charters, rolls, and
deeds. This noble collection was inherited by
Lord Oxford's son Edward, second Earl, by
whom it was very considerably augmented in
every department ; and when he died in June
1 74 1, the volumes of manuscripts amounted to
One of the Book-plates of Robert Harley as a Commoner.
seven thousand six hundred and thirty-nine
volumes, exclusive of fourteen thousand two
hundred and thirty-six original rolls, deeds,
charters, and other legal documents. The printed
books were estimated at about fifty thousand
volumes, the pamphlets at about three hundred
and fifty thousand, and the prints at forty-one
thousand. In the Account of London Libraries,
by Bagford and Oldys, it is stated : —
1 For libraries in more expressly particular
hands, the first and most universal in England,
must be reckoned the Harleian, or Earl of Oxford's
Robert Habley's Book-stamp.
library, begun by his father and continued by
himself. He has the rarest books of all countries,
languages, and sciences, and the greatest number
of any collector we ever had, in manuscript as
well as in print, thousands of fragments, some a
thousand years old ; vellum books, some written
over; all things especially respecting English
History, personal as well as local, particular as
well as general. He has a great collection of
Bibles, etc., in all versions, and editions of all the
first printed books, classics, and others of our
own country, ecclesiastical as well as civil, by
Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, Berthelet,
Rastall, Grafton, and the greatest number of
pamphlets and prints of English heads of any
other person. Abundance of ledgers, chartularies,
old deeds, charters, patents, grants, covenants,
pedigrees, inscriptions, etc., and original letters
of eminent persons, as many as would fill two
hundred volumes ; all the collections of his
librarian Humphrey Wanley, of Stow, Sir
Symonds D'Ewes, Prynne, Bishop Stillingfleet,
John Bagford, Le Neve, and the flower of a
hundred other libraries.'
The library was remarkably rich in early
editions of the Greek and Latin classics (there
were as many as one hundred and fifteen volumes
of various works by Cicero printed in the fifteenth
century), English early poetry and romances, and
books of prints, sculpture and drawings. The
collection of Caxtons was both large and fine,
and it comprised the only perfect copy known of
the Book of the Noble Histories of King Arthur,
which, nearly a century and a half after the
dispersion of the Harleian library, was purchased
for nineteen hundred and fifty pounds, at the sale
of the Earl of Jersey's books in 1885, by Mr.
Quaritch for a New York collector.
The volumes in the library were all hand-
somely bound ; mostly in red morocco, and tooled
with a distinctive kind of ornamentation, which
has since been known as the Harleian Style. This
commonly consisted of a centrepiece, generally
of a lozenge form, surrounded by a broad and
elegant border. Eliot and Chapman were the
binders of the greater portion of the books, at a
cost, it is said, of upwards of eighteen thousand
Humphrey Wanley was for several years
librarian to both the first and the second Earls,
and he commenced the compilation of the cata-
logue of the manuscripts, which was finally
completed by the Rev. Thomas Hartwell Home
in 1812. Among the Lansdowne manuscripts in
the British Museum is a diary,1 kept by Wanley,
which contains much interesting information
respecting the library. Some time after Wanley's
decease, William Oldys was appointed librarian
at a salary of two hundred pounds per annum.
The second Earl of Oxford had a passion for
building and landscape gardening, as well as for
collecting books, paintings and curiosities, and
some years before his death these expensive tastes
involved him in pecuniary difficulties. George
Vertue, the eminent engraver, in one of his com-
monplace-books, now preserved in the British
Museum,2 thus feelingly refers to the embarrassed
circumstances of the Earl : — ' My good Lord,
lately growing heavy and pensive in his affairs,
1 Lansdowne MSS. 771, 772. 2 Add. MS. 23,093.
which for some late years have mortify'd his mind.
. . . This lately manifestly appeared in his
change of complexion ; his face fallen less ; his
colour and eyes turned yellow to a great degree ;
his stomach wasted and gone ; and a dead weight
presses continually, without sign of relief, on his
A fortnight after this was written Vertue had
to lament his loss.
Lord Oxford died in Dover Street, London,
on the 16th of June 1741, and on his decease the
library became the property of Margaret, Duchess
of Portland, the only daughter and heiress of the
Earl, who sold the printed books to Mr. Thomas
Osborne, the bookseller of Gray's Inn, for about
thirteen thousand pounds. The manuscripts
were purchased by Parliament in 1753 for the
sum of ten thousand pounds, and were placed
in the library of the British Museum four years
later. The portraits, coins, and miscellaneous
curiosities were sold by auction in March 1742.
Osborne bought Lord Oxford's books with
a view of disposing of them by sale, and
engaged Dr. Johnson and Oldys to compile a
catalogue of them, which was printed in four
volumes octavo in the years 1743-44. A fifth
volume was issued in 1745, but this is nothing
more than an enumeration of Osborne's unsold
stock. Osborne also published in eight volumes
quarto, ' The Harleian Miscellany : or, a Col-
lection of Scarce, Curious, attd Entertaining
Pamphlets and Tracts, as well as in Manuscript
as in Print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's
library, interspersed with Historical, Political and
Critical notes. London 1744-46/ This work,
which was edited by Oldys, was republished by
Thomas Park in 1808-12, with two supplemental
volumes. A catalogue of the pamphlets contained
in the Harleian Miscellany was also prepared by
Oldys, and printed in a quarto volume, which
appeared in 1746; and a Collection of Voyages
and Travels, compiled from the Miscellany, was
published in two volumes folio in 1745.
JOHN BRIDGES, 1666-1724
John Bridges, the author of The History and
Antiquities of Northamptonshire, was born in
1666 at Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire.
He was appointed Solicitor of the Customs in
1695, a Commissioner of the Customs in 171 1,
and in 171 5 a Cashier of the Excise. He was a
Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, and a Fellow of the
Society of Antiquaries. He died on the 16th of
March 1724.
Bridges, who is mentioned with great respect
by Hearne and other antiquaries, was, says
Dibdin, ' a gentleman, a scholar, and a notorious
book-collector.' His library, which consisted of
'above 4000 Books and Manuscripts in all lan-
guages and faculties, particularly in Classics
and History, and especially the History and
Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland,'1 was
sold at his chambers, No. 6 Lincoln's Inn,
by Mr. Cock, on the 7th of February 1726,
and twenty-six following days. The number
of lots was four thousand three hundred and
thirteen, and the total proceeds of the sale were
four thousand one hundred and sixty pounds,
twelve shillings. The books sold well, and
Hearne, in his Diary, under February 15th,
1726, writes : ■ My late friend John Bridges esqr.'s
books being now selling by auction in London
(they began to be sold on Monday the 7th inst.).
I hear they go very high, being fair books, in
good condition, and most of them finely bound.
This afternoon I was told of a gentleman of All
Souls' College, I suppose Dr. Clarke, that gave
a commission of 8s. for an Homer in 2 vols., a
small 8° if not 120. But it went for six guineas.
People are in love with good binding more than
good reading.' Humphrey Wanley, who was a
buyer at the sale for Lord Oxford's library, was
much dissatisfied with the large sums which the
books fetched, and suspected there was a con-
spiracy to run up the prices. He writes in his
Diary (February 9, 1725-26): 'Went to Mr.
Bridges's chambers, but could not see the three
1 Description of library in sale catalogue.
fine mss. again, the Doctor his brother having
locked them up. He openly bid for his own
books, merely to enhance their price, and the
auction proves to be, what I thought it would
become, very knavish'; and on the nth of
February he adds : ' Yesterday at five I met
Mr. Noel and tarried long with him ; we settled
then the whole affair touching his bidding for my
Lord [Oxford] at the roguish auction of Mr.
Bridges's books. The Reverend Doctor one of
the brothers hath already displayed himself so
remarkably as to be both hated and despised, and
a combination among the booksellers will soon
be against him and his brother-in-law, a lawyer.
These are men of the keenest avarice, and their
very looks (according to what I am told) dart out
harping-irons. I have ordered Mr. Noel to drop
every article in my Lord's commissions when
they shall be hoisted up to too high a price.
Yet I desired that my Lord may have the
Russian Bible, which I know full well to be a
very rare and a very good book.'
A copy of the sale catalogue, with the prices
in manuscript, is preserved in the library of the
British Museum.
Bridges expended several thousand pounds
in making collections for his History of North-
amptonshire, which, after many delays, was pub-
lished under the editorship of the Rev. Peter
Whalley in 1791.
JOHN MURRAY, 1670-1748
John Murray of Sacombe in Hertfordshire, who
was born on the 24th of January 1670, and died
on September 13, 1748, was an indefatigable
collector of books. In the Account of London
Libraries, by Bagford and Oldys, we read that
he ' made scarce publications of English authors
his inquiry all his life,' and that he had been ' a
collector above forty years at all sales, auctions,
shops, and stalls, partly for his own curiosity,
and partly to oblige such authors and gentry as
have commissioned him.' He was a friend of
Hearne, who frequently mentions him in his
works and Diary. Hearne states that Murray
told him he began to collect books at thirteen
years of age. Dr. Rawlinson possessed a paint-
ing of him, which was engraved by Vertue. He
is leaning on three books, inscribed ' T. Hearne,
V. III., Sessions Papers, and Tryals of Witches,'
and holding a fourth under his coat. Underneath
are the following lines, signed G. N. : —
' Hoh Maister John Murray of Sacomb !
The Works of old Time to collect was his pride,
Till Oblivion dreaded his Care :
Regardless of Friends, intestate he dy'd,
So the Rooks and the Crows were his Heir.'
DR. MEAD, 1673-1754
Dr. Richard Mead, the eminent physician and
collector, was born at Stepney, Middlesex, on
the nth of August 1673. His father, Matthew
Mead, was a divine of some eminence among
the dissenters, and during the Commonwealth
was minister of Stepney, but was ejected for
nonconformity in 1662. Richard Mead was first
educated at home, and at a private school kept
by Mr. Thomas Singleton, who was at one
time second master at Eton. At the age of
sixteen he entered the University of Utrecht,
where he remained three years, and then pro-
ceeded to the University of Leyden for the
purpose of qualifying himself for the medical
profession. In 1695 he made a tour in Italy,
and after taking the degree of doctor of philo-
sophy and physic at Padua, he visited Naples
and Rome. In 1696 he returned to England,
and began to practise at Stepney, in the house
in which he was born. In 1703 he was elected
a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in the same
year he was chosen Physician to St. Thomas's
Hospital, and took a house in Crutched Friars,
in the City of London, where he resided until
171 1, when he removed to one in Austin Friars,
which had formerly been inhabited by Dr. Howe.
In 1707 the University of Oxford conferred on
him the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and in
the following year he was admitted a member of
the College of Physicians, of which institution
Dr. Mead.
he was elected a Fellow in 1716. On the death
of Dr, Radcliffe in 17 14, Mead removed to the
residence which had been occupied by that dis-
tinguished physician in Bloomsbury Square, and
in 1720 he took a house in Great Ormond Street,
which he filled with books, pictures and antiqui-
ties, and where he lived until his death on the
1 6th of January 1754. In 1727 he was ap-
pointed Physician-in-Ordinary to King George 11.,
and in 1734 he was offered the post of President
of the College of Physicians, but this he de-
clined, being desirous of retirement. He was
twice married. Dr. Mead was the foremost
medical man of his time, and his professional
income was a very large one. The greater part
of his wealth he devoted to the patronage of
science and literature, and to the acquisition of
his valuable collections, which were always open
to students who wished to consult them. He
had a very large circle of attached friends,
amongst whom were Newton, Halley, Pope,
Bentley, and Freind ; and Dr. Johnson said of
him that he ' lived more in the broad sunshine
of life than almost any other man.' Pope refers
to his love of books in his epistle to Richard
Boyle, Earl of Burlington, Of the Use of
Riches : —
' Rare monkish manuscripts for Hearne alone,
And books for Mead and butterflies for Sloane.'
Dr. Mead's library consisted of upwards of
ten thousand printed volumes, and many rare
and valuable manuscripts. The collection was
especially rich in medical works, and in early
DR. MEAD 163
editions of the classics. Among the latter were
to be found the Spira Virgil of 1470 on vellum,
and the 1469 and 1472 editions of the Historia
Naturalis of Pliny; the former of which was
bought at the sale of his books by the King of
France for eleven guineas, and the latter by a
bookseller named Willock for eighteen guineas.
One of the choicest manuscripts was a missal
said to have been illuminated by Raphael and
his pupils for Claude, wife of Francis 1., King
of France. This was acquired by Horace
Walpole for forty-eight pounds, six shillings.
It was bought at the Strawberry Hill sale in
1842 by Earl Waldegrave for one hundred
and fifteen pounds, ten shillings. The books
were generally very fine copies and handsomely
bound. After Mead's death they were sold by
auction by Samuel Baker of Covent Garden, in
two parts, and realised five thousand five
hundred and eighteen pounds, ten shillings and
elevenpence, including nineteen pounds, six
shillings and sixpence for fifteen bookcases.
The sale of the first part commenced on the
1 8th November 1754, and lasted twenty-eight
days ; that of the second part began on the 7th of
April 1755, and lasted twenty-nine days. The
pictures, prints and drawings, antiquities and
coins and medals, were sold in the early part of
x755 f°r ten thousand five hundred and fifty
pounds, eighteen shillings ; the pictures fetching
three thousand four hundred and seventeen
pounds, eleven shillings — about six or seven
hundred pounds more than Mead gave for them.
Some portions of his collections were sold during
his lifetime.
Dr. Mead was the author of several medical
works, of which his Discourse on the Plague,
published in 1720, was the best. The magnificent
edition of De Thou's Historia Sui Temporis, in
seven folio volumes, London, 1733, edited by
Samuel Buckley ; and the Opus Majus of Roger
Bacon, London, 1733, edited by Dr. Samuel
Jebb, were produced partly at his expense. Col-
lected editions of his medical works were pub-
lished in London in 1762, and in Edinburgh in
1765. His life has been written by Dr. Maty,
the second Principal Librarian of the British
Museum ; and a very interesting account of his
library, by Mr. Austin Dobson, will be found in
the first volume of Bibliographica. A portrait of
him by Allan Ramsay, painted in 1740, is in
the National Portrait Gallery, and a bust of
him by Roubillac is preserved in the College of
Physicians. His gold-headed cane, given him
by Dr. Radcliffe, is also kept in that institution.
Earl of Sunderland.
SUNDERLAND, 1674-1722
Charles Spencer, third Earl of Sunderland,
who was born in 1674, was the second son
of Robert, second Earl, by Anne, daughter of
George Digby, second Earl of Bristol. He
appears, even when a boy, to have displayed
much ability, for as early as 1688, Evelyn, who
was on very intimate terms with the Spencer
family, mentions him as 'a youth of extra-
ordinary hopes, very learned for his age, and
ingenious, and under a governor of great merit.'
This governor appears to have been Dr. Trim-
nell, afterwards Bishop of Winchester. When
quite young, Lord Spencer manifested a great
love for books, and already possessed a con-
siderable collection of them, for he was but
twenty years of age when Evelyn wrote to him :
1 I was with great appetite coming to take a
repast in the noble library which I hear you
have lately purchased.' Evelyn's Diary also
contains several notices of the collection, and
particularly mentions the purchase of the books
of Sir Charles Scarborough, an eminent physician,
which were at one time destined for the Royal
At the general election in 1695 Lord Spencer
was returned both for Tiverton in Devonshire,
and for Heydon in Yorkshire. He elected to sit
for Tiverton, which he represented in Parliament
until the death of his father in 1702, when he
succeeded to the title, his elder brother having
died in 1688. While a member of the House
of Commons he appears to have held opinions
of a somewhat republican nature ; and Swift tells
us, ' he would often, among his familiar friends,
refuse the title of Lord (as he had done to
myself), swear he would never be called other-
wise than Charles Spencer, and hoped to see
the day when there should not be a peer in
England.' These views, however, were very
considerably modified on his succession to the
title. In 1705 he was appointed envoy extra-
ordinary and plenipotentiary to the Court of
Vienna, to congratulate the Emperor Joseph on
his accession to the crown. Shortly after his
return to England, Sunderland, notwithstanding
the opposition of Queen Anne, who always enter-
tained a great antipathy for him, was made one
of the Secretaries of State, an office which he
held until June 17 10, when he was dismissed
by the Queen, who wished, however, to bestow
on him a pension of three thousand pounds a
year. This he refused, with the remark, ' I am
glad your Majesty is satisfied I have done my
duty. But if I cannot have the honour to serve
my country, I will not plunder it.' He remained
out of office during the remainder of Anne's
reign, but on the accession of George 1. to the
throne he was made Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.
This post, however, was by no means agreeable
to him, for he regarded it as a kind of banish-
ment, and during the short time he held it he
never crossed the Channel. In 17 15 he was
appointed Lord Privy Seal, Vice-Treasurer of
Ireland in 17 16, and in April 17 17 he was a
second time made a Secretary of State, his friend
Addison receiving a like appointment. On the
1 6th of March 17 18 he became Lord-President
of the Council, and on the 21st of the same
month First Lord Commissioner of the Treasury,
which office he resigned on the 3rd of April
1 72 1. He died, after a short illness, on the
19th of April 1722.
Lord Sunderland was thrice married, and had
children by all his wives. By his second wife,
Anne, daughter of the great Duke of Marl-
borough, he had four sons and a daughter. The
eldest son died in infancy ; Robert, the second,
succeeded to the earldom, and died unmarried
on the 15th of September 1729; Charles, the
third, became Earl of Sunderland on the death
of his elder brother, and in 1733 second Duke
of Marlborough, but he did not obtain the
Marlborough estates until the demise of the
Dowager Duchess in 1744; John, the youngest
son, who, by a family arrangement, then sue-
ceeded to the Spencer estates, was the father
of the first Earl Spencer.
Lord Sunderland was a most liberal patron
of literature, and the splendid library which he
commenced in his early youth, and sedulously
augmented till the time of his death, bore witness
for several generations to his love of books.
This noble collection was kept in his town
house, which stood between Sackville Street
and Burlington House, where it occupied five
large rooms, and at the time of the Earl's death
in 1722 consisted of about twenty thousand
printed volumes, together with some choice
manuscripts, and was valued at upwards of
thirty thousand pounds ; the King of Denmark
being anxious to purchase it of his heirs for
that sum. Charles, the fifth Earl, also took
great interest in the library, and added a con-
siderable number of books to it, among which
was a copy on vellum of the Livy of 1470,
printed at Venice by Vendelin de Spira. Only
one other perfect copy on vellum of this edition
is known to exist. In 1749 the library was
removed to Blenheim, where it remained until
1 88 1. It was sold by Puttick and Simpson
in five portions in 1881, 1882 and 1883, and the
entire sale, which consisted of thirteen thousand
eight hundred and fifty-eight lots, realised
fifty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-one
pounds, six shillings.
Lord Sunderland was always very liberal in
his dealings with booksellers, and the prices
which he gave for his books frequently gave
umbrage to other collectors. Humphrey Wanley,
Lord Oxford's librarian, when giving in his Diary
an account of a book-sale which took place in
1 72 1, mentions that: 'Some books went for un-
accountably high prices, which were bought by
Mr. Vaillant, the bookseller, who had an unlimited
commission from the Earl of Sunderland. The
booksellers upon this sale intend to raise the
prices of philological books of the first editions,
and indeed of all old editions, accordingly. Thus
Mr. Noel told me that he has actually agreed to
sell the Earl of Sunderland six . . . printed
books, now coming up the river, for fifty pounds
per book, although my Lord gives no such
prices.' And on the demise of the Earl, Wanley
wrote: 'This day died the Earl of Sunderland,
which I the rather note here, because I believe
by reason of his decease some benefit may accrue
to this Library, even in case his relatives will
part with none of his books. I mean, by his
raising the price of books no higher now; so
that, in probability, this commodity may fall in
the market, and any gentleman be permitted to
buy an uncommon old book for less than forty
or fifty pounds.'
BRIAN FAIRFAX, 1676-1749
Brian Fairfax, who was the eldest son of Brian
Fairfax, author of the Life of the Duke of
Buckingham and other works, was born on the
nth of April 1676. He received his early educa-
tion at Westminster School, where he entered as
a Queen's Scholar, and from whence he went to
Trinity College, Cambridge, taking the degrees
of B.A. in 1697 and M.A. in 1700. He became
a Fellow of his College in 1698. In 1723 he was
appointed a Commissioner of the Customs, a post
he held until his death on the 9th of January
Fairfax collected in his house in Panton
Square a very valuable library, which, together
with a considerable fortune, a gallery of pictures,
a fine collection of Greek, Roman, and English
coins and medals, and other curiosities, he
bequeathed to his relative, the Hon. Robert
Fairfax, of Leeds Castle, Kent, afterwards
seventh Lord Fairfax. Robert Fairfax intended
to sell the library by auction on the 26th of
April 1756, and the seventeen following days;
but after having advertised it, he privately dis-
posed of it for two thousand pounds to his
kinsman, Mr. Francis Child,1 of Osterley Park,
1 The first wife of the Hon. Robert Fairfax was Martha Collins, niece to
Sir Francis Child, Bart.
Isleworth, Middlesex, and the printed catalogues,
with the exception of twenty, were suppressed.1
The title to the catalogue of the intended sale
reads : ' A Catalogue of the Entire and Valuable
Library of the Honourable Bryan Fairfax, Esq.,
one of the Commissioners of His Majesty's
Customs, Deceased : which will be sold by
Auction, by Mr. Prestage, at his great room
the end of Savile Row, next Conduit Street,
Hanover Square. To begin selling on Monday,
April 26, 1756, and to continue for seventeen
days successively. Catalogues to be had at
the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Barthoe's, Book-
seller in Exeter Exchange in the Strand.
Price Six-pence, pp. 68. 8°.' In a copy of the
catalogue mentioned by Dibdin in his Biblio-
graphical Decameron, the price at which each
article was valued is given for the express purpose
of the purchase of the whole by Mr. Child.
Among the prices thus noted are those of the
nine Caxtons which the library contained, which
altogether amounted to thirty-three pounds, four
shillings. The Recuyell of the Histories of
Troye was valued at eight guineas, the Confessio
Amantis at three pounds, and the Histories of
King Arthur at two pounds, twelve shillings
and sixpence. The prices obtained for these
books at the sale of the Osterley library in 1885
were eighteen hundred and twenty pounds, eight
1 Nichols, Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, vol. v. p. 326.
hundred and ten pounds and nineteen hundred
and fifty pounds, respectively. The collection
became part of the Ostcrley library, of which a
catalogue was made in 1771 by Dr. Thomas
Morelf, assisted by the preceding labours of the
Rev. Dr. Winchester. Only twenty-five copies
of this catalogue were printed.
Brian Fairfax's pictures, statues, urns, and
other antiquities were sold by auction on April
the 6th and 7th, and the prints and drawings
on May the 4th and 5th, 1756.
In 18 1 9 the library passed by marriage into
the family of the Earls of Jersey, and on the 6th
of May 1885 and seven following days it was
sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hoage. The
sale consisted of one thousand nine hundred and
thirty-seven lots, which realised the large sum
of thirteen thousand and seven pounds, nine
THOMAS HEARNE, 1678-1735
Thomas Hearne, the eminent antiquary, was
born in July 1678 at Littlefield Green in the
parish of White Waltham, Berkshire, where his
father, George Hearne, was the parish clerk. At
a very early age he showed such marked ability
that Francis Cherry, the nonjuror, who resided
at Shottesbrooke in the same neighbourhood,
7lI0Ml^llK\ttNE M.A.tfTJmiw.f Hall Qron
undertook to defray the cost of his education,
and first sent him to the free school of Bray, and
afterwards, in 1695, to St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
This kindness is frequently referred to by Hearne,
who speaks of his benefactor as ' my best friend
and patron.' He took the degrees of B.A. in
1679, and M.A. four years later. While an
undergraduate, Dr. John Mill, the Principal of
St. Edmund Hall, and Dr. Grabe employed him
in the collation of manuscripts ; and Hearne tells
us in his Autobiography that, after taking his
B.A. degree, ' he constantly went to the Bodleian
Library every day, and studied there as long as
the time allowed by the Statutes would admit.'
His industry and learning attracted the notice
of Dr. Hudson, who had been recently elected
Keeper of the Bodleian Library, and, in 1701, by
his influence Hearne was made Janitor, or Assis-
tant, in the Library, succeeding to the post of
Second Librarian in 17 12. The duties of this
appointment he continued to perform until the
23rd of January 1716, the last day fixed by the
Act for taking the oaths to the Hanoverian
dynasty. These oaths as a nonjuror he could
not conscientiously take, and he was in con-
sequence deprived of his office on the ground of
' neglect of duty ' ; but the Rev. W. D. Macray, in
his Annals of the Bodleian Library, tells us
that 'to the end of his life he maintained that
he was still, de jure, Sub-librarian, and with a
quaint pertinacity, regularly at the end of each
term and half-year, up to March 30, 1735, con-
tinued to set down, in one of the volumes of his
Diary, that no fees had been paid him, and that
his half-year's salary was due.' Hearne continued
a staunch nonjuror to the end of his days, and
refused many University appointments, including
the Keepership of the Bodleian Library, which he
might have had, had he been willing to take the
oath of allegiance to the government; but he
preferred, to use his own words, * a good con-
science before all manner of preferment and
worldly honour.' The Earl of Oxford offered
to make him his librarian on Wanley's death,
but this post he also declined, and continued to
reside to the end of his life at St. Edmund Hall,
engaged in preparing and publishing his various
antiquarian and historical works. He died on
the 10th of June 1735, and was buried in the
churchyard of St. Peter's-in-the-East at Oxford.
Hearne, who was a man of unwearied industry,
and a most devoted antiquary, is described
by Pope in the Dunciad, under the title of
Wormius —
• But who is he, in closet close ypent,
Of sober face, with learned dust besprent ?
Right well mine eyes arede the myster wight,
On parchment scraps y-fed, and Wormius hight.'
Hearne amassed a considerable collection of
manuscripts and printed books, of which he
made a catalogue, with the prices he gave for
them. This manuscript came into the possession
of Mr. Beriah Botfield, M.P., of Norton Hall,
Northamptonshire, who privately printed some
extracts from it in 1848.
Hearne left all his manuscripts and books
with manuscript notes to Mr. William Bedford,
son of the nonjuring bishop, Hilkiah Bedford,
whose widow sold them to Dr. Richard Rawlin-
son for one hundred guineas, and by him
they were bequeathed to the Bodleian Library.
Hearne's diary and note-books, in about one
hundred and fifty small duodecimo volumes,
were among them.1 His printed books were
sold by Thomas Osborne on the 16th of
February 1736, and following days. The title-
page of the catalogue reads : ' A Catalogue of
the Valuable Library of that great Antiquarian
Mr. Th°. Hearne of Oxford : and of another
Gentleman of Note. Consisting of a very great
Variety of Uncommon Books, and scarce ever to
be met withal.
Which will begin to be sold very cheap, the
lowest Price mark'd in each Book, at T. Osborne's
Shop in Gray's Inn, on Monday the 16th day of
February 1735-36.'
1 Extracts from these volumes were published by Dr. Bliss in 1857, and
again in 1869, under the title of Rcliquice Hearniance ; and Hearne's Remarks
and Collections are now being printed by the Oxford Historical Society.
The title-page has also a small portrait of
Hearne, with the following lines below it : —
' l'ox on't quoth time to Thomas Hearne,
Whatever I forget, you learn.'
The catalogue contains six thousand seven
hundred and seventy-six lots.
Hearne s publications, which were almost all
printed by subscription at Oxford, are very
numerous. Among the most valuable are an
edition of Livy in 6 vols., 1708; the Life of
Alfred the Great, from Sir John Spelman's
manuscript in the Bodleian Library, 1710;
Leland's Itinerary, 9 vols., 17 10; Leland's
Collectanea, 6 vols., 17 15; Roper's Life of
Sir Thomas More, 17 16; Camden's Annals,
3 vols., 1 7 17; Curious Discourses by Eminent
Antiquaries, 1720; Robert of Gloucester's
Chronicle, 2 vols., 1724; Peter of Langtoft's
Chronicle, 2 vols., 1725; Liber Niger Scaccar/i,
2 vols., 1728; and Walter of Hemingford's
History, 2 vols., 1731.
Thomas Rawlinson, who, Dibdin says, ' may be
called the Leviathan of book-collectors during
nearly the first thirty years of the eighteenth
century,' was born in the Old Bailey on the 25th
of March 1681. He was the eldest son of Sir
Thomas Rawlinson, Lord Mayor of London in
1705-6, by Mary, eldest daughter of Richard
Tayler, of Turnham Green, Middlesex, who kept
the Devil Tavern near Temple Bar. He was
also an elder brother of Dr. Richard Rawlinson,
the nonjuring bishop, who was himself an ardent
collector. In 1699 he matriculated at the Uni-
versity of Oxford from St. John's College, having
been previously educated at Cheam under William
Day, and at Eton. He was called to the bar in
1705, and applied himself to the study of muni-
cipal law ; but three years later, on the death of
his father in 1708, who left him a large estate,
he devoted himself to the collection of books,
manuscripts and pictures. His love for books
appears to have been early fostered by his grand-
father, Richard Tayler, who settled upon him,
while a schoolboy at Eton, an annuity of
fourteen pounds per annum for his life to buy
books with ; ' which,' Hearne informs us in
his Diary, 'he not only fully expended, and
nobly answered the end of the donor, but
indeed laid out his whole fortune this way,
so as to acquire a collection of books, both for
number and value, hardly to be equalled by
any one study in England.' For some years
Rawlinson resided in Gray's Inn, but in 17 16,
having filled his four rooms so completely with
books that he was obliged to sleep in the passage,
he was compelled to move, and he took lodgings
at London House, in Aldersgate Street, an
ancient palace of the bishops of London, but at
that time the residence of Mr. Samuel May, a
wealthy druggist. Here he lived, says Oldys,
1 in his bundles, piles, and bulwarks of paper,
in dust and cobwebs,' until the 6th of August
1725, when he died, and was buried in St.
Botolph's Church, Aldersgate Street.
Rawlinson was a Fellow of the Royal Society,
and of the Society of Antiquaries. He was also
a Governor of Bridewell and Bethlehem Hos-
pitals. About a year before his decease he
married his servant, Amy Frewin, but left no
Towards the end of his life Rawlinson be-
came involved in pecuniary difficulties, and he
sold a portion of his collection by auction to
meet his liabilities. Prior to his death there
were five sales, the first of which took place on
the 4th of December 1721, which realised two
thousand four hundred and nine pounds. But
when he died an enormous number of books
were still left, and it required eleven additional
sales, which extended to March 1734, to dispose
of them and the manuscripts, of which there
were upwards of a thousand. These sales lasted
on an average for more than twenty-one days
each, but it should be observed that they took
place in the evening, generally commencing at
five o'clock. All Rawlinson's books were sold
by Thomas Ballard, the bookseller, at the St.
Paul's Coffee House, with the exception of those
disposed of at the seventh and eighth sales, which
were sold by Charles Davis, the bookseller ; the
former at London House, and the latter at the
Bedford Coffee House, in the great Piazza,
Covent Garden. In addition to the printed
books and manuscripts, Rawlinson's gallery of
paintings was sold at the Two Golden Bulls
in Hart Street, Covent Garden, on April the
4th and 5th 1734, in one hundred and seventeen
lots. Among the portraits was one in crayons
of Rawlinson by his brother Richard.
Copies of the sale catalogues of Thomas
Rawlinson's books are very rare, but the Bodleian
Library possesses an entire set of them, almost
all of which are marked with the prices which
the books fetched, while two or three have also
the names of the purchasers. A fairly correct
list of them is given by Dibdin in his Biblio-
mania, which he made from a complete collection
of them in the Heber library. The catalogue of
the manuscripts was compiled by Rawlinson's
brother Richard.
Rawlinson's books appear to have realised
but poor prices, for Hearne writes in his Diary
(Nov. 10th, 1734), that 'Dr. Rawlinson by the
sale of his brother's books hath not rais'd near
the money expected. For, it seems, they have
ill answer'd, however good books ; the mss.
worse, and what the prints will do is as yet
undetermin'd.' No doubt the low prices were
caused by the immense number of books thrown
upon the market by Rawlinson's sales ; for, as
early as April 1723, Hearne tells us in his Diary
that 'the editions of classicks of the first print
(commonly called Editioncs Princi/>es), that used
to go at prodigious prices, are now strangely
lowered ; occasioned, in good measure, by Mr.
Tho. Rawlinson, my friend's, being forced to
sell many of his books, in whose auction these
books went cheap, tho' English history and
antiquities went dear: and yet this gentleman
was the chief man that raised many curious and
classical books so high, by his generous and
couragious way of bidding.' It is quite possible
too that Rawlinson's books were not always in
the finest condition, and had suffered from the
dust and cobwebs of which Oldys speaks.
The Caxtons, of which there were upwards
of five and twenty (perfect and imperfect), realised
but very moderate prices. The Recuyell of the
Histories of Troy sold for two pounds, seven
shillings; Gower's Confessio si mantis for two
pounds, fourteen shillings and sixpence ; TJie
Golden Legend for three pounds, twelve shillings ;
and Lydgate's Life of Our Lady for two pounds,
th i rteen sh i 1 1 i ngs. The Histories of King A rthur
and his Knights, for which Mr. Quaritch, at
the Earl of Jersey's sale in 1885, gave as
much as nineteen hundred and fifty pounds,
fetched no more than two pounds, four shillings
and sixpence. These were the highest prices
obtained. Many of the volumes went for a few
shillings — the first edition of The Dictes or
Sayings for fifteen shillings, Chaucer's Book of
Fame for nine shillings and twopence, and The
Moral Proverbs of Christine de Pisan for four
shillings and tenpence. Mr. Blades does not
make any mention of Thomas Rawlinson's
Caxtons in his life of the printer.
Rawlinson appears to have greatly increased
the number of separate works in his library by
breaking up the volumes of tracts ; for Oldys
complains, 'that out of one volume he made
many, and all the tracts or pamphlets that came
to his hands in volumes and bound together, he
separated to sell them singly, so that what some
curious men had been pairing and sorting half
their lives to have a topic or argument complete,
he by this means confused and dispersed again.'
Dr. Richard Rawlinson said of his brother
that he collected in almost all faculties, but more
particularly old and beautiful editions of the
classical authors, and whatever directly or in-
directly related to English history. As early
as 17 1 2 Rawlinson told Hearne that his library
had cost him two thousand pounds, and that it
was worth five thousand. Among many other
choice and rare books in the collection were three
copies of Archbishop Parker's De Antiquitate
Britannicce Ecclesice. Two of them are now in
the Bodleian Library, and the Rev. W. D.
Macray, in his Annals of the Bodleian Library,
states that 'one of these is the identical copy
described by Strype in his Life of Parker, and
which was then in possession of Bp. Fleetwood
of Ely.*
Rawlinson's passion for collecting books was
evidently well known to his contemporaries, for
Addison, who disliked and despised bibliomaniacs,
gives a satirical account of him, under the name
of 'Tom Folio,' in No. 158 of The Taller.
Hearne, who was greatly indebted to Rawlinson
for assistance in his antiquarian labours, warmly
defends his friend : — ' Some gave out,' he writes,
' and published it too in printed papers, that Mr.
Rawlinson understood the editions and titlepages
of books only, without any other skill in them,
and thereupon they styled him TOM FOLIO.
But these were only buffoons, and persons of
very shallow learning. 'Tis certain that Mr.
Rawlinson understood the titles and editions of
books better than any man I ever knew (for he
had a very great memory), but besides this, he
was a great reader, and had read abundantly of
the best writers, ancient and modern, throughout,
and was entirely master of the learning contained
in them. He nad digested the classicks so well
as to be able readily and upon all occasions
(what I have very often admired) to make use
of passages from them very pertinently, what I
never knew in so great perfection in any other
person whatsoever.'1
A poem of twenty-six lines by Rawlinson on
the death of the Duke of Gloucester in 1700
was printed in a collection of verses written by
members of the University of Oxford on that
event. This appears to be his only publication
with his name attached. The pretty edition of
the Satires of Juvenal and Persius, published
at London in 17 16, and edited by Michael
Maittaire, was dedicated by him to Rawlinson.
It is stated in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes
of the Eighteenth Century (vol. v. p. 704) that
the following inscription was found among the
papers of Rawlinson, written with his own hand,
and in all probability designed by him for part
of an epitaph on himself : —
' Hie jacet Vir liberrimi Spiritus
qui omnes Mortales pari ratione habuit ;
tacuisse de Criminibus non auro vendidit.
Qui, Rege dempto, neminem agnovit superiorem ;
ilium vero, O infortunium ! nunquam potuit
1 Diary, Sept. 4, 1725.
JOSHPH SMITH, 1682-1770
Joseph Smith, a portion of whose collection
formed the foundation of King George iii.'s
library, now in the British Museum, was born in
Joseph Smith .
Hook-plate of Joseph Smith.
1682. Nothing appears to be known about his
parents and his early years, but at the age of
nineteen he took up his residence at Venice,
where he spent his life, apparently engaged in
commerce.1 In 1740 he was appointed British
Consul in that city, and he died there on the 6th
of November 1770, aged eighty-eight.
Smith was well known as a collector of books,
manuscripts, and works of art. In 1 762 George in
purchased all the books Smith had amassed up
to that time for about ten thousand pounds,
and at a later period the king also bought his
pictures, coins, and gems for the sum of twenty
thousand pounds. After the sale of his library
Smith still continued to collect, and the books
which he subsequently acquired were sold after
his death, partly by auction by Baker and Leigh
at their house in York Street, Covent Garden, on
Monday, January 25th, 1773, and the thirteen
following days, and partly in the shop of James
Robson, bookseller, in New Bond Street. Those
sold by Baker and Leigh realised two thousand
two hundred and forty-five pounds. A portion
of his manuscripts was purchased by the Earl
of Sunderland for one thousand five hundred
pounds. Smith's library was rich in the best
and scarcest editions of Latin, Italian and French
authors. It also contained a considerable number
of fine manuscripts, some of them beautifully
illuminated, and many valuable books of prints
and antiquities.
About 1727 Smith compiled a catalogue, which
1 Dictionary of National Biography.
2 A
was limited to twenty-five copies, of some of the
rarest books in his collection, of which a second
edition with additions was published in 1737. A
catalogue of his entire library was printed at
Venice in 1755, and in 1767 an account of his
antique gems in two volumes folio, written by
Antonio Francesco Gori, was published in the
same city under the title of Dactyliotheca Smithi-
ama. An edition of Boccaccio's Decamerone was
brought out by Smith in 1729.
Richard Rawlinson was the fourth son of Sir
Thomas Rawlinson, Lord Mayor of London in
1705-6, and younger brother of Thomas Rawlin-
son the collector. He was born in the Old Bailey
on the 3rd of January 1690, and, after having
received his early education at St. Paul's School
and Eton, matriculated as a commoner of St.
John's College, Oxford, in 1708; but, in con-
sequence of the death of his father, he became a
gentleman-commoner in the following year. He
took the degrees of B.A. in 171 1, M.A. in 17 13,
and in 17 19 he was created D.C.L. On the 21st
of September 17 16 he was ordained deacon, and
two days later, priest among the nonjurors by
Bishop Jeremy Collier, in Mr. Laurence's chapel
on College Hill, London.1 After his ordination
he travelled through a great part of England, and
in 1 7 19 paid a visit to France, and afterwards to
the Low Countries, where he was admitted into
the Universities of Utrecht and Leyden. To-
wards the end of the year he returned home,
but in 1720 he again left England, and spent
several years in France, Germany, Italy, and
other parts of the Continent. In April 1726 he
again came home, in consequence of the death
of his brother, which took place in the preceding
year. During his travels he kept a series of
note-books, some of which are preserved among
his miscellaneous manuscripts in the Bodleian
Library. In 1728 he was consecrated bishop
by the nonjuring bishops Gandy, Doughty and
Blackbourne in Gandy's chapel, but he appears
to have been always desirous of concealing both
his clerical and episcopal character, for in a
letter written in 1736 to Mr. T. Rawlins of
Pophills, Warwickshire, he requests him not to
address him as ' Rev.'2 Dr. Rawlinson was elected
a Fellow of the Royal Society in 17 14, and a
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1727, but
later he quarrelled with both these Societies, and
stipulated in his will that the recipients of his
bequests should not be Fellows. He was also
1 Rev. W. D. Macray, Annals of the Bodleian Library. London, etc.,
1868, p. 168.
2 Ibid. p. 168.
a Governor of Bridewell, Bethlehem, and St.
Bartholomew's Hospitals.
Dr. Rawlinson lived for some time in Gray's
Inn, but shortly after the death of his brother
Thomas he took up his abode in the rooms which
had been occupied by him in London House in
Aldersgate Street. He died at Islington on the
6th of April 1755, and was buried, in accordance
with a direction in a codicil to his will, in St.
Giles's Church, Oxford. His heart, which he
bequeathed as a token of affection to St. John's
College, Oxford, is preserved in a marble urn in
the chapel of that College, inscribed with the
text ' Ubi thesaurus, ibi cor,' and with his
name and the date of his death. It is said that
Rawlinson also left instructions that a head,
which he believed to be that of Counsellor
Christopher Layer, the Jacobite conspirator, who
was executed in 1723, should be buried with him,
placed in his right hand ; but this injunction,
if really made, does not appear to have been
complied with.1
Rawlinson devoted himself to antiquarian
pursuits, and, like his brother Thomas, was an
1 When the head of Layer was blown off from Temple Bar (where it had
been placed after his execution), it was picked up by a gentleman in that
neighbourhood, who showed it to some friends at a public-house ; under
the floor of which house, I have been assured, it was buried. Dr. Rawlinson,
mean-time, having made enquiry after the head, with a wish to purchase it,
was imposed on with another instead of Layer's, which he preserved as a
valuable relique, and directed it to be buried in his hand. — Nichols, Literary
Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century \ vol. v. p. 497.
enthusiastic collector of manuscripts and books.
The Rev. W. D. Macray, in his Annals of
the Bodleian Library, says that his collections
were ' formed abroad and at home, the choice of
book-auctions, the pickings of chandlers' and
Dr. Richard Rawlinson.
grocers' waste-paper, everything, especially, in
the shape of a ms., from early copies of Classics
and Fathers to the well-nigh most recent log-
books of sailors' voyages. Not a sale of mss.
occurred, apparently, in London, during his time,
at which he was not an omnigenous purcha
so that students of every subject now bury them-
selves in his stores with great content and profit.
But history in all its branches, heraldry and
genealogy, biography and topography, are his
especially strong points.'
Rawfinson bequeathed all his manuscripts,
with the exception of private papers and letters,
'to the chancellor, masters and scholars of the
University of Oxford, to be placed in the Bodleian
Library, or in such other place as they should deem
proper ' ; and he further directed that they should
be ' kept separate and apart from any other col-
lection.' All his deeds and charters, his books
printed on vellum or silk, and those containing
ms. notes, together with some antiquities and
curiosities, were also left by him to the University.
His manuscript and printed music he bequeathed
to the Music School. The number of manu-
scripts left by him exceeded four thousand eight
hundred in number, together with a large collec-
tion of charters and deeds. A catalogue of them
has been made by the Rev. W. D. Macray, the
author of the Annals of the Bodleian Library.
The printed books which he selected from his
library for the University amounted to between
eighteen and nineteen hundred.1 Other books
and manuscripts, together with some valuable
pictures and coins, were given by him to the
1 Macray. Annals of the Bodleian Library \ p. 170.
Bodleian Library during his lifetime. The
remainder of his printed books, with the exception
of a few which he bequeathed to St. John's
College, were sold by auction by Samuel Baker,
of York Street, Covent Garden, at two sales.
The first commenced on the 29th of March 1 756,
and lasted fifty days. It consisted of nine
thousand four hundred and five lots, which
fetched one thousand one hundred and sixty-one
pounds, eighteen shillings and sixpence. The
second sale, which, as the preface to the cata-
logue informs us, consisted of ' upwards of
Twenty Thousand Pamphlets . . . and his most
Uncommon, Rare and Old Books,' began on
Thursday, March 3rd, 1757, and was continued
on the nine following evenings. It realised
but two hundred and three pounds, thirteen
shillings and sixpence. These were followed by
a sale of prints, books of prints and drawings,
upwards of ten thousand in number. One
hundred and sixty-three pounds, ten shillings
and threepence, however, was all that could be
obtained for them. Marked catalogues of the
three sales are preserved in the Library of King
George m. in the British Museum. The prices
at all the sales were very low. There were three
Caxtons in the first sale — Tully of Old Age,
Curia Sapientice, and the Order of Chivalry,
which fetched respectively one pound five shil-
lings, six shillings, and eleven shillings. The
prints and drawings fared even worse than the
printed books. One hundred and three prints
by Albert Diirer, in two lots, sold for one
pound, ten shillings and sixpence, and a large
collection of woodcuts by the same artist for
half a crown. Twenty-four etchings by Rem-
brandt, in four lots, realised but three pounds,
five shillings ; while eleven shillings and sixpence
was all that could be got for thirty-four heads and
thirty-five views by Hollar.
The collection of manuscripts which Dr.
Rawlinson bequeathed to the University of
Oxford is a magnificent one, and Mr. Macray
gives a long and very interesting account of it in
his Annals of the Bodleian Library. It contains
some fine Biblical manuscripts, and about one
hundred and thirty Missals, Horae, and other
Service-books, many of them from the library of
the celebrated collector Nicolas Joseph Foucault.
It is rich in early copies of the classics, and there
are upwards of two hundred volumes of poetry,
including the works of Chaucer, Hoccleve, Lyd-
gate, etc. English history is remarkably well
represented. Among the manuscripts of this
division of the collection are the Thurloe State
Papers in sixty-seven volumes, which were pub-
lished by Dr. Birch in 1742, and the Miscellaneous
Papers of Samuel Pepys in twenty-five volumes.
The Pepys papers, among other very interesting
matter, comprise many curious dockyard account-
books of the reigns of King Henry vm. and
Queen Elizabeth. This division also contains
some important letters of King Charles 11. , King
James 11., and the Duke of Monmouth, together
with an acknowledgment by Monmouth that
Charles 11. had declared that he was never married
to Lucy Walters, the Duke's mother. This was
written and signed by him on the day of his
execution, and witnessed by Bishops Turner and
Ken, and also by Tenison and Hooper. As
might be expected, the number of works relating
to topography, heraldry and genealogy is very
large. The collection also comprises many Irish
manuscripts, a considerable number of Italian
papers bearing on English history, and the
valuable collections made by Rawlinson for a
continuation of Wood's Athencz Oxonienses, and
for a History of Eton College. There are one
hundred volumes of letters, two hundred volumes
of sermons, and the immense quantity of ancient
charters and deeds already mentioned.
Rawlinson also bequeathed to the University
Hearne's daily diary and note-books in about one
hundred and fifty small duodecimo volumes,
which he had bought of the widow of Mr. William
Among the printed books is a magnificent
collection of the original broadside proclamations
issued during the reign of Elizabeth, and a set of
2 B
almanacs extending from 1607 to 1747, bound in
one hundred and seventy-five volumes.1
To St. John's College, Rawlinson bequeathed
a large portion of his estate, amounting to about
seven hundred pounds a year, a few of his printed
books, a collection of coins, etc. ; and to the
College of Surgeons he gave some anatomical
specimens. He also left property to endow a
professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, and to
provide a salary for the Keeper of the Ashmolean
Museum. But all his endowments were accom-
panied by eccentric restrictions, which remained
in force until a few years ago, when they were
annulled by statute. He directed ' that no native
of Scotland or Ireland, or of any of the planta-
tions abroad, or any of their sons, or any present
or future member of the Royal or Antiquary
societies,' should hold these endowments; and
in the case of the Ashmolean Museum, he further
enjoined that the Keeper 'is not to be a doctor in
divinity or in holy orders . . . neither born nor
educated in Scotland, neither a married man nor
a widower, but one who hath regularly proceeded
in Oxford to the degrees of master of arts or
bachelor of law.'
Rawlinson wrote a considerable number of
works, chiefly of an antiquarian or topographical
1 Rawlinson also left to the University some autograph writings of
King James I. The existence of these had been forgotten, and has only
been recently discovered.
nature. Among the more important are The
English Topographer, The History and Anti-
quities of the City and Cathedral Church of
Hereford, The History and Antiquities of the
Cathedral Church of Rochester, The History
and Antiquities of Glastonbury ; and a Life
of Anthony a Wood. He also edited Aubrey's
Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey,
and other books.
Although Dr. Rawlinson, like his father and
his brother, was a warm Jacobite, he does not
appear to have taken part in any of the movements
for the restoration of the Stuart family to the
throne. He entirely occupied himself with anti-
quarian and literary pursuits, and the formation
of his noble collections. In order that he might
devote as much as possible of his income to the
purchase of books and antiquities, he denied
himself the luxuries, and even the comforts of
life ; and he went about so meanly clad, that the
coachman of his late father happening to meet
him one day, and judging from his appearance
that he was in a destitute condition, begged his
acceptance of half a crown to relieve his distress.
The story is told by Dr. Rawlinson himself.
MARTIN FOLKES, 1 690-1 754
Martin Folkes, the eminent antiquary and
scientist, was the eldest son of Martin Folkes,
a Bencher of Grays Inn. He was born in
Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, on the 29th of
October 1690, and after receiving his early
education at the University of Saumur, was sent,
in 1707, to Clare Hall, Cambridge, where he
so greatly distinguished himself in all branches
of learning, and more particularly in mathematics
and philosophy, that in 17 14, when only twenty-
three years of age, he was elected a Fellow of
the Royal Society, and two years later was
chosen one of its Council. In 1723 he was ap-
pointed a Vice-President of the Society, and on
the retirement of Sir Hans Sloane in 1741 he
became President, a post he held until 1753,
when he resigned it on account of his health.
Folkes was also elected a Fellow of the Society
of Antiquaries in 1720, and in 1750 he succeeded
the Duke of Somerset as President, an office he
filled during the remainder of his life. His
attainments were also recognised by the French
Academy, which elected him in 1742 one of its
members. He was a D.C.L. of the University
of Oxford, and LL.D. of the University of
Cambridge. He died on the 28th of June 1754,
and was buried in the chancel of Hillington
Church, Norfolk. In 1792 a monument was
erected to his memory in Westminster Abbey.
Folkes, who was the author of two works
on English coins, and several papers in the
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
and the Archaologia of the Society of Anti-
quaries, formed a fine collection of books, prints,
drawings, pictures, gems, coins, etc., a consider-
able portion of which he acquired during his
travels in Italy and Germany. His library,
which was very rich in works on natural history,
coins, medals, inscriptions, and the fine arts, was
sold by Samuel Baker, York Street, Covent
Garden, on Monday, February the 2nd 1756, and
forty following days. The sale consisted of
five thousand one hundred and twenty-six lots,
which produced three thousand and ninety-one
pounds, six shillings. A catalogue, marked with
the prices, is preserved in the Library of King
George III. in the British Museum. A copy of
the first Shakespeare folio fetched but three
guineas. The sale of Folkes's prints and draw-
ings occupied eight days, and that of his pictures,
gems, coins, and mathematical instruments five
days. Dibdin says that ' the mss. of his own
composition, not being quite perfect, were, to the
great loss of the learned world, ordered by him
to be destroyed.'
WILLIAM OLDYS, 1696-1761
William Oldys, Norroy King-at-Arms, was
born on the 14th of July 1696. There is some
obscurity respecting his parentage, but there is
little doubt he was the natural son of Dr. William
Oldys, Chancellor of Lincoln, and Advocate of
the Admiralty Court. His father left him some-
property, which he appears to have lost in the
South Sea Bubble. From the year 1724 to 1730
Oldys resided in Yorkshire, but in the latter year
he returned to London, and became acquainted
with Edward Harley, the second Earl of Oxford,
to whom he sold his collection of manuscripts for
forty pounds. In 1738 the Earl appointed him
his literary secretary and librarian, first at a
salary of one hundred and fifty pounds, and
afterwards of two hundred pounds, a year. Un-
fortunately the Earl died in 1741, and Oldys
was obliged to earn a precarious livelihood by
working for booksellers, and was soon involved
in pecuniary difficulties. He was confined in the
Fleet prison from 1751 to 1753, when he was re-
leased by the kindness of the Duke of Norfolk,
who not only paid his debts, but in 1755 pro-
cured for him the office of Norroy King-at-Arms,
which congenial post he held for six years. He
died at his rooms in Heralds' College on the
15th of April 1 76 1, and was buried in the church
of St. Benet, Paul's Wharf. A portrait of him
will be found in the European Magazine for
November 1796. The principal works by Oldys
are a Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, prefixed to an
edition of his History of the World, printed in
1736; The British Librarian, published anony-
mously in 1738; and The Harleian Miscellany,
published in 1744-46. He also annotated Eng-
land's Parnassus, and two copies of Langbaine's
Account of the early Dramatick Poets. One of
these copies was purchased by Dr. Birch at the
sale of Oldys's books for one guinea, and was
bequeathed by him to the British Museum.
Twenty-two of the lives in Biographia Bri-
tannica were from his pen, and in addition to
the works already mentioned he wrote a few
minor ones on bibliographical and medical
subjects. Oldys's library was not a large one,
but it contained some very interesting and scarce
books. After his death it was purchased by
Thomas Davies, the bookseller, author of
Memoirs of the Life of Garrick, and was sold
by him in 1762. The title of the sale catalogue
reads : ' A Catalogue of the Libraries of the late
William Oldys, Esq., Norroy King-at-Arms
(author of The Life of Sir IValter Raleigh) ;
the Rev. Mr. Emms of Yarmouth, and Mr.
Wm. Rush, which will begin to be sold on
Monday, April 12 [1762] by Thomas Davies.'
The books were disposed of for extremely low
Nothing appears to be known of the parentage
and birth of John Ratcliffe, the collector, who
for some years kept a chandler's shop in South-
wark, where he seems to have amassed a sufficient
competency to enable him to retire from business
and devote the remainder of his life to the ac-
quisition of old books. It is said that his passion
for collecting them arose from the perusal of some
of the volumes which were purchased by him for
the purpose of wrapping his wares in. Ratcliffe
kept his library at his house in East Lane,
Bermondsey, where, Nichols informs us in his
Literary Anecdotes, ' he used to give Coffee and
Chocolate every Thursday morning to Book and
Print Collectors ; Dr. Askew, Messrs. Beau clerk,
Bull, Croft, Samuel Gillam, West, etc., used to
attend, when he would produce some of his fine
purchases.' Nichols adds, ' he generally used to
spend whole days in the Booksellers' warehouses ;
and, that he might not lose time, would get them
to procure him a chop or a steak.' An amusing
letter respecting him appeared in the Gentleman s
Magazine for 1812. The writer states that ' Mr.
John Radcliffe was neither a man of science or
learning. He lived in East Lane, Bermondsey ;
was a very corpulent man, and his legs were
remarkably thick, probably from an anasarcous
complaint. The writer of this remembers him
perfectly well ; he was a very stately man, and,
when he walked, literally went at a snail's pace.
He was a Dissenter, and every Sunday attended
the meeting of Dr. Flaxman in the lower road
to Deptford. He generally wore a fine coat,
either red or brown, with gold lace buttons,
and a fine silk embroidered waistcoat, of scarlet
with gold lace, and a large and well-powdered
wig. With his hat in one hand, and a gold-
headed cane in the other, he marched royally
along, and not unfrequently followed by a parcel
of children, wondering who the stately man could
be. A few years before his death, a fire happened
in the neighbourhood where he lived; and it
became necessary to remove part of his house-
hold furniture and books. He was incapable of
assisting himself; but he stood in the street
lamenting and deploring the loss of his Caxtons,
when a sailor, who lived within a few doors of
him attempted to console him : " Bless you, Sir,
I have got them perfectly safe ! " While Ratcliffe
was expressing his thanks, the sailor produced
two of his fine curled periwigs, which he had
saved from the devouring element ; and who
had no idea that Ratcliffe could make such a
fuss for a few books.' He died in 1776.
Ratcliffe's collection, though not large, was
marvellously rich in the productions of the early
English printers ; and the volumes were generally
in fine condition, and handsomely bound, though
not always in good taste. It contained no less
than forty-eight Caxtons, among which were the
Game of the Chesse, the Dictes or Sayings of the
Philosophers, the History of f asm, and Chaucer's
Canterbury Tales. It comprised also numerous
books from the presses of the Schoolmaster of
St. Albans, Lettou, Machlinia, Pynson, Wynkyn
de Worde, etc., and a few manuscripts. Dibdin
in his Bibliomania remarks : ' If ever there was
a unique collection, this was one — the very
essence of Old Divinity, Poetry, Romances and
Chronicles.' RatclirTe compiled a manuscript
catalogue of his library in four volumes, which
was disposed of at the sale of his collection for
seven pounds, fifteen shillings. It is said that
he always wrote on the first fly-leaf of his books
4 Perfect ' — or otherwise, as the case might be.
After his death his library was sold by auction
by Mr. Christie of Pall Mall. The sale, which
commenced on the 27th of March 1776 and lasted
till April 6th, consisted of one thousand six
hundred and seventy-five lots. It does not
appear to have been well managed, for Nichols
says, ' there were many hundred most rare Black-
letter books and Tracts, unbound, with curious
cuts. They were sold I remember in large
bundles, and were piled under the tables in the
Auction Room, on which the other books were
exposed to view, and were not seen by the Book-
sellers who were the purchasers.' A priced copy
of the catalogue is preserved in the British
Museum, which shows that the Caxtons fetched
but two hundred and thirty-six pounds, five
shillings and sixpence; the highest prices ob-
tained being sixteen pounds for the Game of the
Chesse, fifteen guineas for the Dictes or Sayings
of the Philosophers, and nine pounds, fifteen shil-
lings for the Golden Legende. King George in.
bought twenty of the Caxtons at an aggregate cost
of about eighty-five pounds. Among them were
the De Consolatione Philosophies of Boethius,
Reynard the Foxe, the Golden Legende, the Curial,
and the Speculum Vitce Christi. The Boethius,
which was a fine copy, was acquired for four
pounds, six shillings. A copy of the Bokys of
Hawkyng and Huntyng, etc., ascribed to Dame
Juliana Bernes, printed at St. Albans in i486,
sold for nine pounds, twelve shillings, and a
manuscript Bible on vellum, finely illuminated,
for two pounds, ten shillings.
JAMES WEST, 1704 ?-i 772
James West, who is described by Dibdin as
' a Non-Pareil Collector : the first who, after the
days of Richard Smith, succeeded in reviving
the love of black-letter lore and of Caxtonian
typography,' was born about 1704. He was
the son of Richard West of Priors Marston
in Warwickshire, said to be descended from
Leonard, a younger son of Thomas West, Lord
de la Warr, who died in 1525. James West
was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, whence
he took the degrees of B.A. in 1723 and M.A.
in 1726. In 1721 he was admitted as a student
at the Inner Temple, and was called to the Bar
in 1728. On the 4th of January 1737, while re-
siding in the Temple, he lost a large portion of
his collections, valued at nearly three thousand
pounds, through a fire in his chambers.1 In
1 74 1 he was elected one of the representatives in
Parliament for St. Albans, and was appointed
one of the Joint Secretaries of the Treasury,
which post he held until 1762. Three or four
years later his patron the Duke of Newcastle
obtained for him a pension of two thousand
a year. He sat for St. Albans until 1768, and
afterwards represented the constituency of
Boroughbridge in Yorkshire until his death on
July the 2nd, 1772. He was Recorder of Poole
for many years, and also High Steward of St.
Albans. He married the daughter of Sir Thomas
Stephens, timber merchant in Southwark, with
whom he had a large fortune in houses in
West had a great love for scientific and
antiquarian pursuits, and as early as 1726 he
was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and
in the following year a Fellow of the Society
of Antiquaries, of which he became a Vice-
President. Of the first-named Society he was
chosen Treasurer in 1736 and President in 1768,
which office he held during the remainder of his
1 Oldy*. Diary; London, 1862, p. 3.
life. In addition to his extensive and valuable
library of manuscripts and printed books, West
collected paintings, prints, and drawings, coins
and medals, plate, and miscellaneous curiosities.
His collection of printed books was exceedingly
rich in early English ones. It contained no
fewer than thirty-four Caxtons, and a large
number of works from the presses of Lettou,
Machlinia, the anonymous ' Scole mayster' of
St. Albans, Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, and
the rest of the old English typographers, many
of which were unique copies. His manuscripts
were exceptionally interesting and valuable.
These, with some exceptions, were bought by
William, Earl of Shelburne, afterwards Marquis
of Lansdowne, and were subsequently purchased
by Parliament, together with the other manu-
scripts of the Marquis, for the British Museum.
Many of the manuscripts had previously be-
longed to Bishop Kennet.
West's coins, pictures, prints, drawings, and
museum of curiosities were disposed of at
various sales in the early part of 1773,1 and on
the 29th of March and twenty-three following
days in the same year his library was sold
by Messrs. Langford2 at his late dwelling-
1 Horace Walpole says that the prints sold for the 'frantic sum of
^1495, IOS-' — Letters, London, 1857-59, vol. v. p. 439.
* Nichols states that the books were sold by auction under the name of
Messrs. Langford, but actually by Mr. Samuel Paterson, who compiled the
catalogue. — Anecdotes of Literature, vol. vi. p. 345.
house in King Street, Covent Garden.1 There
were four thousand six hundred and fifty-three
lots, which realised two thousand nine hundred
and twenty-seven pounds, one shilling. A
copy of the catalogue with the prices and the
names of the purchasers is preserved in the
Library of King George in. in the British
Museum. Many of the more valuable books
were purchased by Gough, the antiquary, the
greater part of which were bequeathed by him
to the Bodleian Library. Although Horace
Walpole, in a letter to the Rev. W. Cole, dated
April 7th, 1773, writes that he considered 'the
books were selling outrageously,' the prices were
only fairly good for the time, and not high. The
thirty-four Caxtons realised no more than three
hundred and sixty-one pounds, four shillings
and sixpence. The highest prices obtained were
forty-seven pounds, fifteen shillings and sixpence
for the first edition of Chaucer's Canterbury
Tales, thirty-two pounds, eleven shillings for the
Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, thirty-two
pounds and sixpence for the first edition of the
Game of the Chesse, and twenty-one pounds for
the second edition of the Dictes or Sayings of the
Philosophers. These four works were purchased
for King George in., who bought largely at the
sale. Among many other rare English books a
1 West's country residence was Alscot Park, I'reston-on-Stour,
fine example of the Bokys of Hawkyng and
Huntyng, printed at St. Albans in i486, fetched
thirteen pounds, and unique copies of two works
from the press of Wynkyn de Worde — The
Passe Tyme of Pleasure, 151 7, and the Hist or ye
of Olyver of Cast tile, 15 18 — three guineas, and
one pound, twelve shillings respectively. The
latter book was reprinted in 1898 by Mr. Christie-
Miller for the Roxburghe Club. It was edited by
Mr. R. E. Graves, late Assistant-Keeper, Depart-
ment of Printed Books, British Museum. West's
famous collection of ballads, which was begun
by Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, was bought
for twenty pounds by Major Pearson, who made
many additions to it. It afterwards came into
the possession of the Duke of Roxburghe, by
whom it was also greatly enlarged. After
passing through the library of Mr. Bright, it
was finally acquired in 1845 by the trustees of
the British Museum.
Among the manuscripts a beautifully illumin-
ated Missal, made by order of King Henry vn.
for his daughter Margaret, afterwards Queen
Consort of James iv., King of Scotland, was
bought by the Duke of Northumberland for
thirty-two pounds, eleven shillings ; a Book of
Hours sold for forty-three pounds, one shilling ;
and a manuscript of Boccaccio for twenty-five
pounds, four shillings. Both of these manuscripts
had exceedingly fine illuminations.
Benjamin Heath, who was born at Exeter on
the 20th of April 1704, was the eldest son of
Benjamin Heath, a fuller and merchant of that
city.1 He was educated at the Exeter Grammar
School, and afterwards studied law, with a view
of being called to the Bar ; but having inherited
a handsome fortune on the death of nis father,
he abandoned his intention, and devoted himself
to literature, and also to the formation of a
library, which he had commenced at a very early
age. In 1752 Heath was elected town-clerk of
Exeter, an appointment he held until his death
on the 13th of September 1766. In 1762 the
University of Oxford conferred on him the degree
of D.C.L. He was the author of several works,
principally on the Greek and Latin classics and
the text of Shakespeare. Heath in his lifetime
divided a portion of his fine library between two
of his sons, but retained a large part of it.
Dibdin in Bibliomania prints an interesting
letter, dated Exeter, March 21st, 1738, from
Heath to Mr. John Mann of the Hand in Hand
Fire Office, London, asking him to superintend
the purchase of some books at a sale which was
shortly to take place, and appending a list of
those he desired, and the prices he was willing
to pay for them.
1 Drake, Heathiana. London, 1882.
OF ORFORD, 171 7-1 797
Horatio or Horace Walpole, fourth Earl of
Orford (he disliked the name Horatio, and wrote
himself Horace), was the fourth and youngest son
of Sir Robert Walpole, first Earl of Orford, by
his first wife, Catherine Shorter, eldest daughter
of John Shorter of Bybrook, near Ashford in
Kent. He was born, as he himself tells us, on
the 24th of September 1717 O.S. In 1727 he
was sent to Eton, where he had for his school-
fellows the future poets Thomas Gray and Richard
West ; and eight years later he proceeded to King's
College, Cambridge. Walpole entered the House
of Commons in 1741 as Member for Callington
in Cornwall, and afterwards sat for the family
boroughs of Castle Rising and King's Lynn, but
although he took a considerable interest in politics,
public life was not congenial to his pursuits and
tastes, and in 1767 he resigned his seat in Parlia-
ment. In his earlier days he was a Whig with a
strong leaning to republicanism, but the public
events of his later years greatly modified his
views. It has been well said of him that ' he was
an aristocrat by instinct and a republican by
caprice.' On the death of his nephew, George,
the third Earl, in 1 791, he succeeded to the earl-
dom, but he never took his seat in the House of
Lords, and seldom signed his name as Orford.
He died at his house in Berkeley Square on the
2nd of March 1797, and was buried at Houghton,
the family seat in Norfolk.
In 1747 Walpole purchased the remainder of
the lease of a small house which stood near the
Thames 'just out of Twickenham,' popularly
called Chopped-Straw Hall, on account of its
having been the residence of a retired coachman
of an Earl of Bradford, who was supposed to
have made his money by starving his master's
horses. On the 5th of June 1747 Walpole writes
to Sir Horace Mann, that although ' the house is
so small that I can send it to you in a letter to
look at, the prospect is as delightful as possible,
commanding the river, the town (Twickenham),
and Richmond Park, and being situated on a hill
descends to the Thames through two or three
little meadows, where I have some Turkish sheep
and two cows, all studied in their colours for
becoming the view.' This cottage grew into the
Gothic mansion of Strawberry Hill, the erection
and embellishment of which formed for so many
years the principal occupation and amusement of
Walpole's life. Here he collected works of art
and curiosities of every kind — pictures, miniatures,
prints and drawings, armour, coins, and china,
together with a fine library of about fifteen
thousand volumes, chiefly of antiquarian and
historical subjects. These he acquired with the
emoluments of three sinecure offices which his
father had obtained for him.
In 1757 Walpole set up a printing-press in a
small cottage adjoining his residence, and this
continued in use until his death in 1797. Gray's
Odes, in a handsome quarto, was the first of a
large number of works and fugitive pieces, many
:*wr ^w@r&
Vignette of Strawberry Hill.
Used in books printed at Walpole's Press.
from his own pen, which issued from it. An
excellent account of the press, by Mr. H. B.
Wheatley, F.S.A., will be found in Biblio-
graphica, vol. iii., pp. 83-98. Walpole was the
author of many works, but his literary reputation
now rests mainly on his letters. Mr. Austin
Dobson, in his delightful Memoir of Walpole,
says of them that ' for diversity of interest and
perpetual entertainment, for the constant surprises
of an unique species of wit, for happy and
unexpected turns of phrase, for graphic charac-
terisation and clever anecdote, for playfulness,
pungency, irony, persiflage, there is nothing like
his letters in English.' A collected edition of
his works, edited by Mary Berry, under the name
of her father, Robert Berry, was published in
1798 in five volumes.
Although the library formed by Walpole at
Strawberry Hill consisted principally of works
'which no gentleman's library should be without,'
it also contained some beautiful manuscripts, a
goodly number of rare books of the Elizabethan
and Jacobean times, and an immense collection of
interesting papers and letters, prints and portraits.
Many of the prints were by the great engravers of
the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries.
The most notable of the manuscripts were a copy
of the Psalms of David on vellum, with twenty-
one illuminations attributed to Giulio Clovio ; a
magnificent ' Missal,' executed for Claude, Queen
Consort of Francis 1., King of France ; and a folio
volume of old English poetry, written on vellum,
from the library of Ralph Thoresby, the antiquary.
Among the more important of the collections of
papers and letters were those of Sir Julius Caesar,
which contained letters of James 1., Henry, Prince
of Wales, the King and Queen of Bohemia, and
most of the leading nobility and gentry of the
time of Elizabeth and James 1. ; Sir Sackville
Crowe's Book of Accounts of the Privy Purse of
the Duke of Buckingham in his different journeys
into France, Spain, and the Low Countries with
Prince Charles ; the manuscripts bequeathed to
Walpole by Madame du Deffand, together with
upwards of eight hundred letters addressed by
her to him ; and Vertue's manuscripts in twenty-
eight volumes. Sir Julius Caesar's travelling
library, consisting of forty-four duodecimo
volumes, bound in white vellum, and enclosed
in an oak case covered with light olive morocco,
elegantly tooled, and made to resemble a folio
volume (now in the British Museum) ; and the
identical copy of Homer used by Pope for his
translation, with the inscription, ' Finished y*
translation in Feb. 1719-20 — A. Pope,' and con-
taining a pencil sketch of Twickenham Church by
the poet, were among the most interesting printed
books in the library. A remarkable and beautiful
collection of about forty original drawings, being
portraits of Francis the First and Second of
France, and the members of their Courts, taken
from life in pencil, tinted with red chalk, by
Janet ; Callot's Pocket Book, with drawings by
this master; and fine collections of the works
of Vertue and Hogarth also deserve to be
After Walpole's death Strawberry Hill and its
contents passed to the Hon. Mrs. Darner, the
sculptress, daughter of his cousin, Field-Marshal
Conway, together with two thousand a year for
its maintenance. After residing in it for some
time Mrs. Darner found the situation lonely, and
gave up the house and property to the Countess
Dowager Waldegrave, in whom the fee was vested
under Walpole's will. In 1842, George, seventh
Earl Waldegrave, to whom Strawberry Hill had
descended, ordered the contents to be sold by
George Robins, the well-known auctioneer. The
sale was advertised to occupy twenty-four days,
from April 25th to May 21st. The catalogue
was badly compiled, and so much dissatisfaction
was expressed at the intention of selling some of
the collections en masse, that the contents of the
seventh and eighth days' sale, which consisted of
prints, drawings, and illustrated books, were with-
drawn, re-catalogued, and disposed of at a sale at
Robins's rooms at Covent Garden, which lasted
from the 13th to the 23rd of June. The amount
realised at the sale at Strawberry Hill was twenty-
nine thousand six hundred and twelve pounds,
sixteen shillings and threepence ; and at that in
London, three thousand eight hundred and thirty-
seven pounds, fifteen shillings and sixpence. The
library, consisting of books, manuscripts, prints,
etc., sold for about seven thousand seven hundred
and forty pounds. The copy of the Psalms, with
illuminations ascribed to Giulio Clovio, fetched
four hundred and forty-one pounds ; the volume
of English poetry, two hundred and twenty
pounds, ten shillings ; the ' Missal ' executed for
Queen Claude, one hundred and fifteen pounds,
ten shillings ; and the manuscripts and letters of
Madame du Deffand, one hundred and fifty-seven
pounds, ten shillings.
RALPH WILLETT, 1 719-1795
Ralph Willett, the collector of the famous
Merly Library, was born in 17 19. He was the
elder son of Henry Willett, of the island of
St. Christopher in the West Indies. In 1736
he matriculated at the University of Oxford from
Oriel College, but did not take a degree ; and in
1739 he was admitted a student at Lincoln's Inn.
Willett early developed a taste for books and
pictures, and his inheritance of the family estates
in the West Indies, on the death of his father in
1740, enabled him to form splendid collections
of them. In 1751 he purchased a property at
Merly, near Wimborne, Dorsetshire, where in
1752 he built a noble mansion, which later he
enlarged by adding two wings, in one of which
he constructed a handsome room for a library,
which he ornamented with frescoes and arabesque
designs. A description of this library, written
by Willett in English and French, was printed
in 1776 in octavo, and reprinted in 1785 by John
Nichols in a large folio volume, with twenty-five
illustrations of the designs. His London house
was in Dean Street, Soho. Willett was elected
a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1763,
and contributed two papers on The Origin of
Printing to the Archceologia, which were re-
printed at Newcastle in 1818-20; and a third
on British Naval Architecture. In 1764
he was also elected a Fellow of the Royal
Society. He died on the 13th of January
1795. Willett, who was twice married, but left
no issue, bequeathed his property to his cousin
John Willett Adye, who took the name of Willett,
and was M.P. for New Romney from 1796 to
1806. This gentleman, shortly before his death,
which occurred on 26th of September 18 15,
parted with the collections which had been left
to him. The pictures were sold by Peter Coxe
and Co. on May 31st, 18 13, and two following
days, and the books by Leigh and Sotheby
on December 6th, and sixteen following days.
The same auctioneers also sold the botanical
drawings, of which there was a large number,
on the 20th and 21st of December; and the
books of prints on the 20th of February
in the succeeding year. The books were dis-
posed of in two thousand seven hundred and
twenty lots, and realised thirteen thousand five
hundred and eight pounds, four shillings. The
sale catalogue states that the library consisted of
4 a most rare assemblage of the early printers,
fine specimens of block-printing, old English
chronicles, etc., in the finest preservation, likewise
an extensive and magnificent collection of books
in every department of literature, from the
earliest period to the present time. All the
books are in the finest condition, many printed
on vellum and on large paper, and bound in
morocco and russia leathers. Likewise a most
splendid missal ; and a very choice selection of
botanical drawings, by Van Huysum, Taylor,
Brown, Lee, etc'
The block-books in the collection comprised
a Biblia Pauperum, which realised two hundred
and fifty-seven pounds, five shillings ; the first
and another edition of the Speculum Humance
Salvationis, which sold for three hundred and
fifteen pounds and two hundred and fifty-two
pounds ; and the Apocalypse of St. John, which
fetched forty-two pounds. There were seven
Caxtons — the first edition of the Dictes or
Sayings of the Philosophers, Tully of Old Age,
the Polychronicon, the second edition of the Game
of the Chesse, the Confessio A mantis, the second
edition of the Mirrour of the World, and Diverse
Ghostly Matters. These realised altogether one
thousand three hundred and eighteen pounds,
sixteen shillings ; the Dictes and the Confessio
A mantis fetching the highest prices — three
hundred and fifteen pounds, and two hundred
and sixty-two pounds, ten shillings.
2 E
Some of the many other notable books in the
library, and the prices obtained for them, were a
copy of the Mentz Psalter of 1459 on vellum,
sixty-three pounds ; Rationale Divinorum Offici-
ornm of Durandus (Mentz, 1459), one hundred
and h\z pounds ; the Catholicon of Joannes
Balbus (Mentz, 1460), sixty pounds, eighteen
shillings ; the Constitutiones of Pope Clement v.
(Mentz, 1460), sixty-six pounds, three shillings ;
Latin Bible (Mentz, 1462), one hundred and five
pounds ; the Officia of Cicero (Mentz, 1465),
seventy-three pounds, ten shillings ; Latin Bible
on vellum (Venice, 1476), one hundred and sixty-
eight pounds ; Rhetorica Nova, by Laurentius de
Saona (St. Albans, 1480), seventy-nine pounds,
sixteen shillings ; a vellum copy of the first
edition of Homer (Florence, 1488), eighty-eight
pounds, four shillings ; a nearly complete set of
De Bry's collections in seven volumes, one
hundred and twenty-six pounds ; and a large
paper copy of Prynne's Records in three volumes,
London, 1665-70, one hundred and fifty-two
pounds, five shillings. The ' splendid ' manu-
script missal, specially mentioned in the sale
catalogue, sold for one hundred and five pounds.
DR. ANTHONY ASKEW, 1722-1774
Dr. Anthony Askew, M.D., was born at Kendal,
Westmoreland, in the year 1722. His father
was Dr. Adam Askew, an eminent physician of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He received his education
at Sedbergh School, the Grammar School of
Newcastle, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
He took the degree of M.B. in 1745, and that
of M.D. five years later. After leaving the
University he went to Leyden, where he re-
mained twelve months studying medicine, and
then undertook an extensive tour on the Con-
tinent, during which he purchased a large number
of valuable books and manuscripts. Dibdin says
he was well known as a collector in most parts
of Europe. In 1750, having finished his travels,
Askew returned to Cambridge, where he practised
for some time as a physician. He afterwards
removed to London, where, aided by the patronage
and support of his friend Dr. Mead, he soon
acquired a considerable reputation, but he is
better known as a scholar than a physician.
Dr. Parr entertained a very high opinion of
his attainments in Greek and Roman literature.
Askew was a Fellow and Registrar of the College
of Physicians, and also a Fellow of the Royal
Society. He died at Hampstead on the 27th
of February 1774.
Dr. Askew was an indefatigable collector, and
filled his house from the ground floor to the
attics with rare and handsomely bound books.
The library, which numbered about seven thou-
sand volumes, was extremely rich in early editions
of the Greek and Latin classics, and its owner
was ambitious that it should contain every
edition of a Greek author. It comprised the first
editions of the De Officiis of Cicero, the Natural
History of Pliny, Cornelius Nepos, the History
of Ammianus Marcellinus, the Fables of ^Esop,
the Works of Plato, and of many other Greek
and Latin writers ; the greater number of them
being printed on vellum. A vellum copy of the
Rationale of Durandus, printed by Fust and
Schoeffer at Mentz in 1459; a first edition of
the Teseide of Boccaccio, printed on vellum at
Ferrara in 1475 ; a copy of the Greek An-
tlwlogy, also on vellum, printed at Florence in
1494 ; Tully of Old Age, printed by Caxton,
and a fine vellum copy of the Tewrdannck, were
a few of the other notable books in the collection.
The printed books in the library were sold
by Baker and Leigh at their auction rooms in
York Street, Covent Garden, on the 13th of
February 1775, and the nineteen following days.
The lots were three thousand five hundred and
seventy in number, and realised three thousand
nine hundred and ninety-three pounds and six-
pence. Among the purchasers at the sale were
Ki.v. C. M. Cracherode.
King George in., Louis xvi., King of France,
Dr. Hunter and the Rev. C. M. Cracherode.
The British Museum also acquired a consider-
able number of the books. The manuscripts,
and the printed books with manuscript notes,
were sold by Leigh and Sotheby in 1785. The
sale took place on March the 7th and the eight
subsequent days. There were six hundred and
thirty-three lots, which produced eighteen hundred
and twenty-seven pounds.
Askew was the author of a manuscript volume
of Greek and Latin Inscriptions, copied by him
during his travels in Greece and the Levant.
The collection is preserved among the Burney
Manuscripts in the British Museum.
REV. C. M. CRACHERODE, 1730-1799
The Rev. Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode,
to whom the British Museum is indebted for
some of its most precious collections, was the
son of Colonel Mordaunt Cracherode, who com-
manded the Marines in Anson's voyage round
the world. He was born at Taplow in 1730,
and was educated at Westminster and Christ
Church, Oxford, taking the degree of B.A. in
1750, and that of M.A. in 1753. After leaving
the University he took holy orders, and for some
time was curate of Binsey, near Oxford, but he
did not seek any preferment in the Church. On
the death of his father he inherited a fortune
of about three thousand pounds a year, which
enabled him to acquire a library of not less than
four thousand five hundred volumes, remarkable
for their rarity and beauty ; seven portfolios of
drawings by the great masters, and a hundred
portfolios of prints, many of which were almost
priceless ; and in addition to these a splendid
collection of coins and gems, and a cabinet of
minerals. Mr. Cracherode, who never married,
was a shy, retiring man, who lived entirely
among his collections, and it is said that he
never mounted a horse, nor travelled a greater
distance than from London to Oxford. One
great drawback to the happiness of his quiet life
was the dread that he might possibly be called
upon to officiate at a coronation as the King's
cupbearer, as his manor of Great Wymondley
was held from the Crown subject to the per-
formance of this duty. Dibdin, in his Biblio-
graphical Decameron, says of him that he had
1 a dash of the primitiveness of the old school
about him, and that his manners were easy,
polished and engaging. He was a thorough
gentleman, and no mean scholar.' He devoted
his life to his favourite pursuit, the formation
of his collections ; and Edwards, in his Lives of
the Founders of the British Museum, tells us
that — ' For almost forty years it was his daily
practice to walk from his house in Queen
Square, Westminster, to the shop of Elmsly,
a bookseller in the Strand, and thence to the
still more noted shop of Tom Payne, by the
14 Mews-Gate." Once a week, he varied the daily
walk by calling on Mudge, a chronometer-maker,
to get his watch regulated. His excursions had,
indeed, one other and not infrequent variety —
dictated by the calls of Christian benevolence —
but of these he took care to have no note taken.
. . . The ruling passion kept its strength to the
last. An agent was buying prints, for addition
to the store, when the Collector was dying.
About four days before his death, Mr. Cracherode
mustered strength to pay a farewell visit to the
old shop at the Mews-Gate. He put a finely
printed Terence (from the press of Foulis) into
one pocket, and a large paper Cedes into another ;
and then — with a longing look at a certain choice
Homer, in the course of which he mentally, and
somewhat doubtingly, balanced its charms with
those of its twin brother in Queen Square —
parted finally from the daily haunt of forty
peripatetic and studious years.' Mr. Cracherode
is also mentioned in the Pursuits of Literature,
by T. J. Mathias : —
' Or must I, as a wit, with learned air,
Like Doctor Dibdin, to Tom Payne's repair,
Meet Cyril Jackson and mild Cracherode there ?
" Hold ! " cries Tom Payne, ■ that margin let me measure,
And rate the separate value of the treasure."
Eager they gaze. u Well, Sirs, the feat is done.
Cracherode's Poeta Printipes have won." '
Mr. Cracherode, who was a Fellow of the
Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries,
and a Trustee of the British Museum, died at
Queen Square on the 5th of April 1799, and
was buried in Westminster Abbey. He be-
queathed the whole of his collections to the
nation, with the exception of two books. A
copy of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible was
given to Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham,
and a princeps Homer, once the property of De
Thou, to Cyril Jackson, Dean of Christ Church ;
but these volumes ultimately rejoined their former
companions in the British Museum.
The library formed by Mr. Cracherode is
marvellously rich in choice copies of rare and
early editions of the classics ; a large proportion
of them being printed on vellum. The volumes
are almost always in faultless condition, and
beautifully bound. Many of them were once to
be found in such renowned collections as those
of Grolier, Maioli, Henry 11. of France and Diana
of Poitiers, Katharine de' Medici, De Thou,
Longepierre, Count von Hoym, etc. ; and have
bindings by Nicolas and Clovis Eve, Le Gascon,
Padeloup, Derome, and Roger Payne. Among
them are magnificent copies of the editions of
Pliny printed at Venice by Joannes de Spira in
1469, and by Nicolas Jenson in 1476. The
latter formerly belonged to Grolier, and the
binding bears his well-known motto. A copy
of the first edition of AELsop's Fables, printed at
Milan about 1480, and a very beautiful example
of the first edition of the Greek
Anthology, on vellum, printed
in capitals by Lauren tius de
Alopa at Florence in 1494, in
the original binding, are also
deserving of special notice.
Other remarkable and interest-
ing books are the Greek Gram-
mar of Lascaris, printed at
Milan in 1476 ; the Liber
Psalmorum, printed at Milan
in 1 48 1 ; Maioli's copy of the
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, printed at Venice
by Aldus in 1499 > an(^ a ^ne coPv °f Petrarch's
Sonetti e Canzoni, on vellum, printed by Aldus
in 1501, which formerly belonged to Isabella
d'Este, wife of Gian-Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis
of Mantua. This was the first Italian book
printed in italic type.
The library contains three Caxtons : Boethius
de Consolatione Philosophies, the Mirrour of the
World, and the Boke of Eneydos.
A copy of Tyndale's New Testament on
vellum, which once belonged to Queen Anne
Armorial Book-stamp
of the
Rev. C. M. Cracherode.
Boleyn, with her arms emblazoned on the title-
page, and the words ' Anna Regina Angliae '
painted in gold on the edges of the leaves, and
a handsome Shakespeare first folio, ought also
to be mentioned.
Mr. Cracherode's classical attainments were
by no means inconsiderable, but his only writings
were a Latin poem printed in the Carmina
Quadragesimalia of 1748, and some Latin verses
in the collection of the University of Oxford on
the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales, in 1751.
A portrait of Mr. Cracherode appears in
Clarke's Repcrtorium BibliograpJiicum, and in
Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron. This was
engraved, contrary to his express wishes, from
a drawing made by Edridge for Lady Spencer.
An explanation is given by Dr. Dibdin of the
circumstances under which the likeness was
JOHN TOWNELEY, 1731-1813
John Towneley, who was born on the 15th of
June 1 73 1, and died on the 13th of May 181 3,
was the younger son of Richard Towneley of
Towneley, in the county of Lancaster, and Mary,
daughter of William, Lord W'iddrington. He
married Barbara, fourth daughter of Edward
Dicconson of Wrightington, in the county of Lan-
caster, by whom he had a daughter, Barbara, who
married Sir William Stanley, Bart, of Hooton,
and a son, Peregrine Edward, who succeeded to
the estates. Dibdin, in his Bibliographical
Decameron, informs us that ' Mr. Towneley had
one of the finest figures, as an elderly gentleman
(for he died at 82), that could possibly be seen.
His stature was tall and frame robust ; his gait
was firm ; his countenance was Roman-like ; his
manners were conciliatory, and his language was
unassuming. His habits were simple and
perhaps severe. He generally rose at five, and
lighted his own library fire — and his health was
manifest in his person and countenance. He
was entirely an unpretending man — and may be
said to have collected rather from the pleasure
and reputation attached to such pursuits than
from a thorough and keen relish of the kind of
taste which it imparts. He had an ample purse,
and it was most liberally unstrung when there
was occasion for effectual aid. This observation
may equally apply to matters out of the biblio-
maniacal record ; but as a book-purchaser he
was considered among the most heavy-metalled
and determined champions in the field.'
The library formed by Mr. Towneley was a
particularly good one, and it was remarkable for
the large number of rare and fine examples it
possessed of books from the presses of Caxton,
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, Julian Notary, and
other early English printers. No fewer than
nine Caxtons were to be found on its shelves, and
Pynson and Wynkyn de Worde were especially
well representee!. Among the Caxtons were the
first edition of the Dictes or Sayings of the Philo-
sophers, the Fayts of Arms, and Troilus and
Creside, together with the Life of St. Katherine,
published by Caxton's executors. Perhaps the
most important of the other early English books
were Boccaccio's Falle of Princis, translated by
Lydgate, and Froissart's Cronycle, both printed
by Pynson ; and the Vitas Patrum and the
Kalender of Shepeherdes by Wynkyn de Worde.
The library also contained some exceedingly rare
and valuable manuscripts, of which some of the
most notable were a famous copy of the Iliad,
a Pontificate of Pope Innocent iv., and a very
interesting and curious collection of English
Miracle-Plays acted at Wakefield in the four-
teenth and fifteenth centuries.1 Of the copy of
the Iliad, Clarke in his Repertorium Bibliogra-
phicum remarks: — 'This is the identical manu-
script which was formerly in the possession of
Victorius and Salviati at Florence, the supposed
loss of which had been deplored for more than
two centuries. Critics have unanimously as-
signed to it a very remote period of antiquity.
It is written upon vellum in a very fair and
legible hand, and the margins are replete with
most valuable and important scholia. Heyne has
given a facsimile of it in his Homer. It was
purchased by the late Rev. Dr. Burney, whose
entire collection is now deposited in the British
Towneley's books were sold after his death, in
three portions, by Evans of Pall Mall. The first
1 These plays were printed for the Surtees Society in 1836, and re-edited
by George England, with side-notes and introduction by Alfred W.
Pollard, M.A., in 1897, for the Early English Text Society.
sale took place on June 8th, 1814, and six follow-
ing days. It comprised nine hundred and five
lots, which realised five thousand eight hundred
and fifty-seven pounds, four shillings. The
second sale occurred on June 19th, 1815, and
nine following days, and the seventeen hundred
and three lots in it fetched two thousand
seven hundred and seven pounds, sixteen shil-
lings. The third sale consisted only of a few
remaining books, which were disposed of in con-
junction with the library of Mr. Auditor Harley on
May 22nd, 1817, and six following days. Eleven
hundred and twenty-seven pounds, two shillings
were obtained for the nine Caxtons ; the Troilus
and Creside, the Life of St, Katherine, and the
Dictes or Sayings of the Philosophers fetching
the highest prices, viz. two hundred and fifty-
two pounds, two shillings, two hundred and
thirty-one pounds, and one hundred and eighty-
nine pounds. Bochas's Falle of Princis and
Froissart's Cronycle realised twenty-seven pounds,
sixteen shillings and sixpence, and forty-two
pounds ; and the Vitas Pat rum and the Kalender
of Shepeherdes fifty-three pounds, eleven shillings
and nineteen pounds. Eighty-five pounds were
obtained for Henry Boece's Hystory and Croniklis
of Scotland, translated by Bellenden, and printed
by Davidson at Edinburgh in 1536; thirty-three
pounds, sixteen shillings for Ricraft's Survey of
England s Champions, etc., London, 1647 I an^
forty-eight pounds, six shillings for a Book of
Hours printed on vellum by Julian Notary in
1503. Among the manuscripts the Iliad sold
for six hundred and twenty pounds, the Wake-
field Miracle-Plays for one hundred and forty-
seven pounds, and the Pontificate Innocentii IV,
for one hundred and twenty-seven pounds, one
shilling. The drawings, prints, etc., belonging
to Towneley were sold by King of 38 King
Street, Covent Garden, in May 18 16 for fourteen
hundred and fourteen pounds, five shillings and
sixpence; and his magnificent collection of
Hollar's works was disposed of by the same
auctioneer for two thousand one hundred and
eight pounds, eleven shillings and sixpence in
May 18 1 8. John Towneley was not the only
collector of his family. Charles Towneley, his
nephew, formed a celebrated collection of marbles,
coins, gems, and drawings, now in the British
Museum ; and Christopher Towneley, who was
born in 1604 and died in 1674, was the collector
of many of the old manuscripts disposed of in
the second sale of the Towneley library which
occurred in 1883 after the death of Colonel John
Towneley, when in default of a male heir the
estates devolved on his daughters and those of
his elder brother, Colonel Charles Towneley.
The second sale of the Towneley library took
place in June 1883. The printed books were
sold on the 18th and seven following days, and
the manuscripts on the 27th and following day,
by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. There
were two thousand eight hundred and fifteen
lots of printed books, which realised four thou-
sand six hundred and sixteen pounds, three
shillings ; and two hundred and fifty-one lots of
manuscripts, for which the sum of four thousand
and fifty-four pounds, six shillings and sixpence
was obtained. Among the printed books the
very rare York Manual, printed by Wynkyn de
Worde in 1509 ; the Pilgrymage of Perfection of
l5Zli by tne same printer, with the Towneley
arms worked in silver on the covers of the bind-
ing ; and a large paper copy of Nichols's History
and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, in
eight volumes, were the most deserving of special
notice. These sold respectively for fifty-nine
pounds, twenty-seven pounds, ten shillings, and
two hundred and thirty-five pounds. The two
principal manuscripts in the sale were a Vita
C/iristi, beautifully illuminated by Giulio Clovio
for Alexander, Cardinal Farnese, for which Mr.
Quaritch gave two thousand and fifty pounds,
and the collection of Wakefield Plays, which
was also purchased by the same great bookseller
for six hundred and twenty pounds.1
1 This collection was re-purchased for the Towneley library at the sale
of Mr. North's books in May 1819 for ninety-four pounds, ten shillings.
SIR JOHN THOROLD, Bart., 1734-1815
Sir John Thorold, Bart., of Syston Park,
Grantham, Lincolnshire, who was born in 1734,
and succeeded his father, Sir John Thorold,
eighth baronet, in 1775, was one of the most
ardent collectors of his time. The magnificent
library which he and his son Sir John Hayford
Thorold formed at Syston Park contained some
of the rarest incunabula in existence. Among
them were copies of the Gutenberg Bible; the
Second Mentz Psalter on vellum ; the Catholicon
of 1460 ; the Latin Bible of 1462, with the arms
and cypher of Prince Eugene on the binding;
and the Mirrour of the IVorld, printed by Caxton
in 1 48 1. It also possessed one of the earliest
of the block-books, the Apocalypse. The library
was extremely rich in first editions of the Greek
and Latin classics, some of them on vellum.
Other choice and rare books in the collection
were a copy of the Greek Bible, printed ' in aedibus
Aldi ' in 15 18, described by Dibdin as ' the largest
and finest copy I ever saw ' ; the Polyglot Bible
of Cardinal Ximenez ; the first edition of the
Tewrdannck ; the four Shakespeare folios ; Pur-
chas his Pilgrimmes ; and the Pastissier Fran-
qois, printed by L. and D. Elzevier at Amsterdam
in 1655. There were also many editions of
Horce and Officia of the Virgin Mary, mostly
printed on vellum. Several of the Syston Park
books once formed part of the famous libraries
of Grolier, Maioli, Diana of Poitiers, Katharine
de* Medicis, Count von Hoym, Prince Eugene,
and Sir Kenelm Digby. The collection also pos-
sessed a number of the beautiful little volumes
bound by Clovis Eve, which were once thpught
to have formed part of the library of Marguerite
de Valois, but are now believed to have belonged
to that of Marie Marguerite de Valois de Saint-
Remy, daughter of a natural son of Henry in.,
King of France. After the death of Sir John
Thorold on the 25th of February 18 15, his son
and successor Sir John Hayford Thorold, having
first sold the duplicates in the library, made
many additions to it. He died on the 7th
of July 1 83 1, and fifty-three years later a
portion of the books was sold by auction by
Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. The sale,
which took place on December 12th, 1884, and
seven following days, consisted of two thousand
one hundred and ten lots, which realised the large
sum of twenty-eight thousand and one pounds,
fifteen shillings and sixpence. For some of the
rarest of the books very large prices were ob-
tained. Mr. Quaritch acquired the Gutenberg
Bible for three thousand nine hundred pounds,
and the Mentz Psalter for four thousand nine
hundred and fifty. The Catholicon sold for four
hundred pounds, the 1462 Latin Bible for one
thousand pounds, The Mirrour of the World
for three hundred and thirty-five pounds, the
Aldine Greek Bible for fifty-one pounds, and
the first Shakespeare folio for five hundred and
ninety pounds.
1 735-1 797
The Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D., was born at
Leicester on the 28th of August 1735. He was
the second son of Richard Farmer, a wealthy
maltster of that town. After receiving his early
education in the Free Grammar School of his
native place, he was entered in 1753 as a
pensioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge,
where he graduated B.A. in 1757 and M.A. in
1760. In the latter year he was appointed
classical tutor of his College ; which post he held
until his election to the Mastership in 1775,
when he took the degree of D.D. He served
the office of Vice-Chancellor of the University in
1775-76 and again in 1787-88, and on the 27th
of June 1778 was chosen the Chief Librarian of
the University. In 1780 he was collated to a
prebendal stall at Lichfield, and two years later
became Prebendary of Canterbury, which he
resigned in 1788 on being preferred to a residen-
tiary canonry of St. Paul's Cathedral, London.
It is said that he twice refused a bishopric
which was offered to him rather than forgo the
pleasure of witnessing dramatic performances
on the stage. He died on the 8th of September
1797, at the Lodge, Emmanuel College, and
was buried in the chapel. A monument, with an
epitaph by Dr. Parr, was erected to his memory
in the cloisters.
Dr. Farmer, who was an elegant scholar and
a zealous antiquary, was somewhat eccentric both
in his appearance and manners. It is said of
him ' that there were three things he loved above
all others, namely, old port, old clothes, and old
books ; and three things which nobody could
persuade him to do, namely, to rise in the
morning, to go to bed at night, and to settle
an account.'1 His reluctance to settle his
accounts, however, was not caused by avarice,
but indolence, for he spent a considerable portion
of his large income in the relief of distress, and
in assisting in the publication of literary works ;
while his pupils frequently borrowed of him
sums of money, well knowing there would be
but little chance of a demand for repayment.
Dr. Parr, who was one of Farmer's intimate
friends, remarked of him ' that his muni-
ficence was without ostentation, his wit
without acrimony, and his learning without
1 Dictionary of National Biography.
pedantry.' Farmer was a Fellow of the Royal
Society, and of the Society of Antiquaries. His
only published work was an Essay on the
Learning of Shakespeare, which appeared in
1767 and went through four editions, besides
being prefixed to several issues of Shakespeare's
Dr. Farmer possessed a well-chosen library,
which was rich in old English poetry and plays.
He himself said of it 'that not many private
collections contain a greater number of really
curious and scarce books ; and perhaps no one is
so rich in the ancient philological English litera-
ture ' ; but Dibdin tells us that the volumes
' were, in general, in sorry condition ; the
possessor caring little for large margins and
splendid binding.' The collection was sold by
auction by Mr. King, of King Street, Coven t
Garden, on May 7th, 1798, and the thirty-five
following days. The catalogue, of which a priced
copy is in the British Museum, contains three
hundred and seventy-nine pages, and the lots,
including a few pictures, number eight thousand
one hundred and fifty-five. The sale realised
two thousand two hundred and ten pounds, a
sum said to be greatly in excess of that which
Farmer gave for his books.
There is a portrait of Dr. Farmer by Romney
in Emmanuel College, which has been engraved
by J. Jones.
RICHARD GOUGH, 1735-1809
Richard Gough, the eminent antiquary, was the
only son of Harry Gough, of Perry Hall,
Staffordshire. He was born in Winchester
Street, London, on the 21st of October 1735,
and was privately educated until about seventeen
years of age, when he was admitted a fellow-
commoner of Benet (now Corpus Christi) College,
Cambridge. He left the University in 1756 with-
out taking a degree, and commenced a series of
antiquarian excursions into various parts of the
kingdom for the purpose of obtaining informa-
tion for an enlarged edition of Camden's
Britannia, which he published in London in
1789. In 1767 Gough was elected a Fellow of
the Society of Antiquaries, and in 1 771, on the
death of Dr. Gregory Sharpe, Master of the
Temple, was nominated Director, a post he held
until 1797, when he left the Society altogether.
He was also chosen a Fellow of the Royal Society
in 1775, but resigned in 1795. He died at Enfield
on the 20th of February 1809, and was buried in
the churchyard of Wormley, Hertfordshire.
Gough wrote, and assisted in the production
of numerous topographical and antiquarian
works, and contributed many articles to the
Archceologia and the Vetusta Monument a of the
Society of Antiquaries. A history of that
institution by him is prefixed to the first
volume of the first-named publication. The
Gentleman 's Magazine also contains many
papers and reviews from his pen. In addition
to his edition of Camden's Britannia, which
occupied seven years in translating and in
printing, his more important works are Anec-
dotes of British Topography, published at
London in 1768, which was afterwards en-
larged and reprinted in 1780 under the title
of British Topography: or an historical Account
of what has been done for illustrating the
Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain
and Ireland; and The Sepulchral Monuments
of Great Britain, London, 1 786-99.
Gough possessed a considerable fortune,
which enabled him to form an extensive
library, as well as a fine collection of maps,
drawings, prints, coins, and other antiquities.
He left to the Bodleian Library 'all his topo-
graphical collections, together with all his books
relating to Saxon and Northern literature, for the
use of the Saxon Professor, his maps and en-
gravings, and all the copper-plates used in the
illustration of the various works published by
himself.'1 This collection, which numbered
upwards of three thousand seven hundred
volumes, was placed, in accordance with the
wish expressed in his will, in ' The Antiquaries'
1 Macray, Annals of the Bodleian Library.
Closet,' with the collections of Dodsworth,
Tanner, Willis, and other antiquaries. Gouj;h
also gave to the library a splendid series of early
printed Service-books of the English Church,
among which is a beautiful vellum copy of the
Hereford Missal, printed at Rouen in 1502, and
which is believed to be unique. A catalogue of
the collection was published by Dr. Bandinel in
1814. Gough bequeathed to Mr. John Nichols
his interleaved set of the Gentleman s Magazine,
and of the Anecdotes of Mr, Bowyer.
The remainder of his books, prints, and
drawings, together with his coins, medals, and
other antiquities, were sold, according to his
directions, by auction by Leigh and Sotheby
in 1810. The books realised three thousand
five hundred and fifty-two pounds, and the
prints, drawings, coins, medals, etc., five hundred
and seventeen pounds more.
George Steevens, the Shakesperian commen-
tator, who was born on the 10th of May 1736,
was the only son of George Steevens of Stepney,
for many years an East India captain, and after-
wards a Director of the East India Company.
He received his early education at a school at
Kingston-on-Thames and at Eton. In 1753 he
was admitted a fellow-commoner of King's
College, Cambridge, but left the University
without taking a degree. In 1766 he published
a reprint in four octavo volumes of Twenty of
the Plays of Shakespeare, being the whole num-
ber printed in quarto during his Lifetime, etc. ;
and in 1773 he brought out, in association with
Dr. Johnson, an edition of the whole of Shake-
speare's dramatic works. Steevens, who was a
Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the Society
of Antiquaries, died unmarried at Hampstead on
the 22nd of January 1800, and was buried in the
chapel at Poplar, where a monument by Flaxman
was erected to his memory.
Steevens collected a fine library, which was
very rich in early English poetry and in the
plays and poems of Shakespeare. It contained
the first and second folios of the great dramatist,
and upwards of forty copies of the separate plays
in quarto, many of them being first editions.
The second folio formerly belonged to King
Charles 1., and was given by him on the night
before his execution to Sir Thomas Herbert, his
Groom of the Bedchamber. This very interesting
volume, in which the King has written ' Dum
spiro spero C. R.,' was bought at the sale of
Steevens's books for King George in. for eighteen
guineas, and is now preserved in the Royal
Library at Windsor. The collection also com-
prised some rare plays of Peele, Marlowe, and
Nash ; Barnabe Googe's Eglogs, Epytuphes and
Sonnet tes ; Puttenham's Arte of English Pot
London, 1589; Skelton's Lyttle IVorkes and
Merie Tales ; Watson's Passionate Centurie of
Love\ England's Helicon, collected by John
Bodenham, London, 1600 ; IJreton's IVorkes of
a young IVyt ; Tlie Paradice of Dainty Devises,
London, 1595 ; XII Mery Jests of the IVyddow
Edylh, London, 1573; and many other scarce
and choice books.
Steevens's library was sold by auction by
Mr. King at his great room, King Street, Covent
Garden, on May 13th, 1800, and ten following
days. The catalogue contained nineteen hundred
and forty-three lots, which realised two thousand
seven hundred and forty pounds, fifteen shillings.
A copy of the catalogue marked with the prices
of the books and the names of the purchasers is
preserved in the British Museum.
Although Dibdin considered that 'enormous
sums were given for some volumes that cost
Steevens not a twentieth part of their produce,'
the prices were very small compared with those
which could be obtained for the same books at
the present time. The first folio of Shakespeare's
works fetched only twenty-two pounds, and
Charles i.'s copy of the second folio, as already
mentioned, but eighteen guineas. Of the first
editions of the separate quarto plays, Othello sold
for twenty-nine pounds, eight shillings; King
Lear and the Merry Wives of Windsor for
twenty-eight pounds each ; Henry the Fifth for
twenty-seven pounds, six shillings ; A Mid-
summer Nighfs Dream for twenty-five pounds,
ten shillings ; and Much Ado about Nothing for
the same sum. The first edition of Shakespeare's
Sonnets went for three pounds, nineteen shillings.
Steevens's copies of the Merry Wives of Windsor
and the Sonnets fetched respectively three hun-
dred and thirty guineas and two hundred and
fifteen guineas at the sale of the library of George
Daniel in 1864. Other prices obtained for some
of the rare books were eleven pounds, fifteen
shillings for England's Helicon ; ten pounds,
fifteen shillings for Barnabe Googe's Eglogs,
Epytaphes and Sonne ties; and seven pounds,
ten shillings for Puttenham's Arte of English
Steevens, who led a very retired life in his
house at Hampstead Heath, was the reverse of
an amiable man ; and while he was very polite
and courteous to his literary friends in private,
he made bitter attacks upon them in print.
Dibdin says of him that ' his habits were indeed
peculiar : not much to be envied or imitated ; as
they sometimes betrayed the flights of a mad-
man, and sometimes the asperities of a cynic.
His attachments were warm, but fickle both in
choice and duration. He would frequently part
from one, with whom he had lived on terms of
close intimacy, without any assignable cause ,
and his enmities, once fixed, were immovable.'
Dr. Parr said of him that ' he was one of the
wisest, most learned, but most spiteful of men.'
Dr. Johnson, however, thought 'he was mis-
chievous, but not malignant.'
JAMES BINDLEY, 1737-1818
Mr. James Bindley was the second son of
Mr. John Bindley, distiller, of St. John's Street,
Smithfield. He was born in London on the
1 6th of January 1737, and was educated at the
Charterhouse, from whence he proceeded to
Peterhouse, Cambridge, taking the degree of B.A.
in 1759, and that of M.A. in 1762. Later he
became a Fellow of his College. In 1 765, through
the interest of his elder brother John, he was
appointed one of the Commissioners of the
Stamp Duties, and in 1781 rose to be the Senior
Commissioner, a post he held until his death,
which occurred at his apartments in Somerset
House on the nth of September 1818. He was
a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries for up-
wards of fifty-three years. A handsome monu-
ment to his memory was erected in the church of
St. Mary-le-Strand. Bindley formed a very large
and valuable collection of rare books, engravings,
and medals, which he commenced at a very early
age, and to which he devoted all his spare time
and money. When only fifteen years of age he
constantly frequented the book-shops, where he
bought everything which he considered rare or
curious. He was a man of very regular and
retired habits, and it is said of him, that during
the long period he held the appointment of Com-
missioner of the Stamp Duties, ' he never once
failed in his daily attendance at the Board, or
once slept out of his own apartments since he
left his house at Finchley to reside in Somerset
House.' 1 Bindley published in 1775 A Collection
of tlie Statutes tiow in force relating to the
Stamp Duties ; and he read all the proof-sheets
of Nichols's Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Cen-
tury, which are dedicated to him, and also of
the early volumes of The Illustrations of the
Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, by
the same author. He performed the same work
for the Memoirs of John Evelyn , edited by
William Bray in 181 8.
Bindley's library was a remarkably fine one,
and few collections have contained a larger
number of works of early English literature,
especially of those of the time of Elizabeth and
James 1. Many of these books were excessively
rare, and some of them unique. Among them
were the Venus and Adonis of Shakespeare,
printed in 1602; his Poems printed in 1640, and
several of the first editions of his separate plays
in quarto. The library also comprised a large
portion of the extraordinary collection of poetical
sheets, consisting of ballads, satires, elegies, etc.,
formed by Narcissus Luttrell, who, Sir Walter
Scott says, ' seems to have bought every poetical
tract, of whatever merit, which was hawked about
the streets in his time, marking carefully the
price and date of the purchase.'
After Bindley's death his books were sent to
Evans of Pall Mall for sale. They were disposed
1 Gentleman's Magazine, vol. lxxviii. part ii. p. 631.
of in five portions. The first sale took place in
December 181 8, and the fifth, which consisted of
omissions, in January 1821. There were nine
thousand three hundred and eighty-three lots in
the five sales, which occupied forty-six days, and
realised upwards of seventeen thousand five
hundred pounds. The following are a few of
the more notable books, and the prices they
fetched in the sales : — The Temple of G/asse,
printed by Berthelet, forty-six pounds, four shil-
lings ; Chute's Beawtie Dishonoured (London,
1529) — Steevens's copy, thirty-four pounds;
Lewicke's Titus and Gisippus (London, 1562),
twenty-four pounds, thirteen shillings and six-
pence ; Parker, De Antiquitate Britannicce Ec-
clesicB (London, 1572), forty-five pounds, three
shillings ; Nicolas Breton's Floorish upon Fancie
(London, 1577), forty-two pounds ; Hunnis's Hyoe
full of H unnye (London, 1578), eighteen guineas ;
The Forrest of Fancy (London, 1579), thirty-
eight pounds, six shillings and sixpence ; Mark-
ham's Tragedie of Sir Richard Grinvile (London,
1595), forty pounds, nineteen shillings; Robert
Fletcher's Nine English Worthies (London,
1606), thirty-seven pounds, sixteen shillings;
Dolarny's Primerose (London, 1606), twenty-six
pounds, ten shillings ; and Purchas's Pilgrimes,
five volumes (London, 1625), thirty-four pounds,
thirteen shillings. The first edition of Othello
sold for fifty-six pounds, fourteen shillings ; of
Love 's Labour Lost for forty pounds, ten shillings ;
and the Venus and Adonis of 1602 for forty-two
pounds. Seven hundred and eighty-one pounds,
one shilling were obtained for the Luttrell collec-
tion of poetical sheets ; and fifty-two pounds, ten
shillings for a little Manual of Devotions, one
inch and seven-eighths long, and one inch and
three-eighths broad, written on vellum, and bound
in gold, said to have been given by Anne Boleyn
on the scaffold to her Maid of Honour, Mistress
Bindley's portraits, prints, drawings, and
medals were sold by Leigh and Sotheby in 18 19,
and realised seven thousand six hundred and
ninety-two pounds.
1 737- 1 805
William Petty Fitzmaurice, third Earl of
Shelburne and first Marquis of Lansdowne, was
born in Dublin on the 2nd of May 1737. He
was first privately educated, and afterwards at
Christ Church, Oxford, which he left early to
take a commission in the Guards. He served
with the British troops under Prince Ferdinand
in Germany, and was present at the battles of
Kampen and Minden, where he distinguished
himself by his personal valour. He became a
Major-General in 1765. In May 1760, and again in
April 1 76 1, he was elected member for Wycombe,
but he sat for a short time only in the House of
Commons, as the death of his father on the 10th
of May 1 76 1 called him to the House of Lords.
In April 1763 he was placed at the head of the
Board of Trade and Plantations, a post which
he held only till September in the same year ;
but in 1766, when Pitt, Earl of Chatham, formed
his second administration, he included Lord
Shelburne in it as Secretary of State for the
Southern Department, to which, at that time, the
Colonial business was attached. From this post,
however, he was dismissed in October 1768 by
the Duke of Grafton, whose influence in the
Cabinet became paramount when the Earl of
Chatham's illness prevented him taking an active
share in the government. Lord Shelburne
remained out of office until March 1782, when
on the formation of the Rockingham administra-
tion he became Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs. This ministry was dissolved on the
death of Lord Rockingham on the 1st of July in
the same year, and the King entrusted Lord
Shelburne with the construction of a new one,
which lasted but little over seven months, as it
was defeated in February 1783 by the vote of
the Fox and North coalition. Shortly after his
retirement he was created Earl Wycombe and
Marquis of Lansdowne. Lord Lansdowne did
not again accept office, but devoted himself to the
augmentation of his fine library, the formation of
which had occupied his attention for many years.
It was especially rich in historical and political
manuscripts, and comprised, among other collec-
tions, one hundred and twenty-one volumes of
the papers and miscellaneous correspondence of
Lord Burghley, including his private note-book
and journal, which had formerly been in the
hands of Strype the historian. The library also
contained a considerable portion of the impor-
tant collection of State papers amassed by Sir
Julius Caesar, Master of the Rolls in the reign of
James i. ; the historical collections of White
Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough, which amounted
to a hundred and seven volumes, many of them
being in the bishop's handwriting ; the heraldic
and genealogical collections of Segar, St. George,
Dugdale, Le Neve, and other heralds ; and some
valuable legal, topographical, musical, biblical
and classical manuscripts. The collection of
manuscripts, which amounted to one thousand
two hundred and forty-five volumes, was acquired
in 1807 by the Trustees of the British Museum
for the sum of four thousand nine hundred and
twenty-five pounds. The printed books, among
which were many valuable topographical works
and some rare volumes of English literature,
numbered about twenty thousand. They were
sold by Leigh and Sotheby in 1806, and together
with the maps, charts, books of prints, etc.,
realised over eight thousand three hundred and
fifty pounds. The Marquis, who collected pic-
tures and sculpture as well as books, died on the
7th of May 1805, at tne a£e °f sixty-eight, and
was succeeded by his son John Henry.
The Honourable Topham Beauclerk was the
only son of Lord Sydney Beauclerk, and a grand-
son of the first Duke of St. Albans. He was
born in 1739, and on the death of his father in
1744 succeeded to the estates which Lord Sydney
had inherited from Mr. Richard Topham, M.P.
for Windsor. In 1757 Beauclerk matriculated at
Trinity College, Oxford, but seems to have left
the University without taking a degree. While
he was at Oxford he made the acquaintance of
Dr. Johnson, who appears to have been greatly
attracted to him on account of his wit and con-
versation. This intimacy surprised many of
Johnson's friends, for although Beauclerk valued
science and literature, he was also gay and
dissipated. 'What a coalition,' said Garrick,
when he heard of it, ' I shall have my old friend
to bail out of the Round-house.' Notwithstand-
ing somewhat frequent squabbles, the friendship
lasted for upwards of twenty years, and on
Beauclerk's death Johnson remarked of him —
1 that Beauclerk's talents were those which he
had felt himself more disposed to envy, than
those of any whom he had known.'1 His con-
versational powers were evidently of a very high
order, for Dr. Barnard, Bishop of Limerick, in his
well-known lines on Dr. Johnson, writes of him :
4 If I have thoughts, and can't express 'em,
Gibbon shall teach me how to dress 'em
In terms select and terse ;
Jones teach me modesty and Greek ;
Smith, how to think ; Burke, how to speak ;
And Beauclerk to converse.'
Beauclerk married on the 12th of March 1768
Lady Diana Spencer, eldest daughter of the
second Duke of Marlborough, two days after her
divorce from Lord Bolingbroke and St. John.
He died at Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, on
the nth of March 1780, leaving one son and two
Beauclerk possessed a fine library of upwards
of thirty thousand volumes, which he kept at his
residence at Muswell Hill, near London, stored,
as Horace Walpole informs us, ' in a building
that reaches half-way to Highgate.' It did not
contain many rare books, but it was rich in works
relating to natural history, voyages and travels,
1 Boswell, Ufi of Johnson (London, 1811), vol. iii. p. 46a
and English and French plays ; and Dibdin says
that it was also valuable to the general scholar,
and to the collector of English antiquities and
history. It also possessed a few curious and
choice manuscripts. Some of the books appear
to have belonged to Mr. Topham, but most of
them were collected by Beauclerk. After his
death they were sold by auction by Mr. Paterson
'at the Great Room, heretofore held by the
Society for the Encouragement of Arts and
Manufactures, opposite Beaufort Buildings, in
the Strand, London,' on Monday, April 9th, 1781,
and the forty-nine following days. A priced
copy of the catalogue is in the British Museum.
Beauclerk, who was a Fellow of the Royal
Society, was a collector of natural curiosities, as
well as books, and botany was one of his favourite
studies. He had also an observatory at Muswell
The Rev. Benjamin Heath, D.D., one of the
sons to whom Mr. Benjamin Heath gave a part
of his books, was born on the 29th of September
1739. He was educated at Eton and at Kings
College, Cambridge, of which College he became
a Fellow. After leaving the University he was
appointed an assistant master at Eton, and in 1 77 1
succeeded Dr. Sumner as headmaster of Harrow,
a post he held for fourteen years.1 He died on
the 31st of May 181 7, at the rectory of Walkerne
Rev. Benjamin Heath, D.D.
in the county of Hertford, a living given to him
by his College, which he held with the rectory of
Farnham in Buckinghamshire. He was buried
at Exeter. Dr. Heath, who was ' a scholar and
a bibliomaniac,' added greatly to the library given
1 Dibdin, Bibliographical Decameron, vol. iii. p. 368.
to him by his father, for which he built a large
room at Walkerne, where, says Dibdin, ' he saw,
entertained, and caressed his friends, with Alduses
in the forenoon, and with a cheerful glass towards
evening, hospitable, temperate, kind-hearted, with
a well furnished mind and purse, and with a
larder and cellar which might have supplied
materials for a new edition of Pynson's Royal
Boke of Cookery and Kervinge, 1500, ^o.'1
Some years before his death Heath offered his
books to King's College, Cambridge, for half the
sum they had cost him ; but the College autho-
rities declined the purchase, and he then sold
the principal portion of them to some private
individuals, who, Dibdin believes, were Messrs.
Cuthell and Martin, for three thousand pounds
beneath the sum they ultimately produced,2 and
they instructed Mr. Jeffery of 11 Pall Mall to sell
the books by auction. The sale took place on
Thursday, the 5th of April 18 10, and twelve
following days and Wednesday, May 2nd, and
eighteen following days. It consisted of four thou-
sand seven hundred and eighty-six lots, which
realised eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-
nine pounds. The sale catalogue states that the
library consisted of ' rare, useful and valuable
publications in every department of literature,
from the first invention of printing to the present
1 Dibdin, Bibliographical Decameron, vol. iii. p. 369.
* Ibid., iii. 370.
time, all of which are in the most perfect con-
dition.' Another catalogue, with the prices and
purchasers' names, of wnich it is said only two
hundred and fifty copies were printed, was pub-
lished later in the year by Constable of Edin-
burgh. Both the catalogues are to be found in
the Library of King George in. in the British
Museum. Dibdin describes this sale in enthu-
siastic terms in his Bibliomania : — ' Never,' he
writes, ' did the bibliomaniac's eye alight upon
11 sweeter copies " — as the phrase is ; and never
did the bibliomaniacal barometer rise higher than
at this sale! The most marked phrensy char-
acterized it. A copy of the Editio Princeps of
Homer (by no means a first-rate one) brought
^92 : ■ and all the Aldine Classics produced
such an electricity of sensation that buyers stuck
at nothing to embrace them ! '
Major Thomas Pearson was born about the
year 1740 at Cote Green, near Burton-in-Kendal,
Westmoreland. He was educated at Burton,
and came to London about 1756 to fill a post in
the Navy Office, which he resigned in 1760. In
the course of the following year he left England,
having obtained a cadetship on the Bengal Estab-
1 The marked catalogue says ^94, 10s.
* Bibliomania, London, 181 1, p. 617.
lishment, in which he rose to the rank of Major.
He distinguished himself on several occasions,
and was particularly noticed by Lord Clive, to
whom he adhered during the mutiny fomented
by Sir Robert Fletcher, at whose trial he held
the office of Judge Advocate. In 1767 Pearson
married a sister of Eyles Irwin, the traveller and
writer. This lady died in the following year, and
an epitaph inscribed to her memory may be found,
together with other poetical pieces by Pearson,
in vol. iv. of Pearch's Collection of Poems.
Pearson returned to England in August 1770
with Governor Verelst, under whom he had acted
as Military Secretary, and built a house for him-
self at Burton, in which he collected a very ex-
tensive library, consisting of works on the history,
antiquities, topography, and heraldry of Great
Britain and Ireland, foreign history, voyages and
travels, natural history, etc., but it was prin-
cipally remarkable for the large number of books
in all branches of old English literature, and it
was especially rich in the works of the early poets
and dramatists. In 1776 Pearson again went to
India, but after a residence there of five years he
fell a victim to the effects of the climate, and died
at Calcutta on the 5th of August 1781. Some
years after his death his library was brought
from Westmoreland, and sold on April 14th,
1788, and twenty-two following days, by T. and
J. Egerton at their room in Scotland Yard.
The prices obtained at the sale, in which tin
were five thousand five hundred and twenty-
five lots, were very small : — Boccaccio's The
Falle of Princis and Princesses and otlur
Nobles, translated by Lydgate, and printed by
Pynson in 1494, fetched but one pound, twelve
shillings ; The Castell of Laboure, also printed
by Pynson, two guineas ; two books printed by
Wynkyn de Worde — Hawes's Example of
Virtu, and The Lyf of Saynt C/rsula, translated
by Hatfield — seven pounds, ten shillings and
one pound, ten shillings ; Skelton's Ryght De-
lectable Traytise upon a goodly Garlande, or
Chapelet of Laurell, printed by Richard Faukes
in 1523 — an excessively rare, if not unique book
— seven pounds, seventeen shillings and six-
pence; Peele's Polyhymnia, London, 1590, three
guineas; Lyly's Midas, London, 1592, seven
pounds ; and England s Helicon, collected by
John Bodenham, London, 1600, five pounds,
ten shillings. Two volumes of ballads, chiefly
collected by the Earl of Oxford, and purchased
by Major Pearson at Mr. West's sale, were
bought by the Duke of Roxburghe for thirty-
six pounds, four shillings and sixpence, and are
now, with additions by the Duke, preserved in
the British Museum. Books bound for Pearson
may be recognised by the device of a bird sur-
mounting a vase, stamped on the panels of the
1 740- 1 804
John Ker, third Duke of Roxburghe, was born
on the 23rd of April 1740 in Hanover Square,
London. He was the elder son of Robert Ker,
second Duke, and on the death of his father in
1755 succeeded to the title and estates. While
on a tour on the Continent he became greatly
attached to Christiana, eldest daughter of the
Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and there is little
doubt that she would have become his wife had
not King George hi. soon afterwards sought
the hand of the Princess's younger sister in
marriage, when it was considered necessary to
break off the match, partly for political reasons,
and partly because ' it was deemed indecorous that
the elder sister should be the subject of the
younger.' This was a great disappointment to
both the Duke and the Princess, who evinced the
strength of their affection by remaining single
during their lives. George hi., probably feeling
that he had done the Duke an injury, always
manifested a warm friendship for him, and
bestowed upon him various appointments in the
royal household. In 1768 he was made a
Knight of the Thistle, and in 1801 was invested
with the Order of the Garter. He died on the
19th of March 1804.
The Duke, who was remarkable both for his
fine presence and his mental accomplishments,
collected a magnificent library at his residence
in St. James's Square, Lonaon. It contained
among numerous other treasures the famous
Valdarfer Boccaccio, upwards of a dozen volumes
printed by Caxton, and many from the presses of
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, Julian Notary, and
other early English printers. The first, second,
and third Shakespeare folios were in the collec-
tion, as well as a large number of early quarto
plays. The library was especially rich in choice
editions of the French romances, and in the
works of the English dramatists who flourished
during the reigns of Elizabeth and James i.
Some rare books printed in Scotland were also
to be found in it. The collection of broadside
ballads in three thick folio volumes, now in the
British Museum, is perhaps the most extensive
and interesting ever brought together. It was
begun by Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, from
whose library it passed successively to those of
Mr. James West and Major Thomas Pearson,
and at the sale of the books of the last-named
collector it was purchased for thirty-six pounds,
four shillings and sixpence by the Duke, who
made many additions to it while in his possession.
The collection has been admirably edited by Mr.
William Chappell and the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth
for the Ballad Society. Other books deserving
special notice were the first edition of Pliny,
printed by J. de Spira at Venice in 1469 ; Cicero's
Epistolce ad Atticum, etc., printed at Rome in
1470; the 1580 edition of the Paradyse of
Daintie Devises, and the first edition of Shake-
speare's Sonnets.
Among the manuscripts the most valuable
were Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, bound with
Lydgate's Life of St. Margarete, on vellum, with
illuminations, and the Mystere de la Vengeance
de Nostre Seigneur, also on vellum.
The library was sold in 181 2 by Mr. Evans
of Pall Mall in the dining-room of the Duke's
house in St. James's Square, and the total amount
realised was twenty-three thousand three hundred
and ninety-seven pounds, ten shillings and six-
pence. The sale, which consisted of nine
thousand three hundred and fifty-three lots,
lasted forty-two days, commencing on the 18th
of May, and ending on the 4th of July. It
was followed by a supplementary one of seven
hundred and sixty-seven lots, which began on the
13th of July, and lasted till the 16th of the same
month. The catalogue was compiled by Mr.
George Nicol, bookseller to the King. The sale
excited very great interest ; and Dibdin, who gives
an account of it in his Bibliographical Decameron,
tells us ■ the room was so crowded that nothing
but standing upon a contiguous bench saved the
writer of The Bibliographical Deca?neron from
suffocation.' The prices obtained for the books
were very high. That ' most notorious volume
in existence,' the Valdarfer Boccaccio, which cost
the Duke of Roxburghe but one hundred guineas,
was acquired by the Marquis of Blandford, after
a severe struggle with Lord Spencer, for two
thousand two hundred and sixty pounds, and
Dibdin says that the Marquis declared that it was
his intention to have gone as far as five thousand
guineas for it. A copy of the Recuyell of the
Histories of Troye, which once belonged to Eliza-
beth Grey, wife of Edward iv., was purchased by
the Duke of Devonshire for one thousand and
sixty pounds, ten shillings ; while three other
books from the press of Caxton, Tlie Mirrour of
the JVorld, the Fayts of Arms, and Gower's
Confessio Amantis, sold respectively for three
hundred and fifty-one pounds, ten shillings, three
hundred and thirty-six pounds, and three hundred
and thirty-six pounds. The collection of ballads
fell to Mr. J. Harding for four hundred and
seventy-seven pounds, fifteen shillings. At the
sale of Mr. B. H. Bright's books in 1845 it
was secured for the British Museum for the
sum of five hundred and thirty-five pounds.
The first folio of Shakespeare's Plays fetched
one hundred pounds, and his Sonnets twenty-one
pounds. The two manuscripts mentioned realised
three hundred and fifty-seven pounds and four
hundred and ninety-three pounds, ten shillings.
A dinner was given, at the suggestion of
Dr. Dibdin, to commemorate the sale of the
Boccaccio ; and Earl Spencer, Dr. Dibdin, and
other bibliophiles met on the day of the sale
at St. Alban's Tavern, St. Alban's Street —
now Waterloo Place — and then and there formed
the Roxburghe Club ; Earl Spencer being the
first President.
Michael Wodhull, the translator of the
tragedies of Euripides, was born at Thenford,
Northamptonshire, on the 15th of August 1740.
His father was John Wodhull, a descendant of
Walter Flandrensis, who held the estates of
Pateshull and Thenford in the time of William 1.
He received his early education under the Rev.
William Cleaver of Twyford, Bucks. He was
afterwards sent to Winchester, and at the age of
seventeen proceeded to the University of Oxford,
matriculating from Brazenose College. While
still young Wodhull inherited a considerable
fortune from his father, and he built a fine
mansion on the family estate at Thenford, in
which he kept his library. He was High Sheriff
of Northamptonshire in 1783. Wodhull married
a daughter of the Rev. J. Ingram of Wolford,
Warwickshire, by whom he had three children,
who all predeceased him. He died on the ioth
of November 1816. In addition to his transla-
tions of the tragedies of Euripides, Wodhull was
the author of several poems. From 1764 to his
death Wodhull was an indefatigable collector of
rare and curious books, and Dibdin says of him
that 'a better informed or
more finished bibliographer
existed not either in France
or England.'
His splendid library, which
was a great consolation and
pleasure to him in the soli-
tude of the last years of his
life, was particularly rich in
early editions of the Greek
and Latin classics, and in
works printed in the fifteenth
century. All the books —
many of which were bound
by Roger Payne — were in
fine condition, and some of
them had once formed part
of the libraries of Francis I.,
and Diana of Poitiers,
Longepierre, and other famous French collec-
tors, and were bound by such fine craftsmen as
Boyet, Derome, Monnier, etc. The covers of
the volumes bound for Wodhull are mostly im-
pressed with a stamp of his arms, impaled with
Book-stamp of
Michael Wodhull.
Grolier, Henry 11.
those of his wife. A portion of Wodhull's books,
principally duplicates, was sold by Leigh, Sotheby
and Son, of York Street, Covent Garden, at two
sales in 1801 and 1803. The first sale consisted
of a thousand and fifty-nine lots, which realised
three hundred and sixty-one pounds, ten shillings ;
and the second of one thousand six hundred and
thirty-nine lots, for which the sum of eight
hundred and fifteen pounds was obtained. The
remainder of the library appears to have been
kept at Thenford until 1886, when Mr. J. E.
Severne, M.P., to whom it had descended,
determined to part with it, and it was sold by
Wilkinson, Sotheby and Hodge on January nth,
1886, and nine following days. There were two
thousand eight hundred and four lots in the sale,
which produced the large sum of eleven thousand
nine hundred and seventy-two pounds, fourteen
shillings and sixpence.
The following are a few of the rarest and
most interesting books in this splendid collection,
with the prices they fetched : — the Catholicon of
Joannes Balbus, printed at Mentz in 1460, three
hundred and ten pounds ; Cicero de Officiis,
printed at Mentz in 1466, seventy-one pounds ;
Tullius de Senectute et Amicitia, printed by
Caxton in 1481, two hundred and fifty pounds;
(a perfect copy of Caxton's Mirrour of the World
was sold in the 1803 sale for thirty-eight pounds,
seventeen shillings) ; the first edition of Homer,
printed at Florence in 1488, two hundred pounds ;
Pol i phi I i Hypnerotomachia , printed by Aldus in
1499, fifty-three pounds; the Aldine Virgil of
1501, one hundred and forty-five pounds; Rowan
de Guy de Warwick, Paris, 1525, one hundred
and thirty pounds ; the New Actes and Consti-
tucionis of Parliament maid by James V., Kyng
of Scottis, printed on vellum at Edinburgh in
1 54 1, one hundred and fifty-one pounds; the
Contes of La Fontaine, Amsterdam (Paris), 1762,
in two small 8vo volumes, bound in red morocco,
ninety-three pounds; Moliere's Works, with plates
by Moreau, six volumes, 1773, seventy-seven
Among the books with historical or fine
bindings were Alcyonius, Medices Legatus de
Exsilio, in aedib. Aldi, Venetiis, 1522, bound for
Francis 1., with the arms of France, the crowned
initial of the king, and the salamander stamped on
the covers, fifty-eight pounds ; Aristotle, De Arte
Poetica, Florentiae, 1548, bound for Henry 11. of
France and Diana of Poitiers, with the devices
of the king and his mistress on the covers,
two hundred and five pounds ; Crinitus, De
Poetis Latinis, Florentiae, 1505, bound for
Grolier, seventy-four pounds; Irenici Germania,
Hagenoae, 15 18, also bound for Grolier, sixty-
two pounds ; and two works by Giordano
Bruno — Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante, Parigi,
1 584, and La Cena de la Ceneri, 1 584 ; the
former bound in citron morocco, with a red
double* by Boyet, and the latter in a beautiful
mosaic binding by Monnier, realised respectively
the large sums of three hundred and sixty
pounds and three hundred and sixty-five pounds.
The principal manuscripts were a copy of
Dante, with a commentary by Joannes de Sarra-
valle, written in the years 1416-17, which sold
for one hundred and fifty-one pounds ; and a
very beautiful Roman Breviary of the beginning
of the sixteenth century, on vellum, illuminated
for Francois de Castelnau, Archbishop of Nar-
bonne, for which five hundred and fifteen pounds
was obtained.
Francis Hargrave, the eminent law writer,
who was born about 1741, was the son of
Christopher Hargrave of Chancery Lane. He
entered as a student at Lincoln's Inn in 1760,
and in 1772 he greatly distinguished himself in
the Habeas Corpus case of James Sommersett, a
negro. Soon afterwards he was appointed one
of the king's counsel, and in 1797 he was made
Recorder of Liverpool. He was also for many
years Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn. In 1813, in
consequence of the impaired state of Hargrave's
health, his wife petitioned Parliament to purchase
the fine law library which he had amassed, con-
sisting of a considerable number of printed books
and about five hundred manuscripts ; and on the
recommendation of a Committee of the House of
Commons the collection was acquired by the
Government for the sum of eight thousand
pounds, and deposited in the British Museum.
Edwards, in his Lives of the Founders of the
British Museum, says that ' the peculiar import-
ance of the Hargrave Collection consisted in its
manuscripts and its annotated printed books.
The former were about five hundred in number,
and were works of great juridical weight and
authority, not merely the curiosities of black-
letter law. Their collector was the most eminent
parliamentary lawyer of his day, but his devotion
to the science of law had, to some degree, im-
peded his enjoyment of its sweets. During
some of the best years of his life he had been
more intent on increasing his legal lore than on
swelling his legal profits. And thus the same
legislative act which enriched the Museum
Library, in both of its departments, helped to
smooth the declining years of a man who had
won uncommon distinction in his special pursuit.'
A catalogue of the manuscripts was compiled by
Sir Henry Ellis, and published in 1818. Har-
grave, among other important legal works, pub-
lished a new edition of State Trials from tJic
eleventh year of Richard II. to the sixteenth of
George III., in eleven volumes folio, in 1776-81 ;
Juridical Arguments and Collections, in two vol-
umes, in 1797-99 ; and Jurisconsult Exercitations,
in three volumes, in 181 1-13. He died on the 16th
of August 1 82 1, and was buried in Lincoln's
Inn Chapel. Lord Lyndhurst, in speaking of
Hargrave's great legal knowledge, declared that
1 no man ever lived who was more conversant
with the law of his country.'
ISAAC REED, 1742-1807
Isaac Reed, the editor of Shakespeare, was
born in London on the 1st of January 1742.
He was a conveyancer, and had chambers, first
in Gray's Inn and afterwards in Staple Inn,
where he died on the 5th of January 1807. He
was buried at Amwell in Hertfordshire. Reed,
who was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries,
collected books for upwards of forty years, and
Dibdin says that ' he would appear to have
adopted the cobbler's well-known example of
applying one room to almost every domestic
purpose : for Reed made his library his parlour,
kitchen, and hall.' His extensive collection of
books, which was rich in works relating to the
English drama and poetry, was sold by King
and Lochee, 38 King Street, Covent Garden,
on Monday, November 2nd, 1807, and thirty-
eight following days. The sale consisted of eight
thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven lots, in-
cluding prints and a few miscellaneous articles,
and realised four thousand three hundred and
eighty-six pounds, nineteen shillings and six-
pence. A copy of the catalogue, with the prices
added in manuscript, is preserved in the Library
of King George in. in the British Museum.
SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bart., 1744-1820
The Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart.,
to whom the British Museum, in addition to
other bequests, is indebted for one of the finest
libraries of books on natural history ever collected,
was born in Argyle Street, London, on the 13th
of February 1744. He was the only son of
William Banks, of Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire,
by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Bate.
Banks was first educated at Harrow and Eton,
and proceeded afterwards to Christ Church,
Oxford, which college he entered as a gentleman-
commoner in 1760. In 1 76 1 his father died,
leaving him a large estate. He left the Uni-
versity in 1763, after having taken an honorary
degree, and in 1766 he set out on a scientific
voyage to Newfoundland with his friend Lieu-
tenant Phipps, afterwards Lord Mulgrave, and
brought back a large collection of plants and
insects. In 1768 he accompanied Captain Cook's
expedition round the world in The Endeavour,
a vessel which he equipped at his own expense,
taking with him his friend and librarian Dr.
Solander, two draughtsmen, and several servants.
This voyage, which was attended by many
dangers and privations, occupied nearly three
years, and the specimens which the enterprising
collectors brought home with them excited very
great and general interest. Banks was anxious
to join Captain Cook's second expedition, but
owing to some difficulties respecting the fittings
of the ship in which he was to have sailed he re-
linquished his purpose, and in 1772 paid a visit
in company with Dr. Solander to Iceland, where
he obtained a large number of botanical specimens,
and also purchased a collection of Icelandic
manuscripts and printed books, including the
library of Halfdan Einarsson, the literary his-
torian of the island, which he gave to the British
Museum on his return to England. Ten years
later he presented a second collection to that in-
stitution. In 1778 Banks succeeded Sir John
Pringle as President of the Royal Society, a post
he held for upwards of forty-one years. He had
been a Fellow since the year 1766. In 1779 he
married Dorothea, daughter of William Weston-
Hugesson of Provender, in the parish of Norton,
Kent, and in 1781 he was created a baronet. In
1795 he received the Order of the Bath, and in
1797 he was sworn of the Privy Council. The
National Institute of France elected him a
member in 1802. He died at his house at Spring
Grove, Isleworth, on the 19th of June 1820,
leaving a widow but no issue.
Sir Joseph Banks, even when a schoolboy,
took great interest in all branches of natural
history, and during his residence at Oxford he
procured the appointment of a lecturer on natural
science in the University. He was always ex-
ceedingly generous in his relations with men of
science, and the splendid collections in his house
in Soho Square were always open to them for
study and investigation.
Sir Joseph Banks bequeathed his library,
with the exception of some manuscripts which
he left to the Royal Society and the Mint, his
herbarium, drawings, engravings, and other col-
lections to the Trustees of the British Museum,
subject to a life interest and a life use in them by
his friend and librarian, Mr. Robert Brown, the
eminent botanist. This bequest was accompanied
by a proviso that Mr. Brown should be at liberty
to transfer the collections to the British Museum
during his lifetime, if the Trustees were desirous
to receive them, and he were willing to comply
with their wishes. An arrangement to this effect
was eventually carried out, and in the year 1827
the transfer was effected ; Mr. Brown at the same
time receiving the appointment of Keeper of the
Department of Botany in the Museum, a post he
held until his death in 1858.
The number of printed books acquired by the
Museum amounted to about sixteen thousand,
consisting principally of works on natural history
and the journals and transactions of learned
societies. The manuscripts numbered but forty-
nine, but among them were the log-books of The
Endeavour, The Resolution, and The Racehorse,
and the journals of Tasman, Carver, Verwey and
other navigators.
A catalogue of the library was compiled by
Mr. Jonas Dryander, who succeeded Dr. Sol-
ander as Sir Joseph's librarian, in five volumes,
and published in London in the years 1798- 1800.
Sir Joseph Banks was the author of two
treatises : — one, On the Cause of Blight in Corn,
published in 1805 ; and the other on Some Cir-
cumstances relative to Merino Sheep, published in
1809; together with some articles contributed to
the journals of learned societies. He evidently in-
tended at one time to publish a work embodying
the results of his researches, as the plates were
engraved, and the text partly prepared for press,
but the death of his librarian Dr. Solander in
1782 appears to have caused him to relinquish
his purpose. Kaempfer's /cones Plant arum was
published by him in 1791, and he also superin-
tended the issue of Roxburgh's Coromandel
Plants in 1795-18 19. A statue of Sir Joseph
by Sir Francis Chantrey is placed in the Natural
History Museum in South Kensington, and a
portrait of him by Sir Thomas Lawrence is
hung in the board-room of the British Museum.
Another portrait of him by Thomas Phillips,
R.A., is in the National Portrait Gallery.
Sarah Sophia Banks, the only sister of Sir
Joseph Banks, possessed similar tastes to her
brother, and amassed a considerable number of
books, coins, objects of natural history, etc.
She died at her brother's house in Soho Square
on the 27th of September 18 18; and after her
death a portion of her collections, consisting of
sixty-six volumes of manuscripts, chiefly relating
to heraldic matters, ceremonials, archery, etc.,
together with several printed books principally
treating of chivalry, knighthood, etc., some of
them enriched with her ms. notes, were presented
to the library of the British Museum by Lady
Banks, the wife of Sir Joseph. Several of the
volumes were in very fine bindings.
REV. JOHN BRAND, 1744-1806
The Rev. John Brand, the author of Observa-
tions on Popular Antiquities, was born on the
19th of August 1744 at Washington, in the
county of Durham, where his father Alexander
Brand was parish clerk. When fourteen years
of age he was apprenticed to his uncle Anthony
Wheatley, a shoemaker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
and during his residence in that town he attended
the grammar school there. He displayed so
much ability and industry that the master of
the school, the Rev. Hugh Moises, with the
assistance of some friends, sent him to Lincoln
College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in
1775. He had been ordained some time pre-
viously, and, after filling several curacies, in 1784
he was presented by the Duke of Northumber-
land to the rectory of the united parishes of St.
Mary-at-Hill and St. Mary Hubbard in the city
of London. In the same year he was elected
resident secretary of the Society of Antiquaries,
an office he held until his death on the nth of
September 1806. He was buried in the chancel
of his church. Brand had a very extensive know-
ledge of antiquities, and he accumulated a large
library, which was very rich in old English
Among the rarer books were the Knight of the
Tower, printed by Caxton in 1484; the Dyalogue
of Dives and Pauper, and Arnold's Chronicle of
the Customs of London, printed by Pynson in
1493 and 1 52 1 ; A Plaister for a Galled Horse,
London, 1548; John Byshop's Beautiful Blos-
somes, London, 1577; Thomas Bentley's Monu-
ment of Mat rones, London, 1582; A Booke of
Fishing with hooke and line, London, 1600 ; Mrs.
Fage's Poems, London, 1637; anc* A J unifier
Lecture, London, 1639. The collection also con-
tained some curious works on witches.
After Brand's death, the library was sold in
two parts by Stewart of 194 Piccadilly. The first
sale took place on May 6th, 1807, and thirty-six
following days, 'Sundays, the King's Birthdav,
and May 21-26 excepted.' It consisted of eignt
thousand six hundred and eleven lots of printed
books, and two hundred and forty-three of
manuscripts, which realised four thousand three
hundred pounds. The second part, containing
duplicates and pamphlets, was sold on February
the 8th, 1808, and fourteen following days,
'Sundays and the Fastday excepted.' There
were four thousand and sixty-four lots in this
portion, and the sum obtained for them was
eighteen hundred and fifty-one pounds. The
Knight of the Tower was purchased by Mr.
Payne the bookseller for Earl Spencer for one
hundred and eleven pounds, six shillings ;
Arnold's Chronicle fetched eighteen guineas ; the
Dyalogue of Dives and Pauper, four pounds,
three shillings ; Bentley's Monument ofMatrones,
eight pounds, eighteen shillings and sixpence ;
and Mrs. Fage's Poems, five pounds, fifteen
shillings and sixpence. A copy of Brand's own
work on Popular Antiquities, with additions for
a new edition, sold, with the copyright, for six
hundred and thirty pounds.
In addition to his Observations on Popular
Antiquities, which appeared in 1777, Brand pub-
lished a work on the History and Antiquities
of the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
in 1789; and in 1775 a poem On Illicit Love,
written among the ruins of Godstow Nunnery,
near Oxford — the place where the celebrated
Rosamond, the mistress of Henry 11., was buried.
He also contributed many papers to the Archczo-
logia of the Society of Antiquaries.
Nichols, in his Literary Anecdotes} says of
Brand that ■ his manners, somewhat repulsive to
a stranger, became easy on closer acquaintance,
and he loved to communicate to men of literary
and antiquarian taste the result of his researches
on any subject in which they might require
JOHN DENT, i75o?-i826
Mr. John Dent was born about the middle of
the eighteenth century. His father is said to
have been the master of a school in a small town
in Cumberland. At an early age he entered the
banking-house of Messrs. Child and Co. of
London as a clerk, and in 1795 rose to be a
partner in the firm. In 1790 he was elected
Member of Parliament for the borough of
1 Vol. ix. p. 653.
Leicester, and held the seat during five successive
Parliaments until the dissolution in 1812. Six
years later he was chosen Member for Poole,
which he represented till 1826. He died at his
residence in Hertford Street, May fair, on the
14th of December 1826.
Mr. Dent, who was a Fellow of the Royal
Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, ac-
cumulated a very fine library, which was very
rich in the Greek and Latin Classics and early
English literature. It also contained some very
beautiful manuscripts. After his death it was
sold in two parts by Mr. Evans of Pall Mall.
The first sale, which took place on March the
29th, 1827, and eight following days, consisted
of fifteen hundred and two lots, and realised six
thousand two hundred and seventy-eight pounds,
twelve shillings. The second portion of the books
was sold on the 25th of the succeeding month
and eight following days. There were one thou-
sand four hundred and seventy-four lots in this
sale, which brought eight thousand seven hundred
and sixty-two pounds, seven shillings. The
following are a few of the many very rare books
which this noble collection contained, and the
prices which were obtained for them : —
Fust and Schoeffer's Latin Bible of 1462, one
hundred and seventy-three pounds, five shillings;
a vellum copy of the first edition of Livy, printed
by Sweynheym and Pannartz at Rome in 1469,
two hundred and sixty-two pounds, ten shillings ;
the first edition of the Anthologia Grceca on
vellum, printed at Florence in 1494, seventy
pounds ; a perfect copy of Higden's Polychronicon,
printed by Caxton in 1482, one hundred and
three pounds, nineteen shillings ; three other im-
perfect Caxtons, fifty-eight pounds, seventeen
shillings and sixpence ; Barclay's Shyp of Folys,
printed by Pynson in 1509, thirty pounds, nine
shillings ; Bradshawe's Lyfe ofSaynt Radegunde,
printed by Pynson, without date, thirty-two
pounds ; The Cronycle of Englonde, printed by
Wynkyn de Worde in 1502, thirty-eight pounds,
seventeen shillings ; a copy on vellum of the
Orcharde ofSyon, printed by Wynkyn de Worde
in 1519, sixty-five pounds, two shillings; Vitru-
vius de Architectural printed on vellum by P. de
Giunta in 1513, one hundred and seven pounds,
two shillings; the Coverdale Bible, 1535, eighty-
nine pounds, five shillings ; and Archbishop
Parker's De Antiquitate Britanniccz Ecclesice,
1573, forty pounds. Mr. Dent possessed the
first three Shakespeare folios, and a large number
of the separate quarto plays. The folios realised
respectively one hundred and ten pounds, five
shillings, fifteen pounds, and sixty-five pounds,
two shillings. The copy of the third folio had
many contemporary manuscript corrections. Of
the quarto plays, twenty-six pounds was obtained
for the first edition of Loves Labors Lost, twenty-
two pounds for the first edition of Othello, sixteen
pounds for the first edition of The Merchant of
Venice, and four pounds, ten shillings for the
first edition of Midsummer Night's Dream.
Several of the manuscripts were of exceptional
beauty and interest. A Roman Breviary, with
illuminations in the finest Flemish style, pre-
sented to Queen Isabel of Castile by Francisco
de Rojas, sold for three hundred and seventy-
eight pounds ; a copy of the Gospels in Greek,
said to have been written about the end of the
eleventh century, for two hundred and sixty-
seven pounds, fifteen shillings ; an Office de la
Vierge, written by Nicolas Jarry, the celebrated
calligraphist, in 1656 for Anne of Austria, and
which afterwards passed into the possession of
Madame de Maintenon and the Prince de Conti,
for one hundred and ten pounds, five shillings ;
and a copy of the Westminster Liber Regalis,
written in the fifteenth century, for fifty-five
pounds, thirteen shillings. All these manuscripts
were on vellum. The copies of the Roman
Breviary and the Greek Gospels are described
by Dibdin in his Bibliographical Decameron
(vol. i. pp. clxiii and xcii).
1 755- 1 846
The Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, who was
born on the 31st of December 1755, was the
second son of the Right Hon. George Grenville,
the statesman, who succeeded Lord Bute as
Premier in 1763, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir
William Wyndham. In 1771 he entered Christ
Church, Oxford, as a gentleman-commoner, and
in 1778 he was appointed ensign in the Cold-
stream Guards, which he left the following year to
become a lieutenant in the 80th foot. In 1780
he was elected Member for Buckinghamshire,
and became a follower of Lord Rockingham and
Mr. Fox, the latter of whom thought so highly
of his talents that he intended, if his India Bill
had passed, to have made him Governor-General.
Towards the close of the war with the United
States, Mr. Grenville was sent to Paris to
negotiate terms of peace, but only remained there
a short time, being recalled by the death of the
Marquis of Rockingham and a change of ministry.
On his return to this country he continued for
some time to support Mr. Fox, but the course
pursued by that statesman with regard to the
French Revolution caused him to transfer his
allegiance to Mr. Pitt, and in 1794 Mr. Grenville
accepted the post of Minister Extraordinary to
2 N
the Court of Vienna. In 1798 he became a privy
councillor, and in 1799 he was sent as Ambassador
to Berlin to endeavour to prevent the King of
Prussia deserting the coalition against France;
but the first vessel in which he sailed was stopped
by ice, and the second was wrecked, and the
delay which ensued rendered the mission an
abortive one. In 1800 he was made Chief
Justice in Eyre to the South of the Trent, a
sinecure office of two thousand a year, of which
he was the last holder. On the fall of Mr. Pitt's
ministry in March 1801, Mr. Grenville ceased to
support the Tory party, and renewed his political
connection with Mr. Fox, and in 1806, shortly
after his brother, Lord Grenville, became Prime
Minister, he was appointed President of the
Board of Control. On the death of Mr. Fox
on the 13th of September 1806, he succeeded
Lord Howick as First Lord of the Admiralty, a
post he held until the formation of the Duke of
Portland's administration in April 1807, when
he finally retired from office, and devoted the
remaining forty years of his life to literature, and
to the collection of the splendid library, which is
now one of the great glories of the British
Museum. From an early age Mr. Grenville was
animated by an ardent love for books, and took
a great interest in the development of the National
Library, of which he was for many years a Trustee.
He died at Hamilton Place, Piccadilly, on the
17th of December 1846, at the age of ninety-one.
Mr. Grenville had originally bequeathed his
library to his great-nephew the Duke of Bucking-
Thomas Grenville. After a Portrait by Hoppner.
ham, but the circumstance that it was principally
purchased from the profits of the sinecure office
which he had held for so many years, led him to
the conclusion that it was 'a debt and a duty'
that the collection so acquired should be de\'
to the use of the public. In the autumn of 1845,
in the course of a conversation with his friend
Mr. Panizzi, afterwards Sir Anthony Panizzi,
then Keeper of Printed Books in the British
Museum, he informed him of his intention ; and
after his death it was found that he had revoked
the bequest to the Duke of Buckingham, and left
his noble collection to the nation. A full and
interesting description of the printed books in
the library by Sir Anthony Panizzi is to be found
in the Report on the accessions to the Museum
for the year 1847, and we cannot do better than
give the account of them in the words of the
famous librarian, who had himself much to do
with the acquisition of this magnificent gift : —
1 With exception of the Collection of His
Majesty George the Third, the Library of the
British Museum has never received an accession
so important in every respect as the Collection
of the Right Honourable Thomas Grenville. . . .
Formed and preserved with the exquisite taste
of an accomplished bibliographer, with the learn-
ing of a profound and elegant scholar, and the
splendid liberality of a gentleman in affluent
circumstances, who employed in adding to his
library whatever his generous heart allowed him
to spare from silently relieving those whose wants
he alone knew, this addition to the National
Library places it in some respects above all
libraries known, in others it leaves it inferior
only to the Royal Library at Paris. An idea
may be formed of the literary value of Mr. Gren-
ville's Library by referring to its pecuniary value ;
it consists of 20,240 volumes, forming about
16,000 works, which cost upwards of ;£ 54,000,
and would sell for more now. During his life-
time, Mr. Grenville's library was most liberally
rendered accessible to any person, however
humble his condition in life, who could show
the least cause for asking the loan of any of his
precious volumes. By bequeathing the whole to
his country, Mr. Grenville has secured to literary
men, even after his death, that assistance, as far
as it relates to the use of his books, which he
so generously bestowed on them in every way
during his long and dignified career ; — the career
of a man of high birth, distinguished for uniting
to a powerful and cultivated intellect a warm and
benevolent heart.'
Sir Anthony Panizzi, in describing the contents
of the collection, adds : ' It would naturally be
expected that one of the editors of the " Adelphi
Homer " would lose no opportunity of collecting
the best and rarest editions of the Prince of Poets.
JEsop, a favourite author of Mr. Grenville, occurs
in his Library in its rarest forms ; there is no
doubt that the series of editions of this author in
that library is unrivalled. The great admiration
which Mr. Grenville felt for Cardinal XimeiR ,
even more on account of the splendid edition of
the Polyglot Bible which that prelate caused to
be printed at Alcala, than of his public character,
made him look upon the acquisition of the
Moschus, a book of extreme rarity, as a piece of
good fortune. Among the extremely rare editions
of the Latin Classics, in which the Grenville
Library abounds, the unique complete copy of
Azzoguidi's first edition of Ovid is a gem well
deserving particular notice, and was considered,
on the wnole, by Mr. Grenville himself, the boast
of his collection. The Aldine Virgil of 1505, the
rarest of the Aldine editions of this poet, is the
more welcome to the Museum, as it serves to
supply a lacuna; the copy mentioned in the
Catalogue of the Royal Collection not having
been transferred to the National Library.
1 The rarest editions of English Poets claimed
and obtained the special attention of Mr. Gren-
ville. Hence we find him possessing not only
the first and second edition of Chaucer's Canter-
bury Tales by Caxton, but the only copy known
of a hitherto undiscovered edition of the same
work printed in 1498 by Wynkyn de Worde.
Of Shakespeare's collected Dramatic Works, the
Grenville Library contains a copy of the first
edition, which, if not the finest known, is at all
events surpassed by none. His strong religious
feelings, and his sincere attachment to the
Established Church, as well as his mastery and
knowledge of the English Language, concurred
in making him eager to possess the earliest, as
well as the rarest, editions of the translations of
the Scriptures in the vernacular tongue. He
succeeded to a great extent ; but what deserves
particular mention is the only known fragment
of the New Testament in English, translated by
Tyndale and Roy, which was in the press of
Quentell, at Cologne, in 1525, when the printers
were obliged to interrupt the printing, and fly to
escape persecution.
1 The History of the British Empire, and what-
ever could illustrate any of its different portions,
were the subject of Mr. Grenville's unremitting
research, and he allowed nothing to escape him
deserving to be preserved, however rare and
expensive. Hence his collection of works on the
Divorce of Henry vm. ; that of Voyages and
Travels, either by Englishmen, or to countries
at some time more or less connected with Eng-
land, or possessed by her ; that of contemporary
works on the gathering, advance, and defeat of
the "Invincible Armada"; and that of writings
on Ireland, — are more numerous, more valuable,
and more interesting than in any other collection
ever made by any person on the same subjects.
Among the Voyages and Travels, the collections
of De Bry and Hulsius are the finest in the
world ; no other library can boast of four such
fine books as the copies of Hariot's Virginia, in
Latin, German, French, and English of the
De Bry series. And it was fitting that in Mr.
Grenville's library should be found one of the
only two copies known of the first edition of this
work, printed in London in 1588, wherein an
account is given of a colony which had been
founded by his family namesake, Sir Richard
' Conversant with the language and literature
of Spain, as well as with that of Italy, the works
of imagination by writers of those two countries
are better represented in his library than in any
other out of Spain and Italy ; in some branches
better even than in any single library in the
countries themselves. No Italian collection can
boast of such a splendid series of early editions
of Ariosto's Orlando, one of Mr. Grenville's
favourite authors, nor, indeed, of such choice
Romance Poems. The copy of the first edition
of Ariosto is not to be matched for beauty ; of
that of Rome, 1533, even the existence was
hitherto unknown. A perfect copy of the first
complete edition of the Morgante Maggiore of
1482, was also not known to exist before Mr.
Grenville succeeded in procuring his. Among
the Spanish Romances, the copy of that of "Tirant
lo Blanch," printed at Valencia in 1490, is as fine,
as clean, and as white as when it first issued
from the press ; and no second copy of this
edition of a work professedly translated from
English into Portuguese, and thence into Valen-
cian, is known to exist except in the library of
the Sapienza at Rome.
1 But where there is nothing common, it is
almost depreciating a collection to enumerate a
few articles as rare. It is a marked feature of
this library, that Mr. Grenville did not collect
mere bibliographical rarities. He never aimed at
having a complete set of the editions from the
press of Caxton or Aldus; but Chaucer and
Gower by Caxton were readily purchased, as well
as other works which were desirable on other
accounts, besides that of having issued from the
press of that printer ; and, when possible, select
copies were procured. Some of the rarest, and
these the finest, Aldine editions were purchased
by him for the same reasons. The Horae in
Greek, printed by Aldus in i6mo in 1497, *s a
volume which, from its language, size, and
rarity, is of the greatest importance for the
literary and religious history of the time when it
was printed. It is, therefore, in Mr. Grenville's
library. The Virgil of 1501 is not only an
elegant book, but it is the first book printed with
that peculiar Italic, known as Aldine, and the
first volume which Aldus printed, " forma enchi-
ridii," as he called it, being expressly adapted to
give poor scholars the means of purchasing for a
small sum the works of the classical writers. This
also is, therefore, among Mr. Grenville's books ;
and of one of the two editions of Virgil, both
dated the same year, 15 14, he purchased a large
paper copy, because it was the more correct of the
1 It was the merit of the work, the elegance of
the volume, the "genuine" condition of the copy,
etc., which together determined Mr. Grenville to
purchase books printed on vellum, of which he
collected nearly a hundred. He paid a very large
sum for a copy of the Furioso of 1532, not because
it was "on ugly vellum," as he very properly
designated it, but because, knowing the import-
ance of such an edition of such a work, and never
having succeeded in procuring it on paper, he
would rather have it on expensive terms and
" ugly vellum," than not at all.
' By the bequest of Mr. Grenville's library, the
collection of books printed on vellum now at the
Museum, and comprising those formerly presented
by George 11., George 111., and Mr. Cracherode, is
believed to surpass that of any other National
Library, except the King's Library at Paris, of
which Van Praet justly speaks with pride, and all
foreign competent and intelligent judges with
envy and admiration. Injustice to the Grenville
Library, the list of all its vellum books ought
here to be inserted. As this cannot be done,
some only of the most remarkable shall be
mentioned. These are — the Greek Anthology of
1494 ; the Book of Hawking, of Juliana Berners,
of 1496 ; the first edition of the Bible, known as
the "Mazarine Bible," printed at Mentz about
1454; the Aldine Dante of 1502; the first
Rationale of Durandus of 1459 J the first edition
of Fisher On the Psalms, of 1508; the Aldine
Horace, Juvenal, Martial, and Petrarca, of 1501;
the Livy of 1469; the Primer of Salisbury, printed
in Paris in 1531 ; the Psalter of 1457, which
supplies the place of the one now at Windsor,
which belonged to the Royal Collection before it
was transferred to the British Museum ; the
Sforziada, by Simoneta, of 1490, a most splendid
volume even in so splendid a library; the
Theuerdank of 151 7; the Aulus Gellius and the
Vitruvius of Giunta, printed in 1513, etc., etc.
Of this identical copy of Vitruvius, formerly Mr.
Dent's, the author of the Bibliographical Deca-
meron wrote, " Let the enthusiastic admirers of a
genuine vellum Junta — of the amplest size and
in spotless condition — resort to the choice cabinet
of Mr. Dent for such a copy of this edition of
Vitruvius and Frontinus." The Aulus Gellius is
in its original state, exactly as it was when
presented to Lorenzo de' Medici, afterwards Duke
of Urbino, to whom the edition was dedicated.'
In addition to the printed books, the Grenville
Library contains sixty-four manuscripts, many of
them being of great interest and value. The
finest of them is a volume of exquisite miniature
drawings by Giulio Clovio, executed by command
of Philip ii. of Spain, and representing the
victories of the Emperor Charles v. This volume
was formerly in the Escurial. Other notable
manuscripts are the original drawings for Hariot's
Virginia in the De Bry collection, made by John
White ; Norden's Description of Essex ; the
Third Voyage of Vespucius in Latin ; and two
very interesting documents relating to the Spanish
Armada — one being an original letter from the
Lords of the Council to the Lord High Admiral,
regarding the preparation of the fleet, dated
July 21, 1588; and the other, a Resolution of a
Council of War, held by the admirals and captains
of the fleet which dispersed the Armada, dated
August 1, 1588. The former of these papers is
signed by Chr. Hatton (Canes.), W. Burghley,
F. Knollys, T. Heneage, Poulet, and J. Wolley ;
the latter by C. Howard, George Cumberland,
T. Howarde, Edmonde Sheffeylde, Fr. Drake,
Edw. Hoby, John Hawkyns, and Thomas
There is a catalogue of Mr. Grenville's library
in three parts (London, 1842-72). Parts 1 and
2 were compiled by Messrs. Payne and Foss, the
booksellers of Pall Mall, who bought largely for
him ; and part 3 by Mr. W. B. Rye, the late
Keeper of the Department of Printed Books,
British Museum.
A portrait of Mr. Grenville by Hoppner has
been engraved for Fisher's National Portrait
Gallery. There is also a painting of him by
Phillips at Althorp, and a miniature by C.
Manzini in the National Portrait Gallery.
A bust of him, presented by Sir David Dundas,
is placed in the room in the British Museum
occupied by his library.
FRANCIS DOUCE, 1757-1834
Francis Douce, who was born in 1 757, was a son
of Thomas Douce, one of the Six Clerks of the
Court of Chancery. He was first sent to a
school at Richmond, conducted by a Mr. Lawton,
author of a work on Egypt, and afterwards to ' a
French academy, kept by a pompous and ignorant
Life-Guardsman, with a view to his learning
merchants' accounts, which were his aversion.'
On leaving school he studied for the bar, and for
some time held an appointment, under his father,
in the Six Clerks' Office, but the post was not
very congenial to him, as from an early age he
devoted himself to books and antiquities, and he
also had a great passion for music. His father,
who died in 1799, bequeathed the greater part of
his property, which was very considerable, to
his elder son, leaving but a comparatively small
amount to be divided between Francis and his
sisters, but in 1823 Nollekens, the sculptor, left
Douce so large a portion of his fortune that .it
the decease of the latter his property was valued
at nearly eighty thousand pounds. In 1807 nc
succeeded the Rev. Robert Nares as Keeper of
the Manuscripts in the British Museum, but
resigned the post in 181 2 in consequence of some
trifling disagreement with one of the trustees.
While holding this office he took part in the
preparation of the catalogues of the Harleian and
Lansdowne manuscripts. Douce published in
1807 Illustrations of Shakspeare and Ancient
Manners, and in 1833 TJte Dance of Death,
' exhibited in elegant Engravings on wood, with a
Dissertation on the several Representations on
that Subject.' The substance of this Disserta-
tion had appeared about forty years before in
illustration of Hollar's etchings, published by
Edwards of Pall Mall, London. In addition
to these works he edited Arnold's Chronicle in
181 1, two books for the Roxburghe Club in 1822
and 1824, and assisted in the production of Scott's
Sir Tristram, Smith's Vagabondiniana, and the
1824 edition of Warton's History of English
Poetry. Many papers also by him are to be
found in the Archceologia, the Vetusta Monu-
menta, and the Gentleman s Magazine. Douce
was a prominent Fellow of the Society of Anti-
quaries, and numbered among his friends Isaac
DTsraeli, the Rev. C. M. Cracherode, Sir George
Staunton, Mr. John Towneley, and Dr. Dibdin,
to the last of whom he left five hundred pounds.
He is introduced under the name of Prospero in
Dibdin's Bibliomania. Douce died at his resi-
dence in Gower Street, London, on the 30th of
March 1834, and he left in his will two hundred
pounds to Sir Anthony Carlisle ' requesting him
either to sever my head or extract the heart from
my body, so as to prevent the possibility of the
return of vitality.' His valuable collection of
printed books, which consisted of sixteen thousand
four hundred and eighty volumes, with a quantity
of fragments of early English works, including
two printed by Caxton, which are unique ; three
hundred and ninety-three manuscripts, many
of them beautifully illuminated ; ninety-eight
charters ; a large number of valuable drawings
and prints ; together with a collection of coins
and medals, were left by him to the Bodleian
Library. It is said that this bequest was the
result of the courteous reception he received from
Dr. Bandinel, the librarian, when Douce visited
Oxford with Isaac D' Israeli in 1830. The
carvings in ivory or other materials, and the
miscellaneous curiosities, were bequeathed to Dr.,
afterwards Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, of Goodrich
Castle, Wales, who published an account of them,
entitled The Doucean Museum. To the British
Museum Douce left a volume of the works of
Albert Dlirer which had formerly belonged to
Nollekens, his impressions from monumental
brasses, and his ' commented copies of the block-
head Whitaker's History of Manchester, and his
Cornwall Cathedral.' His will also directs his
executor ' to collect together all my letters and
correspondence, all my private manuscripts, and
unfinished or even finished essays or intended
work or works, memorandum books, especially
such as are marked in the inside of their covers
with a red cross, with the exception only of such
articles as he may think proper to destroy, as my
diaries, or other articles of a merely private
nature, and to put them into a strong box, to be
sealed up without lock or key, and with a brass
plate inscribed " Mr. Douce's papers, to be opened
on the ist of January 1900," and then to deposit
this box in the British Museum, or, if the
Trustees should decline receiving it, I then wish
it to remain with the other things bequeathed to
the Bodleian Library.' The Trustees accepted
the charge of the box, and it was opened at the
time appointed, but nothing of literary value was
found in it.
A catalogue of the printed books, manuscripts,
charters and fragments presented by Douce to
the Bodleian was published in 1840, and there
is also a manuscript catalogue of the prints and
JAMES EDWARDS, 1757-1816
James Edwards, who was so ardent a collector
that he directed that his coffin should be made
out of the shelves of his library, was born in
1 757. He was the eldest son of William Edwards,
an eminent bookseller of Halifax, Yorkshire, who
was noted both for his success in collecting rare
books, and his skill and taste in binding them.
In 1784 James Edwards and, along with him, his
younger brother John, were set up by their father
as booksellers in Pall Mall, London, under the
title of Edwards and Sons. John died soon after-
wards, but the business was conducted with great
ability and success by the elder brother, who, Dib-
din says, 'travelled diligently and fearlessly abroad;
now exploring the book-gloom of dusty mon-
asteries, and at other times marching in the rear
or front of Bonaparte's armies in Italy.'
Edwards was a bookbinder as well as a book-
seller, and in 1785 he took out a patent for
' embellishing books bound in vellum by making
drawings on the vellum which are not liable to
be defaced but by destroying the vellum itself.'
This was accomplished by rendering the vellum
transparent, and then painting or impressing
the design on the under surface. The British
Museum possesses a Prayer Book bound by
Edwards in this manner for Queen Charlotte,
2 p
wife of King George in., which is a very skilful
and artistic piece of work. Both he and his
father were also celebrated for the pretty painting 5
with which they decorated the edges of the leaves
of the books they bound. In 1788 Edwards,
accompanied by his friend and fellow bookseller
James Robson, went to Venice for the purpose
of purchasing the Pinelli Library, which they
brought to England, and sold by auction in the
following year. Many other collections of note
were sold by him during the twenty years he
remained in business. Having amassed a con-
siderable fortune, he determined to retire from
trade, and in 1805 purchased the fine old manor-
house at Harrow, which for some time was one of
the residences of the Archbishops of Canterbury.
A part of Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron
was written on the garden terrace of this mansion,
Edwards being the ' Rinaldo' of that work. In
consequence of ill-health he determined in 181 5
to part with the remainder of his library (a portion
of the books had been disposed of by Christie
on his retirement in 1804), and it was sold by
his successor in the Pall Mall business, Robert
Harding Evans, who became so well known as
a book auctioneer. The sale consisted of but
eight hundred and thirty lots, but it realised the
large sum of eight thousand four hundred and
twenty-one pounds, seventeen shillings. Edwards
died at Harrow on the 2nd of January 1816, and
a monument was erected to his memory in the
parish church.
Edwards's collection was not a large one, but
it contained some exceedingly rare and choice
manuscripts and printed books. Among the most
precious of the former was the famous Bedford
Book of Hours, which he acquired at the Duchess
of Portland's sale in 1786 for two hundred and
thirteen pounds, and which was purchased at his
own sale by the Marquis of Blandford, afterwards
Duke of Marlborough, for six hundred and eighty-
seven pounds, fifteen shillings. It is now in the
British Museum. Other fine manuscripts were
a copy of the Gospels in Greek, written in the
tenth century; Opera Horatii, executed for
Ferdinand 1. King of Naples, which realised
respectively two hundred and ten and one
hundred and twenty-five pounds ; and Regole e
Precetti della Pittura, written by Leonardo da
Vinci, and illustrated with original drawings by
Nicholas Poussin, which fetched one hundred
and two pounds, eighteen shillings.
Among the printed books were the Latin
Bible, on vellum, printed at Mentz, by Fust and
Schoeffer, in 1462, which realised one hundred
and seventy-five pounds ; and the first edition
of Livy, also on vellum, printed by Sweynheym
and Pannartz at Rome about 1469. This copy,
the only one known on vellum, belonged to Pope
Alexander vi., and was bought by Sir M. M.
Sykes for nine hundred and three pounds. It
was afterwards acquired by the Right Hon.
Thomas Grenville, and bequeathed by him to
the British Museum. Luther's own copy of the
first edition of his translation of the Bible after
his final revision, printed at Wittemberg in 1541,
with ms. notes by himself, Bugenhagen and
Melanchthon, which is also now in the British
Museum, sold for eighty-nine pounds, five
shillings ; and a splendid set of the Opere di
Piranesi for three hundred and fifteen pounds.
A fine and perfect block-book, the Biblia
Pauperum, was also among the treasures of the
library, and was purchased by the Duke of
Devonshire for two hundred and ten pounds.
George Hibbert was born at Manchester in the
year 1757. His father was Robert Hibbert, a
West India merchant. Destined from his boy-
hood to a commercial life, he was educated at a
private school, and on leaving Lancashire he
joined a London firm engaged in the West India
trade, in which, first as a junior partner, and
afterwards as the head of the firm, he remained
nearly half a century. In 1798 Mr. Hibbert was
elected an alderman, but resigned his gown in
1803, and in 1806 he entered Parliament as one
of the members for Seaford, Sussex, and sat for
that borough until 181 2. He was also chairman
of the West India merchants, and agent for
Jamaica. The construction of the West India
Docks was largely owing to his exertions, and
as one of the original members of the committee
of the London Institution, he took a prominent
part in its foundation and management, and for
many years he filled the office of president. Mr.
Hibbert was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
in 181 1, and a Fellow of the Society of Anti-
quaries in the following year. He was also a
Fellow of the Linnaean Society, and formed at
his residence at Clapham a large collection of
exotic plants, many of which were first intro-
duced into this country by the agents he em-
ployed in almost every part of the globe. He
married Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of Mr.
Philip Fonnereau, by whom he had a large
family. Mr. Hibbert died on the 8th of October
1837, a* Munden House, near Watford, Hert-
fordshire, and was buried in the churchyard of
Aldenham, in the same county.
Mr. Hibbert, who was the 'Honorio' of Dibdin's
Bibliographical Decameron, was a patron of art,
and an enthusiastic collector of books, pictures,
and prints and drawings. He formed a splendid
library at his houses at Clapham, and in Portland
Place, London, which is believed to have cost
him at least thirty-five thousand pounds. It
contained a large number of early printed Bibles,
and was particularly rich in rare editions of the
French Romances, and of English and Italian
Poetry. No fewer than eighty of the books WOK
printed on vellum. The collection also comprised
twenty-five manuscripts.
When, in 1829, Mr. Hibbert retired to his
estate of Munden, which had been bequeathed to
him by Mr. Roger Parker, an uncle of his wife, he
found that the size of his new residence rendered
it necessary that he should dispose of the greater
part of his collections, and his library was sold
by auction by Mr. Evans at 93 Pall Mall in
three divisions. The sales occupied altogether
forty-two days. The first commenced on the
1 6th of March, and the last on the 25th of May
1829. There were eight thousand seven hundred
and ninety-four lots, representing about twenty
thousand volumes ; and the total amount realised
was twenty-one thousand seven hundred and
fifty-three pounds, nine shillings. The books
sold for comparatively small sums. A copy of
the sale catalogue, with the prices obtained for
the books and the names of the purchasers, is
preserved in the library of the British Museum.
The following are a few of the principal books
in this magnificent collection, together with the
prices they fetched at the sale : —
The Gutenberg Bible, two hundred and fifteen
The Mentz Psalter of 1459, ninety pounds,
six shillings.
The Latin Bible printed by Fust and Schoeffer
at Mentz in 1462, one hundred and twenty-eight
pounds, two shillings.
The Latin Bible, printed at Paris in 1476,
thirty-two pounds, eleven shillings.
The Latin Bible, printed by Jenson at Venice
in 1479. A very fine copy, which formerly
belonged to Pope Sixtus iv., ninety-eight pounds,
fourteen shillings.
The Complutensian Polyglot Bible, said to
have been Cardinal Ximenes's own copy, for
which Mr. Hibbert gave sixteen thousand one
hundred francs at the MacCarthy sale, five
hundred and twenty-five pounds.
Luther's own copy of the first edition of his
translation of the Bible after his final revision.
This volume, which is now in the British Museum,
contains his autograph, and also the autographs
of Bugenhagen, Melanchthon, and G. Major, two
hundred and sixty-seven pounds.
The first and second editions of Cicero's
Officia, printed by Fust and Schoeffer at Mentz
in 1465 and 1466, eighty-two pounds, ten shil-
lings ; and fifty-nine pounds.
Cicero's Epistolce ad Familiares, printed by
Joannes de Spira at Venice in 1469, eighty
Petrarch's Sonet ti, Canzoni e Trionfi, printed
by Jenson at Venice in 1473; the only copy known
on vellum, eighty pounds, seventeen shillings.
A presentation copy to Cardinal Sforza of the
Sforziada, printed at Milan in 1490; in the
original velvet binding, with silver knops, one
hundred and sixty-eight pounds. The last two
volumes are now preserved in the Grenville
Library in the British Museum.
Poliphili Hypncrotomachia, printed by Aldus
at Venice in 1499, eighty-two pounds, nineteen
Missale Vallisumbrose, printed by Lucantonio
di Giunta at Venice in 1503, sixty-four pounds,
one shilling.
All the above books are printed on vellum.
The library also contained several fine block-
books : the first edition of the Speculum Humance
Salvationist the Apocalypsis, and the first edition
of Ars Memorandi, which sold respectively for
eighty pounds ; thirty-one pounds, ten shillings ;
and twenty-six pounds, ten shillings. The
Catholicon of Joannes Balbus de Janua, printed
at Mentz in 1460, and five Caxtons : the first
edition of the Dictes or Sayings of t lie Philoso-
phers, Fayts of Arms, the second edition of the
Mirrour of the World, the Recuyell of the His-
tories of Troye, and the Royal Book, were to be
found in the collection. Thirty-six pounds, four
shillings and sixpence was obtained for the
Catholicon, and three hundred and thirty-nine
pounds, thirteen shillings and sixpence for the
Caxtons. Of these the Recuyell fetched the
highest price — one hundred and fifty-seven
pounds, ten shillings. Some other notable books
in this marvellous library were the Dante, printed
at Florence in 1481, which realised forty pounds,
nineteen shillings ; the first edition of the Teseide
of Boccaccio, which was disposed of for one
hundred and sixty pounds ; a very fine copy of
Smith's Historie of Virginia, which sold for
thirteen guineas ; and the first four folio Shake-
speares. The prices obtained for these were
eighty-five pounds, one shilling ; thirteen pounds ;
twenty-four pounds ; and three pounds, nine
The more important manuscripts were Prcz-
paratio ad Missam, written and illuminated for
Pope Leo x., which fetched ninety-nine pounds,
fifteen shillings ; Droits d'Armes et de Noblesse,
ninety-four pounds, ten shillings ; Roman de la
Rose, eighty-four pounds ; Missale Romanum,
sixty-one pounds, nineteen shillings ; and Romant
des Trois Pelerinages, thirty-one pounds, ten
shillings. These were all written on vellum.
In 18 19 Mr. Hibbert printed for the Rox-
burghe Club, from a manuscript preserved in
the Pepysian Library at Magdalen College, Cam-
bridge, Six Bookes of Metamorphoseos by Ovyde,
translated from the French by Caxton, together
with some prefatory remarks by himself.
REV. CHARLES BURNEY, D.D., 1757-1817
Charles Burney, the second son of Charles
Burney, the author of The History of Music, was
born at Lynn, Norfolk, in the early part of
December (the exact date is uncertain) 1757. He
was educated at the Charterhouse, and Caius
College, Cambridge, but left the University with-
out taking a degree. He afterwards became a
student of Kings College, Aberdeen, where he
graduated M.A. in 1781. After leaving the
College he devoted himself to educational work,
and for a short time was an assistant master
at Highgate School, which he left to join
Dr. William Rose, the translator of Sallust, in
his school at Chiswick. In 1786, having married
Rose's second daughter in 1783, he opened a
school of his own at Hammersmith, which he
carried on until 1793, when he removed to
Greenwich, and there established a very flourish-
ing academy, which in 18 13 he made over to his
son, the Rev. Charles Parr Burney. Late in life
(1807) Burney took orders, and was appointed to
the Rectory of St. Paul's, Deptford, Kent, and in
a short time after to the Rectory of Cliffe in the
same county. In 181 1 he was made Chaplain to
the King, and in 181 7, a few months before his
death, he was collated to a prebendal stall in
Lincoln Cathedral. He received the degree of
LL.D. from the Universities of Aberdeen and
Glasgow in 1792, the degree of M.A. was con-
ferred on him by Cambridge University in 1808,
and that of D.D. by the Archbishop of Canter-
bury in 18 1 2. Burney, who was the friend and
companion of Dr. Parr and Professor Porson,
wrote several works on the Greek and Latin
Classics, as well as one or two of a theological
nature. He died of apoplexy at Deptford on the
28th of December 18 17, and a monument to his
memory was erected in Westminster Abbey by
a number of his old scholars.
Dr. Burney realised a considerable fortune by
his scholastic work, and the money which he
thus acquired enabled him to form a library of
nearly thirteen thousand five hundred volumes
of printed books, and five hundred and twenty
manuscripts. Among the latter was the Towneley
Homer, believed to be of the thirteenth century,
and valued at six hundred guineas. The library
was particularly rich in the Greek Classics,
especially the dramatists ; comprising as many as
one hundred and sixty-six editions of Euripides,
one hundred and two of Sophocles, and forty-
seven of ^Eschylus, the margins of a large pro-
portion of the classical books being covered with
notes in Burney's hand, in addition to those by
the Stephens, Bentley, Markland, and others. An-
other very interesting feature of the library was
the large number of English newspapers it con-
tained. These papers, which reached from the
reign of James i. until nearly the end of that of
George in., were bound in about seven hundred
volumes, and now form the basis of the splendid
collection in the British Museum. Dr. Burncy
also amassed from three to four hundred volumes
containing materials for a history of the British
Stage, and several thousand portraits of literary
and theatrical personages. On the death of the
Doctor his library was purchased for the British
Museum for the sum of thirteen thousand five
hundred pounds.
SPENCER, 1758-1834
George John, second Earl Spencer, was born
on the 1 st of September 1758. He was the only
son of John Spencer, who was created Viscount
Spencer of Althorp in 1761, and Earl Spencer in
1765, and grandson of John, the youngest son of
Charles Spencer, third Earl of Sunderland. At
seven years of age he was placed under the tutor-
ship of William Jones, the famous Orientalist,
who was afterwards knighted, with whom he
made two Continental tours. Jones resigned his
charge in 1770, when Lord Althorp was sent to
Harrow, and, on leaving school, to Trinity College,
Cambridge. In 1780 he entered Parliament as
member for Northampton, and on the formation
of the second Rockingham Ministry in March
1782 he became a Commissioner of the new
Treasury Board. On the death of his father in
1783, Lord Althorp (who had married in 1781
Lavinia, eldest daughter of Charles, first Lord
Lucan) succeeded to the title, and in 1784 was
sent with Mr. Thomas Grenville on a special
mission to the Court of Vienna. During his
absence from England, on the 19th of July in
that year, he was made Lord Privy Seal in
Mr. Pitt's Ministry, which office he resigned
in the following December for that of First Lord
of the Admiralty, a post which he held with great
credit for upwards of six years. After his retire-
ment from the Admiralty in February 1801, Lord
Spencer remained out of office until February
1806, when he accepted the Secretaryship of
State for the Home Department in the Grenville-
Fox Ministry. On the dissolution of that
ministry in March 1807, he finally retired from
office, but continued to take part in the debates
in the House of Lords. He died on the 10th of
November 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest
son John Charles.
Lord Spencer was a most energetic and en-
lightened collector of books, and the magnificent
library which, until the year 1892, was one of
the glories of Althorp, testifies to the skill and
liberality with which he collected them. A taste
for literature and a love of books were developed
in Lord Spencer at an early age, and he was but
thirty-two when he acquired the choice collection
of (Jount Reviczky, a Hungarian nobleman,
which at once placed his library among the more
important private collections of the time. He
also bought largely at the Mason, Herbert,
Roxburghe, Alchorne, and other sales, and after
the dispersion of the famous library at White
Knights in 1 8 19 he was able to acquire, at a cost
of seven hundred and fifty pounds, the copy of
the Valdarfer Boccaccio for which he had vainly
bid two thousand two hundred and fifty pounds
seven years before at the Roxburghe sale. In
the years 18 19 and 1820 he made a biblio-
graphical tour on the Continent, during which,
among other purchases, he acquired the library
of the Duke of Cassano-Serra, which contained
some very rare fifteenth century books.
Lord Spencer was considerably assisted in
the formation of his famous collection by his
librarian, the well-known Dr. Thomas Frognall
Dibdin, the author of Bibliomania, The Biblio-
graphical Decameron, and other pleasant and
gossiping, but somewhat verbose and not par-
ticularly accurate, works on books, their printers
and owners. Dibdin's services were liberally
rewarded ; and Edwards, in his work Libraries
and Founders 0/ Libraries, states that in addition
to his stipend as librarian, ' Lord Spencer insured
his librarian's life for the advantage of his family.
Lord Spencer also gave him the vicarage of
Exning, in Suffolk, in 1823, and obtained for
him, on Episcopal recommendation, the rectory
of St. Mary, Bryanstone Square, at the end of
the same year.' Dibdin was the first to suggest
the establishment of the Roxburghe Club, of
which he became vice-president. He died in
The collection at Althorp, which Renouard
described as ' the most beautiful and richest
private library in Europe,' amounted in 1892 to
about forty-one thousand five hundred volumes.
Other private libraries have possessed more
books, but none could boast of choicer ones. It
contained the earliest dated example of wood-
engraving — the figure of St. Christopher, with the
date 1423 ; and no less than fourteen block-
books, comprising three editions of the Ars
Moriendi, three of the Speculum Humance Salva-
tionist two of the Apocalypsis S. Johannis, to-
gether with copies of the Biblia Pauperum, Ars
Memorandi, Historia Virginis ex Cantico Canti-
corum, IVie die funfzehen zaichen kimen vor
dem hingsten tag, the Enndchrist, and Mirabilia
Romce. It was particularly rich in Bibles, among
which were the Gutenberg and Bamberg Bibles,
the Coverdale Bible of 1535, and a magnificent
copy of the Antwerp Polyglot, once the property
of De Thou. It also contained the first and
second Mentz Psalters. The Classics, too, were
splendidly represented. The editions of works
by Cicero numbered upwards of seventy, about
fifty of which were printed before 1473 ; while
fifteen of those of Virgil were prior to the year
1476. Among these were the second edition
by Sweynheym and Pannartz, most probably
printed in 1471, which is not less rare than
the first, and the famous ' Adam ' edition,
which issued from the press in that year.
These two volumes were obtained from the
library of the King of Wirtemberg, Dibdin
making a special journey to Stuttgart to pur-
chase them. The library also possessed a large
number of the early editions of Dante, Petrarch,
Boccaccio, and other Italian Classics ; and no
less than fifty-two Caxtons, three of them
unique, were to be found on its shelves. A
splendid descriptive catalogue of the library,
entitled ' Bibliotheca Spenceriana,' was compiled
by Dibdin in the years 1814-23.
Lord Spencer maintained his interest in his
books to the end of his life, and in the year
before that of his death he wrote to Dibdin, ' I
am trying my hand at a Classed Catalogue.'
In August 1892 this noble collection was
purchased by Mrs. Rylands, widow of the late
Mr. John Rylands, of Longford Hall, near Man-
chester, for a sum which was said to be little less
than a quarter of a million sterling ; and on the
6th of October 1899 she presented it, together
with a handsome building for its reception, to
the city of Manchester, in memory of her husband.
An excellent catalogue, both of the printed books
and the manuscripts, in three handsome quarto
volumes, compiled by Mr. Gordon Duff, the
librarian, accompanied this munificent gift.
Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart., the historian
of Wiltshire, was born on the 9th of December
1758. He was the son of Richard Hoare,
Esq., of Barn Elms, Surrey (who was created a
baronet in 1786), by Anne, second daughter of
Henry Hoare, Esq., of Stourhead, Wiltshire, and
of Susanna, daughter and heiress of Stephen
Colt, Esq. He was privately educated, and at an
early age entered the family bank (Messrs. Hoare's
Bank, Fleet Street, London). In his work,
Pedigrees and Memoirs of the Families of H ore,
etc., he writes : — ' Blessed by my parents with the
advantages of a good education, I thereby
acquired a love of literature and of drawing ; of
which, in my more advanced years, I feel the
inestimable advantage. Destined, as I imagined,
for an active and commercial life, I was unex-
pectedly and agreeably surprised to hear, shortly
after my marriage, that my generous grandfather
had intentions to remove me from the banking
business, and to settle me on his estate in Wilt-
shire; which he put into execution during his
life-time, by making over to me all his landed
property, with their appendages, at Stourhead
and in the adjoining counties.' In 1783 Hoare
married Hester, only daughter of Lord Westcote,
afterwards created Lord Lyttelton, who died in
1785, leaving a son Henry Richard. In 1787,
on the death of his father, he succeeded to the
baronetcy. After the decease of his wife he made
an extensive tour on the Continent, visiting
France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. In 1787
he returned home, but in the following year he
paid a second visit to the Continent, and did not
return to England until August 1791. During
these tours he made a large number of drawings
of interesting objects, and ' for the gratification of
his family and friends ' printed an account of his
travels in four volumes. When he was no longer
able to travel on the Continent in consequence of
the French revolutionary war, Sir R. C. Hoare
made a tour through Wales, taking Giraldus
Cambrensis as a guide, and in 1806 he published
a translation of the Itinerarium Cambria of
Giraldus in two handsome volumes. He also
contributed sixty-three drawings to Archdeacon
Coxe's Historical Tour in Monmouthshire , which
appeared in 1801. In 1807 he paid a visit to
Ireland, and printed a short account of his
excursion. In 181 2 Hoare published in London
the first part of his great work, the Ancient
History of Wiltshire, which he completed in
two volumes in 1821. This was followed
by the Modern History of Wiltshire in four-
teen parts, London, 1822-24, which was left
unfinished at the time of his death. Hoare
was the author of many works in addition to
those already mentioned, some of which were
intended only for private circulation. A list of
them will be found in the Catalogue of the Hoare
Library at Stourhead, compiled by John Bowyer
Nichols in 1840. Hoare, who was a Fellow of
the Royal Society and of the Society of Anti-
quaries, died at Stourhead on the 19th of May
1838. His only son predeceased him, and the
baronetcy and estates devolved on his eldest
half-brother, Henry Hugh Hoare of Wavendon,
Sir R. C. Hoare possessed a noble library at
Stourhead. The foundation of it no doubt was
laid by his grandfather, Henry Hoare, whose book-
plate occurs on many of the volumes, but it was Sir
R. C. Hoare who brought together the magnificent
collection of books on British topography, which
was probably the finest private one ever formed.
The water-colour drawings, the books of prints,
and the engravings in the library were remarkable
for their beauty, and had been selected with great
judgment and taste. During his travels on the
Continent between the years 1785 and 1791
Hoare acquired a large number of books relative
to the history and topography of Italy. Of these
he printed in 181 2 a separate catalogue, the
impression of which was limited to twelve copies.
In 1825 he presented this collection to the British
Museum, together with a copy of the catalogue,
upon the fly-leaf of which he has written : —
4 Anxious to follow the liberal example of our
gracious monarch George the Fourth, of SirGeorge
Beaumont, Bart., of Richd. Payne Knight, Esq.
(tho' in a very humble degree) I do give unto the
British Museum, this my Collection of Topo-
graphy, made during a residence of five years
abroad — and hoping that the more modern publi-
cations may be added to it hereafter. Rich . Colt
Hoare, a.d. 1825/ The Stourhead library was
sold by auction on Monday, the 30th of July
1883 and seven following days, by Sotheby,
Wilkinson and Hodge. The books, engravings
and drawings, of which there were one thousand
nine hundred and seventy-one lots, realised ten
thousand and twenty-eight pounds, six shillings
and sixpence. On the 9th of December 1887,
and three following days, some more books be-
longing to the library were sold for one thousand
three hundred and ninety-two pounds, eleven
shillings and sixpence. The prices obtained for
many of the books were exceptionally high.
William Beckford, the author of Vathek, was
born at Fonthill, Wiltshire on the 29th of
September 1759. He was the only legitimate
child of Alderman William Beckford, who was
twice Lord Mayor of London, and who died in
1770, leaving his son property worth upwards of
one hundred thousand pounds a year. Beckford
amassed at his residence at Fonthill a magni-
ficent collection of books, pictures, furniture and
curiosities of all kinds, but his extravagance and
the depreciation of his West India property
compelled him in 1823 to sell Fonthill and
the greater part of its contents. He, however,
retained a portion of his library and the best of
his pictures, and removed them to Lansdown
Tower, Bath, which he built on leaving Fonthill,
and where he continued to add to his collections.
Beckford married in 1783 Margaret, daughter of
Charles, fourth Earl of Aboyne, by whom he had
two daughters — Margaret and Susan Euphemia —
the elder of whom married Colonel Orde, and the
younger the Marquis of Douglas, who afterwards
became Duke of Hamilton. The elder daughter
having offended her father by her marriage with
Colonel Orde, he left all his property to the
Duchess of Hamilton. After Beckford's death
on May the 2nd, 1844, tne Duke of Hamilton
wished to sell the library to Mr. Henry Bohn,
who was willing to give thirty thousand pounds
for it, but the Duchess objected to part with her
father's books, and they were removed to Hamil-
ton Palace, but kept separate from the noble
library which already existed there. In the years
William Beckfokd. From a Medallion by Singleton.
1882, 1883 and 1884 both these splendid collec-
tions were sold. The sale, or rather sales, of the
Beckford books, for the collection was divided
into four portions, took place at the auction
rooms of Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, and
lasted altogether forty days ; the first sale com-
mencing on the 30th of June 1882 and lasting
twelve days, and the last on the 27th of November
1883, and continuing for four days. The total
number of lots in the four sales was nine thousand
eight hundred and thirty-seven, and the amount
realised seventy-three thousand five hundred and
fifty-one pounds, eighteen shillings.
Beckford's library was rich in fine early printed
books, rare voyages and travels, and choice
French, Spanish and Italian works, but it was
chiefly remarkable for its superb collection of
beautiful and historical bindings. It contained a
large number of volumes from the libraries of
Grolier, Maioli, Lauwrin, Canevari, De Thou,
Peiresc, and other distinguished collectors, and
also examples of bindings bearing the arms and
devices of Francis 1. of France, Henry 11. and
Diana of Poitiers, Charles ix., Henry in., Henry
iv., Louis xni., Anne of Austria, etc.; many of
the volumes being bound by Nicolas and Clovis
Eve, Le Gascon, Padeloup, Derome, Monnier
and other famous French binders. Very high
prices were obtained for many of these splendid
books — Lactantii Opera, printed in the Monastery
of Subiaco by Sweynheym and Pannartz in 1465,
sold for two hundred and eighty-five pounds ;
Biblia Latina, printed on vellum by N. Jenson
at Venice in 1476, three hundred and thirty
pounds ; Livre de Bien Vivre, on vellum, finely
illuminated, Paris, A. Verard, 1492, three hundred
and thirty pounds ; Philostrati Vita Apollonii
Tyanei, printed by Aldus at Venice in 1502,
Grolier's copy, bound in red morocco, three
hundred pounds ; Lucanus, printed by Aldus in
1 515, Grolier's copy, bound in marbled calf, two
hundred and ninety pounds ; Tirante il Bianco,
Vinegia, 1538, red morocco, from the library of
Demetrio Canevari, one hundred and eleven
pounds ; Entree de Henry IL en Paris 6/uing
1549, etc., with the arms and cypher of de Thou
on the binding, four hundred and seventy pounds ;
Psalnwrum Paraphrasis Poetica, by G. Buchanan,
beautifully bound in olive morocco, with the arms
and cypher of De Thou, three hundred and ten
pounds ; Livre de la Conqueste de la Toison dOr
Par le Prince Jason t par J. Gohory, Paris, 1563,
in a beautiful binding by Nicolas Eve, with the
arms of the Duke of Guise painted on the covers,
four hundred and five pounds ; Polipiiile Hyp-
nerotomachie, Paris, 1561, bound in blue morocco
by Nicolas Eve for Louise de Lorraine, two
hundred and twenty pounds ; Portraits des Pois,
Hommes et Dames Illustres, etc., a series of the
engraved works of Sir Anthony Vandyck, includ-
ing his own etchings, in three large folio volumes,
two thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds ;
Decor Puellarum, printed by N. Jenson at Venice
in 1471, in a splendid binding by Monnier — blue
morocco, with flowers in various leathers, and
with silk linings, five hundred and thirty pounds;
and Longi Pastoralia, printed on vellum by
P. Didot at Paris for Junot, Duke of Abrantes,
with drawings by Prud'hon and F. Gerard, nine
hundred pounds.
Beckford wrote other works besides Vathek,
several of which he left in manuscript, and a
large number of his books contained notes in his
OF GUILFORD, 1766-1827
Frederick North, fifth Earl of Guilford, was
born on the 7th of February 1766. He was the
third and youngest son of Frederick, second Earl,
Prime Minister from January 1770 to March
1 782. When his health, which was very delicate,
permitted, he went to Eton, and afterwards became
a student of Christ Church, Oxford. He was
created D.C.L. in 1793, and received the same
degree by diploma in 18 19. In 1779, through his
father's interest, he obtained the sinecure of one
of the Chamberlains of the Tally Court of the
Exchequer, and in 1794 he was appointed to the
Comptrollership of the Customs of the Port of
London, when he resigned the representation of
the family borough of Banbury, to which he
had succeeded when his eldest brother, George
Augustus, came to the Earldom in 1792. North
2 s
was Secretary of State to the Viceroy of the
Ionian Islands during 1795 and 1796, and in
1798 he was made Governor of Ceylon, a post
he held until July 1805. On the death of his
brother Francis, the fourth Earl, in 18 17, he suc-
ceeded to the Harldom of Guilford, and in 1819
he was created a Knight Grand Cross of the
Order of St. Michael and St. George. He was a
Fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the
Eumelean Club. Lord Guilford, who had been
received into the Eastern Church at Corfu in 1791,
died unmarried in London on the 14th of October
1827, and was succeeded by his cousin, the Rev.
Francis North, Prebendary of Winchester and
Master of the Hospital of St. Cross. Lord Guil-
ford was a distinguished scholar, and a most
accomplished linguist. He took the greatest
interest in everything relating to Greek literature
and art, and it was principally through his exer-
tions, and with his money, that a University was
founded in 1824 at Corfu, of which he was the
first chancellor, and in which he resided until
1827, when he was obliged to return to England
on account of his health. He left his collections
of printed books, manuscripts, etc., at Corfu to
the University, but in consequence of its failure
to comply with certain conditions which accom-
panied the bequest, it was not carried out. Lord
Guilford's fine library was sold by Evans, in
seven parts, in the years 1828, 1829, 1830, and
1835. The first sale took place on December 15th,
1828, and eight following days; and the others
on January 12th, 1829, and five following days ;
February 28th, 1829, and two following days;
December 8th, 1830, and four following days;
December 20th, 1830, and four following days;
January 5th, 1831, and three following days ; and
November 9th, 1835, and seven following days.
The last three sales were of the manuscripts and
books removed from Corfu. There were eight
thousand five hundred and eleven lots in the
seven sales, which realised twelve thousand one
hundred and seventy-eight pounds, ten shillings
and sixpence.
Lord Guilford's collection was an excellent
one, and, as might be expected, the Greek manu-
scripts in it were particularly numerous and
choice. The printed books were good, but they
were not equal to the manuscripts either in
interest or value. Among the latter was the
original manuscript of Tasso's Gerusalemme
Liberata, with some alterations of verses in the
margin, likewise in the handwriting of Tasso.
This sold for two hundred and four pounds,
fifteen shillings. Four Greek manuscripts of the
eleventh century : a copy of the Four Gospels ;
the Greek Offices, with Intonations or Musical
Directions for Chanting; an Evangel istarium
and Menologium of the Greek Church ; and
Josephus's Historia de Bello Judaico, deserve
special notice on account of their beauty and
rarity. These fetched at the sale respectively one
hundred and two pounds, eighteen shillings ; one
hundred and seventy-three pounds, five shillings ;
seventy-three pounds, ten shillings ; and two
hundred and seventy-three pounds. Another
interesting manuscript was a copy of the
New Testament in Glagolitic characters, which
realised one hundred and sixty-eight pounds.
Among the printed books may be mentioned a
large paper copy of the first edition of the Sixtine
Bible, printed at Rome in 1590, and suppressed
by order of Gregory xiv., on account of the
numerous inaccuracies in it, which realised sixty-
three pounds ; and the Duke of Northumber-
land's Cmicio ad Populum Londinensem% printed
at Rome in 1570, of which the only other known
copy is in the library of the Vatican, for which
forty- two pounds was obtained.
1 766- 1 840
George Spencer Churchill, fifth Duke of
Marlborough, the collector of the famous library
at White Knights, near Reading, Berkshire, was
the elder son of George, fourth Duke of Marl-
borough, by Caroline, only daughter of John,
fourth Duke of Bedford. He was born on the
6th of March 1766, and was educated at Eton,
and subsequently at Christ Church, Oxford,
graduating M.A. in 1786 and D.C.L. in 1792.
At the general election in 1790 he was returned
to Parliament as one of the members for Oxford-
shire, and in August 1804 he was appointed a
Lord of the Treasury, which office he held until
February 1806. On the 12th of March in the
same year he was called to the House of Lords
as Baron Spencer of Wormleighton, and on the
death of his father on the 29th of January 18 17
he succeeded to the dukedom. In the May
following he was authorised to take and use the
name of Churchill after that of Spencer, and to
bear the arms of Churchill quarterly with those
of Spencer, in order to perpetuate in his family
the surname of his celebrated ancestor, John, first
Duke of Marlborough. He married, on the 15th
of September 1791, Susan, second daughter of
John, seventh Earl of Galloway, by whom he
had issue four sons and two daughters. He died
on the 5th of March 1840, and was succeeded by
his eldest son, George.
The splendid library which the Duke of Marl-
borough, while Marquis of Blandford, collected
at White Knights was one of the finest in the
kingdom. Its two great treasures were the
Bedford Book of Hours, now in the British
Museum, purchased by the Duke in 1815 at
the sale of the library of James Edwards,
for the sum of six hundred and ninety-eight
pounds, five shillings ; and the edition of Boc-
caccio's Decameron, printed by Valdarfer at
Venice in 147 1 , which he acquired at the Duke
of Roxburghe's sale in 181 2, after a spirited
contest with his relative, Earl Spencer, at the
enormous price of two thousand two hundred
and sixty pounds. This copy, Edward Edwards
tells us {Libraries and Founders of Libraries),
had been offered to Lord Sunderland for a
hundred guineas just a century before one of his
great-grandsons offered more than two thousand
guineas for it, and was outbidden by another.
Among many other choice manuscripts and rare
books the library contained a beautiful Missal,
said to have been executed for Diana of Poitiers ;
no fewer than eighteen Caxtons ; the Bokys of
Hawkyng and Huntyng, printed at St. Albans in
i486 ; a large number of very rare books from the
presses of Machlinia, Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde,
and other early English printers ; a copy on
vellum of the first edition of Luther's translation
of the Bible after his final revision ; a collection
of Churchyard's Works in two volumes ; many of
the early editions of Shakespeare's plays, together
with the first edition of his Sonnets ; and Ireland's
account of the Shakesperian Forgery, in his own
handwriting. The collection was especially rich in
missals, books of emblems, and Italian, Spanish,
and French romances of chivalry, poetry, and
The extravagance of the Duke compelled him
to dispose of his magnificent collection during
his lifetime, and it was sold in two parts by
Mr. Evans at 26 Pall Mall. The sale, which
consisted of four thousand seven hundred and
one lots, commenced on the 7th of June 1819 and
lasted till the 3rd of July following. It realised
but fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty-
two pounds, ten shillings and sixpence, a much
less sum than that paid for the books by the
Duke. The Valdarfer Boccaccio sold for nine
hundred and eighteen pounds, fifteen shillings,
and the Caxtons fetched one thousand three
hundred and sixteen pounds, twelve shillings and
sixpence ; the highest prices being obtained for
Gower's Confessio A mantis, and Chaucer's Troylus
and Creside, which realised two hundred and
five pounds, sixteen shillings, and one hundred
and sixty-two pounds, fifteen shillings. The
Book of St. Albans, which was imperfect, fetched
eighty-four pounds ; Luther's translation of the
Bible, two hundred and twenty pounds, ten shil-
lings ; Churchyard's Works, eighty-five pounds,
one shilling; and Shakespeare's Sonnets, thirty-
seven pounds. The Missal said to have been
written for Diana of Poitiers sold for one
hundred and ten pounds, five shillings.
HAMILTON, 1767-1852
A good library had no doubt existed in Hamilton
Palace for a considerable period of time, but
Alexander, tenth Duke of Hamilton, who was
born on the 5th of October 1767, and died on the
1 8th of August 1852, was the first of his line
who was a book-collector on an extensive scale.
He formed a large and very choice collection
of printed books, but that of his manuscripts
was of still greater interest and value. It was
wonderfully rich in Bibles and portions of
the Scriptures, Missals, Breviaries and Books
of Hours, many of them having been written
and illuminated for Francis 1., King of France,
the Emperor Maximilian, Pope Leo x., the
Duke of Guise, and other distinguished per-
sonages. The finest of these was a copy of
the Gospels in Latin, known as 'The Golden
Gospels,' written about the end of the eighth
century in gold letters upon purple vellum, which
was at one time the property of King Henry vm.
Another famous manuscript in the library, valued
at five thousand pounds, was the Divina Com-
media of Dante, illustrated with upwards of
eighty original designs attributed to Sandro
Botticelli, now in the Royal Library at Berlin.
In addition to his own books, the Duke ac-
quired the whole of William Beckford's splendid
collection by his marriage with Beckford's
daughter Susan Euphemia. William, the eleventh
Duke, who was born on February the 19th,
181 1, and died on July the 15th, 1863, added
considerably to the library, but his successor was
reluctantly obliged to part with it, and it was
advertised to be sold by auction on June 30th,
1882. Before, however, the time appointed for
the sale, the Royal Museum at Berlin, by a
private arrangement, acquired the whole of the
manuscripts for a sum which is believed to have
amounted to about seventy-five thousand pounds,
and they were divided between that Institution
and the Royal Library at Berlin. A portion of
them, which related to Scottish history, was
purchased of the Prussian authorities by the
British Museum ; and ninety-one other manu-
scripts which were not required by the Berlin
Museum, including the ' Golden Gospels,' were
sent to Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, by
whom they were sold on the 23rd of May 1889
for fifteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine
pounds, ten shillings and sixpence. The ' Golden
Gospels' was bought by Mr. Quaritch for one
thousand five hundred pounds. The printed
books were sold by the same auctioneers on
May 1st, 1884, and seven following days. The
sale consisted of two thousand one hundred and
thirty-six lots, and realised twelve thousand eight
hundred and ninety-two pounds, twelve shillings
and sixpence. The following are a few of trie
rarest and most interesting books, and the prices
they fetched — Boecius de Consolatione Philosophic,
printed by Caxton in 1477-78, one hundred and
sixty pounds ; Dante's Commedia, printed at
Florence in 1481, with twenty engravings by
Baccio Baldini, three hundred and eighty pounds;
the Poems of Pindar in Greek, printed by Aldus
in 1513, with the arms of France and the mono-
gram and devices of Henry 11. and Diana of
Poitiers on the binding, one hundred and forty-
one pounds ; the Prince of Condd's copy of
LHystoire dn Roy Perceforest, Paris, 1528, with
his arms on the covers, one hundred and eighteen
pounds ; a dedication copy, printed upon vellum,
and bound for James v., King of Scotland, of
Hector Boece's History and Croniklis, translated
by Bellenden, and printed at Edinburgh in 1536,
the binding having on the upper cover iacobvs
qvintvs, and on the lower rex scotorvm, eight
hundred pounds ; a Collection of Architectural
Designs, executed with pen and ink by J.
Androuet du Cerceau, in a beautiful binding
attributed to Clovis Eve, two hundred and forty
pounds ; De Bry's Collectiones Peregrinationum,
in eleven volumes, bound in blue morocco by
Derome, five hundred and sixty pounds ; Book of
Common Prayer, 1637, f°no — King Charles i.'s
copy, with numerous alterations in his own hand-
writing which were used in printing the Scottish
Prayer-book of the same year, usually termed
Laud's Book. Prefixed to the Order for Morning
Prayer the King has written : ' Charles R. — I gave
the Archbp. of Canterbury comand to make the
alteracons expressed in this Book and to fit a
Liturgy for the Church of Scotland, and where-
soever they shall differ from another Booke
signed by us at Hamp*. Court Septembr. 28, 1634,
our pleasure is to have these followed rather than
the former ; unless the Archbp. of St. Andrews
and his Brethren who are upon the place shall
see apparent reason to the contrary. At White-
hall, April 19, 1636' — one hundred and thirty-
seven pounds.
The paintings and objects of art belonging to
the Duke of Hamilton were sold in July 1882,
and realised three hundred and ninety-seven
thousand pounds.
Bart., 1 771 -1823
Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart., was the
eldest son of Sir Christopher Sykes, second
baronet, of Sledmere, Yorkshire. He was born
on the 20th of August 1771, and in his seven-
teenth year was sent to Brasenose College,
Oxford. In 1795 he served the office of High
Sheriff of Yorkshire, and on the death of hi^
father in 1801 he succeeded to the title and
estates. He was elected Member of Parliament
for the city of York in 1807 ; was again returned
in 181 2 and 18 13, and retired on account of ill
health in 1820. Sir M. Masterman Sykes was
twice married. His first wife was Henrietta,
daughter and heiress of Henry Masterman of
Settrington, Yorkshire, and on his union with
her in 1795 he assumed the additional name of
Masterman. She died in 1813, and in the
following year he married Mary Elizabeth,
daughter of William Tatton Egerton, and sister
of Wilbraham Tatton Egerton, of Tatton Park,
who survived him. Sir Mark died at Weymouth,
on his way to London, on the 16th of February
1823. He had no children, and was succeeded
by his brother, Sir Tatton Sykes.
Sir M. Masterman Sykes early developed a
love for books, and the magnificent library which
he formed, one of the finest private collections
in England, was the result of upwards of thirty
years' unremitting and careful work. Some of
the rare volumes it contained, we are informed in
the preface to the sale catalogue of his library
written by the Rev. H. J. Todd, 'were procured
during the collector's travels abroad, but many of
them were acquired at the dispersion of the
libraries of Major Pearson, Dr. Farmer, Steevens,
Reed, the Rev. Mr. Brand, the Duke of Rox-
burghe and others, but especially of that of the
late Mr. Edwards, from whom the celebrated
Livy of 1469 was obtained — the only known copy
of the first edition of Livy on vellum.'
Among the principal treasures of the collection
were the Gutenberg Bible; the Psalter of 1459,
on vellum ; the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum
of Durandus, on vellum, 1459; the Catholicon of
Joannes Balbus de Janua, 1460; the Latin Bible
of 1462, on vellum ; and the Epistles of St.
Jerome, on vellum, 1470: all printed at Mentz.
The library was especially rich in early
editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, and on
its shelves were to be found the only copy known
to exist on vellum of the first edition of Livy,
printed at Rome by Sweynheym and Pannartz
about 1469, to which we have already referred ;
the first edition of Pliny, printed by Joannes de
Spira at Venice in 1469; that printed at Rome
by Sweynheym and Pannartz in 1470 ; a copy on
vellum of the beautiful 1472 edition from the
press of Nicolas Jenson of Venice ; and the earliest
editions of Homer, Cicero, Horace, Virgil, Tacitus,
Terence, and Valerius Maximus.
The library also contained the Dante printed
at Foligno in 1472, and that printed at Florence
in 1 48 1 ; the first issue of the Latin trans-
lation of the Letter of Columbus, printed at
Rome in 1493 ; a fine copy of the Poliphili
Hypnerotomachia, printed by Aldus at Venice in
1499; the Aldine Petrarch of 1501 ; several rare
Missals and Books of Hours, the most notable of
them being a vellum copy of the Vallombrosa
Missal, printed at Florence in 1503 ; and a copy
of the Tewrdannck, also on vellum, printed at
Nuremberg in 151 7.
There were several Caxtons, among them
being The Myrrour of the IVorld and Higden's
Poly chron icon.
The literature of the reigns of Elizabeth and
James 1. was well represented, and the library
contained a copy of that rare work, Archbishop
Parker's De Antiquitate Ecclesice Britannicce.
The collection also comprised several fine
and interesting manuscripts. Deserving especial
notice were a beautiful illuminated Office, on
vellum, of the Virgin Mary, executed for Francis 1.,
King of France ; the original Report of Con-
vocation to Henry vm. on the Legality of his
proposed Divorce from Anne of Cleves, sub-
scribed with the autograph signatures of the
Archbishop and all the Bishops and Clergy
assembled in Convocation, dated July 9th, 1540;
and an autograph manuscript of Dugdale's
Visitation of the County of York in 1665-66.
SirM. Masterman Sykes possessed an immense
collection of prints. It included a complete set
of Bartolozzi's engravings which is said to have
cost Sir Mark nearly five thousand pounds ; his
collection of portraits was considered to be one of
the best in the kingdom ; and Dibdin declared
that his ' Faithornes and Hollars almost defied
competition.' He also accumulated a considerable
number of pictures, bronzes, coins and medals.
All the collections were dispersed by sale
in 1824. The books were sold by Mr. Evans
of Pall Mall in three parts, commencing on the
nth of May and continuing until the 28th of
June. The total amount realised was eighteen
thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine pounds,
sixteen shillings. The prices obtained were by
no means high. The Gutenberg Bible, which
was a very fine one, fetched less than two hundred
pounds, and the copy of the Mentz Psalter, for
which Mr. Quaritch subsequently gave four
thousand nine hundred and fifty pounds at Sir J.
H. Thorold's sale in 1884, sold for one hundred
and thirty-six pounds, ten shillings. The Latin
Bible of 1462 was disposed of for the same sum ;
and the unique vellum Livy, which cost Sir
Mark nine hundred and three pounds at the sale
of Mr. Edwards's books in 18 15, realised but four
hundred and seventy-two pounds, ten shillings.
This volume was bought by Messrs. Payne and
Foss, who sold it to Mr. John Dent, and at the
sale of his collection in 1827 it was acquired for
two hundred and sixty-two pounds, ten shillings
by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, who
bequeathed it to the British Museum in 1846.
The three manuscripts mentioned — The Office of
the Virgin Mary, the Report of Convocation on
Henry viii.'s divorce from Anne of Cleves, and
Dugaale's Visitation of the County of York —
fetched respectively one hundred and sixty-three
pounds, sixteen shillings ; two hundred and
fifteen pounds, five shillings ; and one hundred
and fifty-seven pounds, ten shillings.
Sir M. Masterman Sykes was one of the
original members of the Roxburghe Club, and
in 1818 printed for presentation to the members
a portion of Lydgate's Poems. He was the
1 Lorenzo ' of Dibdin, who describes him as ' not
less known than respected for the suavity of his
manners, the kindness of his disposition, and
the liberality of his conduct in all matters con-
nected with books and prints.'
RICHARD HEBER, 1773-1833
Richard Heber, styled by Sir Walter Scott
1 Heber the Magnificent, whose library and cellar
are so superior to all others in the world,' was
the eldest son of Reginald Heber, lord of the
manors of Marton in Yorkshire, and Hodnet in
Shropshire, and was half-brother to Reginald
Heber, Bishop of Calcutta. He was born in
Westminster on the 5th of January 1773, and
was first educated under the private tuition of
the Rev. George Henry Glasse ; afterwards pro-
ceeding to Brasenose College, Oxford, where he
graduated B.A. in 1796, and M.A. in the follow-
ing year. In 1822 the University conferred on
him the degree of D.C.L. On the death of his
father in 1804, Heber succeeded to the estates in
Yorkshire and Shropshire, which he considerably
augmented and improved. He was one of the
founders of the Athenaeum Club, and in 1821 he
was elected a representative in Parliament for the
University of Oxford, but resigned his seat in
1826. From his earliest years he was an ardent
collector, and Dibdin says that he had seen a
catalogue of Heber's books, compiled by him at
the age of eight; and when ten years old he
requested his father to buy some volumes at a
certain sale, where ' there would be the best
editions of the classics.' Of many of his books
he possessed several copies, and on being asked
by a friend why he purchased them, he seriously
replied : ' Why, you see, Sir, no man can com-
fortably do without three copies of a book. One
he must have for his show copy, and he will
probably keep it at his country house. Another
he will require for his own use and reference ;
and unless he is inclined to part with this, which
is very inconvenient, or risk the injury of his
best copy, he must needs have a third at the
service of his friends.' Soon after the peace of
181 5 Heber paid a visit to the Continent to
collect books for his library, and in 1825 he
again left England for a considerable period for
the purpose of still further adding to his literary
stores. On his return in 1831 he spent his time
in seclusion between his country residence at
Hodnet, near Shrewsbury, and his house at
Pimlico, devoting himself to the last days of his
life to the increase of his immense collection.
He died at Pimlico of an attack on the lungs,
accompanied with jaundice, on the 4th of October
1833, and was buried at Hodnet on the 16th of
the following month. The Rev. Mr. Dyce in a
letter to Sir Egerton Brydges, gives a melancholy
account of his end. ' Poor man,' he writes, ' he
expired at Pimlico, in the midst of his rare
property, without a friend to close his eyes, and
from all I have heard I am led to believe he died
broken-hearted : he had been ailing for some
time, but took no care of himself, and seemed
indeed to court death. Yet his ruling passion
was strong to the last. The morning he died he
wrote out some memoranda for Thorpe about
books which he wished to be purchased for him.
He was the most liberal of book-collectors : I
never asked him for the loan of a volume, which
he could lay his hand on, he did not immediately
send me.'1 Heber, who was a man of deep
learning, numbered among his friends Porson,
Cracherode, Canning, Southey, Dr. Burney, Sir
1 The Book Fancier. By Percy Fitzgerald (London, 1887), p. 230.
Walter Scott, and many other distinguished
persons. Sir Walter dedicated the sixth canto
of Marmion to him, and alludes to his library in
the following lines : —
' Thy volumes, open as thy heart,
Delight, amusement, science, art,
To every ear and eye impart ;
Yet who, of all who thus employ them,
Can like the owner's self enjoy them ? —
But, hark ! I hear the distant drum !
The day of Flodden Field is come. —
Adieu, dear Heber ! Life and health,
And store of literary wealth.'
The number of volumes accumulated by Heber
was enormous. He collected manuscripts as well
as printed books. At the time of his death he
possessed eight houses overflowing with books.
At Hodnet he had built a new library which he
is said to have filled with volumes selected on
account of their fine condition ; and so careful
was he of these, that occasionally he used to
engage the whole of the inside places of the
coach for their conveyance from London. The
walls of all the rooms and passages of his house
at Pimlico were lined with books; and another
house in York Street, Westminster, which he
used as a depository for newly purchased books,
was literally crammed with them from the floors
to the ceilings. He had a library in the High
Street, Oxford ; an immense collection at Paris,
which was sold in the years 1834 to 1836;
another at Ghent, sold in 1835; and others
at Brussels and Antwerp, together with smaller
gatherings in several places on the Continent.
Dibdin estimated the total number of volumes in
Heber's collections in England at one hundred
and twenty-seven thousand five hundred, but
other calculations have placed it at a somewhat
lower figure. The whole of the libraries which
he possessed in England and on the Continent
probably contained from one hundred and forty-
five thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand
volumes, as well as a very large number of
pamphlets ; and they are believed to have cost
him about a hundred thousand pounds. As
Heber was an accomplished scholar as well as
a collector, his books were chosen with ability
and judgment. He was a purchaser at every
great sale, and so keen was he in the prosecution
of his favourite pursuit, that on hearing of a rare
book he has been known to undertake a coach
journey of several hundred miles to obtain it.
His library was particularly rich in the works of
the early English poets, and his collection of
Greek and Latin Classics, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese and French books was very exten-
sive and choice, but he had a great objection to
large paper copies, because they occupied so
much room on his shelves. He possessed also
a number of books printed in Mexico ; and
among his manuscripts were to be found the
letters and papers of Sir Julius Caesar, the auto-
graph manuscript of The Monastery, by Sir
Walter Scott, and a large collection of the letters
of distinguished men. For a considerable period
his will could not be found, although diligent
search was made for it, both at home and abroad,
and his sister, Mrs. Cholmondeley, was on the
point of taking out letters of administration,
when it was accidentally discovered by Dr. Dibdin
among some books on an upper shelf at Pimlico.
As it did not contain any directions as to the
disposal of his books, those in England, together
with some brought from Holland, were sold by
Sotheby and Son, Evans, and Wheatley at a series
of sales extending over four years, and realised
fifty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-four
pounds, twelve shillings. The catalogue is in
thirteen parts, bearing the dates 1834-37. His
books on the Continent, with the drawings and
coins, fetched about ten thousand pounds more.
Heber edited the works of Persius Flaccus,
Silius Italicus, and Claudianus. He also re-
printed the Call ha Poetarum, or the Bumble Bee,
of T. Cutwode, from the edition of 1599, for the
Roxburghe Club, and assisted in the preparation
of the third edition of Ellis's Specimens of tlte
Early English Poets.
OF BUCKINGHAM, 1776-1839
Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos
Grenville, first Duke of Buckingham, was born
in London on the 20th of March 1776. He was
the eldest son of George Grenville, Earl Temple,
who was made Marquis of Buckingham in 1784.
He began collecting books at a very early age,
and in 1798 had already commenced the forma-
tion of a library at Stowe ; and the acquisition of
the manuscripts and papers of Thomas Astle,
Keeper of the Records in the Tower; the Irish
manuscripts from Belanagare, the seat of The
O'Conor Don ; the State Papers of Arthur Capel,
Earl of Essex, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland in the
reign of Charles 11., together with some other
purchases, placed his library among the finest
private collections in the kingdom.1 On the
death of his father in 181 3 he succeeded to the
title, and nine years later he was created Duke
of Buckingham and Chandos. In 1827, in con-
sequence of his great expenditure on his various
collections, and the munificence with which he
had entertained the royal family of France, he
found himself in embarrassed circumstances, and
1 A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Stowe library by
the Rev. Charles O'Conor, D.D., the Duke's librarian, was printed in
left England, remaining abroad about two years.
In 1834 he was compelled to sell his furniture,
pictures, and articles of virtu, but did not part
with his books, which, on his death on the
17th of January 1839, passed into the possession
of his only son, Richard Plantagenet Temple
Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, who was
born on February the nth, 1797. The habits
of the son were not less extravagant than those
of his father, and in 1847 tne effects at Stowe
and his other residences were seized by bailiffs,
and in August and September 1848 the pictures,
furniture, china, plate, etc., were sold by auction,
realising over seventy-five thousand five hundred
pounds. The printed books in the library were
sold by Sotheby and Wilkinson, on January 8th,
1849, and eleven following days, and January 29,
and eleven following days. There were six thou-
sand two hundred and twelve lots in the two
sales, which brought ten thousand three hundred
and fifty-five pounds, seven shillings and six-
pence. The extensive and valuable series of
engraved portraits contained in the Duke's illus-
trated copy of the Biographical History of
England, by the Rev. James Granger, was sold
by the same auctioneers on March 5th and eight
following days, and a continuation of it by the
Rev. Mark Noble, together with some other
engravings, on the 21st of March and five follow-
ing days. There were two thousand two hundred
and one lots in these two sales, for which the
sum of three thousand seven hundred and ninct\ -
nine pounds, eighteen shillings and sixpence was
obtained. The manuscripts were bought by the
Earl of Ashburnham for eight thousand pounds.
The collection of printed books in the Stowe
library was inferior in interest to that of the
manuscripts, but it contained some rare and
choice volumes. Amongst them was a block-
book, The Apocalypse, which sold for ninety-four
pounds ; Missale ad us urn Ecclesice Andega-
vensis, on vellum, printed in 1489, sixty-three
pounds ; Le Fevre's Recuyles of the Hy story es
of Troye, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1503,
fifty-five pounds ; a complete set of the twenty-
five parts in eight volumes of De Bry's Collec-
t tones Peregrinationum, printed at Frankfurt in
1 590- 1 634, eighty-one pounds ; De Bry's Relation
of Virginia, translated by Hariot, printed at
Frankfurt in 1590, sixty-three pounds; the first
Shakespeare folio (mended, and the title-page
slightly imperfect), seventy-six pounds ; fine,
large, and perfect copies of the second and third
folios, eleven pounds, five shillings and thirty-
five pounds; Shakespeare's Poems, 1640, seven
pounds, ten shillings ; Prynne's Records, three
volumes, 1665-70, one hundred and forty pounds ;
the fourth volume, printed in 1665 or 1666,
believed to be unique, three hundred and thirty-
five pounds ; Houbraken's Heads of Illustrious
Persons, two volumes, 1756, folio, large paper,
with first states and duplicate proofs of the
plates, etc., ninety -one pounds; Bartolozzi's
Engravings, a collection of six hundred and
sixty plates in various proof states, bound in
eight folio volumes, sixty-two pounds ; Boydell's
Prints, five hundred and forty fine impressions,
bound in nine folio volumes, seventy-eight
pounds, fifteen shillings ; Lysons's Topographical
Account of Buckinghamshire \ inlaid in eight
volumes, atlas folio, and super-illustrated with
four hundred and eighty drawings, etc., five
hundred and forty pounds ; and Lysons's Environs
of London, large paper, eighteen volumes quarto,
super -illustrated with eight hundred drawings
and a large number of plates, one hundred and
thirty-three pounds. The Duke, who died at
the Great Western Hotel, London, on July
the 29th, 1 86 1, was the author of Memoirs of the
Court and Cabinets of George III., 1853-55, two
volumes ; Memoirs of the Court of England
during the Regency, 1856, two volumes ; Memoirs
of the Court of George IV., 1859, two volumes ;
Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of
William IV. and Victoria, 1861, two volumes;
and Private Diary of Richard, Duke of Buck-
ingham and Chandos, 1862, four volumes;
together with a few political works.
HENRY PERKINS, 1778-1855
Henry Perkins, who was born in 1778, was
a partner in the well-known firm of Barclay,
Perkins and Co., brewers, but he does not appear
to have taken an active part in the business, and
he spent the later part of his life in retirement
among his books at Hanworth Park, Middlesex.
He died at Dover on the 15th of April 1855.
Mr. Perkins, who was a Fellow of the
Linnean, Geological and Horticultural Societies,
possessed a small but exceedingly valuable library,
which, among many other extremely rare books,
contained two copies of the Gutenberg Bible, one
on vellum and the other on paper; a copy on
vellum of Fust and Schoeffer's Latin Bible of
1462; a copy of the Coverdale Bible; several
works from the press of Caxton, and the first
four editions of Shakespeare's Plays. It also
comprised many fine manuscripts, some of them
superbly illuminated. Mr. Henry Perkins be-
queathed his books to his son, Mr. Algernon
Perkins, and after his death in 1870 they were
sold by auction at Hanworth by Gadsden, Ellis
and Co. on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of June
1873. There were but eight hundred and sixty-
five lots in the sale, but they realised an average
of thirty pounds, or a total o^twenty-five thousand
nine hundred and fifty-four pounds, four shillings,
the largest sum ever obtained for a library of the
same extent. The vellum copy of the Gutenberg
Bible was purchased for the Earl of Ashburnham
for three thousand four hundred pounds ; and
the paper copy, now in the Huth library, fetched
two thousand six hundred and ninety. Fust
and Schoeffer's Latin Bible of 1462, which Mr.
Perkins acquired at the sale of Mr. Dent's books
for one hundred and seventy-three pounds, five
shillings, sold for seven hundred and eighty
pounds ; while the copy of Coverdale's Bible,
which wanted the title and two following leaves
and the map, realised four hundred pounds ; and
the 1623 edition of Shakespeare's Plays brought
five hundred and eighty-five pounds. The manu-
scripts also went for large sums. John Lydgate's
Sege of Troye, a magnificently illuminated manu-
script on vellum of the fifteenth century; Les
CEuvres Diverses of Jehan de Meun ; and Les
Cent Histoires de Troye of Christine de Pisan,
of about the same period, sold respectively for
thirteen hundred and twenty, six hundred and
ninety, and six hundred and fifty pounds. The
prices obtained for the books were generally
greatly in excess of those given by Mr. Perkins
for them.
Frederick Perkins of Chepstead, Kent, born
in 1780, was a brother of Henry Perkins,
and a partner in the same firm. He also
formed a good library, which contained the
first four Shakespeare folios, and a considerable
number of the separate plays in quarto. Among
them were the first editions of Loves Labour
Lost, Much Ado about Nothing, the Second
Part of Henry the Fourth, Troilus a fid Cress ida,
Pericles, Othello, and the second or first com-
plete edition of Romeo and Juliet, as well as the
first edition of Lucrece. Three Caxtons were to
be found in the collection : the Mirrour of the
IVorld, the Chastising of Goddes Children, and
Higden's Polycronicon, but they were not good
copies. The library also comprised some fine
illuminated Horae and other manuscripts, in-
cluding a copy on vellum of Chaucer's Canter-
bury Tales of the fifteenth century. Mr. Perkins
died on the ioth of October i860, and his library
was sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge on
July ioth, 1889, and six following days. There
were two thousand and eighty-six lots in the
sale, which realised eight thousand two hundred
and twenty-two pounds, seven shillings. The
first Shakespeare folio fetched four hundred and
fifteen pounds, the second forty-seven pounds,
the third one hundred pounds, and the fourth
fourteen pounds. Of the quarto plays, the Second
Part of Henry the Fourth sold for two hundred
and twenty-five pounds, Otliello for one hundred
and thirty pounds, and Ro?neo and fuliet for one
hundred and sixty-four pounds. The copies of
Loves Labour Lost, Much Ado about Nothing,
Troilus and Cressida, and Pericles were poor
ones, and realised but comparatively small sums.
The Lucrece fetched two hundred pounds.
John Bellingham Inglis was born in London
on the 14th of February 1780. His father, a
partner in the firm of Inglis, Ellice and Co.,
merchants, Mark Lane, London, was a Director
of the East India Company, and was at one time
its Chairman. In consequence of the failure of
his father young Inglis set up in business on
his own account in the wine trade, but this not
proving successful, he retired after a short time
on the money rescued from the wreck of the
fortune of his father, who died soon after his
failure. He resided for many years in St. John's
Wood, but afterwards removed to Hampstead
Heath. He died at 13 Albion Road, N.W., on
the 9th of December 1870.
Mr. Inglis, who was a good classical scholar,
an excellent linguist, and a man of considerable
literary ability, commenced collecting books at a
very early age, and soon formed a very valuable
and important library, which was especially rich
in works from the presses of the early English
printers. Unlike some possessors of libraries,
he read the books which he had collected ; and
the Duke of Sussex, at one of his literary dinners
at Kensington Palace, is reported to have said :
' Gentlemen, you are all very learned about titles,
editions, and printers, but none of you seem to
have read anything of the books except Mr.
Inglis here.' In 1832 he translated into English,
for the first time, the Philobiblon of Richard de
Bury, and presented it to Thomas Rodd, the
bookseller, who published it. He also made
translations of several other mediaeval printed
books and manuscripts, which have never been
published. A biographical notice of him appears
in The Bookworm of December 1870, by J. P.
Berjeau, the editor of that periodical. A por-
tion of Inglis's books was sold anonymously by
Sotheby on June 9th, 1826, and seven following
days. The title-page of the catalogue reads :
' Catalogue of a singularly curious and valuable
selection from the Library of a Gentleman, in-
cluding three extraordinary specimens of Block
Printing; Books printed in the Fifteenth Century;
Books printed on vellum ; Fine copies of Works
from the Presses of Caxton, Machlinia, Wynkyn
de Worde, Pynson, Julyan Notary, Verard, etc. ;
an extensive Collection of Old English Poetry ;
Romances ; Historical and Theological Tracts ;
early Voyages and Travels ; curious Treatises
on Witches and Witchcraft ; some of the earliest
Dictionaries and Vocabularies in the English
Language, etc. Likewise several Manuscripts
on vellum, most beautifully illuminated, etc/
The number of lots in this sale was sixteen
hundred and sixty-five, and the sum realised
three thousand three hundred and thirty-three
pounds, nine shillings and sixpence. The prices
obtained for the books were extremely low. The
three block-books: — the first edition of the
Speculum Humancz Salvationist Historia Sancti
Johannis Evangelistce ejusque Visiones Apoca-
lyftticce, and the Biblia Pauperum fetched but
ninety-five pounds, eleven shillings ; forty-seven
pounds, five shillings, and thirty-six pounds,
fifteen shillings respectively ; while no more than
four hundred and thirty-one pounds, fifteen
shillings and sixpence could be obtained for the
thirteen Caxtons in the sale — about thirty-three
pounds each. The following are a few of the
other notable books in this fine collection, and
the prices they fetched : Les Faits de Maistre
Alain Char tier, imprimez a Paris par Pierre
le Caron pour Anthoine Verard, printed on
vellum, with capital letters painted in gold and
colours, fifty-six pounds, fourteen shillings ; Le
Recueil des Histoires Troiennes, imprime a Paris
par Anthoine Verard, presentation copy to
Charles vin., printed on vellum, ornamented with
eighty-three miniatures, twenty-seven pounds ;
Vincent, Les cinq volumes du Miroir Hystorial,
imprime a Paris par Ant home Verard% 1495-96,
forty-six pounds, four shillings ; Speculum Chris-
tiani, printed by Machlinia, sixteen pounds,
sixteen shillings ; Promptorius Puerorum, printed
by Pynson in 1499, thirty-eight pounds, seven-
teen shillings ; The Floure of the Commandments
of God, Wynkyn de Worde, 1521, thirteen pounds,
thirteen shillings ; Tlte Catechisme, set furth by
. . . fohne, Archbischop of Sane t Androus, etc.
Prentit at Satict Androus, 1552, sixteen pounds,
five shillings and sixpence; Mary of Nemmegen,
printed at Antwerp by Jan Van Doesborgh in
1518 or 1519, the only copy known, twenty-four
pounds; Painter, The Palace of Pleasure, London,
Thomas Marshe, 1575, a very fine copy, twenty-
three pounds ; and Shakespeare's Sonnets,
London, 1609, forty pounds, nineteen shillings.
Perhaps the finest of the manuscripts were a
beautifully illuminated copy on vellum of the
Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum, Anglice, by
Bartholomaeus de Glanvilla, written towards the
end of the fourteenth century, which fetched
fifty-one pounds, nine shillings ; and Boccaccio's
Tragedies of the Falle of Unfortunate Princes,
translated into English verse, written on vellum
in England in the early part of the fifteenth
century, and richly illuminated. Thirty pounds,
nine shillings was all that was obtained for this
fine manuscript. After Inglis's death, his son,
Dr. C. Inglis, sold such books as he could not
find room for. They were disposed of by Sotheby,
Wilkinson and Hodge on the 31st of July 1871,
and five following days, and realised two thou-
sand seven hundred and sixty-six pounds, thirteen
shillings and sixpence. Among the fifteen hun-
dred and eighty-eight lots in the sale were a
few rare books and some fine papyri. A third
sale of the books in this splendid library, by
order of Dr. C. Inglis, took place on June nth,
1900, and three following days, by the same
auctioneers. In this sale there were eight
hundred and forty-nine lots, for which the sum
of seven thousand five hundred and nineteen
pounds, twelve shillings and sixpence was ob-
tained. Although no Caxtons were to be found
among the books, there were many rare and in-
teresting examples from the presses of Machlinia,
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, Julian Notary and
other early English printers. The foreign printers
were also well represented, and the collection
contained several beautiful Books of Hours,
both printed and in manuscript. Some very
high prices were obtained for the more important
books, as the following list of a few of the most
notable will show: — Speculum Hutnancz Salva-
tionis, printed by G. Zainer at Augsburg in 147 1,
eighty-four pounds ; Turrecremata, Medita-
tiones, Romae, 1473, one hundred pounds ; the
first edition of the Philobiblon of Richard de
Bury, Colonise, 1473, eighty pounds ; Rolle de
2 Y
Hampole super Job, attributed to the Oxford
press of Rood and Hunt, about 1481-86, three
hundred pounds; Chronicle of England, printed
by Machlinia about 1484, one hundred and
seventy-five pounds ; Heures de lusaige de
Rom me, with cuts printed in various colours,
Paris, Jehan du Prd, 1490, two hundred and
seventy-two pounds ; First Letter of Columbus
(Latin) 1493, Vespuccius, Mundus Novus, 1502,
and other rare tracts in one volume, two hundred
and thirty pounds ; Verardus in Laudem Fer-
nandi Hispaniarum Regis, etc., containing the
letter of Columbus to King Ferdinand on his
discovery of America, 1494, ninety pounds;
Vitas Pat rum, printed by Wynkyn de Worde
in 1495, fifty pounds ; Hoe/ken van Devotien,
Antwerpen, 1496, one hundred and one pounds ;
Post ilia Epistolarum et Evangeliorum Domiui-
calium, printed by Julian Notary in 1509, fifty
pounds ; Mirrour of Oure Ladye, R. Fawkes,
153O1 forty-nine pounds; Heures de Rome, with
illustrations by Geofifroy Tory, Paris, 1525, one
hundred and forty-four pounds ; and Spenser's
Faerie Queene, Foure Hymnes, Prothalamion,
etc., all first editions, 1590-96, one hundred and
seventy pounds.
Mr. William Henry Miller, who was born in
1789, was the only child of Mr. William Miller of
Craigentinny, Midlothian. In 1830 he entered
Parliament as one of the Members for Newcastle-
under-Lyme, which seat he held until the year
1 84 1. He died unmarried at his residence,
Craigentinny House, near Edinburgh, on the
31st of October 1848, and was buried, according
to his desire, in a mausoleum on his estate.
Mr. Miller formed a fine collection of very
choice books at Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire,
many of which he acquired at the Heber and
other important sales of the first half of the
nineteenth century. He was very particular
about the condition and size of the volumes
he purchased, and from his habit of carrying
a foot-rule about him for the purpose of ascer-
taining their dimensions he became known as
1 Measure Miller.' The library was bequeathed
to his cousin Miss Marsh, from whom it passed
to Mr. Samuel Christie-Miller, who was Member
for Newcastle-under-Lyme from 1847 t0 1%S9> an<^
on his death on the 5th of April 1889 to Mr.
Wakefield Christie-Miller, who died at Dublin
on the 22nd of February 1898. Many rare books
have been added to the Britwell Library by its
later possessors. The additions made by the last
owner were especially important, notably that of
the larger portion of the Elizabethan rarities
discovered in 1867 at Lamport Hall, the seat of
Sir Charles Isham ; and the collection may now
be considered unrivalled among private libraries
for the number of choice examples of English
and Scottish literature which it contains, par-
ticularly in the division of English poetry. The
finest copy known of the Dictes or Sayings of
tlic Philosophers, one of the three extant copies
of the Morale Prouerbes of Cristyne, and nine
other works printed by Caxton, are to be found
on the shelves of the library, as well as a large
number of books from the presses of Wynkyn
de Worde, Pynson, Julyan Notary, and other
early English printers. Among them are many
editions of the grammatical treatises of Robert
Whitinton and John Stanbridge, printed by
Wynkyn de Worde, and unique copies of Fitz-
herbert's Boke of Husbandrie, the romance of
Oliver of Castile, and Fysshynge with an Angle,
all by the same printer. The library contains also
a fine series of the early editions of the English
Chronicles, and of the works of Chaucer. Among
the treasures of the Elizabethan and Jacobean
periods are the first Shakespeare folio (the second,
third, and fourth folios are also in the library) ;
an unique copy of an edition of Venus and
Adonis, printed for William Leake at London in
1599, from the Isham collection; all the early
editions of Sidney's Arcadia ; fine examples of
the early editions of the works of Edmund
Spenser ; the only perfect copy known of the first
edition of the Paradyse of Daintie Devises ; and
remarkably complete sets of the works of Church-
yard, Breton, Greene, Dekker, Wither and Brath-
waite. Other notable books in this splendid
library are a copy on vellum, with coloured maps,
of Ptolemy's Cosmographia, printed at Ulm in
1482, and bound by Derome; the Aldine edition
of Poliphili Hypnerotomachia, in the original
binding, and an unique copy of the English
translation printed in London by Samuel Water-
son in 1592 ; a fine and perfect set in nine
parts of the Mirrour of Princely Deedes and
Knighthood (a translation of the Spanish Espejo
de Principes y Cavalleros) ; editions of Hakluyt's
Voyages ; a beautiful and tall copy of Purchas
his Pi/grimes ; the finest and most complete set
which has been formed of De Bry's Voyages;
the first issue of Milton's Paradise Lost; the
first edition of Walton's Compleat Angler in the
original sheepskin binding ; the Kilmarnock edi-
tion of Burns's Poems ; and several of the original
editions of Shelley's works, including the exces-
sively rare GEdipus Tyrannus. There is a
fine collection of early English music in the
Britwell Library, and it possesses the greater
portion of the Heber ballads and broadsides, and
a large number of books which once belonged to
1 ta Thou. Many of the volumes are masterpieces
of the work of Bedford, Riviere, Lortic, and
other English and foreign binders,
GEORGE DANIEL, 1789-1864
George Daniel was born in London on the
1 6th of September 1789. After receiving an educa-
tion at Mr. Thomas Hogg's boarding-school at
Paddington Green, he became a clerk to a stock-
broker in Tokenhouse Yard,1 and afterwards
followed the profession of an accountant ; but he
employed all his leisure time in literary pursuits,
and in the collection of books, works of art and
curiosities. He commenced writing at a very
early age, and was the author of a novel The
Adventures of Dick Distich, and a considerable
number of poetical and dramatic pieces. He also
contributed many articles to Ackerman's Poetical
Magazine, Bentleys Miscellany, and other maga-
zines, and was the editor of Cumberland's British
Theatre, and Cumberland's Minor Theatre.
His first printed production, Stanzas on Lord
Nelsons Victory and Death, written in conjunc-
tion with a young friend, appeared in 1805, but
he tells us that he wrote some verses when he
was but eight years of age on the death of his
father. In 181 1 he published a poem called The
1 Dictionary of National Biography.
Times \ or the Prophecy, and in 181 2 a poetical
squib founded on the reputed horse-whipping of
the Prince of Wales by Lord Yarmouth, entitled
R-y-l Stripes\ or, a Kick from Yar — th to
IVa — s, for the suppression of which a large sum
was paid by the Prince Regent. In the same
year appeared The Adventures of Dick Distich
in three volumes, which was written by the
author before he was eighteen, and a volume of
Miscellaneous Poems ; and in 18 14 The Modern
Dunciad, in which he sings the praises of ' old
books, old wines, old customs, and old friends.'
He continued to write during the whole of his
life, and his last work, Love's Last Labour not
Lost, was published in 1863. Daniel was fond
of convivial society, and numbered Charles Lamb
and Robert Bloomfield among his acquaintances,
and he was also intimate with many of the
principal actors of the day. He died at his son's
house, The Grove, Stoke Newington, on the 30th
of March 1864. The cause of his death was
Daniel formed a very choice and valuable
library in his residence, 18 Canonbury Square,
Islington, which was chiefly remarkable for rare
editions of old English writers, and very fine
collections of Elizabethan black-letter ballads
and Shakespeariana. The Elizabethan ballads
would alone be sufficient to render any library
famous. They were one hundred and forty-nine
in number, and he is said to have purchased then
for fifty pounds from Mr. William Stevenson
Fitch, Postmaster at Ipswich, who is believed
to have obtained them from the housekeeper
at Helmingham Hall, Suffolk, the residence
of the Tollemache family. Of these ballads
seventy-nine were sold to Mr. Heber by Mr.
Daniel for seventy pounds, and the remaining
seventy were bought at the sale of his library
for seven hundred and fifty pounds by Mr. Huth,
who had them printed for presentation to the
members of the Philobiblon Society. The Shake-
spearian collection comprised splendid copies of
the first four folios and eighteen of the quarto
plays, together with the 1594 and 1655 editions of
Lucrece, the 1594 and 1596 editions of Venus and
Adonis, and the first editions of the Sonnets
and Poems. The library also contained a large
number of early Jest-Books, Drolleries, Garlands
and Penny-Histories ; and among the rare edi-
tions of English writers were works by John
Skelton, Edmund Spenser, Anthony Chute,
Robert Chester, Anthony Munday, Ben Jonson,
Patrick Han nay, George Herbert, Robert Herrick,
John Milton, and many others. Several very
beautiful manuscripts were also to be found in it.
Daniel's library was sold by auction by
Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge on the 20th of
July 1864, and the nine following days. There
were eighteen hundred and seventeen lots, which
realised thirteen thousand nine hundred and
eighty-four pounds, eleven shillings ; the water-
colour drawings, engravings, portraits, coins,
etc., of which there were four hundred and
sixty-one lots, were sold at the same time, and
produced one thousand eight hundred and eighty
pounds, eleven shillings more.
The sale excited great interest, and many of
the books went for large sums ; but the prices
obtained for others were small compared with
those the volumes would fetch at the present
time : a fine copy of the first edition of Walton's
Compleat Angler realised no more than twenty-
seven pounds, ten shillings. All the Shakespeares
sold well. The first folio, probably the finest
example extant, was bought by the Baroness
Burdett-Coutts for six hundred and eighty-two
guineas, till recently the highest price ever
obtained for a copy ; l and the second, third and
fourth folios fetched respectively one hundred
and forty-eight pounds, forty-six pounds, and
twenty-one pounds, ten shillings. The third folio
was a good copy, but had the title in facsimile,
which accounts for the small sum it realised. Of
the quarto plays, the first edition of King Richard
the Third — a very fine copy — sold for three
hundred and fifty-one pounds, fifteen shillings ;
1 At a sale at Sotheby's on July nth, 1899, Mr. M'George of Glasgow
gave seventeen hundred pounds for a copy; and two years later Mr. Quaritch
purchased another copy at Christie's for seventeen hundred and twenty
the first editions of the Merry Wives of IVindsor
and Loves Labour Lost for three hundred and
forty-six pounds, ten shillings each, and the first
edition of King Richard the Second for three
hundred and forty-one pounds, five shillings.
The 1594 and 1596 editions of Venus and Adonis
realised two hundred and forty pounds and three
hundred and fifteen pounds ; a copy of the Sonnets
two hundred and twenty-five pounds, fifteen
shillings ; and the first edition of Lucrece one
hundred and fifty-seven pounds, ten shillings.
The copy of Loves Labour Lost, and the 1596
edition of Venus and Adonis, of which the
Bodleian Library possesses the only other copy,
were secured for the British Museum.
The following are a few of the other more
notable books in the library, together with the
prices they fetched at the sale : — Unique copy of
The Boke of Hawkynge and Huntynge and
Fysshynge, printed by Wynkyn de Worde,
without date, one hundred and eight pounds ;
Ry chard Cuer de Lyon} also printed by Wynkyn
de Worde, 1528, ninety-two pounds ; Comfilaynt
of a Dolorous Lover, printed by Robert Wyer
about 1550, unique, sixty-seven pounds, four shil-
lings ; TJie Tragic all Historie ofRomeus andjuliet
(London, 1562), seventy-seven pounds, fourteen
shillings ; Merry Jeste of a shrewde and curste
IVyfe (London, about 1575), unique, sixty-four
pounds ; Munday's Banquet of Daintie Conceits
(London, 1588), unique, two hundred and twenty-
five pounds ; Chute' sBeawtie Dishonoured, written
under the title of Shores Wife (London, 1593),
unique, ninety-six pounds ; Maroccus Extaticus,
or Bankes Bay Horse (London, 1595), eighty-one
pounds ; Chester's Loves Martyr y or Rosalins
Complaynt (London, 1601) — this work contains a
poem (Threnos) by Shakespeare at p. 172 — one
hundred and thirty-eight pounds ; Meeting of
Gallants at an Ordinarie, or the Walkes in
Bowles (London, 1604), unique, eighty-one pounds;
Se/anus, his Fall, by Ben Jonson, first edition
(London, 1605), printed on large paper, a presenta-
tion copy from the author with the following
autograph inscription —
' To my perfect friend Mr. Francis Crane
I erect this Altar of Friendship,
and leave it as an eternall witnesse of my Love.
Ben Jonson' —
unique, one hundred and six pounds ; Hannay's
Bhilomela, the Nightingale, etc. (London, 1622),
ninety-six pounds.
A carved casket made out of the mulberry
tree in Shakespeare's Garden, and presented to
Garrick with the freedom of the borough of
Stratford-on-Avon, was purchased at Charles
Mathews's sale in 1835 by Daniel for forty-seven
guineas, and presented by him to the British
SHIRE, 1790-1858
All the Dukes of Devonshire were men of letters
and collectors of books. William, the first Duke,
acquired many volumes which had belonged to
De Thou, and William, the third Duke, bought
largely at the sales of the libraries of Colbert,
Baluze, Count von Hoym and other collectors of
his time ; but William, the sixth Duke, who was
born on May the 2 1 st, 1 790, may justly be regarded
as the founder of the Chatsworth Library in its
present form. ' He imbibed a taste for literature
and books,' says Sir J. P. Lacaita in his preface
to the catalogue of the Library, ' from his mother,
Lady Georgiana Spencer, the M beautiful Duchess
of Devonshire," and from his uncle George John,
second Earl Spencer, who formed what is perhaps
the finest private library in existence.' In 181 1
he succeeded to the Dukedom, and shortly after-
wards endeavoured to add to his library Count
M'Carthy's collection, for which he offered twenty
thousand pounds, but the offer was declined. He
purchased the choicer portion of the books of
Thomas Dampier, Bishop of Ely, and he bought
largely at the sales of the Edwards, Roxburghe,
Towneley and other libraries. In 18 15 the Duke
removed the books from his other residences to
Duke of Devonshire.
Chatsworth with a view to the formation of a
great library there,1 and in 1821 he purchased
John Philip Kemble's splendid collection of plays
for two thousand pounds, adding to it four years
later the first edition of Hamlet, which he pur-
chased of Messrs. Payne and Foss, the booksellers
of Pall Mall, for one hundred pounds. But one
other copy of this precious little volume is known
to exist, that in the British Museum, which
wants the title-page, while that acquired by the
Duke is without the last leaf. After the death of
the Duke on January the 18th, 1858, the collec-
tion at Chatsworth was further enlarged by his
successor, who transferred to it some choice
books from the library at Chiswick, and also
added to it a select portion of the books
of his brother, Lord Richard Cavendish, who
died in 1873.2 In 1879 a catalogue of the
books at Chatsworth was compiled by Sir J. P.
Lacaita, the librarian, in four volumes, and printed
at the Chiswick Press. The library is rich in
choice and early editions of the Greek and Latin
Classics, and the productions of the Aldine Press
are particularly numerous and fine. Of the Bibles,
the Latin Bible of 1462, and a vellum copy of
that printed by Jenson in 1476, are perhaps the
most important. As many as twenty-five works
from the press of Caxton, and twenty-four from
1 Preface to the catalogue of the library at Chatsworth, by Sir J. P.
Lacaita. ■ Ibid.
that of Wynkyn de Worde are to be found in the
catalogue. Among the Caxtons is a copy of the
Recuyell of the Histories of Troye, which once
belonged to Elizabeth Grey, wife of Edward iv.
This volume was bought at the Roxburghe sale
for one thousand and sixty pounds, ten shillings.
A magnificent copy of De Bry's Collectiones
Peregrinatiotiiuti , which formerly belonged to
Francois C£sar Le Tellier, Marquis de Courtan-
vaux, is also deserving of special notice. A
large proportion of the books are in handsome
and historical bindings, and no fewer than
twenty-four volumes from the library of Grolier
are to be found on the shelves of the collection,
which also contains a nearly complete set of
County Histories. Among the manuscripts is
one of great interest. It is a Missal given by
King Henry vn. to his daughter Margaret, Queen
Consort of James iv., King of Scotland, and
mother of the Lady Margaret Douglas, who later
presented the volume to the Archbishop of St.
Andrews. The book contains two notes in the
handwriting of Henry. On the recto of the four-
teenth leaf he has written, ' Remember yor kynde
and louyng fader an yor good prayers, Henry
Ky ' ; and on the reverse of leaf 32, ' Pray for your
louyng fader that gave you this booke, and I
geve you att all tymes godds blessyg and myne,
Henry Ky.' On the reverse of leaf 156 Lady
Margaret Douglas has written, 'My good lorde of
Saynt Andrews i pray you pray for me that gaufe
yow thys buuk — yowrs too my pour, Margaret.'
The Devonshire library also contains a magni-
ficent series of drawings by the old masters, and
prints by the early engravers, which were acquired
by William, the second Duke. The gem of the
collection of drawings is the Liber Veritatis, a
set of original designs by Claude Lorrain, which
Louis xiv. endeavoured in vain to purchase.
1 792-1872
Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., who was the son
of Thomas Phillipps, of Broadway, Worcester-
shire, was born at Manchester on the 2nd of
July 1792. He was educated at Rugby, and in
181 1 proceeded to University College, Oxford,
graduating B.A. in 1815 and M.A. in 1820. In
1 81 8, on the death of his father, he succeeded to
the family estates, and in 1821 he was created a
baronet. Phillipps died at Thirlestaine House,
Cheltenham, on the 6th of February 1872, and
was buried at Broadway. He was twice married,
and by his first wife had three daughters.
Phillipps, who was a Trustee of the British
Museum and a Fellow of the Royal Society and
of the Society of Antiquaries, and also a member
of the principal learned societies, both English
and foreign, began at a very early age to collect
books. While at Rugby he formed a small
library, the catalogue of which is still in exist-
ence, and the inheritance of his father's property
in 1818 enabled him to commence the formation
of his magnificent collection of manuscripts.
With a view to their acquisition, in 1820 he paid
a visit to the Continent, and remained abroad
until 1825, during which time he made large
purchases of manuscripts, especially at the sale
of the famous Meerman collection at the Hague
in 1824, and he also privately bought the manu-
scripts belonging to the extensive and important
collection of Professor Van Ess of Darmstadt,
together with a number of his early printed books.
Phillipps was indefatigable in the acquirement of
his treasures, and at the time of his death his
library contained some sixty thousand manu-
scripts, and a goodly collection of printed books.
He writes : ' In amassing my collection of manu-
scripts, I commenced with purchasing everything
that lay within my reach, to which I was
instigated by reading various accounts of the
destruction of valuable manuscripts. . . . My
principal search has been for historical, and
particularly unpublished manuscripts, whether
good or bad, and particularly those on vellum.
My chief desire for preserving vellum manu-
scripts arose from witnessing the unceasing
destruction of them by goldbeaters ; my search
for charters or deeds by their destruction in the
shops of glue-makers and tailors. As I advanced
the ardour of the pursuit increased, until at last I
became a perfect vello-maniac (if I may coin a
word), and I gave any price that was asked. Nor
do I regret it, for my object was not only to
secure good manuscripts for myself, but also to
raise the public estimation of them, so that their
value might be more generally known, and
consequently more manuscripts preserved. For
nothing tends to the preservation of anything so
much as making it bear a high price. The
examples I always kept in view were Sir Robert
Cotton and Sir Robert Harley.'
Sir Thomas Phillipps's collection was not
confined to European manuscripts. It contained
several hundred Oriental ones, and he also
acquired those relating to Mexico belonging to
Lord Kingsborough. The illuminated manu-
scripts were particularly fine, and some of them
had been executed for regal and other distin-
guished persons, and were beautifully bound.
Many of the manuscripts which related to Ireland
and Wales were of special interest and great value.
For many years Phillipps kept his library,
together with his fine collections of pictures,
drawings, and coins at his residence at Middle
Hill, Worcestershire ; but in 1862, in consequence
of their ever-increasing size, he removed them to
Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham, which he pur-
chased from Lord Northwick. On Sir Thomas's
death his entailed Middle Hill estates went to his
eldest daughter, Henrietta Elizabeth Molyneux,
the wife of James Orchard Halliwell, the Shake-
spearian commentator, but in a will made shortly
before his death he left Thirlestaine House,
together with his books, manuscripts, pictures,
and other collections, to his third daughter,
Katherine Somerset Wyttenbach, wife of the Rev.
J. E. A. Fenwick, at one time vicar of Needwood,
Staffordshire. This bequest was, however, en-
cumbered with the singular condition, that
neither his eldest daughter, nor her husband,
nor any Roman Catholic should ever enter the
house.1 His second daughter, Maria Sophia,
who married the Rev. John Walcott of Bitterley
Court, Shropshire, predeceased her father. Since
the manuscripts came into the possession of
Mrs. Fenwick, portions have been sold by private
arrangement to several of the foreign govern-
ments ; amongst these, however, were no English
ones. A large number of the remainder nave
been disposed of by auction at a series of sales
by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, but the
immense collection is by no means exhausted.
The first sale took place on August 3rd, 1886,
and seven following days ; and the others on
January 22nd, 1889, and two following days;
1 Athenaum% February 17, 1872.
July 15th, 1891, and following day; December
7th, 1 89 1, and following day ; July 4th, 1892, and
two following days ; June 19th, 1893, and three
following days; March 21st, 1895, and four
following days ; June 10th, 1896, and six following
days ; May 17th, 1897, and three following days ;
June 6th, 1898, and five following days ; and June
5th, 1899, and five following days. The total
amount realised at all these auction sales is
upwards of thirty-six thousand six hundred
pounds. The printed books in Phillippss library,
which ' included a complete set of the publications
privately printed by him at Middle Hill ; im-
portant heraldic and genealogical works, county
histories and topography, Welsh books, valuable
dictionaries and grammars, and a large collection
of rare articles relating to America; history,
voyages and travels,' were sold in three parts by
Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge on August 3rd,
1886, and seven following days; January 22nd,
1889, and two following days; and December
7th, 1 89 1, and following day. There were five
thousand four hundred and sixty-two lots in the
three sales, which realised three thousand two
hundred and fourteen pounds, thirteen shillings
and threepence.
About 1822 Sir Thomas Phillipps set up a
private printing-press in Broadway Tower,
situated on his Middle Hill estate, where he
printed a large number of his manuscripts.
Among the more important of these were : —
Institntiones Clericorum in Comitatu Wiltonia,
1297-1810, two volumes, 1821-25, folio; Monu-
mental Inscriptions in the County of Wilton, two
volumes, 1822, folio (only six copies of this work
were printed, one of which realised fourteen
pounds, ten shillings at the sale of the books) ;
A Book of Glamorganshire Antiquities, by Rice
Merrick, Esq., 1578, now first published by Sir T.
Phillipps, Bart., 1825, folio; and Collectanea de
Famtliis Diver sis quibus nomen est Phillipps, etc.,
two volumes, 1816-40, folio (a copy of which
fetched sixteen pounds at the sale). Phillipps also
printed catalogues of his manuscripts and printed
books. A fair but not complete list of the works
will be found in Lowndes' s Bibliographer s Manual
of English Literature. In 1862 the printing-press
was removed with the library and other collec-
tions to Thirlestaine House.
REV. THOMAS CORSER, 1793- 1876
The Rev. Thomas Corser was the third son of
George Corser, banker, of Whitchurch, Shrop-
shire. He was born at Whitchurch in 1793, and
received his early education first at the school of
his native place, and afterwards at the Manchester
Grammar School, from whence he was admitted
a commoner of Balliol College, Oxford. He took
the degree of B.A. in 181 5 and that of M.A. in
1818. In 1816 Corser was ordained to the curacy
of Condover, near Shrewsbury, and after filling
several other curacies he was appointed in 1826
to the rectory of All Saints' Church, Stand,
Manchester, which living he held, together
with the vicarage of Norton-by-Daventry in
Northamptonshire, for nearly half a century. He
died, after a long illness, at Stand Rectory on
the 24th of August 1876.
The Rev. T. Corser was elected a Fellow of
the Society of Antiquaries in 1850, and he was
one of the founders of the Chetham Society, for
which he edited four works : Chester's Triumph,
James's Iter Lancastrense, Robinson's Golden
Mirrour, and Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. The
last-named work, of which a portion was written
by Corser and the remainder by James Crossley,
is an elaborate account of Corser's splendid
collection of early English poetry.
Corser was one of the most learned and en-
thusiastic book-collectors of his day, and his noble
library contained, besides a wonderful collection of
unique and rare editions of the works of the early
English poets and dramatists, a fine block-book,
'Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis,' seven Caxtons,
and a large number of books printed by Machlinia,
Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, Notary, Redman,
and other early English printers. The library
also comprised a large number of books of
emblems, drolleries, jest-books, garlands, and
many other scarce and curious works in all
classes of literature. Mr. Corser also possessed
a few choice manuscripts.
In 1868 Mr. Corser, in consequence of ill
health and failure of his eyesight, which precluded
him from the further enjoyment of his book
determined to part with his library, and it was
sold in eight parts by Sotheby, Wilkinson and
Hodge. The first portion was sold on the 28th
of July 1868, and two following days; and the
last portion on June the 25th, 1873, and three
following days. There were six thousand two
hundred and forty-four lots in the eight sales,
and the total amount realised was nineteen
thousand seven hundred and eighty-one pounds.
Catalogues, with the prices, of all the sales are
preserved in the British Museum. The sums
obtained for the books were not large. The
block-book sold for four hundred and forty-five
pounds, and the seven Caxtons — the first edition
of the Dictes or Sayings, Tully of Old Age,
Knight of the Tower, Golden Legend, Life of
Our Lady, Speculum Vitce Christi, and Fayts
of Arms — realised but thirteen hundred and
forty-three pounds ; the Knight of the Tower
and Fayts of Arms fetching the highest prices —
five hundred and sixty pounds, and two hundred
and fifty pounds. Several of the Caxtons were,
however, imperfect. The Dyalogue of Dives
and Pauper, 1493, until recently believed to
be the first dated book printed by Pynson,
brought one hundred and four pounds, and
The Recuyles of the history es of Troye, 1 503 ;
Bartholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum, about
1495; and The Example of Vertue, 1530, all
printed by Wynkyn de Worde, one hundred
and fourteen pounds, sixty pounds, and fifty-eight
pounds. Mr. Corser's four Shakespeare folios
sold for one hundred and sixty pounds, forty-
nine pounds, seventy-seven pounds, and twelve
pounds, while the first edition of the Sonnets
realised forty-five pounds, and the 1636 edition
of Venus and Adonis fifty-five pounds. Some
other rare books, and the prices obtained for
them, were the Sarunt Missal, printed at Paris
in 1 5 14, eighty-seven pounds ; Biblia Pauperum
(A. Verard, Paris, about 1503), ninety-nine
pounds; Guy de Waruich (Paris, 1525), two
hundred and eighty-two pounds ; unique copy
of an edition of Huon of Bordeaux, thought to
have been printed by Pynson, eighty-one pounds ;
Nurcerie of Names, by Guillam de Warrino
(William Warren) (London, 1581), one hundred
pounds ; Daye's Daphnis and Chloe (London,
1587), unique, sixty pounds; The Three Ladies
of London, by W. R. (London, 1592), seventy-
six pounds; The Phoenix Nest (London, 1593),
sixty-four pounds, ten shillings ; Chute's Beawtie
Dishonoured (London, 1593), one hundred and
ftvt pounds ; Maroccus Extatiats, or Bankes
Bay Horse (London, 1595), one hundred and ten
pounds ; the first fixe editions of Walton's
Compieat Angler, one hundred and forty pounds ;
and twenty early ballads in black letter, bound in
a volume, eighty-nine pounds.
The more important manuscripts in the
collection were Le Romant des Trots Peleritiages,
by Guillaume de Guilleville, written on vellum
in the fourteenth century, and ornamented with
many illuminations and drawings, two hundred
and ten pounds ; Bartholomceus De Proprietatibus
Rertim, vellum, richly illuminated, fourteenth
century, ninety-one pounds ; a Poem on the Lord's
Prayer, by John Kylyngwyke, vellum, fourteenth
century, seventy pounds ; Lyf of Oure Lady, by
John Lydgate, fifteenth century, written and
illuminated on vellum, forty-six pounds ; and
Officium Beatce Maria Virginis, fifteenth century,
illuminated, sixty-four pounds.
Some additional manuscripts and books which
had belonged to Mr. Corser were sold after his
death, at Manchester, by Capes, Dunn and Pilcher
on December the 13th, 1876, and two following
days. These realised one thousand four hundred
and eight pounds, sixteen shillings and sixpence.
Among them was the original manuscript of
Cavendish's Ufe of JVolsey, which fetched sixty
DAVID LAING, 1793-1878
David Laing, the eminent Scottish antiquary,
was the second son of William Laing, a book-
seller in Edinburgh, and was born in that city
on the 20th of April 1793. He was educated
at the Canongate Grammar School, and after-
wards attended the Greek classes of Professor
Dalzel at the Edinburgh University.1 At an
early age he was apprenticed to his father, and
in the year 182 1 he entered into partnership with
him. His father died in 1832, and David Laing
continued to carry on the business until 1837,
when, having been elected librarian to the Society
of Writers to H.M. Signet, he gave it up, and
disposed of his stock by public sale. Laing was
Honorary Secretary of the Bannatyne Club from
its foundation by Sir Walter Scott in 1823 to
its dissolution thirty-eight years later, and him-
self edited a large number of its publications.
He also edited papers for the Spalding, Abbots-
ford, and Hunterian Clubs, and the Shakespeare
and Wodrow Societies ; while his contributions
to the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland, of which he was elected a Fellow
in 1826, consisted of upwards of one hundred
separate papers. In 1864 the University of
Edinburgh conferred on him the degree of LL.D.
He died unmarried on the 18th of October 1878.
1 Dictionary of National Biography.
Laing's life was one of great literary activity,
and although he did not produce any large
original work, he edited many of the writings
of the old Scottish authors. His acquaintance
with the early literary and ecclesiastical history,
as well as the art and antiquities, of Scotland
was very extensive ; and Lockhart, in Peters
Letters to his Kinsfolk, states that he possessed
a ' truly wonderful degree of skill and knowledge
in all departments of bibliography.' A list of
the various publications issued under his editorial
superintendence from 1815 to 1878 inclusive,
together with his lectures on Scottish art, appear
in a collection of privately printed notices of him
edited by T. G. Stevenson, Edinburgh, 1878.
Laing availed himself of his exceptional op-
portunities to form a very large and fine library,
which was particularly rich in books illustrative
of the history and literature of Scotland, many
of which were of excessive rarity, and several
unique. Nearly every publication relating to
Mary Queen of Scots was to be found in it.
After Laing's death his library, with the exception
of his manuscripts, which he bequeathed to the
University of Edinburgh, was sold in four por-
tions by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge.
First Sale —
December 1st, 1879, and ten following
days. Three thousand seven hundred and
ninety-nine lots = thirteen thousand two
hundred and eighty-eight pounds, eight
shillings and sixpence.
Second Sale —
April 5th, 1880, and ten following
days. Four thousand and eighty-two
lots = one thousand seven hundred and
thirty-eight pounds, three shillings.
Third Sale —
July 20th, 1880, and four following
days. Two thousand four hundred and
forty-three lots = seven hundred and
seventy-one pounds, nine shillings and
Fourth Sale —
February 21st, 1881, and three follow-
ing days. One thousand four hundred
and nineteen lots = seven hundred and
thirty-eight pounds, eighteen shillings.
Large prices were obtained for many of the
books, especially for the early ones printed in
The following are a few of the rarest of the
volumes, together with the amounts for which
they were sold : —
A Roman Breviary on vellum, printed by
N. Jenson at Venice in 1482, and ornamented
with borders to the pages, drawn by a pen,
ninety-three pounds ; Lo Doctrinal cie Sapiensa,
in the Catalan dialect, by Guy de Roye, printed
about 1495, one hundred pounds; Missale pro
usu totius Regni Norvegia* (Haffniae, 1519), with
the arms and cypher of the King of Denmark
on the back of the binding, one hundred and
thirty-two pounds; The Falle of Princis, etc.,
by Boccaccio, translated by John Lydgate,
and printed by Pynson in 1527, seventy-eight
pounds ; The Catechismc of Archbishop Hamilton,
printed at ' Sanct Androus' in 1552, one hundred
and forty-eight pounds ; Tractate concerning ye
Office and Dew tie of Kyngis, etc., written by
William Lauder, and printed by John Scott at
Edinburgh in 1556, seventy-seven pounds; Con-
fessione delta Fede Christiana, by Theodore
Beza, printed in 1560, containing the autograph
of Sir James Melville, and having maria r.
scotorv stamped in gold on each cover, one
hundred and forty-nine pounds ; The Forme
and Maner of Examination before the Admission
to y Tabill of y Lord, usit by y Ministerie of
Edinburge (Edinburgh, 1581), seventy pounds;
the first edition of the author's corrected text of
Don Quixote (Madrid, 1608), together with the
first edition of the second part (Madrid, 161 5),
one hundred and ninety-two pounds ; dedication
copy to King Charles 11. of the Institutions of
the Law of Scotland, by,%Sir James Dalrymple
of Stair, afterwards Viscount Stair, two volumes
(Edinburgh, 168 1), in a remarkably fine contem-
porary Scotch binding, with the royal arms in
gold on the covers, two hundred and ninety-five
pounds ; a first edition of Robinson Crusoe, three
volumes (London, 1719-20), thirty-one pounds;
one of the twelve copies, printed at a cost of
upwards of ten thousand pounds, of the Botanical
Tables of the Earl of Bute, nine volumes, with
the arms of the Earl impressed in gold on the
bindings, seventy-seven pounds ; the first edition
of Burns's Poems (Kilmarnock, 1786), with lines
in the autograph of Burns, and a letter from
J. G. Lockhart, ninety pounds ; and a fine col-
lection of Scots Ballads and Broadsides, one
hundred and thirty in number, issued between
1669 and 1730, many of great rarity, one hundred
and thirty-three pounds. Laing left a collection
of drawings to the Royal Scottish Academy of
Painting, of which he had been elected Honorary
Professor of Ancient History and Antiquities in
1856. His prints were sold by Sotheby, Wilkin-
son and Hodge on the 21st of February 1880, in
two hundred and thirteen lots, and realised two
hundred and seventy pounds, thirteen shillings.
BURNHAM, 1797-1878
Bertram, fourth Earl of Ashburnham, who
was born on the 23rd of November 1797, and
died on the 22nd of June 1878, was one of the
greatest and most ardent of English book-
collectors. He developed a taste for book-buying
at a very early age. It is said that his first pur-
chase was made in 1814, when, a boy at West-
minster School, he bought a copy of the Secretes
of Albertus Magnus for eighteenpence at Ginger's
well-known shop in Great College Street, and at
the time of his death he had amassed a library
which ranked among the first in the kingdom.
Magnificent as was his collection of printed books,
the library was even still more notable for the
manuscripts it contained, which amounted to
nearly four thousand, and were remarkable for
their value and importance. In addition to those
which he bought separately, Lord Ashburnham
acquired in 1847 the manuscripts of Count
Guglielmo Libri for eight thousand pounds, and
in 1849 ne purchased the Stowe manuscripts for
the same sum, and those of Jean Barrois for six
thousand pounds. Five years after the death of
Lord Ashburnham, his successor, the present
Earl, offered the manuscripts, for one hundred
and sixty thousand pounds, to the Trustees of the
British Museum, who were anxious to purchase
them for that sum. The Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, however, declined to find the money for
the entire collection, but the Stowe manuscripts
were acquired by the Government for forty-five
thousand pounds, and divided between the British
Museum and the library of the Royal Irish
Academy in Dublin. To the latter institution
were given the Irish manuscripts and certain
volumes specially relating to Ireland. It had
long been suspected that many of the manuscripts
in the Libri and Barrois collections had been
abstracted from French and Italian public
libraries, and when this was proved to have
been the case, principally through the researches
of M. Delisle, the Director of the Bibliotheque
Nationale, it was arranged between the Trustees
of the British Museum and the French authori-
ties that should the former become possessors
of the manuscripts, they would return the stolen
volumes for the sum of twenty-four thousand
pounds. As the Treasury refused to sanction
the purchase of the whole of the Ashburnham
manuscripts, this arrangement could not be
carried out, and in 1887 the manuscripts, one
hundred and sixty-six in number, stolen from
the French and Italian libraries, were bought
by Mr. Karl Triibner, acting as agent for the
Grand Duke of Baden and the German Imperial
authorities, for the same sum as the French had
been willing to pay for them. The primary
object of this transaction, says Mr. F. S. Ellis
in his excellent account of the library in Quaritch's
Dictionary of English Book-Collectors, 4 was to
recover the famous Manesse Liederbuch, a
thirteenth century MS. carried away by the
French from Heidelberg in 1656, the loss of
which had ever since been regarded as a national
calamity in Germany. For ^6000 in cash and
this precious volume, he handed over the 166
Libri and Barrois mss. to the Bibliotheque
Nationale. By a simple arithmetical process,
we can conclude that ,£18,000 was the net cost
to the German Exchequer of a single volume of
old German ballads — the highest price ever paid
for a book.' The stolen manuscripts which were
not required to replace those taken from the
French libraries, were purchased by the Italian
Mr. Yates Thompson is understood to have
purchased that portion of the other manuscripts
in the library known as ' The Appendix,' for
about forty thousand pounds, and after selecting
those he required for his own collection, to have
sent the remainder to the auction rooms of
Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, where they were
sold on May the 1st, 1899. There were one
hundred and seventy-seven lots in the sale, which
realised eight thousand five hundred and ninety-
five pounds, five shillings. The choicest manu-
script in the catalogue was an important text of
the later version (1400-40) of ' Wycliffe's English
Bible,' known as the ' Bramhall Manuscript/
which was knocked down to Mr. Quaritch for
seventeen hundred and fifty pounds. Other fine
manuscripts were a copy of the Historia Eccle-
siastica of the Venerable Bede, written in the
eighth century ; an Evangeliarittm of the twelfth
century, with beautiful illuminations ; Officio,
Liturgica, fifteenth century; and Horce Beatce
Maries Virginis, written in the sixteenth century,
richly illuminated. These realised respectively
two hundred and thirty pounds, three hundred
pounds, four hundred and sixty-seven pounds,
and three hundred pounds. On the 10th of June
1 90 1 and the four following days the manuscripts
in the Barrois Collection, not previously disposed
of, were sold by the same auctioneers. There were
six hundred and twenty-eight lots in this sale,
and the very large sum of thirty-three thousand
two hundred and seventeen pounds, six shillings
and sixpence was obtained for them, the choicest
manuscripts fetching exceptionally high prices.
The manuscripts were of great importance and
much interest. Among them were to be found
early copies of the Gospels and Epistles, and
beautifully illuminated manuscripts of the Latin
and Italian Classics, Books of Devotion, and
early French Romances and Chronicles. The
collection also contained a number of papers
relating to Mary, Queen of Scots, and a valuable
series of Anglo-Norman Charters, etc. The fol-
lowing are a few of the more interesting and
valuable manuscripts, together with the prices
they realised : — Roman du Saint Graalet Lancelot
du Lac, on vellum, in three folio volumes, with
beautifully painted miniatures and initials, four-
teenth century — eighteen hundred pounds ; Psal-
terium Latinnm, on vellum, fourteenth century,
with paintings attributed to Giotto — fifteen hun-
dred and thirty pounds ; Vie du vaillant Bcrtrand
du Guesclin, written on vellum in the fourteenth
century, with miniatures in camaieu gris —
fifteen hundred pounds ; La Ldgende Dorde%
translated by Jehan de Vignay, fifteenth century,
on vellum, with a large number of very fine
illuminated miniatures and ornamental initials —
fifteen hundred pounds ; Chronique Generate dite
de la Bourcachardiere, by Jehan de Courcy, in
two large folio volumes, on vellum, with large
illuminations, fifteenth century — fourteen hundred
and twenty pounds ; Horcc Beatce Marice Vir-
ginis, with very fine illuminations, fifteenth cen-
tury—eleven hundred and sixty pounds ; Histoire
Universelle, on vellum, in two volumes, with
miniatures in camaieu gris, fifteenth century —
nine hundred and ten pounds ; Dante, vellum,
richly illuminated, fourteenth century — six hun-
dred and thirty pounds. The collection of Anglo-
Norman Charters fetched three hundred and five
pounds, and the Letters and Papers relating to
Mary, Queen of Scots, one hundred and ninety-
six pounds.
For upwards of fifty years Lord Ashburn-
ham availed himself of every opportunity of
acquiring the finest and most perfect copies
obtainable of the rarest and choicest books, and
he brought together a collection of printed
volumes which was well worthy of being associ-
ated with that of his manuscripts. It was
especially rich in Bibles, and in Missals, Horse
and other Service Books, and in the early edi-
tions of Dante, Boccaccio and Chaucer. Among
the Bibles and portions of the Scriptures were
a block-book, a copy of the Biblia Pauper um,
regarded by Heinecken as the second edition of
that work ; vellum and paper copies of the
Gutenberg Bible; a vellum copy of the 1462
Latin Bible ; a perfect copy of Tyndale's transla-
tion of the Pentateuch, printed at ■ Marlborow '
by Hans Loft in 1534; and the Coverdale Bible
°f x535- Of foreign incunabula there was a
large number; of Caxtons a very goodly list,1
but comparatively few of them perfect ; and the
rarest productions of the press of St. Albans, and
of those of Machlinia, Lettou, Pynson, Wynkyn de
Worde, Copland, and other early English printers
were to be found in the library. The collection
1 Eighteen are mentioned in Blades's Life and Typography of Caxton.
London, 1861-63.
of the editions of the Book of Hawking, Hunting,
etc., attributed to Dame Juliana Berners, may be
considered to have been unique, for it included
the Book of St. Albans, printed in i486, the
extremely rare edition printed by Wynkyn de
Worde in 1496, the three editions printed by
William Copland, those of William Powell and
John Waley, and the only known copy of the
first separate edition of Fysshynge with an Angle,
printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1532. Other
rare English books were the first edition of the
first Reformed Printer, printed in 1535; an
Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande,
printed by Grafton in 1570, which belonged to
Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, who was
beheaded in 1572, with an interesting letter
written by him on the blank space of the reverse
of the last leaf, shortly before his death ; The
Principal Navigations, etc., of the English
Nation, by Richard Hakluyt, printed in 1598-
1600, with the very rare map having the Voyage
of Sir Francis Drake, 1577, and that of Standisn,
1587, and the original suppressed pages of the
Voyage to Cadiz ; the four Shakespeare folios,
and the first five editions of Walton's Comfileat
Angler, in the original bindings (three sheep
and two calf) as issued by the publisher. Books
also worthy of special notice were the beautifully
illuminated copies of Boccaccio's Raine des Nobles
Hommes, printed by Colard Mansion at Bruges
in 1476; the Opera Varia Latine of Aristotle,
printed on vellum by Andrea de Asula at Venice
in 1483 ; and Heures de la Vierge Marie, also
printed on vellum, by Geoffroy Tory in 1525.
A catalogue of the more rare and curious printed
books in the library was privately printed in
Although bookbindings did not form a special
feature of the library, Lord Ashburnham pos-
sessed some remarkably fine and interesting
examples of them. That on a tenth century
manuscript of the Gospels, which for many cen-
turies belonged to the Abbey of Noble Canonesses
at Lindau, on the Lake of Constance, is one of
the finest specimens of gold and jewelled bindings
to be found in any collection. This beautiful work
of art, the lower cover of which is of the eighth
century and the upper of the ninth, is of gold
or silver gilt, and is profusely decorated with
jewels. It is described in the Vetusta Monu-
nienta of the Society of Antiquaries, and was
shown at the Exhibition of Bookbindings at the
Burlington Fine Arts Club in 1891.1 The col-
lection also contained a particularly fine mosaic
binding, with doublures, by Monnier, and many
volumes from the libraries of Grolier, Maioli, the
Emperor Charles v., De Thou, etc.
Lord Ashburnham's printed books were sold
1 This volume was recently sold for the Earl of Ashburnham by Sotheby,
Wilkinson and Hodge to a private purchaser for ten thousand pounds.
in three portions in 1897 and 1898 by Sotheby,
Wilkinson and Hodge. The first sale took place
on June 25th, 1897, and seven following days;
the second on December 6th, 1897, and five fol-
lowing days, and the third on May 9th, 1898,
and five following days. There were four thou-
sand and seventy-five lots in the three sales, and
the total amount realised was sixty-two thousand
seven hundred and twelve pounds, seven shillings
and sixpence.
Very high prices were obtained for the books.
The Biblia Pauperum block-book sold for a
thousand and fifty pounds ; the vellum copy of
the Gutenberg Bible for four thousand pounds,
the largest sum paid for a copy of this Bible,
and the highest but one ever given for a printed
book (Lord Ashburnham's copy on paper was
sold privately to Mr. Quaritch for three thousand
pounds) ; the Latin Bible of 1462 for fifteen
hundred pounds ; and the Coverdale Bible and
Tyndale's Pentateuch for eight hundred and
twenty pounds, and two hundred pounds. The
illuminated copies of Boccaccio's Ruine des Nobles
Hommes, printed by Colard Mansion ; Aristotle's
Opera Varia La tine, printed by Andrea de
Asula; and the Heures de la Vierge Marie,
printed by GeofTroy Tory, realised six hundred
and ninety-five pounds, eight hundred pounds,
and eight hundred and sixty pounds.
Of the Caxtons the Life of Jason and the
Dictes fetched the highest prices — two thousand
one hundred pounds, and thirteen hundred and
twenty pounds ; the former being the largest sum
ever paid for any Caxton book. Three hundred
and eighty-five pounds were obtained for the
* Book of St. Albans ' ; one thousand pounds for
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, printed by Wynkyn
de Worde in 1498, believed to be the only copy
extant ; and three hundred and sixty pounds for
the Treaty se of Fysshing with an Angle, by the
same printer. This little book, which consists
of sixteen leaves, and without the covers weighs
about two ounces, sold for nearly forty-five times
its weight in gold. The first edition of the Re-
formed Primer sold for two hundred and twenty-
five pounds ; Grafton's Chronicle, with the letter
of the Duke of Norfolk, for seventy pounds ;
and a vellum copy of the Tewrdannck for three
hundred and ten pounds.
The first folio Shakespeare, which was slightly
imperfect, was bought by Mr. Sotheran for five
hundred and eighty-five pounds, for presentation
to the Memorial Library, Stratford-on-Avon.
The second folio fetched ninety pounds, and the
third one hundred and ninety pounds. Hakluyt's
Navigations sold for two hundred and seventy-
five pounds, and the set of the first five editions
of the Compleat Angler for eight hundred pounds.
At the Corser sale they realised but one hundred
and forty pounds. The copy of Merlin with the
Monnier binding brought seven hundred and
sixty pounds, and a collection of early impres-
sions of sixty-two prints by Albert Diirer three
hundred and fifty pounds.
SIR WILLIAM TITE, C.B., 1798-1873
Sir William Tite, C.B., was the son of Mr.
Arthur Tite, a London merchant. He was born
in London in 1798, and after receiving his educa-
tion at private schools, became a pupil of David
Laing, the architect of the Custom House. Sir
William Tite designed many buildings in London
and the provinces, and a considerable number of
the more important railway stations ; but the
work with which his name is especially associated
was the rebuilding of the Royal Exchange, which
cost ;£ 1 50,000, and was opened by the Queen on
the 28th of October 1844. In 1838 he was
elected President of the Architectural Society,
and of the Royal Institute of British Architects
from 1861-63, and from 1867-70. He entered
Parliament in 1855 as Member for Bath, and
continued to represent that constituency until
his death. In 1869 he was knighted, and in the
following year he received the Companionship of
the Bath. Sir William was a Fellow of the
Royal Society, and also of the Society of Anti-
quaries. He died at Torquay on April 20th,
1873, and was buried in Norwood Cemetery.
Sir William Tite was an ardent collector of
manuscripts, books, and works of art, and he
formed a very large and choice library, which
contained many valuable manuscripts, and a
great number of rare early English books. It
was sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge,
in May and June 1874. The sale occupied
sixteen days, and realised nineteen thousand
nine hundred and forty-three pounds, six shil-
lings. There were three thousand nine hundred
and thirty-seven lots.
Among the more notable manuscripts in the
library were a richly illuminated Lectionarium,
written on vellum about a.d. 1150 at the monas-
tery of Ottenbeuren in Suabia, which sold for
five hundred and fifty pounds ; a Wycliffe New
Testament on vellum of the first half of the
fifteenth century, which brought two hundred
and forty-one pounds; a copy of the Four Gospels
of about the same period, which fetched one hun-
dred and eight pounds ; a number of Horae and
other service books, and three devotional works
written by Jarry, the famous French calligraphist.
There were also the original manuscripts of
three of the novels of Sir Walter Scott — Peveril
of the Peak, the first volume of the Tales of my
Landlord {The Black Dwarf), and Woodstock,
which together realised three hundred and ninety-
eight pounds. The collection also contained a
block-book, The Apocalypse, which brought two
hundred and eighty-five pounds ; four Caxtons,
the most important of which — a perfect copy of
the second edition of the Mirrour of the World —
sold for four hundred and fifty-five pounds ; and
many books from the presses of Machlinia,
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, Notary, and other
early English printers. Shakespeare was well
represented. The first three folios were to be
found in the library, as well as the first editions
of Lucrece and the Sonnets, and a large number
of the quarto plays. The first folio and Lucrece
realised respectively four hundred and forty
pounds and one hundred and ten pounds.
There was also a choice collection of the works
of other writers of the time of Elizabeth and
James i. A copy of the first edition of Don
Quixote ; and a set of the first five editions of
Walton's Compleat Angler, which sold for sixty-
eight pounds, also deserve especial notice. A
series of autographs in thirteen folio volumes
realised three hundred and twenty-five pounds ;
and the sale catalogue contained as many as two
hundred and fourteen lots of autograph letters of
Mary Queen of Scots, Lord Bacon, Cromwell,
and other celebrities.
Sir William Tite was the author of a ' Report
of a Visit to the Estates of the Honourable Irish
Society in Londonderry and Coleraine in the
year 1834,' and of a ' Descriptive Catalogue of
the Antiquities found in the Excavations at the
New Royal Exchange,' which he published in
1848. Several of his papers and addresses, which
principally treated of bibliographical or antiquarian
subjects, were privately printed. He was a
liberal promoter of all schemes for the advance-
ment of education, and he founded the Tite
Scholarship in the City of London School.
1 799- 1 886
Mr. James Thomson Gibson-Craig, who was
born in March 1799, was the second son of
Mr. James Gibson, the political reformer, who, on
succeeding under entail to the Riccarton estates
in 1823, assumed the name of Craig, and in 1831
was created a baronet. He was educated at the
High School and the University of Edinburgh,
and after spending some time in foreign travel, he
became a Writer to the Signet, and joined the
firm afterwards known as Gibson-Craig, Dalziel
and Brodies, of Edinburgh, of which he continued
a member until about the year 1875. Mr. Gibson-
Craig was well known for his literary and anti-
quarian tastes, and it was principally owing to
his exertions that the Historical Manuscripts of
Scotland were reproduced and issued during the
time his brother, Sir William Gibson-Craig, held
the office of Lord Clerk Register. He was a
friend of Sir Walter Scott, of Lord Jeffrey, and
Lord Cockburn, and at a later period of Lord
Macaulay ; and he was also intimate with most
of the principal Scottish artists and antiquaries
of his time. He died at Edinburgh on the 18th
of July 1886. Mr. Gibson-Craig, who began
to collect during his student days, formed an
extensive and valuable library of choice books,
many of which were bound by celebrated binders,
and were once to be found in such famous
libraries as those of Grolier, Canevari, Diana of
Poitiers, Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Dudley,
Earl of Leicester, De Thou, Count von Hoym,
Longepierre, and Madame de Pompadour. After
his death his collection was sold by Sotheby,
Wilkinson and Hodge in three portions. The
first portion was sold on June the 27th, 1887, and
nine following days ; the second on March the
23rd, 1888, and five following days, and on April
6th and eight following days ; and the third on
November the 15th, 1888, and two following
days. There were altogether nine thousand four
hundred and four lots, and the amount realised
was fifteen thousand five hundred and nine
pounds, four shillings and sixpence.
The following are some of the more notable
books and manuscripts in the collection, and the
prices obtained for them : —
Bartholomcei Camerarii de Prcedestinatione
dialogi tres. Parisiis, 1556. Bound in white
morocco, the sides blind-tooled with the various
emblems of Diana of Poitiers, and the initial of
Henry 11. , King of France, surmounted by a
crown. In the centre of the upper cover are the
words conseqvitvr qvod cvnqve petit, and
on the lower cover nihil amplivs optat. One
hundred and forty-six pounds.
Cronique de Savoye, par Maistre Guillaume
Paradin. Lyon, 1552. This volume formerly
belonged to Mary Queen of Scots. It is in the
original calf binding, and has in the centre of
each cover a shield bearing the arms of Scotland,
surmounted by a crown, with a crowned M above,
below, and on each side of them, as well as at
the corners of the book, and also on the panels
of the back. Two hundred and sixty-five pounds.
Larismetique et Geometrie de Estienne de la
Roche. Lyon, 1538. The binding bears the
arms of James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, third
husband of Mary Queen of Scots. Eighty-one
The XIII. Bukes of Eneados, translated out
of Latyne verses into Scottish metir bi Mayster
Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkel, and unkil to
the Erie of Angus. [W. Copland], London,
I553- Seventy-five pounds, ten shillings.
Poliphili Hypneroto?nachia. Aldus, Venetiis,
1499. Ninety pounds.
Tewrdannck. Augsburg, 1519. Thirty-nine
Walton's Compieat Angler. First edition.
London, 1653.
Cotton's Complete Angler. First edition.
London, 1676. Together, one hundred and
ninety-five pounds.
Burns's Poems. Kilmarnock, 1786. One
hundred and eleven pounds.
The more important of the manuscripts
were : —
Horce B. Maria Virginis, written in the
thirteenth century on vellum by an Anglo-Saxon
or Scottish scribe. Three hundred and twenty-
five pounds.
The First and Second Series of Sir Walter
Scott's Chronicles of the Canongate. An auto-
graph manuscript presented by the author to
R. Cadell. One hundred and forty-one pounds.
A collection of valuable and interesting corre-
spondence and memoranda relating to the
Rebellion of 17 15, comprising many of the
original letters and despatches from the Earl of
Mar, etc. Ninety-nine pounds.
In 1882 Mr. Gibson-Craig issued, in an edition
of twenty-five copies, Facsimiles of Old Book
Binding in his collection ; and in the following
year a facsimile reprint of the Shorte Summe of
the whole Catechisme, by his ancestor John Craig,
accompanied by a memoir of the author by
Thomas Graves Law, of the Signet Library. He
also printed for the Bannatyne Club ' Papers
relative to the marriage of King James the Sixth
of Scotland with the Princess Anna of Denmark
a.d. mdlxxxix, and the Form and Manner of
Her Majesty's Coronation at Holyroodhouse
a.d. mdxc'
It is about three hundred years since the founder
of the Bibliotheca Lindesiana died. John Lindsay,
the Octavian, better known by his title of Lord
Menmuir, the ancestor of the Earls of Balcarres,
had a distinguished though but brief career. He
was not quite forty-seven years old when he died.
During his short though eventful life he took a
leading part in State affairs, being much trusted
by his Sovereign, King James vi. He was a
man of varied talents — lawyer, statesman, man
of business, scholar, man of letters, and a poet.
He seems to have been familiar with Greek,
and to have corresponded in the Latin language.
Besides these he acquired a knowledge of French,
Italian and Spanish. He accumulated many
State papers and letters from distinguished per-
sons both at home and abroad. These, now
1 Mainly contributed by Mr. J. P. Edmond, Librarian to Lord Crawford.
known as ' the Balcarres Papers,' were presented
by Colin, Earl of Balcarres, to the Advocates'
Library in 171 2. A summary account of them is
given in the First Report of the Historical Manu-
scripts Commission. Lord Menmuir's library is
now represented at Haigh* by
two volumes and three frag-
ments, all of which bear his
autograph. Lord Menmuir
was succeeded by a son,
who died whilst yet a youth
and unmarried. The second
son, David, who after his
brother's death inherited the
estate of Balcarres, may
be termed the second
founder of the library. The father's love of
books and learning seems to have in a very
large measure descended to the son. He added
to the library until it became one of the best in
the kingdom. A very charming letter from
William Drummond of Hawthornden to David
Lindsay, sent with a copy of the Flowers of Zion,
which the poet had privately printed, is clear
evidence of the terms on which Lindsay lived
with his friends and fellow book-lovers. The
original letter is preserved in the Muniment
Room at Haigh, but the identical copy of Drum-
mond's work has, alas ! been lost sight of.
1 Lord Crawford's Seat, near Wigan.
The small Book-stamp of the
first Lord Balcarres.
The library of Sir David Lindsay, Lord
Balcarres, continued at the family seat on the
shores of the Firth of Forth until comparatively
recent times. Sibbald in 17 10 mentions the
'great bibliothek' at Balcarres. In Sibbald's
time the owner, Colin, third Earl of Balcarres,
had added many books to the library, and spent
the evening of his days in the pursuit of letters.
When Lady Balcarres, great-grandmother of the
present Earl of Crawford, left Fife and removed
to Edinburgh, whilst her son was in the West
Indies, the greater portion of the library was
literally thrown away and dispersed — torn up for
grocers as useless trash, by her permission. Of the
library collected by generations of Lindsays, all
that now remains is a handful of little over fifty
volumes. The books of David Lindsay, first
Lord Balcarres, who died in 1641 , are recognisable
from his signature, and on many of them his
arms are impressed in gold on the sides.
Of the present library at Haigh, the nucleus
of it may be said to be the books inherited by
the grandfather of the present Earl, whose wife
was the heiress of the first Baron Muncaster.
These Muncaster books, although not of the
greatest value, formed a basis on which the late
Earl of Crawford, who was born in 181 2, built up
the present library, which will be always asso-
ciated with his memory. When a boy he was
fired with enthusiasm for books, and determined
to form a great library in which every branch of
human knowledge in every language should have
a place. He began collecting about 1826, shortly
after going to Eton, and continued most assidu-
The large Book-stamp of the first Lord Balcarres.
ously to gather of all that was best until his
death in 1880. His success may be judged in
some measure by the remarkable collections dis-
persed in 1887 and 1889, which together consisted
of three thousand two hundred and fifty-four lots,
and realised twenty-six thousand three hundred
and ninety-seven pounds, fourteen shillings.
Family burdens rendered it needful for the present
possessor of the library to put his hands on some
available assets, and this necessity coming at
a period of great commercial depression, a
portion of the literary treasures unfortunately
suffered. But the work was again renewed, and
the present state of the library will not com-
pare ignobly with its past. The number of
manuscripts is very considerable, probably about
six thousand, not a few of which are of the
greatest interest and value, many of them having
covers of the precious metals or carved ivory,
enriched with gems and crystals. There are
also many papyri, a great number of Oriental
manuscripts, collections of French autograph
letters of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic
periods, and of English autograph letters. The
printed books amount to about one hundred
thousand, and among them are to be found
several block-books and a large number of incu-
nabula, including books printed by Caxton,
Machlinia, Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, Rood,
and other early English printers. The library
is particularly rich in the productions of the
early Italian presses, especially those of Rome
and Venice ; and it also contains a fine collec-
tion of rare works on the languages of North
and South America, many of them printed
in Mexico and Lima, and a series of books
printed in Aberdeen from 1622 to 1736. Of
other printed matter there are collections of
broadside ballads ; broadside proclamations illus-
trative of English, French, Dutch, German and
Italian history; a long series of Papal Bulls;
early English newspapers from 1631 to the
Restoration ; Civil War tracts ; tracts by, for
and against Martin Luther; newspapers and
periodicals published during the various French
revolutions ; and a large number of caricatures
issued in France and Germany during the Second
Empire and the Commune.
It is not an easy task to pick out the choicest
gems from the abundant treasures of this splendid
collection, but the following are a few of the
most interesting and valuable of the manuscripts :
A Legal Instrument of Donation from Johan-
nes, the Primicerius, or Captain of a company of
soldiers, to the Church of Ravenna ; written on
papyrus, probably about a.d. 580-600, at Ravenna.
Five feet four inches long by eleven and a half
inches broad.
The Four Gospels in Syriac, in the original
Peshitto version, written on vellum about 550.
St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Epistolce
et Opuscula, written in the seventh or eighth
century in rude Merovingian characters, often
mixed with uncial letters. One of the oldest
manuscripts in existence of this Father of the
The Four Gospels in Latin, written about 850.
A Textus or Book of the Gospels, pro-
bably written at the Benedictine monastery of
St. Gall, Switzerland, in the ninth or tenth
century. In the centre of the upper cover, which
is intended to be used as a pax at Mass, is an
ivory panel of the Crucifixion, with figures of the
Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist. The
border is of gilt copper engraved with a floriated
pattern, and studded with silver bosses and
jewels ; at the corners are Limoges enamel
plaques with the four Evangelists. The ivory
carving is of the tenth or eleventh century, the
border early thirteenth.
The New Testament in Syriac: the Gospels
of the Peshitto version, and the remaining books
of the Heraclean version, written about 1000.
Remarkable as being the only complete Syriac
New Testament of any antiquity in any library
in Europe.
The Old Testament in Latin, written by a
German scribe in the eleventh century. The
upper cover consists of a carved ivory panel of
the thirteenth century, with a border of silver
gilt, decorated with filigree work and figures in
repousse*, and enriched with crystals en cabochon.
St. Beatus, Comment arius in Apocalypsim,
written in Spain about 11 50; with one hundred
and ten very large miniatures and a circular
map of the world.
Bible Historide, executed in the south of
France about 1250; a series of full-page paint-
ings on a background of burnished gold, repre-
senting scenes from the Book of Genesis.
Psalterium, written in Paris about 1260. This
volume belonged at one time to Joan of
Navarre, Queen Consort of Henry iv., King of
England, whose autograph is on one of the
blank leaves.
Roman de la Rose, written for, and presented
to, Christina de Lindesay, Dame de Coucy, 1323.
Rime di Petrarca et Canqoni di Dante. One
of the most important manuscripts of the two
poets, written during the lifetime of Petrarch, or
immediately after his death, by Paul the Scribe
for Lorenzo, the son of Carlo degli Strozzi, a mem-
ber of one of the noblest families of Florence.
Lydgate's Siege of Troy, probably written
for William Carent, of Carent's Court, in the
Isle of Purbeck, about 1420. The volume has
illuminated borders and seventy miniatures, and
bears the arms of Carent at the end.
Missale Romanum, six volumes folio, written
on vellum in 15 10- 17 for Cardinal Pompeo
Colonna. The tradition handed down by the
family was that the large full-page illuminations
with which the manuscript is adorned were
executed by Raphael about the year 151 7, when
the owner was made a cardinal; and there is
no doubt that, if not actually by his hand, the
work was done by his followers under his super-
vision. In all probability, we may say that the
large miniatures are painted by Timoteo Viti,
and the illuminations and arabesques by Litti
di Filippo de' Corbizi.1
Some of the more notable of the incunabula
are two block-books — the first Dutch edition of
the Speculum Hurnance Salvationis, and a copy
of the Ars Memorativa printed before 1474-75.
Cicero, Officiorum libri tres, printed at Mentz by
Fust and SchoefTer in 1465. Lactantius, Opera,
printed in the Monastery of Subiaco, near Rome,
by Sweynheym and Pannartz in 1465. Higden's
Polychronicon and the Boke of Eneydos, printed
by Caxton in 1482 and 1490. The Chronicles of
England and the Speculum Christiani, printed
by Machlinia. Lyndewode, Constitutiones pro-
vinciates ecclesice anglicance, printed at Oxford
by Rood and Hunte in 1483-85. The Croniclis
of Englode with the frute of timis, from the
St. Albans press.
Among other books of later dates deserving
of special notice may be mentioned — Vespucci,
Paesi novamente retrovati, Vicenza, 1507. The
first and very rare edition of the celebrated Thesis
of Luther against the system of indulgences,
which he affixed to the gate of the University of
Wittemberg, 151 7. Huon of Bordeaux, printed
1 Since the above was printed it has been announced that Lord Crawford's
MSS. have become by purchase the property of Mrs. Rylands of Manchester.
by Wynkyn de Worde about 1534 — believed to
be unique. Archbishop Parker's De Antiquitatc
BritanniccB Ecclesia, London, 1572. A magni-
ficent set of De Bry's Grands et Pettis Voyages,
in one hundred and eighty-two volumes, 1590-
1644. A Booke containing all such Proclama-
tions as were published during the Raigne of
Elizabeth (and James 1.) ; collected by Humphrey
Dyson, London, 161 8. The first and second
Shakespeare folios. Three copies of the first
edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, with the first,
third and fourth title-pages.
The immense collection of broadsides forms
one of the most remarkable features of this
magnificent library. In volume iv. p. 201 of
the Transactions of the Bibliographical Society,
published in 1898, Lord Crawford informs us
that ' in the last fourteen or fifteen years he had
managed to collect something like nineteen
thousand of them, including English, French,
German and Venetian Proclamations (3000),
Papal Bulls (11,000) and English Ballads (3000).'
Among them are several very rare indulgences
printed by Wynkyn de Worde and Pynson, and
a large number of proclamations and ballads of
special interest and value, far too numerous to
The present Earl of Crawford, who is a Trustee
of the British Museum, President of the Camden
Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society and the
Society of Antiquaries, and who was formerly
President of the Royal Astronomical Society, has
printed catalogues of the English broadsides and
ballads, and of the Chinese books and manu-
scripts in his collection, together with hand-lists
to the Oriental manuscripts, the early editions of
the Greek and Latin writers, and the proclama-
tions issued by authority of the kings and queens
of Great Britain and Ireland. He has also printed
collations and notes of some of the rare books in
the library.
HENRY HUTH, 1815-1878
Mr. Henry Huth, who was born in London in
1815, was the third son of Mr. Frederick Huth of
Hanover, who settled at Corunna, in Spain ; but
on the occupation of that town by the French in
1809 he came to England, where he became a
naturalised British subject, and founded the well-
known firm which is still carried on by his
descendants. Mr. Henry Huth, we are informed
in the preface to the Catalogue of the Huth
Library, written by his son, Mr. Alfred Henry
Huth, was intended for the Indian Civil Service,
and was sent to Mr. Rusden's school at Leith
Hill in Surrey, where he ' learned Greek, Latin,
and French (Spanish was his mother-tongue), and
had also got well on with Hindustani, Persian,
and Arabic '; but in 1833, the East India Company
having lost their Charter, his father removed him
from the school and took him into his business.
Office-work proving distasteful to him, he travelled
for some years on the Continent and in America,
rejoining his father's firm as partner in 1849.
From his early years Mr. Henry Huth had been
a collector of books, and on his return home he
set energetically to work to form that splendid
library which ranks among the finest in England,
and which has been carefully preserved and
augmented by his son, Mr. Alfred Henry Huth.
Mr. Henry Huth gave commissions at most of
the important book-sales, and we are told that
1 he called daily at all the principal booksellers on
his way back from the city, a habit which he con-
tinued up to the day of his death/ He was a
member of the Philobiblon Society, and in 1867
printed for presentation to the members a volume
of Ancient Ballads and Broadsides published in
England in the Sixteenth Century, reprinted from
the unique original copies he had bought at the
Daniel sale. He was also a member of the
Roxburghe Club. Mr. Huth died on the 10th of
December 1878, and was buried in the church-
yard of Bolney, in Sussex. He married Augusta
Louisa Sophia, third daughter of Frederick
Westenholz of Waldenstein Castle, in Austria,
by whom he had three sons and three daughters.
Among the treasures in Mr. Huth's library
are block-books of the Ars Moriendi, Ars
Memorandi, and the Apocalypse ; the superb
copy of the Gutenberg Bible which was formerly
in the libraries of Sir M. Masterman Sykes and
Mr. Henry Perkins ; two copies of the Fust and
Schoeffer Bible of 1462, one on vellum ; and a
particularly fine copy of St. Augustine's De
Civitate Dei, printed at Rome in 1468. The
collection also comprises several of the pre-
Reformation German Bibles ; the first edition
of Luther's Bible; the Coverdale Bible of 1535,
and the Icelandic Bible printed at Holum in
1584; together with upwards of one hundred
other Bibles, a large number of New Testaments,
and various portions of the Scriptures in all
In books from the presses of Caxton and
other early English printers the library is re-
markably rich. It contains no less than twelve
Caxtons ; about fifty Wynkyn de Wordes, of
which several are unique ; sixteen Pynsons, and
a Machlinia. A vellum copy — the only one
known — of the Fructus Temporum, printed at
St. Albans about 1483 ; and the Exposicio Sancti
Jeronimi in Symbolum Apostolorum, printed at
Oxford, and bearing the date 1468 (a typo-
graphical error for 1478), are also found on its
Among the books printed by Caxton are the
first editions of The Dictes or Sayings of the
l^hilosopliers, Chaucer's Canterbury Talcs, 'fully
of Old Age, Gower's Confess io si mantis, and
Christine de Pisan's Fayts of Anns.
The books from the presses of foreign printers
are both numerous and fine. Some of the most
notable examples are the Dantes of Foligno and
Mantua, both printed in the year 1472; the first
edition of Homer, printed at Venice in 1488; a
magnificent copy on thick paper, with the original
binding, of the Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,
printed by Aldus at Venice in 1499; the Aldine
Virgil of 1 50 1, with the book-plate of Bilibald
Pirkheimer ; and two copies of the Tewrdannck,
one on vellum, printed at Nuremberg in 151 7.
There is also a copy of the first edition of Don
Quixote, with the Privilege only for Madrid.
Few collections are richer than the Huth
Library in old English poetry and dramatic
literature. It contains the first four folio Shake-
speares, and a goodly gathering of quarto plays,
many of which were acquired at the Daniel sale
in 1864. Among them are the first editions of
Richard II. and Richard III, printed in 1597;
Henry V., Much Ado about Nothing, Midsummer
Night's Dream, and the Merchant of Venice, all
printed in 1600; the first sketch of The Merry
Wives of Windsor, printed in 1602 ; the second
edition of Ha?nlet, printed in 1604; and the first
editions of Pericles, printed in 1609, and Othello,
printed in 1622. Other rare Shakespeareana are
the first editions of Lucrece, the Sonnets, and the
Poems, printed respectively in 1594, 1609, and
1640. It is only possible to mention a few of the
rare English books in this grand library ; but
the Hundred Merry Tales, published by Rastell
about 1525; the unique copy of Munday's Banquet
of Daintie Conceits, printed in 1588; a first folio
of Ben Jonson's Works on large paper, of which
only one other copy is known in that state, and
a perfect set of the editions of Walton's Compleat
Angler from 1653 to 1760, cannot be passed
over without notice. The unique collection of
Elizabethan ballads, to which reference has already
been made, would be considered a great treasure
in any library. The collection of Voyages and
Travels is believed to be the richest private
one in Europe. It comprises the early letters of
Columbus and Vesputius, and perfect editions
of De Bry, Hulsius, Hakluyt, Purchas, etc., to-
gether with the voyages of Cortes, Drake, and
other famous travellers.
The fine and large collection of manuscripts
contains many choice and interesting examples.
Several beautifully written Bibles, and a number
of Books of Hours are to be found in it. Some
of the latter are most charmingly illuminated ;
two of them, written in the fifteenth century, of
Flemish execution, are especially good. One of
these contains the coats of arms of Philip the
Good, Duke of Burgundy, and Isabella his wife.
There are also three handsomely illuminated
Petrarchs, and a remarkable manuscript on
vellum in four volumes, with very beautiful
illustrations of beasts, birds, fish, and insects,
painted by George Hoefnagel for the Emperor
Rudolph ii. A collection of Madrigals for three
voices, the words by John Milton, Thomas
Tompkins, and others, is of especial interest, for
Mr. A. H. Huth informs us that several of the
songs by Milton in it have never been published,
and that he composed some of the music.
The library also contains a considerable
number of interesting letters, and a very fine
collection of engravings ; the series by Albert
Diirer being nearly complete. A somewhat
recent addition to the collection is ' a proof set
before numbers of the engravings to the Landino
Dante of 1481, by Baccio Baldini, after the
designs of Botticelli, and separately printed on
slips.' ■
Many of the volumes once formed part of
the libraries of Grolier, Maioli, Canevari, Diana
of Poitiers, Henry iv. of France, De Thou,
Count Mansfeld, Louis xiii., and other celebrated
collectors, and bear on their covers the arms or
devices of their former owners. There are fine
examples of the work of all the great binders, and
many books bound in silver, needlework, etc.
1 Account of additions to the Huth Library, by Mr. A. H. Huth, in
Mr. Quaritch's Dictionary of English Book-Collectors.
The admirable catalogue of the library in five
volumes was compiled by Mr. F. S. Ellis and
Mr. W. C. Hazlitt, and partly revised by Mr.
Henry Huth himself.
Mr. Robert Samuel Turner was born in 18 18.
Although engaged in commercial affairs from his
youth he was a most enthusiastic book-collector,
and at a very early age began to form that noble
library, with which only a few collections of his
time could vie in value, extent or condition.
Mr. Turner principally directed his attention to
the acquisition of rare Italian, French and
Spanish books. His English books were not
numerous, and there were but few German ones
in the collection, but some of them were of much
interest. He possessed one of the finest copies
in existence of the first folio of Shakespeare's
Plays, and an exceptionally good example of the
Tewrdannck. He always endeavoured to obtain
the best and choicest copies possible, and many
of them, especially the French volumes, were
clothed in beautiful bindings, bearing the arms
or devices of Grolier, Maioli, Diana of Poitiers,
Count Mansfeld, Cosmo de' Medici, Thomas
Wotton, Longepierre, Count von Hoym, and other
famous collectors. Mr. Turner resided for some
years in Park Square West, Regent's Park,
London, but in 1878 he removed to the Albany,
Piccadilly. In anticipation of his change of
residence he determined to part with a portion
of his collection of French books, and on the
valuation of the late M. Potier, of Paris, he offered
it to an eminent French amateur en bloc for four
thousand pounds. This offer was declined, and
he sent the books to Paris to be sold by auction.
The sale took place at the Salle Drouot on the
1 2th of March 1878, and the four following days,
when the lots, seven hundred and seventy-four
in number, realised three hundred and nineteen
thousand one hundred francs — considerably
more than three times the sum Mr. Turner was
willing to take for them. After his death, which
occurred at Brighton on the 7th of June 1887,
the remainder of his library was disposed of in
two sales by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and
Hodge: the first on June 18th, 1888, and the
eleven following days, and the second on
November 23rd, 1888, and the thirteen following
days. They realised respectively thirteen thou-
sand three hundred and seventy pounds, thirteen
shillings, and two thousand eight hundred and
seventy-four pounds, seventeen shillings and
sixpence. The prices obtained for the books,
especially at the French sale, were very high. A
dedication copy to Mademoiselle de Montpensier,
with the. signature of Charles de Lorraine on the
title-page, of Recueil des Portraits et Eloges en
vers et en prose (de personnages du temps par
Mademoiselle de Montpensier et autres), Paris,
1659, with a morocco binding of the seventeenth
century, ornamented with fleurs-de-lis, fetched
fourteen thousand francs ; La Fontaine's Fables
Choisies, five volumes, Paris, 1678, 1679 and 1694,
bound by Boyet, eleven thousand nine hundred
and fifty francs ; Les Fais de Jason, par Raoul
Le Febvre, printed at Lyons about 1480, seven
thousand six hundred francs ; Le Livre appelle
Mandeville, Lyon, 1480, six thousand two
hundred and fifty francs ; Les CEuvres de Guil-
laume Coquillant, Paris, 1532, five thousand four
hundred and fifty francs ; and Les CEuvres de
Moliere, eight volumes, Paris, 1739, with addi-
tional plates, five thousand francs. Among the
books at the English sales the exceptionally
fine and large copies of the Tewrdannck,
Nuremberg, 15 17, and the Aldine Poliphili Hyp-
nerotomachia, sold respectively for two hun-
dred and fifty pounds and one hundred and
thirty-seven pounds ; a copy of Paesi Novamente
Retrovati, Vicentia, 1507, with the title in fac-
simile, for one hundred and eighty-six pounds ;
and Shakespeare's Poems, 1640, for one hundred
and six pounds. The first folio of Shakespeare
Mr. Turner sold privately to an American col-
lector. A Grolier binding realised three thousand
francs ; another binding with the devices of Diana
of Poitiers, four thousand four hundred francs ;
a book from the library of Longepierre, two
thousand five hundred francs; two sets of volumes
with doublures by Boyet, respectively four thou-
sand francs and three thousand nine hundred
francs ; and Rogers's Italy and Poons, with
beautiful bindings by Bedford, sixty-one pounds.
Mr. Turner was an accomplished linguist, and
he possessed a wide and accurate knowledge of
the literary history and bibliography of France,
Italy and Spain. He was also a collector of rare
and beautiful bindings before the interest and
value of these works of art were generally
Mr. Frederick Locker, the author of London
Lyrics and other volumes of delightful light
and social verse, was born in 182 1. His father
was Mr. E. H. Locker, a Civil Commissioner
of Greenwich Hospital, and founder of the Naval
Gallery there. For some years Mr. Locker was
Prdcis Writer in the Admiralty. He was
twice married : first in 1850 to Lady Charlotte
Christian, a daughter of the seventh Earl of
Elgin, and secondly in 1874 to Hannah Jane,
Mr. Locker Lampson.
a daughter of the late Sir Curtis Miranda
Lampson, Bart., of Rowfant, Sussex. On the
death of his father-in-law in 1885 he added the
name of Lampson to his own. He died at
Rowfant on May the 30th, 1895.
One of Mr. Locker-Lampson's Book-plates.
Mr. Locker-Lampson tells us in his interest-
ing autobiography entitled My Confidences, that
he first collected pictures and rare sixteenth
century engravings, but collectors with long
purses outbid him, so he turned to old books :
' little volumes of poetry and the drama from
about 1590 to 1610/ These formed the nucleus
of his collection, which soon grew wide enough to
include Caxtons and the works of the poets of
the last century. Rare editions of Sidney,
Spenser, Churchyard, Middleton, Herbert, Her-
rick, Dekker, Chapman, and many other writers
of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, are to
be found in it, and Shakespeare is splendidly
represented by a perfect copy of the first folio, the
first editions of Lucrece, the Sonnets and the
Poems, and a large number — some thirty in all —
of the quarto plays, many of which are the original
editions. Mr. Locker-Lampson's folio wanted
Ben Jonson's verses, and he gives an amusing
account in My Confidences of an unsuccessful
attempt to purchase a copy of them from a Mr.
Dene, who possessed an imperfect first folio. He
ultimately bought the precious leaf, which had
been pasted in a scrap-book, for one hundred
pounds, and so completed his copy. The library
is also very rich in first editions of Byron,
Tennyson, Browning, and other English poets
of recent times, many of the volumes containing
autograph inscriptions to Mr. Locker-Lampson
himself. Mr. Locker-Lampson placed his library,
together with his collections of autograph letters,
pictures and drawings, in his residence at Row-
fant, the beautiful home which he and his wife
inherited from the lady's father ; and a handsome
catalogue of them published in 1886 by Mr.
Quaritch, with an introduction by their owner,
tells us of the treasures they contain. An etched
portrait of Mr. Locker- Lampson and a sketch of
his study are inserted in the volume, and Mr.
Andrew Lang has prefixed some charming lines
descriptive of the library : —
' The Rowfant books, how fair they show,
The Quarto quaint, the Aldine tall ;
Print, autograph, Portfolio !
Back from the outer air they call
The athletes from the Tennis ball,
The Rhymer from his rod and hooks ;
Would I could sing them, one and all,
The Rowfant books !
The Rowfant books ! In sun and snow
They 're dear, but most when tempests fall
The folio towers above the row
As once, o'er minor prophets — Saul !
What jolly jest books, and what small
" Dear dumpy Twelves " to fill the nooks.
You do not find in every stall
The Rowfant books !
The Rowfant books ! These long ago
Were chained within some College hall ;
These manuscripts retain the glow
Of many a coloured capital ;
While yet the Satires keep their gall,
While the Pastissicr puzzles cooks,
There is a joy that does not pall,
The Rowfant books !
The Kowfant books, — ah magical
As famed Armida's golden looks.
They hold the Rhymer for their thrall —
The Rowfant books ! '
In 1900 was published an Appendix to the
Catalogue, the work of Mr. Frederick Locker-
Lam pson's son, Mr. Godfrey Locker- Lampson,
consisting of additions to the library since the
printing of the Catalogue in 1886, to which Mr.
Andrew Lang again contributed some verses : —
1 How often to the worthy Sire
Succeeds th' unworthy son !
Extinguished is the ancient fire,
Books were the idols of the Squire,
The graceless heir has none.
To Sotheby's go both old and new,
Bindings, and prose, and rhymes,
With Shakespeare as with Padeloup
The sportive lord has naught to do,
He reads The Sporting Times.
Behold a special act of grace,
On Rowfant shelves behold,
The well-loved honours keep their place,
And new-won glories half efface
The splendours of the old.'
The volume also contains verses by Mr.
Austin Dobson, the Earl of Crewe, and Mr.
Wilfrid Blunt.
William Morris, the poet, art-designer, and
manufacturer, was born at Elm House, Clay Hill,
Walthamstow, Essex, on the 24th of March 1834.
His father William Morris, a partner in the firm
of Sanderson and Co., discount brokers, London,
died in 1847, leaving him a considerable fortune.
Young Morris was first educated at a preparatory
school at Walthamstow, and afterwards at Marl-
borough, from whence he proceeded to Exeter
College, Oxford. On leaving the University he
wished to become a painter, but his studies were
not sufficiently successful to warrant him carrying
out his intention. He also paid some attention
to the study of architecture. In 1858 he pub-
lished a small volume entitled The Defence of
Guenevere and other Poems, which received but
little notice at the time ; but The Life and Death
of Jason, published in 1867, attracted general
attention, and his reputation was further greatly
increased by The Earthly Paradise, a poem in
four volumes, which appeared in 1868-70. From
that period until the time of his death Mr. Morris
published a considerable number of other works,
and, in collaboration with Mr. Eirikr Magnusson,
some translations from the Icelandic. In 1863,
in conjunction with D. G. Rossetti, E. Burne-
Jones, and Ford Madox Brown, he established
a factory for the production of artistic glass, tiles,
wall-paper, etc., which has greatly contributed
to the improvement of household decoration in
England. A large number of the designs were
the work of Mr. Morris himself, his leisure hours
being devoted to literature, and it has been said
of him ■ that his poems were by Morris the wall-
paper maker, and his wall-papers by Morris the
In 1 89 1 Morris established a printing-press
near his residence, Kelmscott House, on the
Upper Mall, Hammersmith, from which he
issued a series of beautiful and sumptuous re-
prints, principally of old books, with ornamenta-
tions by himself, and illustrations chiefly by Sir
E. Burne-Jones. Of these reprints, which at
the present time fetch large prices, that of
Chaucer s Poems is considered the finest. In
1898 the trustees of Mr. Morris published 'A
Note on his aims in founding the Kelmscott
Press. Together with a short description of the
Press by C. S. Cockerell, and an annotated list
of the books printed thereat' The list gives
fifty-three works in sixty-three volumes and nine
leaflets. This was the last book printed at the
Kelmscott Press. It was finished at No. 14
Upper Mall, Hammersmith, on the 4th of March
1898. In it the aims of Morris in founding the
Press are given in his own words. ' I began
printing books,' he writes, 'with the hope of
producing some which would have a definite
claim to beauty, while at the same time they
should be easy to read, and should not dazzle
the eye, or trouble the intellect of the reader by
eccentricity of form in the letters.' Mr. Morris,
who died at Kelmscott House on the 3rd of
October 1896, collected a fine and extensive
library, which passed into the hands of a Man-
chester collector for, it is said, the sum of twenty
thousand pounds. The purchaser, after selecting
the books he required — about half of the mss. and
one-third of the printed books — sent the others to
Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, by whom they
were sold on December 5th, 1898, and five
following days. There were twelve hundred and
fifteen lots in the sale, and the sum obtained
for them was ten thousand nine hundred and
ninety-two pounds, eleven shillings. All the
books realised good prices, but the manu-
scripts were of greater interest and value than
the printed volumes. The following are a
few of the principal manuscripts, and the prices
they fetched : — Test amentum Novum Latinum,
Saec. xii., vellum, handsomely illuminated, two
hundred and twenty-five pounds ; Hegesippus,
De Excidio Judczorum, Saec. xii., vellum, in the
original Winchester binding, one hundred and
eighty pounds ; Biblia Sacra Latina, written
on vellum about 1280, with handsomely painted
initials, one hundred and thirty-nine pounds ;
Biblia Sacra Latina, vellum, written about 1300
by an Anglo-Norman scribe, with finely illumi-
nated initials, three hundred and two pounds ;
Josephi Antiquitates Judaicce et de Bello Judaico
Libri, written on vellum by a French scribe in
the thirteenth century, and beautifully illuminated,
three hundred and five pounds ; Missale Angli-
canum, called the Sherbrooke Missal on account
of it having belonged to the Sherbrooke family
of Oxton, County Notts, a member of the family
having inscribed his name in it about 1600; it
was written in the fourteenth century on vellum,
and has illuminated capitals and fine marginal
decorations, three hundred and fifty pounds ;
Gratianus, Decretales, Saec. xiv., vellum, with
finely painted and illuminated initials, two
hundred and fifty-five pounds ; Virgilius Maro,
Georgica et AUneis, written on vellum at the end
of the fourteenth or beginning of the fifteenth
century by an Italian scribe, with beautiful il-
luminated decorations, one hundred and sixty-
four pounds ; and Legenda Sanctce Catherince de
Senis, Saec. xv., vellum, handsomely illuminated,
one hundred and forty-nine pounds.
Some of the more notable printed books
were : — S. Hieronymi Epistolcz, printed by
Sweynheym and Pannartz at Rome in 1468,
fifty-three pounds ; Speculum Hiummce Salva-
tionis Latino-Germanicum, printed by G. Zainer
at Augsburg about 1471, one hundred pounds;
Ptolomcei Cosmograp/iia, Ulmae, i486, ninety-one
pounds ; Dives and Pauper, printed by Pynson
in 1493, fifty-five pounds ; Higden's Policronicon,
1495, Thordinary of Cry s ten Men, 1502, and The
Orcharde of Syon, 15 19, all from the press of
Wynkyn de Worde, realised respectively thirty-
eight pounds, fifty pounds, and one hundred and
fifty-one pounds ; Hystoire du Chevallier Perceval
le Galloys, Paris, 1530, seventy-nine pounds ;
Epistole et Evangelii et Letioni Vulgari in
lingua Thoscana, Firenze, 1551, eighty-nine
pounds ; and the Historie of the four Sonnes of
Airnon, printed by William Copland in 1554,
eighty-one pounds. Among the manuscripts
retained were a twelfth-century English Bestiary,
for which Mr. Morris gave nine hundred pounds ;
the 'Windmill ' Psalter, written about 1270, which
cost him upwards of a thousand pounds ; the
Huntingdon Psalter, and the Tiptoft Missal.
By Walter Stanley Graves.
B. (Baker).
B. ft L. (Baker and Leigh).
C. (Christie).
C. ft M. (Christie and Manson).
C. M. ft W. (Christie, Manson and
E. (Evans).
L. & S. (Leigh and Sotheby).
Adair, James. -1798.
2 parts. L. & S. Nov., Dec.
1798. 8 days. ^1815.
Addington, Samuel.
Autographs. S. W. & H. April
1876. 3 days. ^£2151.
Library. S. W. & H. May 1886.
2 days. ^3522.
Akers, Edmund Fleming.
2 parts. S. [March], April 1820.
21 days. ^3729.
Alexander, William. 1767-18 16.
S. Nov. 181 6. 6 days. ^1380.
Allen, Thomas.
2 parts. L. & S. June 1795,
1799. 19 days. ^5737-
See page 384.
Ashburton, Lord.
S. W. & H. July 1896. (Selec-
tion from French Library, with
L. S. & Son (Leigh, Sotheby and Son).
P. ft S. (Puttick and Simpson).
S. (Sotheby).
S. ft & (Sotheby and Son).
S. ft W. (Sotheby and Wilkinson).
S. W. ft H. (Sotheby. Wilkinson and
duplicates of Lord Crawford.)
4 days. ^1870. S. W. & H.
Nov. 1900. 4 days. ^6256.
Askew, Anthony, M.D. 1722-1774.
See page 220.
Astle, Edward.
2 parts. E. Jan. [18 16], March
Part 1. 2 days. ^2366.
Atkinson, Henry John Farmer.
See Farmer-Atkinson.
Auchinleck, Lord.
(Auchinleck Library.) S. W. & H.
June 1893. 3 days- .£2525.
Aylesford, Earl of.
C. M. & W. March 1888. 9
days. .£10,574.
Bacon, Thomas Sclater.
Cock (London). March
76 evenings.
Baker, George. 1747-1811.
S. June 1825. 3 days. ^£1468.
Baker, Jambs.
Autographs. S. & W. May 1855.
1 day. ^278.
Library. S. & W. May 1855.
2 days. .£2336.
Balms, Rev. Edward.
E. March 1823. 5 days.
Bandinel, Bulkeley, D.D. 1781-
2 parts. S. & W. Aug., Dec.
1 86 1. 8 days. ^2885.
Baskerfield, Thomas.
S. Nov. 181 7. 7 days.
Bateman Heirlooms.
S. VV.&H. May 1893. 6 days.
Baylis, Sir Robert.
B. Nov.-Dec. 1749. 12 days.
Beck ford, William. 1759-1844.
See page 318.
Bedford, Charles.
L. & S. March 1807. 6 days.
Bedford, Francis. 1799- 1883.
S. W. & H. March 1884. 5
days. ^4876.
Bentham, William.
E. March- April 1838. 11 days.
Benzon, Ernest L. S.
S. W. & H. May 1875. 2 days.
Beresford-Hope, Right Hon.
Alexander J ames Bkresford,
2 parts. S. W.&H. March 1882,
June 1888. 9 days. ^5 148
(including engravings and
Bernal, Ralph. -1854.
S. & W. Feb. 1855. 6 dayi.
Bernard, Charles. 1650-1711.
Sold at the Black-Boy Coffee-
house (London). March 1 7 1 1 .
Bernard, Dr. Francis. 1627-1698.
See page 1 1 2.
Berwick, Lord. 1 770-1832.
S. July 181 7. 3 days. j£ii8o.
Berwick, Lord. 1773-1842.
S. & W. April- May 1843. 13
days. ^6726.
Beth am, Sir William, i 779-1853.
MSS. S.&W. May i860. 1 day.
Bindley, James. 1737-1818.
See page 246.
Blandford, Marquess of.
See Marlborough, Duke of.
Blew, Rev. William J.
S. W. & H. June 1895. 3 days.
Bliss, Rev. Philip. 1 787-1857.
Books, 2 parts. S. & W. June-
July, Aug. 1858. 25 days.
Autographs and MSS. S. & W.
Aug. 1858. 1 day. ^614.
Blood, Bindon. -1855.
2 parts. S. & W. July, Aug.
1856. 13 days. ^2530.
Bolland, Sir William. 1772-
E. Nov. -Dec. 1840. 13 days.
Boswell, James. 1 778-1822.
S. May- June 1825. 10 days.
Boucher, Rev. Jonathan. 1737-
3 parts. L. & S. Feb.-March,
April 1806 ; May- June 1809.
40 days. ^45°9-
Brabourne, Lord.
2 parts. S. W. & H. May 1891.
P. & S. June 1893. 7 days.
Bragge, William. 1 823-1 884.
MSS. S. W. & H. [Anon.]. June
1876. 4 days. ^12,272.
Books. 2 parts. S. W. & H.
Nov. 1880 and June 1882.
5 days. ^2146.
Brand, Rev. John. 1 744-1806.
See page 276.
Bridges, John. 1666-1724.
See page 157.
[Bridgewater, Duke of.] 1736-
Duplicates, 3 parts. King (Lon-
don). Aug. 1800, April, June
1802. 11 days.
Part 11. 2 days. .£210.
Bright, Benjamin Heywood.
4 parts. S. & W. June 1844,
March- April, July 1845. 32
days. ;£i 1,086.
Bristol, Earl of. -1676.
See page 106.
Britton, Thomas. 1654-17 14.
2 parts. John Bullord. Nov.
[1694]. Thomas Ballard. Jan.
Broadley, John.
Part 1. E. July 1832. 3 days.
Part 11. E. June 1833 (with
another). 5 days. ^3510.
Brockett, John Trotter.
2 parts. S. Dec. 1823, June
1843. 22 days.
Part 1. 14 days. ^4259.
Brodrick, Hon. Charles, Arch-
bishop of Cashel. 1761-1822.
Books. S. June 1825. 5 days.
MSS. S. [Anon.]. June 1825.
7 days.
Bruton, H. W.
(Cruikshankiana.) S. W. & H.
June 1897. 3 days. ^2519.
[Bryant, W.]
King and Lochee. Feb. 1800. 8
days. ^"2566.
Buccleuch, Duke of.
Duplicates and other books.
S. W. & H. March 1889. 3
days. ;£37°5-
Buckingham, Duke or.
(Stowe Library.)
See page 342.
Buckley, Rev. William Edward.
2 parti. S. W. & H. Feb.-
March 1893, April 1894. as
days. ,£9430.
Bunbury, Sir Edward Herbert.
S. W. &H. July 1891. 5 days.
Burgess, Frederick.
S. W. & H. May-June 1894.
4 days. ^1558.
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord.
See page 39.
Burney, Charles, Mus. Doc 1726-
L. & S. June 181 4. 9 days.
Burney, Charles, D.D. 1757-
See page 308.
Bute, Earl of. 1713-1792.
Duplicates. L. & S. [Anon.].
May -June 1785. 18 days.
Library. L. & S. May 1794.
10 days. ^3470-
Butler, Charles. 17 50- 183 2.
E. Dec. 1832. 6 days. ^1014.
Butler, Samuel, Bishop of Lich-
field. 1 7 74- 1 839.
2 parts. C. & M. March-June
1840. 15 days.
Part 3 was not sold, although
catalogued; the books being
purchased by Payne and Foai,
and the MSS. and autographs
by the British Museum.
Cesar, Sir Julius. 1558- 1636.
MSS. Paterson. Dec 1757.
3 evenings. .£356.
Caldecott, Thomas. 1743- 1833.
S. Dec 1833. 6 days. ^1210.
Caley, John. 1763-1834.
E. July 1834. 9 days. ^2620.
Campbell, Hon. Alexander
B. April 1757. 9 days. ^867.
Chalmers, Alexander. 1759-
S. & S. March 1835. 11 days.
Chalmers, George. 1 742-1825.
3 parts. E. Sept. -Oct. 1841,
March-Nov. 1842. 23 days.
[Charlemont, Earl of.] 1775-
2 parts. S. W. & H. Aug.-Sept.
1865. 2 days. ^4444-
A large portion of this library
was destroyed by fire at the
auctioneers', also the catalogue
as printed for the intended sale
in July.
[Charlotte, Queen.] 1744-1818.
2 parts. C June-July 18 19.
20 days. ^4540.
Chauncey, Charles, M.D., and
L. & S. April-May 1790. 15
Cheney, Edward.
S. W. & H. June 1886. 5 days.
Chichester, Sir John, Bart.
Jeffery. Feb.-March 18 12. 19
Clanricarde, Earl of.
L. & S. Jan. 1809. 5 days.
Clare, Earl of. 1 793-1864.
2 parts. S. W. & H. April 1866,
Jan. 1881. 3 days. ,£2959.
Clarendon, Earl of. 1609-1674.
MSS. B. April 1764. 2 days.
Clarke, Adam. 1 762-1832.
2 parts. E. Feb. 1833. S. & S.
June 1836. 14 days. ^4865.
Clarke, Sir Simon H., Bart.
C. & M. April 1840. 10 days.
Clifford, Lord de.
MSS. C. & M. Feb. 1834. 4
Cock, Alfred.
S. W. & H. July 1898. 3 days.
Cole, Robert.
MSS. and autographs. 2 parts.
P. & S. July- Aug. 186 1, July-
Aug. 1867. 9 days. ^1591-
Coleridge, Lord.
S. W. & H. May 1896. 5 days.
Collier, John Payne. 1789-
S.W. &H. Aug. 1884. 3 days.
Collins, Henry.
S. W. & H. April 1883. 4 days.
S. W. & H. Nov. 1881. 13
days. ^8327.
Constable, William.
(Burton Constable Library.) 2
parts. S. W. & H. June 1889.
6 days. ^3093.
Corney, Bolton. 1784-1870.
S. W. & H. May-June 1871.
10 days. ^3539-
Corrie, John.
S. & W. April 1863. 4 days.
Corser, Rev. Thomas, i 793-1876.
See page 374.
Cosens, Frederick William.
S. W. & H. Nov. 1890. 12
days. ^5571.
Craig, James Thomson Gibson.
See Gibson-Craig.
Crampon, Alfred.
S.W. & H. June 1896. 2 days.
Craufurd, Rev. C. H.
2 parts. S. W. & H. April
1864, July 1876. 6 days.
Crawford, Earl of.
See page 402.
Crawford, W. H.
(Lakelands Library.) S. W. ft
H. March 1891. 12 days.
Crofts, Rev. Thomas.
Paterson. April- May 1783. 43
days. ^3453-
Croker, Right Hon. John Wil-
son. 1780-1857.
Autographs. S. & W. May
1858. 2 days. ,£1099.
Library. S. W. & H. Jan.
1882. 1 day. ^136.
Crossley, James. 1800- 1883.
3 parts. Thompson and Son
(Manchester). May 1884. S.
W. & H. July 1884, June
1885. 23 days. ^8296.
Currer, Mary Richardson.
S. & W. July- Aug. 1862. 10
days. ^5984-
Curry, James, M.D.
S. March-April 1820. 10 days.
Daly, Right Hon. Denis. 1747-
James Vallance (Dublin). May
i792- ^37°°-
Daly, Robert, Bishop of Cashel,
Emly, Waterford, and Lismore.
2 parts. S. & W. [Anon.]. June
1858. S. W. & H. July 1872.
5 days. ^2618.
Daniel, George. 1789-1864,
See page 360.
Dasent, Sir George Webbe.
Part 1. S.W.&H. April 1895.
2 days. ^803.
Part n. S. W. &H. March 1897.
(With another.) 2 days. ^728.
Davis, Henry Newnham.
S. W. & H. Nov. 1900. 2 days.
Dent, John. i75o?-i826.
See page 278.
Digby, Sir Kenelm. 1603- 1665.
See page 106.
Dillon, John.
Books. S.W. & H. June 1869.
3 days. .£2349.
Autographs and MSS. S. W. & H.
June 1869. 5 days. ^3080.
D'Israeli, Isaac. 1 766-1848.
S. & W. March 1849. 4 days.
[Donegal, Marquess of.]
Stewart. March 1 800. 1 4 days.
Dormer, Lieut.-General James.
B. Feb.-March 1764. 20 days.
Douglas, Rev. W.
S. Dec. 18 1 9. 1 1 days. ^2986.
Dowdeswell, Lieut.-General
William. 1 761-1828.
E. July 1828. 4 days. ^£1347-
Drury, Rev. Henry.
2 parts. E. Feb.-March 1827.
23 days. ^8917.
Ducarel, Andrew Coltee. 1 7 1 3-
L. & S. April 1786. 8 days.
Duckett, Sir George, Bart.
Autograph documents, etc. S.
& S. June-July 1832. 4 days.
Edwardes, Sir Henry Hope,
C. M. & W. May 1901. 4 days.
Edwards, James. 1 757-1 81 6.
See page 298.
Evans, Herbert N., M.D.
2 parts. S. W. & H. May, June
1864. 13 days. ^3186.
Eyton, J. C.
S. W. & H. June 1881. 3 days.
Eyton, Joseph Walter Ring.
S. & W. May 1848. 8 days.
Fairfax, Brian. 1 676-1 749.
(Osterley Park Library.) See
page 172.
Falconer, J. J.
S. W. & H. Aug. 1877. 6 days.
Farmer, Richard, D.D. 1735-
See page 237.
Farmer-Atkinson, Henry John.
2 parts. S. W. & H. March
1896. P. & S. April 1897.
5 days. ^2066.
Farnham, Baron. 1 799-1868.
S. W. & H. June- July 1869.
9 days. ^2168.
Fauntleroy, Henry. 1 785-1824.
S. April 1825. 3 days. ^2714.
Fielding, Henry. 1 707-1 754.
B. Feb. 1755. 4 evenings.
Folkes, Martin. 1690- 17 54.
See page 197.
Forster, Richard.
King and Loche'e. Nov. 1806.
10 days. ^1696.
Foster, Birket.
S. W. & H. June 1894 (with
others). 4 days. ^51 98.
Fraser, Sir William Augustus.
S. W. & H. April 1 90 1. 8 days.
Freeling, Sir Francis, Bart.
1 764-1 836.
E. Nov.-Dec. 1836. 10 days.
Frere, John Tudor.
S. W. & H. Feb. 1896. 4 days.
Gaisford, Thomas. -1898.
S. W. & H. April-May 1890.
8 days. ^9236.
Gardner, Cecil Dunn.
S. W. & H. June 1880. 6 days.
Gardner, John D
a parts. S. & W. July 1854,
Nov. 1875. 12 days. ,£10,153.
Gibson-Craig, James Thomson.
1 799- 1 886.
See page 396.
Gilchrist, Octavius Graham.
E. Jan. 1824. 6 days. ^1355.
Glenbervie, Baron, i 743-1823.
2 parts. E. June, July 1823.
'5 days. ^2534.
Gloucester, William Frederick,
Duke of. 1 776-1834.
S. &S. July-Aug. 1835. 8 days.
GoLDSMiD, John Louis.
E. Dec. [1815]. 5 days. ^2179.
Goldsmith, Oliver. 1 728-1 774.
Good. July 1774. 1 day.
Gooch, Archdeacon.
S. Nov. 1823. 4days. £"1212.
Gordon, Sir Robert.
(Gordonstoun Library.) Coch-
rane. March 1816. 12 days.
Gosford, Earl of.
P. & S. April- May 1884. n
days. .£11,318.
Gossett, Rev. Isaac. 1 735-181 2.
L. & S. June-July 1813. 23
days. ^3141-
Gough, Richard. 1 735-1809.
See page 240.
Grafton, Duke of. 1 735-181 1.
2 parts. L. & S. Dec. 181 1.
[Anon.]. June 1815.
days. ,£4803.
Grant, Francis. 1834- 1899.
2 parts. P. & S. Nov. 1881.
S. W. & II May 1900.
3 days. ^2526.
Grave, Robert. 1 731-1802.
L. S. & S. April 1803. 8 days.
Greslev, Sir Roger, Bart
E. May 1838. 3 days. ^1601.
Guild, J. Wyi.i if.
Chapman and Son (Edinburgh).
April 1888. 10 days.
Guilford, Earl of. 1 766-1827.
See page 322.
[Gulston, Joseph.] 1745-1786.
2 parts. Compton (London).
May[i783],Junei784. 15 days.
Parti. 11 days. .£1750.
Hailstone, Edward. 181 8- 1890.
(Walton Hall Library.) 2 parts.
S. W. & H. Feb., April-May
1891. 18 days. ,£8991.
Halliwell - Phillipps, James
Orchard. 1820-1889.
S. W. & H. July 1889. 4 days.
ilton, Duke of.
(Hamilton Library.) Seepage329.
Hamper, William. 1 776-1831.
E. July 1 83 1. 3 days. £1820.
Hampton, Lord. 1 799-1 880.
S. W. & H. Feb. 1 88 1. 3 days.
Hanrott, Philip Augustus.
6 parts. E. July, Aug. 1833;
Feb.-March 1834; Jan. 1857.
50 days. ^22,806.
Hardwicke, Earl of.
(Wimpole Library.) C. M. & W.
June 1888. 1 day. ^3242.
Hardwicke State Papers advertised
for sale by S. W. & H. were
purchased en bloc by the British
Harley, Edward, Earl of Oxford.
See page 155.
Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford.
See page 155.
Harman, Jeremiah.
E. May 1844. 5 days. ^1761.
Harrison, W.
S. W. & H. Jan. 1881. 4 days.
Hartley, Leonard Laurie. 1816-
3 parts. P. & S. June 1885,
May 1886, April 1887. 28 days.
Hartree, William.
S. W. & H. July 1890. 8 days.
Harward, John.
2 parts. S. & W. Dec. [1858],
May 1859. 9 days. ^3800.
Haslewood, Joseph. 1 769-1833.
E. Dec. 1833. 8 days.
Hawkins, Rev. W. Bentinck L.
3 parts. C. M. & W. March,
April 1895. 6 days. ^2903.
Hawley, Sir Joseph, Bart.
S. W. & H. July 1894. 3 days.
Hawtrey, Edward Craven, D.D.
2 parts. S. & W. July 1853,
June-July 1862. .16 days.
Hayter, Thomas, Bishop of Lon-
don. 1702-1762.
B. May 1757. 16 days. ^1130.
Heath, Benjamin, D.D. 1739-
See page 255.
Heathcote, Robert.
5 parts. L. S. & S. [Anon.].
April, May, June 1802. L. & S.
[Anon.] Feb. [Anon.] Dec.
1805. 16 days. ^7684.
Heber, Richard, i 773-1833.
See page 341.
Henley, John ('Orator'). 1692-
MSS. Paterson. June 1759.
Herman, Henry.
2 parts. S. W. & H. May 1883
Jan. 1885. 3 days. ^2401.
Hibbert, George. 1757-1837.
See page 302.
Higgs, William Simonds.
S. & S. April 1830. 3 days.
Hill, Thomas, i 760-1840.
7 parts. L. & S. June 181 1.
E. March 1841. 25 days.
Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, Bart.
1 758- 1 838. (Stourhead Library.)
See page 3 1 6.
Hoblyn, Robert. 17 10-1756.
B. & L. March 1778. 26 days.
Hodges, Christopher.
E. March 18 14. 3 days. ^2046.
Hodgson, William.
S. March 1824. 6 days. ^2079.
Holland, Lancelot, and Henry.
S. & W. July i860. 6 days.
Hope, Adrian.
S. W. & H. April 1896. 5 days.
Hope, Henry P.
L. & S. Feb.-March 1813. 18
days. ^3837.
Hopetoun, Earl of.
(Hopetoun House Library.)
S. W. & H. Feb. 1889. 4
days. ^6117.
Horsley, Samuel, Bishop of St.
Asaph. 1 733- 1 806.
L. & S. May 1807. 9 days.
Howard, Henry.
C. M. & W. June 1898. 2 days.
Hunter, John.
4 parts. L. & S. Feb. 1805.
[Anon.] [Feb.] 1808. [Anon.]
Feb. 1813. E. May 1842.
Part 1. (with another). 5 day$.
Parts il, ml, iv. 9 days. ^2516.
E. Feb. [1816]. 6days. ^1421.
Hurd, Philip.
2 parts. E. March-April 1832,
July-August 1845. M days.
Hutton, John.
Paterson and Bristow. Oct.-Nov.
1764. 28 days.
S. May 1818. 3 days. .£2288.
Inglis, John Bellingham. 1780-
See page 350.
James, Charles.
S. March 18 1 9. 6 days. ^1857.
Jarman, John Boykett.
Illuminated Missals, etc. S. W.
& H. June 1864. 1 day.
Books. S. W. & H. June 1864.
1 day. ^136.
Jersey, Earl of.
(Osterley Park Library.) See
page 172.
[Johnson, Richard.]
L. & S. Dec 1807. 12 days.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel. 1 709-1 784.
C. Feb. 1785. 4 days. ^247.
Kemble, John Philip. 1 757-1823.
E. Jan. 1821. 9 days. ^2577.
This sale did not include the
collection of old plays, which
were privately purchased by
the Duke of Devonshire for
Kershaw, John.
S. W. & H. July 1877. 6 days.
King, Edward. 1 735-1 807.
L, & S. Feb. 1808. 8 days.
Knight, Edward.
E. Mayi82i. 10 days. ^2415.
Laing, David. 1 793-1878.
See page 378.
Lake, Sir James Winter, Bart.
Stewart. March 1808. 15 days.
Lambert, John.
L. & S. June 1808. 4 days.
Lang, Robert.
E. Nov. 1828. 1 1 days. ^2837.
Lansdowne, Marquess of. 1737-
See page 251.
Larking, John Wingfield. 1801-
S. W. & H. April 1892. 3 days.
Lawrence, Edwin Henry.
S. W. & H. May 1892. 4 days.
Lawrence, Sir Thomas. 1769-
S. & S. June 1830. 4 days.
Leighton, Lord. 1830-1896.
C. M. & W. July 1896. 2 days.
Le Neve, Peter. 1661-1729.
See page 149.
Letherland, Joseph, M.D. 1699-
B. March-April 1765. 22 days.
Lettsom, John Coakley, M.D.
2 parts. L. & S. March-April
181 1, April 1816. n days.
Lewis, John Delaware. 1828-
2 parts. S. W. & H. June 1866,
May 1868. 4 days. ^3257.
S. June 1820. 5 days. ^1606.
E. July 1837. 10 days. ^1750.
Lloyd, Charles, Bishop of Ox-
ford. 1 784-1829.
S. July 1829. 5 days. ^1538.
Lloyd, Thomas.
S. July 1819. 6 days. ^2035.
Lort, Michael, D.D. 1725-
2 parts. L. & S. April, May
1791. 25 days. ^1269.
Luttrell, Narcissus. 1657-1732.
See page 141.
Lysons, Rev. Daniel, i 762-1834.
Part 1. E. March 1828 (with
others). 3 days. ^2093.
Part 11. E. Nov. 1834. 1 day.
^451 (including remaining
copies of Lysons's R<liqui<r
Britannico- Romano).
Lysons, Samuel. 1763-18 19.
K. June 1820. 8 days.
Mackenzie, John Mansfield.
S.W.&H. March 1889. 8 days.
Mackintosh, Sir James, i 765-
E. Nov. 1832. 9 days. ^1797.
Maidment, James. 1795-1879.
Chapman and Son (Edinburgh).
April-May 1880. 15 days.
Mainstone, James.
L. & S. April-May 1800. 13
days. ^1175-
Maitland, Thomas, Lord Dun-
drennan. 1 792-185 1.
Tait and Nisbet (Edinburgh).
Dec. 1 85 1. 9 days. ^2395.
Makellar, Rev. William.
S. W. & H. Nov. 1898. n
days. ;£ii,ii8.
Malkin, Benjamin Heath. 1769-
E. March 1828. 7 days. ^3539.
Malone, Edmond. 1741-1812.
S. Nov.-Dec. 1 818. 8 days.
The Early English portion of his
library was presented to the
Bodleian Library, Oxford, by
his brother.
Marlborough, Duke of. i 766-
(White Knights Library.) See
page 327.
Marsh, John Fitchett. 1818-
S. W. & H. May 1882. 9 days.
Mason, Georgk. 1 735-1 806.
4 parts. L. & S. Jan., May,
Nov. 1798.; April 1799. 11
days. ^2661.
Mathews, Charles. 1776- 1835.
(Theatrical Library, Portraits,
etc.) S. & S. Aug. 1835. 4
days. ^947.
Mathias, Thomas James. 1754-
E. April 1820. 12 days.
Mead, Richard, M.D. 1673- 1754.
See page 163.
Middleton, Conyers, D.D. 1683-
B. March 1 75 1. 10 days.
Robert Saunders (London). Feb.
1 8 18. 6 days.
Mills, George Galwey.
Jeffery. Feb.- March 1800. 13
days. ^4319-
Milner, John.
E May 1829. 3 days. ^1236.
Mitford, Rev. John. 1 781-1859.
3 parts. S. & W. Dec. 1859;
April-May, July i860. 20 days.
Monro, John, M.D. 1715-1791.
L. & S. April-May 1792. 15
days. ^1650.
Morris, William. 1835-1896.
See page 423.
Nares, Rev. Robert. 1 753-1829.
E. Nov.-Dec. 1829. 8 days.
Nash, John. 1752-1835.
E. July 1835. 5 days. £1748.
Nassau, George Richard Savage.
2 parts. E. Feb., March 1824.
20 days. £8505.
Nayler, Sir George. 1 764-1831.
(Heraldic books and MSS.) 2
parts. S. & S. April, July
1832. 5 days. ^1991.
Naylor, F.
Autographs, etc. S. W. & H.
July- Aug. 1885. 6 days.
Nichols, John. 1745-1826.
3 parts. S. April, May 1828.
S. & W. July 1856. 7 days.
Nichols, John Bowyer. 1779-
2 parts. S. W. & H. May, Dec.
1864. 11 days. £6 174.
Nichols, John Gough. 1806-1873.
2 parts. S. W. & H. Dec. 1874,
April 1879. 9 days. £2313.
Nicholson, Alexander.
E. Feb. 1830. 3 days. ^1468.
Nicolay, Frederick.
L. &S. Nov.-Dec. 1809. 8 days.
Norfolk, Duke of. 1746-1815.
3 parts. E. Nov.-Dec. [1816],
March [1817], Dec. 1821.
Part 1. 8 days. ^1777.
North, John.
3 parts. E. March-May 181 9.
25 days. £12,707.
Offor, George, i 787-1864.
S. W. &H. June-July 1865. 11
days. First two days, £2901.
On the third morning of the sale
a fire occurred, which so far
damaged the remainder that
the salvage was sold to Mr.
Henry Stevens for £300.
The library is said to have been
valued for probate at about
Ord, Craven, 1 756-1832.
3 parts. E. June 1829, Jan.
1830, May 1832.
Parts 1. and in. 4 days. £3029.
Part 11. MSS. (with others). 5
days. £2654.
Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl
See Walpole.
Orford, Earl of. 1813-1894.
S. W. & H. June 1895. 2 days.
Orme, Robert, i 728-1801.
L. & S. April-May 1796. 10
days. ^1179.
Ormerod, George. 1785-1873.
S. W. & H. Aug. 1875. 5 days.
Ouvry, Frederic. 1814-1881.
S. W. & H. March-April 1882.
6 days. ^6169.
Oxford, Robert and Edward
Harley, Earls of.
See Harley.
[Parker, William.]
E. June 1820. 5 days. ^2460.
Parr, Rev. Samuel. 1747-1825.
2 parts. E. • May, Oct.-Nov.
1828. 15 days. ^2720.
Parris, P. C.
L. & S. May 1815. 5 days.
Parton, John.
E. June 1822. 4 days. ^1736.
Pearson, Thomas. 1740-1781.
T. and J. Egerton (London).
April-May 1788. 23 days.
Peel, Sir Robert (Peel Heir-
Robinson and Fisher. June 1900.
4 days. ^5883 (including
Penn, Granville. 1761-1844.
a parts. S. & W. June 1851.
[Anon.] July-Aug. 185 1. 10
days. ,£8471.
Penrhyn, Lord. 1737-1808.
L. & S. March 1809. 5 days.
Perkins, Frederick. 1 780-1860.
See page 348.
Perkins, Henry. 1 778-1855.
See page 346.
Perry, James. 1756-1821.
4 parts. E. March-May 1822.
Feb. 1823. 27 days. ^7400.
Petit, Louis Hayes. 1774-1849.
S. VV. & H. April-May 1869.
14 days. ^2937.
Philips, Nathaniel. 1795-1831.
E. March 1837. 2 days. ^1464.
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart. 1792-
See page 370.
Phillips, George.
E. Feb. 18 1 8. 5 days. j^Jii 13.
[Pitt, William.]
L.&S. Jan. 1808. 4 days. ^1239.
Pollock, William.
E. March 1818. 3 days. ^1823.
Porson, Richard. 1 759-1808.
L. & S. June 1809. 7 days.
Prest, William.
S. June 1 8 19. 6 days. ^2032.
Price, Sir Charles Rugge, Bart.
S. W. & H. Feb. 1867. 7 days.
Price, Lake.
S.W.&H. March 1880. 2 days.
Prince, Rev. Samuel.
S. W. & H. Dec. 1865. 4 days.
Pryce, Rev. D. F.
S. March 1824. 3 days. ^1146.
Raine, Matthew, D.D. 1760-
L. & S. Feb.-March 181 2. 13
days. ^2794.
Aldine and classical books be-
queathed to Trinity College,
Randolph, John, Bishop of London.
E. April 1 8 14. 8 days. ^2046.
Ratcliffe, John. -1776.
C. March-April 1776. 9 even-
ings. ;£n<>5-
Rawlinson, Dr. Richard. 1690-
See page 191.
Rawlinson, Thomas. 1 681-1725.
See page 178.
Reed, Isaac 1 742-1807.
See page 269.
Reeves, John. 1 752-1829.
S. & S. Sept. 1 83 1. 10 days.
Reid, Hugh Galbraith.
2 parts. S. W. & H. May 1894.
12 days. ^3466.
Rendorp, John.
.S. Feb.-Mar.1825. 8 days. ^2522.
Rennie, John.
2 parts. E. July 1829. ndays.
Remainder. E. March 1833
(with others). 5 days. ^2130.
Rhodes, Abraham.
S. Feb. 1817. 3 days. ^1328.
Rhodes, William Barnes. 1772-
S. April 1825. 10 days. ^1751.
Ridgway, Joseph.
2 parts. S. W. & H. May,
June 1879. 5 days. ^2011
(including autographs).
Roberts, Edward Walpole.
S. March 1828. 4 days. ^1343
(including the Numismatic
Library of his son Barre Charles
Rogers, Samuel, i 763-1855.
C. & M. May 1856. 6 days.
Roscoe, William. 1753-1831.
Winstanley (Liverpool). Aug.-
Sept. 1816. 14 days. ^5150.
Roupell, Robert P.
S. W. & H. July 1870. 5 days.
Roxburghe, Duke of. i 740- i 804.
See page 261.
Russell, Rev. John Fuller.
2 parts. S.W.&H. June 1885,
Feb. 1886. 9 days. ^9485.
RUTHERFURD, 179I-1854.
Nisbet (Edinburgh). March-
April 1855. n days. ,£6886.
Sala, George Augustus Henry.
S. W. & H. July 1895. 4 days.
Saunders, William Wilson. 1809-
2 parts. S. W. & H. Aug. 1873,
March 1880. 4 days. ^2543.
Savile, Sir John. 1 545-1607.
(With Sir Henry Savile, 1549-
1622, and Sir John Savile,
1 556-1630.)
2 parts. S. & W. Dec. i860,
Feb. 1 86 1. 3 days. ^5844.
Scharf, Sir George.
S. W. & H. Feb. 1896. 4 days.
Scott, Sir Claude, Bart.
E. June 1831. 6 days. ^4137-
Scott, George, i 751-1780.
L. & S. March 1781. 16 days.
Seaford, Lord. 1 771-1845.
E. June 1832. 4 days. ^1551.
Sedgwick, William.
L. & S. April 181 1. 4 days.
Selsey, Lord.
S. W. & H. June 1872. 9 days.
S.&S. May 1834. 5 days. £2679
Sheldon, Ralph. 1623-1684.
(Weston Library.) Seepage no.
Shrewsbury, Earl of.
S. & W. June-July 1857. 12
days. .£2901.
Remainder and imperfect books.
S. & W. May 1858. 1 day.
Simeon, Sir John, Bart.
S. W. &H. March 1 87 1. 9 days.
Simes, N. P.
S.W. & H. July 1886. 6 days.
Skaife, John, M.D.
S. W. & H. Feb. 1883. 5 days.
Slade, Felix. 1 790-1868.
S. W. & H. Aug. 1868. 6 days.
Selection of mss. and ancient
bindings bequeathed to the
British Museum.
Smith, George.
S. W. & H. July-Aug. 1867.
22 days. ^9817.
Smith, Joseph. 1682-17 70.
See page 185.
Smith, Richard. 1590-1675.
See page 94.
Smith, Thomas.
S. May 1825. 8 days. £1583.
Smyth, Sir Robert, Bart.
L. & S. April 1809. 6 days.
Southey, Robert. 17 74- 1843.
S. & W. May 1844.- 16 days.
L. & S. April-May 1795. I2
days- ^1332.
Spencer, George John, Earl.
1 758-1834.
See page 312.
Splidt, Philip.
L. &S. Feb. 1814. 6days. ^1440.
Stanley, Colonel.
E. April- May 1813. 8 days.
Steevens, George. 1 736-1800.
See page 242.
Stephenson, G. H.
S. W. & H. June-July 1899.
2 days. ^1915.
Strange, John. 1 732-1799.
L. S. & S. March- April 1801.
29 days.
Strettell, Amos.
2 parts. E. Feb.-March 1820,
May 1841. 11 days. ^3023.
Stuart, James Alexander.
L. & S. June-July 1814. 16
days. ^1393-
Stuart, William.
C. M. & W. March 1895. »
day. ^4296.
Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart.
3 parts. S. W. & H. May-
June 1900. 21 days. ;£n,oo2.
Sunderland Library.
See page 168.
Sussex, Duke of. 1773-1843.
See page 12.
Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman,
Bart. 1771-1823.
See page 335.
Talbot, Sir Charles, Bart.
L. & S. May 1814. 6 days
Taylor, George Watson.
2 parts. E. March, April 1823.
14 days. ^8776.
Taylor, Rev. Henry.
S. June 1822. 9 days. ^1169.
Taylor, Sir Simon, Bart.
E. June 1833. 2 days. ^1607.
Taylour, John.
L. & S. June- July 1793. 24
days. ^1023.
Tebbs, Henry Virtue.
S. W. & H. June 1900. 2 days.
Tenison, Archbishop. 1623-1715.
2 parts. S. & W. June, July
1861. 7 days. ^3089.
Thomas, Thomas.
E. Nov.-Dec. 1843. 3 days.
Thompson, Sir Alexander.
S. Dec. 181 7. 5 days. ^1648.
Thompson, Sir Peter.
E. April-May 181 5. 5 days.
Thornhill, Sir Thomas, Bart.
S. W. & H. April 1889. a days.
Thorold, Sir John, Bart. 1734-
(Syston Park Library.) Sec
page 234.
Tite, Sir William. 1798-1873.
See page 393.
Towneley, John. 1 731-18 13.
See pages 229 and 231.
Townshend, George, Marquess
or. 1755-1811.
L. & S. May 181 2. 16 days.
Tuer, Andrew White.
S. W. & H. July 1900. 1 day.
Tuffen, J. F.
2 parts. S. March 18 18. Feb.
1821. 18 days. ^2866.
Turnbull, William Barclay
David Donald. 1811-1863.
First library. Nov. 185 1. 14
Second library. S. & W. Nov.-
Dec. 1863. 6 days. ^2779.
Turner, Dawson. 1 775-1858.
Library. 2 parts. S. & W. March
1853. P. &S. May 1859. 21
days. ^6902.
MSS. and Autographs. P. & S.
June 1859. 5 days. ^6558.
Turner, Robert Samuel. 18 18-
See page 416.
Tyssen, Samuel.
L. S. & S. Dec 1 80 1. 13 days.
Uttkrson, Edward Vernon.
2 parts. S. & W. April 1852.
March 1857. 15 days. ^9601.
Valpy, Rev. R.
E. June-July 1832. 10 days.
Van Mildert, William, Bishop
of Durham. 1765-1836.
Wheatley. June 1836. 10 days.
Vincent, William, D.D. 1739-
E. March [1816]. 6 days.
Wakefield, Rev. Gilbert. 1756-
180 1. L. S. & S. March-
April 1802. 7 days. ^1215.
Walker, T. Shadford.
S. W. & H. June 1886. 2 days.
Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford.
(Strawberry Hill Library.) See
page 214.
Walton, Brian, Bishop of Chester.
Samuel Carr (London). April
Way, Benjamin.
E. May-June 1834. 3 days.
Way, Gregory Lewis.
2 parts. S. W. & H. July 1881,
March 1884. 2 days. ^3056.
Weaver, Harold Baillie.
2 parts. S.W. & H. Dec. 1897.
C. M. & W. March 1898.
5 days. ^6575.
Webb, Philip Carteret. 1700-
B. & L. Feb.-March 1771. 17
Wellesley, Marquess. 1 760-1842.
E. Jan. 1843. 4 days. ^1217.
Wellesley, Henry, D.D. 1791-
2 parts. S. W. & H. Aug.,
Nov. 1866. 1 6 days. ^4821.
Wells, John.
E. Sept. 1 84 1. 6 days. ^1341.
West, James. i704?-i772.
See page 205.
Wheler, Benjamin, D.D.
B. & L. Nov. [1772]. 10 days.
S. W. & H. June 1898. 3 days.
E. June 1829. 6 days. ^1000.
[Wilkes, J.].
S. & W. March 1847. 11 days.
Wilkinson, George.
E. July 1836. 3 days. ^2984.
Willett, Ralph. 17 19-1795.
(Merly Library.) See page 216.
[William IV.]. 1765-1837.
E. Feb. 1837. 7 days. ^1932
(including prints).
Williams, Rev. Theodore.
2 parts. Stewart, Wheatley and
Adlard. April-May 1827. 15
Wills, Howell.
S. W. & H. July 1894. 6 days.
Windham, Joseph. 1 739-1810.
L. & S. Feb. 181 1. 12 days.
Windus, Benjamin Godfrey.
S. W. & H. March 1868. 4
days. ^2988.
Wodhull, Michael. 1740-1816.
See page 265.
Woodford, Emperor John Alex-
L. & S. May 1809. 11 days.
Woodhouse, John.
L. & S. Dec. 1803. 5 days.
Worsley, Benjamin, D.D.
(With others.) John Dunmore
and Richard Chiswell. May
1678, 'daily until all be sold.'
Wren, Sir Christopher. 1632-
Cock and Langford. Oct. 1748.
2 evenings.
Wright, William.
S.W. & H. June 1899. 3 days.
Wynne, Edward. 17 34- 1784.
L. & S. March 1786. 12 days.
Yates, Edmund. 1831-1894.
S. W. & H. Jan. 1895. 2 days.
York, Duke of. 1763-1827.
Library. S. May 1827. 22
days. .£4703-
Maps, charts, etc. S. July 1827.
4 days. ^1014.
Young, Alexander.
S. W. & H. June 1890. 3 days.
Young, John.
Library. S. W. & H. April
1875. 2 days. ^807.
Autograph letters and historical
documents. 2 parts. S. \V.
& H. [Anon.]. April - May
1869, April 1875. ,0 days.
Printed by T. and A. Constable, (late) Printers to Her Majesty
at the Edinburgh University Press
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